Lorikeet Learning LLC Cites Mounting Evidence That Touch Screen Technology is the Future for Reaching Children with Autism

Lorikeet Learning, LLC is an education solution company providing resources to educators and parents working to reach the most challenging students. By providing educational resources and products, forums, a digital community, and expertise Lorikeet will be the “go to brand” for teachers and parents of children with severe learning differences. - May 20, 2012 - Lorikeet Learning

EF Englishtown Releases Language Education’s First Social Game, English Tower

EF Englishtown today announces the release of English Tower, the English langauge industry’s first social word search game. Built on Englishtown’s commitment to meeting and engaging users, English Tower is a English language industry first in building a Facebook game to reach English learners around the world. - May 19, 2012 - EF Education First

University of Chicago Department of Music Performs Debussy’s "Fêtes" and "La Mer" with Poulenc’s "Gloria" this Memorial Weekend

Performance features soprano Patrice Michaels and a composition by University of Chicago Professor Augusta Read Thomas. - May 19, 2012 - University of Chicago Department of Music

Director of Northern Virginia Tutoring Service Receives Award from NVCC Educational Foundation

Dr. Ralph G. Perrino, Founder and Director of Northern Virginia Tutoring Service, has been awarded the prestigious Northern Virginia Community College Educational Foundation Outstanding Service to the College Award for 2012. - May 19, 2012 - Northern Virginia Tutoring Service, LLC

Soccer Star Tim Howard Has a Surprise Message for Students Attending Dare to Dream Conference

North Brunswick, N.J., native has Tourette Syndrome and currently is playing for Everton of the Premier League in England. - May 19, 2012 - New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome

"UAV Flight Training and Simulation Market Worth $451.9m in 2012" Says Visiongain Report

Visiongain’s analysis indicates that the UAV flight training and simulation market will reach a value of $451.9m in 2012, as increasing demands for UAVs around the world drives the creation of formalised pilot and sensor operator training and simulation apparatus. - May 19, 2012 - visiongain

inSHAPE Expands Boot Camp Series with Four Class Varieties

To Cater to a Wide Variety of Fitness and Health Enthusiasts, inSHAPE Now Offers Yoga Warrior, Boxing, East Hamptons Beach and Central Park Wilderness Boot Camps. - May 19, 2012 - inSHAPE Fitness

William Peace University Names Josh Frank Network Administrator

Four-Year Baccalaureate University Adds Hire with 10 Years Experience to Its Information Technology Team - May 19, 2012 - William Peace University

The Chef’s Academy’s Chef Instructor Releases Podcast on American Culinary Federation Competition

Chef Brandon Hamilton Describes How Culinary Institution’s Student Team Took Home Bronze Honors in Detroit Regionals - May 19, 2012 - The Chef's Academy

sCoolWork Releases World's First Free Editor to ‎Automatically Support Academic Styles‎

sCoolWork, an innovative web app which decreases homework preparation time while ‎increasing quality, releases a unique free editor to automatically comply with ‎MLA/APA/Chicago academic styles. Editor was developed in a gamification process which ‎revealed users' strong demand. - May 19, 2012 - Skills and Knowledge

PMI Creates Its First Ebook for Kindle in Association with Upside Learning

Process Management International (PMI), a leader in business improvement consultancy and training, has released its first eBook for Kindle. Called The Project Leader’s Handbook this eBook, developed by Upside Learning, is an online version of PMI’s handbook on work management and improvement. - May 19, 2012 - Upside Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

uCertify Releases Updated (2012 Version) Test Prep for PMI PgMP Certification

uCertify releases preparation software for updated (2012 version) for PMI Program Management Program certification. - May 19, 2012 - uCertify.com

Even Coaches Need a Coach - Olympic Athlete/Coach Scott Gregory to Address Elite Coaches Session at Prof'L Skaters Assoc Int'L Conference, Boston, May 26th

In sports, often the best coaches are former players who know the ins, outs, and mindsets of their athletes. But Scott Gregory asserts, “A great coach of a sport’s mechanics is not all that is needed to inspire an athlete to greatness.” - May 19, 2012 - Scott Gregory-Champion Mindset

iQue Repair Announced the Grand Opening of Its Largest Store and Internet Café in Layton, Utah for Apple Mobile Device Repair and iSmart Protection Plan Servicing

iQue Repair Announced the Grand Opening of Its Largest Store and Internet Café in Layton, Utah for Apple Mobile Device Repair and iSmart Protection Plan Servicing

iQue Repair, a leader in the iPhone repair industry specializing in the restoration of iPhone, iPad, and iPod devices and home of the iSmart Protection Plan, announced the Grand Opening of its largest store and Internet Café in Layton, Utah, serving Ogden, Kaysville, Farmington, Anchorage, Bountiful, Roy, North Salt Lake, Salt Lake City and surrounding areas. - May 18, 2012 - iQue Repair, LLC

New Critical Care Nurse Online Community Launched by RNsights

The new Critical Care Nurse Online Community called RNsights is changing the way nurses share insights and evidence based solutions, collaborate, and find peer support. In the high-pressure, fast-paced world of critical care nursing, communication and consultation with other nursing professionals is imperative. With RNsights, critical care nurses can log on with an anonymous user name and immediately access a network of other critical care and specialty nurses nationwide. - May 18, 2012 - RNsights

Free "Senior Solutions" Community Workshop and Fair

Family Restoration and Healing Center in partnership with the UBW Senior Solutions Company will hold a free workshop to address coping strategies for those caring for aging parents and relatives. - May 18, 2012 - Family Restoration and Healing Center

YBA Scores Big with First Emmy Nomination for Teen Program KSports New England a Finalist in Competitive Sports Series Category

A Massachusetts-based youth broadcasting organization that helps young people gain interpersonal skills, confidence and experience around and in front of the camera is being honored by the New England chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts with an Emmy® nomination. Young Broadcasters of America (YBA) is a company located in the Greater Boston area that engages young people in oral communication exercises using broadcast skills as the model. - May 18, 2012 - YBA Communications

June is Repertory Month at Stage Left Studio with Critically-Acclaimed Plays and “99 Club” Discount

Five plays to perform regularly in June at Stage Left Studio, Indie theatre in midtown New York City and a premiere off-Broadway theatre with many discounts. Repertory month includes award winners, long-running shows, a variety of styles, and all critical successes. - May 18, 2012 - Stage Left Studio

Renowned Athletes, Coaches, Medical Professionals and Organizations Join The NSLA Network to Support Injured Athletes

National Sports Leagues of America Announces Line-Up of Ambassadors and Partners Spreading the Word about the Free Nationwide Injured Athlete Alert System - May 18, 2012 - National Sports Leagues of America

uCertify Prepkits for the New MCSA: Windows Server 2008 Certification

Microsoft has relaunched its MCSA and MCSE certification program but with a change. Now the MCSA is defined as Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate, which is the prerequisite for the new MCSE (Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert). The program now features three new skill levels: Associate,... - May 18, 2012 - uCertify.com

A Revolutionary New Program is Giving Indonesians the Chance to Learn English from Native Speakers

English First, the world’s largest private education company specializing in English training, has already helped 15 million students with its innovative e-learning program called Englishtown. So far, the majority of these students have been from Brazil, Russia, China, Germany, France and Spain, but now Indonesians are able to benefit from the service too. Englishtown's launch in Indonesia builds on an already strong network of 63 English First schools serving kids and teens across the country. - May 18, 2012 - EF Education First

eXact Learning Solutions LCMS Platform Chosen by Tribal to Produce Learning Materials

eXact learning solutions has been selected by Tribal, the UK-headquartered worldwide education technology and services provider, to produce online and mobile content for its training publications as well as customised learning content for its clients – which include large organisations in the... - May 18, 2012 - eXact learning solutions

Lemon Frog Learning Announces the Drop-In Ceiling Mount

Lemon Frog Learning adds the world’s easiest projector mount to their product line. - May 18, 2012 - Lemon Frog Learning

Netball America Participating at President's Active Lifestyle Award Presentation

Netball America has announced that Dr. Jayne Greenberg [District Director of Physical Education and Health Literacy of Miami-Dade] has invited Netball America President Sonya Ottaway and American Idol Finalist, Michael Johns to attend the President’s Active Lifestyle Award (PALA +)... - May 18, 2012 - Netball America Inc.

Campbell Law School Confers 143 Juris Doctor Degrees at 2012 Graduation Ceremony

First Class to Spend Entire Tenure at New Raleigh Location Graduates - May 18, 2012 - Campbell Law

Adventure Boot Camp Fitness System in Huntsville Offers New Look and New Workouts

Recently updated and enhanced, the Adventure Boot Camp fitness and weight loss system offers new workouts for boot camp lovers. The world’s largest boot camp system provides fitness enthusiasts challenging workouts.
 - May 18, 2012 - Relentless Positivity Fitness

Stanbridge College Hosts Campus Tour for Homeless Students of Project Hope

For the second consecutive year, Stanbridge College hosted a campus tour for the College and Career Club students of Project Hope School enabling students to explore options for their future education. - May 18, 2012 - Stanbridge University

Celestron Prepares for Two Rare and Exciting Celestial Events

Telescope Pioneer is Offering an Easy Way to View the 2012 Annular Solar Eclipse and Transit of Venus - May 17, 2012 - Celestron

Lawline.com, Among Best Companies to Work for in New York

Lawline.com, Among Best Companies to Work for in New York

Continuing education company, Lawline.com, named one of the best companies to work for in New York State for second year in a row. - May 17, 2012 - FurtherEd

Get Your Garden Touched by the Design-Hands of the Greatest Gardeners of Our Time – Without the Expense of Meeting Them

John Brookes, MBE, (possibly the most acclaimed living landscape designer of our time), Noel Kingsbury, and Michael King have all joined MyGardenSchool, (born out of Oxford - MyGardenSchool is the world’s first "virtual" gardening school). These great gardening writers have joined MyGardenSchool to offer new online gardening courses over the next few months. You get personal tuition on your own gardens from these guys – wherever you live in the world. - May 17, 2012 - MyGardenSchool

Aesthetic VideoSource Offers New Unlimited Annual Online Video Streaming Subscriptions for the Professional, Student, and Teacher

Annual video streaming subscriptions are available at www.VideoShelf.com. Over 90 full-length videos are available including the following categories: Skin Care, Facials, Waxing & Hair Removal, Medical Skin Care (BOTOX, Dermal Fillers, and Laser Hair Removal), Body Treatments, Massage & Reflexology, Manicures, and Makeup. - May 17, 2012 - Aesthetic VideoSource

Aesthetic VideoSource Presents “Eyelash Extensions” Videos. Learn How to Apply Eyelash Extensions from an Award-Winning Makeup Artist.

Eyelash extensions are rapidly growing in popularity. In “Eyelash Extensions” volumes 1 & 2, Leslie Graham demonstrates how to provide this profitable service. Each volume features step-by-step instruction and extreme close-ups. - May 17, 2012 - Aesthetic VideoSource

Alissa Whittle Appointed Attitash Grand Summit Hotel & Conference Center General Manager

Alissa Whittle has been named the new General Manager of the Attitash Grand Summit Hotel & Conference Center. Whittle has previously served as the Attitash Grand Summit Hotel Lodging Controller for more than four years and she has over 15 years of resort hospitality experience including prior... - May 17, 2012 - Attitash Mountain Resort

Carol Decker Appointed Director of Sales for Attitash Mountain Resort & Wildcat Mountain

Carol Decker has been named the new Director of Sales for Attitash Mountain Resort and Wildcat Mountain. A resident of the Mount Washington Valley for more than 25 years, Decker brings a history of resort hospitality and sales experience including previous positions held at Attitash, and more... - May 17, 2012 - Attitash Mountain Resort

Attitash Mountain Resort Hosts POC Eastern States Cup Downhill Mountain Bike Race Events

For a second year, Attitash Mountain Resort will serve as a host venue for the POC Eastern States Cup downhill mountain biking series. The Eastern States Cup (ESC) is a USA Cycling (USAC) Regional Championship Series with events being held in New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, and New York. - May 17, 2012 - Attitash Mountain Resort

Upside Learning Expands Its Catalogue of Courses by Partnering with THE Group to Offer ILM Qualifications

Upside Learning has announced its recent collaboration with THE Group UK, to provide the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM) Level 3 qualifications in First Line Management (Award, Certificate, Diploma,) and the Level 3 Award in Leadership qualification to its customers and prospects. This partnership has expanded Upside Learning’s existing portfolio of 3000+ ready-to-use courses to include over 26 optional units of ILM validated courses and content. - May 17, 2012 - Upside Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

TransRockies Challenge to Partner with Scott Bikes

TransRockies Events is extremely proud to announce that Scott Bikes has signed as official bike sponsor of the 2012 TransRockies Challenge. Scott Bikes has a long history of innovation in the bike industry and offers an exceptional line up of quality bikes and apparel. - May 17, 2012 - TransRockies Inc.

Free Seminar with Olympic Boxing Champion Abner Lloveras at Team Link in Ludlow Massachusetts

It will be a day to remember, so get ready. Abner "Skullman" Lloveras will be teaching a Free Boxing Seminar at Team Link in Ludlow Massachusetts. Where other schools charge for seminars with world class athletes, Team Link Ludlow will be hosting this seminar free of charge. Abner... - May 17, 2012 - Team Link Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Fitness Revolution Julie Sawyer Franchisee Recognized by Charlotte Magazine

Owner of Tuff Girl Bootcamps, Julie Sawyer, Wins Awards for Quality, Challenging Training. - May 17, 2012 - FIT of Charlotte

50 Students Enjoy Engineering Experience with BAE and the Smallpeice Trust

From 10th to 13th April, fifty promising 13 and 14 year olds from across the UK benefited from a unique hands-on learning experience at Harper Adams University College in Shropshire. This four-day residential programme was organised by The Smallpeice Trust and sponsored by BAE Systems to engage... - May 17, 2012 - The Smallpeice Trust

Students Enjoy Engineering Construction Course with the Smallpeice Trust

From 2nd to 5th April, 100 promising students from across the UK benefited from a unique learning experience at the University of Wolverhampton’s Telford Campus. Sponsored by the Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (ECITB) and delivered by educational charity The Smallpeice... - May 17, 2012 - The Smallpeice Trust

goFLUENT Outlines the Effective and Efficient Implementation of Mobile Learning

goFLUENT, a leading provider of Business English training, has published a whitepaper on "How to Implement Mobile Learning in Global Organiations." - May 17, 2012 - goFLUENT

"The Shale Gas Market Will Reach $36.95bn in 2012" According to New Visiongain Report

Over the last few years the shale gas industry has seen significant growth in the North American market changing the dynamics of natural gas trading in this region. - May 17, 2012 - visiongain

Fluendo Launches Moovida Universe Optimized for the Second-Generation AMD A-Series APU

Fluendo announced today the release of Moovida Universe, a 3D Media Center optimized for the Vision Technology from AMD that offers a superior user experience by means of a modern concept in content navigation. - May 17, 2012 - Fluendo S.A.

Berkshire Montessori School Holds Annual Silent Auction Fundraiser

Montessori School of the Berkshires’ annual silent auction fundraiser, “Swingin’ Speakeasy Revival”, will be held at Shakespeare & Company's Bernstein Theatre in Lenox, MA on Saturday, May 19th from 7-10pm. Proceeds benefit the school's financial aid fund. - May 17, 2012 - Berkshire Montessori School

Maps.com Celebrates with Educational Publisher McGraw-Hill on Award for "Best K-12 Course or Learning Management Solution"

Maps.com is celebrating with Educational Publisher McGraw-Hill after they scooped a CODiE award for “Best K-12 Course or Learning Management Solution.” - May 17, 2012 - Maps.com

War Against Epidemic Obesity Declared by Morris County, Nj Personal Trainer and Fitness Expert Carey Yang

Fighting against rising epidemic obesity is a national warfare declared by Morris County, NJ personal trainer, fitness expert and diet coach Care Yang. - May 17, 2012 - Carey for Fitness Personal Training

Studica Now Offering Sewing Machines in Canada

Studica, provider of educational software and learning tools at great academic discounts, has announced Brother and Singer sewing machines are now available to purchase for Canadian customers. Once considered a necessary life skill, sewing is coming back as an art form. Encompassing creativity and... - May 17, 2012 - Studica

World-Renowned Faculty to Present AACS’ Most Extensive Cadaver Workshop

The AACS will be hosting the most extensive cadaver workshop in the Academy’s history. New and Established Techniques in Breast and Body Contouring will be held June 21-23 at the prestigious Practical Anatomy & Surgical Center training facility at Saint Louis University. The hands-on cadaver workshop allows for an intensive training and development experience affording participants the unique opportunity to work one-on-one with top authorities in these areas of cosmetic surgery. - May 17, 2012 - American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery

Noble Manhattan Launches Ebooksforcoaches

The eBooks are easy to download, easy to access, and quite affordable too. This means that coaches have at their disposal a wealth of information that’s difficult to find anywhere else at a very low price. - May 17, 2012 - Noble Manhattan Coaching Ltd.

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