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ELAN Expands Headquarters with Move to New, Larger Corporate Offices in Lexington, Kentucky
New Space Accommodates Company’s Booming Business, While Providing State-of-the-Art Facility to Further Serve and Support Dealer - September 06, 2006 - ELAN Home Systems
Why You Should Buy Organic Clothing
Everyone needs clothes. They shelter us from the elements and define our personal style. Jonäno offers information on organic clothing and new bamboo fabric alternatives that offer value-added benefits without the environmental cost. DID YOU KNOW? * A cotton t-shirt blended with polyester... - September 05, 2006 - Jonano
Studio Joseph Watts Debuts in Three Showrooms on West Coast
A new lighting and furniture line designed and handcrafted by Studio Joseph Watts is being introduced this month in three individual showrooms on the West Coast. “I really fell for the line as soon as I saw it,” said Stephen Anderson, co-owner of Blake House in Laguna Niguel. - September 05, 2006 - Studio Joseph Watts
Arbico Computers Limited (Targeting the Sky)
Arbico computers shares the latest news of the company on their company Blog, for those who don’t visit Blog on regular basis the company announces some current news: "We are no more having laptops and components in our stock but can be available if specially asked. Due to huge sale... - September 05, 2006 - Arbico Computers Limited
Jax Wax Runs with the Ponies
August 31st through September 3rd was the 28th annual NMRA Ford Expo with countless Blue Oval fans from all over the world in attendance. As one of the oldest all-Ford events in the nation, the event included wild and crazy heads-up NMRA Denso Drag... - September 05, 2006 - Jax Wax
Datacraft Solutions’ Practices Continued Process Improvement for Clients
Datacraft Solutions is applying the lessons of continuous improvement to their platform, making the replenishment supply chain digital kanban implementation more efficient and effective as time goes on. This optimization occurs on an ongoing basis. There is no need to reload software and retool... - September 04, 2006 - Datacraft Solutions
AgroMicron Links in with the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control and Local Authorities with its New Biomedical Technological Support System
Controlling an outbreak of H5N1 Avian Flu, SARS, or BSE is becoming a reality thanks to patentable tracking technologies emerging from AgroMicron, Ltd. - September 02, 2006 - AgroMicron
AgroMicron Expands into Carbon Credits with its Global Reforestation Initiative
AgroCarbon the new division of AgroMicron will handle the purchasing, consulting and placing of Carbon Credits for its client's and shareholders under its current Global Reforestation Initiative. - September 02, 2006 - AgroMicron
New Web-Based Store Features Humorous, Customizable Printed Greeting Cards Especially for Lawyers and Other Legal Professionals
The Billable Hour Company has opened the world’s only online greeting card store featuring humorous and customizable greeting cards especially for lawyers and other legal professionals. Customers can write their own messages, upload a logo or signature, and even include a photo; the printed cards can be shipped to the customer or mailed directly to the recipients. The greeting card store is at - September 02, 2006 - The Billable Hour Company
Miss World Favorite, Sabrina Houssami Wears Boutique Brand, Di Kennedy Cosmetics
Miss World Australia 2006, Sabrina Houssami, who is proudly sponsored by Australian designed, Di Kennedy Cosmetics, will grace the Miss World stage this month, wearing exclusively Di Kennedy Cosmetics. Di Kennedy has personally trained and coached this Miss World favourite, Sabrina Houssami, from down under, with looks designed to co-ordinate with her 10 custom made Culture Shock Gowns and Marajoara Swimwear, along with her everyday wear. - September 02, 2006 - Di Kennedy Cosmetics
Southern Modular Industries, LP "SMI" Gains Manufacturing License for Florida
Southern Modular Industries, LP “SMI” continues to expand their coverage area. SMI recently gained approval from the State of Florida as a manufacturer of commercial and educational mobile/modular structures. This news came days after SMI celebrated the completion of their 150th... - August 31, 2006 - Southern Modular Industries
Gamma-Medica-Ideas Introduces New Tri-Modality FLEX Triumph™ Pre-Clinical Imaging System
Gamma Medica-Ideas (GM-I) will unveil its new FLEX Triumph™ tri-modality pre-clinical imaging system at the Society of Molecular Imaging’s annual meeting in Hawaii this week. FLEX Triumph is GM-I’s fifth generation pre-clinical imaging system. It can be configured with PET,... - August 31, 2006 - Gamma Medica-Ideas
Procter & Gamble Professional Looking for a Few Good Ads
Procter & Gamble Professional is asking the nation's 3.1 million chefs, cooks and food preparation workers, as well as dishwashers and local restaurant managers to create its next advertisement in a contest called "Create Our Ad" The winner will receive $1,000 and his or her ad will become part of the company's advertising campaign. - August 31, 2006 - Procter & Gamble Professional
Medical Device Package Testing Laboratory, DDL, Grows Both Its Midwest and West Coast Management Team
Medical device package, product and environmental testing laboratory, DDL Inc, responds to increased business with a new Technical Director at DDL West and a new Project Manager at its corporate headquarters. - August 31, 2006 - DDL Inc.
Weight Loss Product Attracts Larger Audience
Previously marketed primarily in stores, the Ephrine Plus fast weight loss product is being offered online. The manufacturer of Ephrine Plus® energy diet pill undertakes internet promotions. - August 31, 2006 - DMD Pharmaceuticals
'Tis the Season for Donating
Summer's over, so what's next? The holidays and charity functions are hot on the horizon. For this small mom-owned company, Tee Pee for Me co-founders Leslie Head and Lori Brumbach say this is their biggest time of year for both. "This is the time of year we start getting busy... - August 31, 2006 - Tee Pee for Me, LLC
Focus on Bacteria and Mold Remediation
New owner of Pure Air Systems, Inc. places more emphasis on the bacteria and mold removal capabilities of HEPA air filtration technology. - August 31, 2006 - Pure Air Systems
IPA Charities Supports Special Olympics Windy City Rubber Ducky Derby Race
IPA Charities, the presenting sponsor, contributed $50,000 toward the Special Olympics Windy City Rubber Ducky Derby last week. - August 30, 2006 - IPA
TMC Pacific Modelworks Saves The Day For Xinnix
Customer Service at Its Finest - August 30, 2006 - TMC Pacific Modelworks
Bentec Expands OEM Production Capacity
Bentec Medical Inc., a manufacturer of silicone medical products, announced implementation of new production processes and the acquisition of the Sodick Horizontal Insert LSR electronically controlled molding machine. The Sodick machine provides superior precision through closed loop injection... - August 30, 2006 - Bentec Medical Inc.
New Insulator Sleeve for 6mm Plug Connectors
Multi-Contact Introduces Larger Insulating Sleeve for Its Powerline 2 Productline. - August 29, 2006 - Multi-Contact USA
Chassis Plans Named to Inc. 500 List of Fastest Growing Companies
Ranked at Top of List for Computer and Electronic Companies. - August 29, 2006 - Chassis Plans
The Blobbies Receive Toy of the Year Award for 2006. "Here Come The Blobbies" Receive Book of the Year Award
The Blobbies receive Creative Child Magazine's Toy of the Year Award and Book of the Year Award. - August 28, 2006 - Pers Corporation
Thomas R. Cutler Manufacturing Journalist Profiles Datacraft Solutions in Software Magazine
Kanban, in its most simplifying role, is a visual signal (or cue) that something needs to be replenished. More specifically, lean manufacturers today use digital kanban by Datacraft Solutions ( to drive a process to make, move, or buy the appropriate parts. Thus, digital... - August 28, 2006 - Datacraft Solutions
Author Elizabeth Bowles Spins a Riveting Tale of Love, Betrayal, and Voodoo in Her New Novel, Mamie and the Root Woman, Based on the Real-life Saga of a Young Girl
In 1879, the Klan kidnapped and tortured 15-year-old Mamie Managault. In that night of terror, young Mamie’s legs were severed from her body, and she was left a cripple. But that wasn’t the end of her story. Rescued by the mysterious Root Woman and taken deep into the Congaree Swamp so that she could heal both her body and spirit, Mamie sets out on a new path that ultimately would lead her to Charleston, South Carolina and a life she would never have suspected. - August 28, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
A Definitive Book on Understanding Terrorism and the Cost of America’s Response
Terrorism 101: A Library Reference and Selected Annotated Bibliography is a valuable reference book for our dangerous times. Within its pages, readers are given an eye-opening picture of what terrorism is, from its beginnings so many centuries ago to its proliferation today. It is written by Dr. - August 28, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
A Journaling Book that Will Bring Mothers and Daughters Closer Together
When Teresa Lauer’s mother died, her first thought upon hearing the news was of the many things she and her mom had never talked about and all the questions she had still to ask her. In Bonding: A Journal to Bring You Closer to Your Mom, Lauer is hoping to give others an opportunity to bond with their moms, so that they will not be left aching “for what was not said and what was not shared.” - August 28, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Outskirts Press Presents a Raetron Stevens Science Fiction Tale
Outskirts Press releases science fiction author Raetron Stevens onto the masses with a story about truths and destiny. When the Air Force will convince the Navy to pack their traditions and leave the sea behind. Venture beyond the confines and safety of the Earth and experience the dangers of the cosmos. - August 28, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
New Book of Magic Chronicles Author’s Transcendent Experiences
Enochian Initiation relates five years of magical experiences of its author, Frater W.I.T., who has been a student of the magical arts for more than twenty years. Within his book, readers are placed at the center of evocational rites that reveal W.I.T.’s deeply personal visions of greater realities that transcend space and time. He says that through his book, practitioners can learn to make magic “through the guidance of angels and initiate oneself into a higher state of being.” - August 28, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Packers and Poodles: a Humorous But Hopeful Look at Lesbian Relationships
“Christy’s wit and unique insight shine through brilliantly in her work. Here ability to take the “every day” and give it a gay twist is a true gift. You’ll be doubled over with laughter as you personally relate to her stories. Buy this book now!” - Brent Meredith, Editor & Creative Director, Out & About Newspaper. - August 28, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Graphic Products' Varitronics Territory Expands
Graphic Products, an authorized dealer for Varitronic Systems, Inc.'s presentation and labeling products, announced today that their assigned territory for selling and servicing Varitronics’ business products has increased by more than 50%. - August 27, 2006 - Graphic Products, Inc.
To Repair and Protect: Seasonal Care for All Men's Hair
Changing seasons can pose different problems for men’s hair. Summer months bring long exposure to intense sunlight and chlorinated and salt water, which drastically damages and dries out hair follicles, thereby triggering increased oil production of the scalp to compensate for lack of... - August 26, 2006 - MenScience Androceuticals
2007 EasyCare $10,000 Hoof Boot Contest
EasyCare, Inc. will award $10,000 to the riders who complete the most American Endurance Ride Conference (AERC) or Australian Endurance Rider Association (AERA) miles during the 2007 AERC ride season (Dec. 1-Nov.30) using two or four EasyCare hoof boots. Throughout the year special promotions... - August 26, 2006 - EasyCare, Inc.
Cancer Survivor Uses Personal Experience to Launch into E-commerce
Teri Pearson felt a lot of stares in public after losing her hair due to chemotherapy treatments following a mastectomy. She wanted to tell people she was not contagious, she was simply fighting cancer. As she shared her frustration with family members, an idea was born: Why not come up with slogans to put on hats and other apparel to tell people just that. - August 26, 2006 - TLC Cancer Apparel Company
Introducing Sunbrushed – for the Perfect – and the Healthiest – Tan Possible
Sunbrush is a new way to tan. Its the newest way of tanning to hit the market. Simply wash the tan on and you achieve instant results. Its safe healthy easy to use and best of all no orange color no streaking and no uneven sprays. It can be applied anywhere. - August 25, 2006 - Sunbrushed
Spellman High Voltage Introduces New CCM Cap Charging Module
Low Cost Modular HVPS Easily Integrated Into OEM System Designs. - August 25, 2006 - Spellman High Voltage Electronics Corp.
Variety of Dog Crates, Dog Beds, Dog Collar & Leashes Online offers a wide variety of quality dog and cat beds. These dog and cat beds are not just great looking but are made of the highest quality materials available and designed to provide your dog or cat with maximum comfort. - August 25, 2006 -
ApopLogic Pharmaceuticals Wins the Second Annual Faegre & Benson Venture Showcase Award, Presented at BioWest 2006
ApopLogic Pharmaceuticals has won the second annual Faegre & Benson Venture Showcase Award at the BioWest 2006 conference in Denver. The announcement is made by Chris Shapard, bioscience director at the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT), who says the $10,000 Venture Showcase Award was again provided by the Faegre & Benson law firm and announced at the Colorado Bioscience Association (CBSA) Awards banquet held Thurs. evening at the Colo. Convention Center. - August 25, 2006 - Colorado BioScience Association
Adjustable Beds, No Longer Just for Grandma
This article underscores the ever widening market for Adjustable Beds to younger people between the ages of 35 to 55. No longer just for the elderly, adjustable are beginning to catch the eyes of the younger and more affluent. - August 24, 2006 - Anthony Bedding Company
Coffee Lid Wins Dupont Packaging Award with Heat Sensitive, Color Changing Lid
A new disposable coffee lid, that's heat sensitive, has been awarded a prestigious Dupont® Packaging Award. Changing from dark brown to bright red when placed on a hot beverage, the lid from Smart Lid Systems, reinvents the takeout drink experience. - August 24, 2006 - Smart Lid Systems
Meldin® 7001 Polyimide Shapes Now Available from Professional Plastics
Professional Plastics has been appointed as a Master Distributor of Meldin 7000 series polyimide shapes from St Gobian. Meldin 7000 series features operational temperatures of 600ºF for continuous operation and 900ºF for intermittent exposure, and tight tolerances. - August 24, 2006 - Professional Plastics, Inc.
Manufacturing & Logistics IT Profiles Technology Group International Profiles
Founded in 1990 and headquartered in Toledo, Ohio, Technology Group International is a proven technology leader delivering Tier 1 application software functionality at a price performance level that can be readily accepted by organizations of all sizes. Specializing in software solutions for small... - August 24, 2006 - Technology Group International, Ltd.
Thomas R. Cutler Manufacturing Journalist Profiles Datacraft Solutions in
Kanban, in its most simplifying role, is a visual signal (or cue) that something needs to be replenished. More specifically, lean manufacturers today use digital kanban by Datacraft Solutions ( to drive a process to make, move, or buy the appropriate parts. Thus, digital... - August 24, 2006 - Datacraft Solutions
For The Pilot Who Has Everything
TMC Pacific Modelworks custom and hand-made aircraft models are the answer. - August 24, 2006 - TMC Pacific Modelworks
New, Small Size RTK Color Bar Label Available
The smallest RTK label, that can be printed using database software, is now available for the DuraLabel 4TTP labeling machine. - August 24, 2006 - Graphic Products, Inc.
Eurolaces Continues to Develop New Ways to Save the Environment
Robert Seneker, CEO of Eurolaces says: "We deliver what we promise." Eurolaces continues to develop new ways of saving the environment. After six months of producing 100% organic cotton machinery made lace for the first time in textile history, Robert confidently said: "In half... - August 24, 2006 - Eurolaces
Bentec Launches Computer Based Training Video for Silo Bag Procedure
Bentec Medical Inc. ( announced today the development and release of a new training module for the placement of the Bentec Silo Bag used for infant gastroschisis. Gastroschisis is among one of the most frequently encountered congenital anomalies in pediatric surgery. Normally,... - August 23, 2006 - Bentec Medical Inc.
EasyCare, Inc. Adds Dealer and Hoof Care Practitioner Search Capabilities to Website
EasyCare, Inc. has made it easier for consumers to find EasyCare products and natural hoof care practitioners by adding two additional search functions to their website ( EasyCare is a leading manufacturer of hoof boots, and is dedicated to the growing natural hoof... - August 23, 2006 - EasyCare, Inc.
Baxa Opens Skills Training, Academics and Resources (STAR) Center for Pharmacy and Cleanroom Skills Training
Baxa Corporation is holding a ribbon-cutting ceremony today for a new, first-in-the-industry, strategic training center. The STAR Center offers pharmacy training for peak performance. First classes begin September 20th at the Englewood, Colo., location.. The STAR Center, the only dedicated facility of its kind in the world for hands-on cleanroom experience and training in environmental monitoring and aseptic technique, provides a unique opportunity for industry professionals to learn. - August 23, 2006 - Baxa Corporation
USNV-18 “Multi-Use” Monocular Offers Superior Performance & Versatility
The versatile USNV-18 “Multi-Use” Monocular features the latest high performance Generation 3 & 2+ technology. It is the night vision monocular of choice among professional and civilian organizations, including the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps who work closely with the US Border Patrol and local Law Enforcement to help secure our nation’s borders. - August 23, 2006 - US Night Vision Corporation