‘People’s Choice’ SQL Server Speakers Back by Popular Demand for PASS Summit 2009 Spotlight Sessions

Some of the most dynamic and knowledgeable speakers in the SQL Server industry—including Adam Machanic, Paul Randal, Erik Veerman, and Joe Webb—will be taking the stage in 23 Spotlight sessions at the Professional Association for SQL Server’s PASS Summit 2009 conference in... - June 12, 2009 - Professional Association for SQL Server (PASS)

No Magic and Inferware Team to Deliver Affordable Solution Mitigating Compliance Audit risks

Cameo eCompliance™Powered by Inferware’s Compliance Transparency Suite™ Brings Next Generation Full Transparency to Enterprise GRC. - June 12, 2009 - No Magic, Inc.

Model Driven Solutions and No Magic Announce the First SoaML™ Profile with the Availability of Cameo™ SOA+

ModelPro™ Tooling to MagicDraw® Implements the First OMG™ UML® SoaML™ Profile and Enables Automated Transition from Model to Implementation. - June 12, 2009 - No Magic, Inc.

Martyn Helliwell, Founder of Survivorbility, is Interviewed by George Lamb Live on Big Brother's Little Brother

Following the dramatic events in the Big Brother house involving the "Special Forces" team from Survivorbility, Martyn Helliwell is interviewed live on Channel Four. - June 12, 2009 - Survivorbility

Back by Popular Demand: SEGS 09

Mapping the future of Interoperability, Data Collection & Data Management for operational excellence within Australian Government. - June 12, 2009 - IQPC Australia

Trinity Academy of Raleigh Students Acknowledged for Outstanding Community Service

Trinity Academy of Raleigh (www.trinityacademy.com) has announced the award recipients for its 2009 Service Awards. Students are recognized for their valuable contributions of service to their neighbors, communities and Nation. The annual service awards are presented to Trinity Academy students... - June 12, 2009 - Trinity Academy of Raleigh

Superwomen Boot Camp Owner Val Fujii Shares His Top Weight Loss Tips for Bathing Suit Season

Val Fujii, rapid fat loss expert and owner of Superwomen Boot Camp, shares his top three quick weight loss tips to keep you looking fabulous in your bathing suit this summer. - June 12, 2009 - Superwomen Boot Camp

St. Louis eBay Trainer Cathy Roesch Offers Tips to Selling on eBay to TV Viewers

Cathy Roesch eBay Training Academy today announced that eBay Education Specialist Cathy Roesch was interviewed on Great Day St. Louis KMOV TV about Tips to help people sell on eBay and have a lifestyle business. Her helpful interview can be seen on http://www.kmov.com/greatday/video/?nvid=367091&shu=1 - June 12, 2009 - Cathy Roesch Education Specialist trained by eBay

University of Houston Commended for Role in Creation of Ship Channel Security District

The University of Houston is being credited with playing a pivotal role in the creation of the Houston Ship Channel Security District, which was approved by Harris County Commissioners Court on Tuesday. The development of the security district, a public-private partnership that will fund... - June 12, 2009 - University of Houston

WorldChefs Visits Kingwood Township School

Students get an authentic chance to use their Spanish language skills. - June 12, 2009 - Atkins International Associates, Inc.

Sign Up to Play in the Kelsey Smith Foundation Charity Golf Classic and Automatically Qualify to Win a $700 Golf Ready Prize Package

Sign up by July 1st to play in the 3rd Annual Kelsey Smith Foundation Charity Golf Classic and automatically qualify to win a $700 Golf Ready Prize Package. - June 12, 2009 - Kelsey Smith Foundation

Business Coaching Will Help the Chilean Economy Combat the Global Crisis

In Chile, about 80% of the people are employed in the small and medium sized business sector –which contributes only 20% in terms of GDP. The ActionCOACH franchise is arriving just in time to fill this huge productivity gap. - June 12, 2009 - ActionCOACH

Vic Ciuffetelli Returns to ActionCOACH to Lead and Develop the Australian Market

After spending six years as CEO of ActionCOACH at its Global headquarters, Vic Ciuffetelli returns to lead the franchise in Australia. - June 12, 2009 - ActionCOACH

LEED® Green Associate Exam Prep Class to be Held in Boston, MA and Orlando, FL

PPI’s Award-Winning LEED AP Instructors Hosts LEED Green Associate Exam Prep Classes for June 20th - June 12, 2009 - PPI - Professional Publications

Outdoor Exhibit Space at LI Children's Museum Serves as Green Model

The Long Island Children’s Museum’s “innovative use of green space” has been cited as a national model; earning praise for its “potential to change parents’ perceptions and increase children’s outdoor play across the country.” The Museum has received funding to develop an online replication toolkit by the MetLife Foundation and the Association of Children’s Museums. - June 12, 2009 - Long Island Children's Museum

Connecticut Royce Gracie Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and MMA Congratulates Paul Bratslavsky, Jiu Jitsu & SuperKids Karate Coach, Promotion to Purple Belt in West Hartford CT

Connecticut Royce Gracie Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and MMA Congratulates Paul Bratslavsky, Jiu Jitsu & SuperKids Karate Coach, Promotion to Purple Belt in West Hartford CT

It was a jam-packed seminar June 6 and 7 and it seemed an auspicious day. The "Strawberry Full Moon" was bright in the sky and three Black belts were present: Legendary MMA Champion Royce Gracie; Pride and Abu Dhabi Champion Rodrigo Gracie; and two-time Gracie Jiu Jitsu National Tournament Champion Jim Hughes. - June 11, 2009 - Jim Hughes & Gracie Brazilian Jiu JItsu Self Defense

ML Athletics Danvers Bootcamp Instructor / Personal Trainer First to Implement Revolutionary Boot Camp Workout Music System in Local North Shore Area

Michael LoColle is the owner of ML Athletics, and is a Danvers Boot Camp Instructor/Personal Trainer. He has just implemented a revolutionary new music interval training system tailor made for fitness boot camps to deliver unparalleled intensity, motivation, and results for his clients. - June 11, 2009 - ML Athletics

ITWorx to Unveil New Teaching Product – AuthorExpertTM

ITWorx prepares to release AuthorExpert, a desktop authoring tool which will help teachers create interactive e-learning content easily, efficiently, and at a reduced cost. - June 11, 2009 - ITWorx

Announcing SoBe Arts Summer Program 2009

SoBe Institute of the Arts / SoBe Music Institute announces its SoBe Arts Summer Program 2009 (arts education program and workshops) for children, teens and adults (June 15/22 - July 31). SoBe Arts is located in the historic Carl Fisher Clubhouse and Little Stage Theater Complex on Miami... - June 11, 2009 - SoBe Institute of the Arts

St. Louis Aces and Rebounces Partner for a ‘Go Green’ Tennis Event on July 2 at the Dwight Davis Memorial Tennis Center in St. Louis’ Forest Park

The St. Louis Aces and Recounces.com will partner for a ‘Go Green’ event July 2, at the Dwight Davis Memorial Tennis Center in St. Louis’ Forest Park. The fun, music, tennis-filled event will kick off the 2009 World TeamTennis season. Using Rebounces’ proprietary technology, all balls collected at the St Louis Aces Match in Forest Park event will be recharged for use back on the tennis court, or provided to schools or nursing homes to be placed on the bottom of chairs or walkers. - June 11, 2009 - Rebounces.com

Mariel Hemingway Kicks Off the Summer Session of the Free Women Masters Tele-Seminar Series

The Women Masters Tele-Seminar Summer Series is a complimentary 8-week virtual program offering women (and men!) worldwide a chance to listen and learn from America’s most respected female experts. - June 11, 2009 - Wake-Up Call Coaching

Denville Personal Trainer Carey Yang Featured in Daily Record

Personal Trainer Carey Yang of Denville, New Jersey, is featured in Daily Record’s DenvilleRockaway This Week. In this interview, Yang shares his personal journey of fitness and how he turns his passion into a business for helping people adopt a healthy lifestyle, lose weight, get fit and stay in great shape. - June 11, 2009 - Carey for Fitness Personal Training

Empire Medical Training Instruction to Create a VIP/Concierge Medical Practice - Training in the Business of Medicine

Empire Medical Training can teach any general practitioner how to evolve a current practice into a VIP practice or create a second free standing VIP/Concierge Medical Practice. - June 11, 2009 - Empire Medical Training

Live Paramedic & EMT Webinar Training Launched at EMS Boot Camp

This joint venture between Greg and Jim will offer a monthly webinar that will be open to all EMS professionals and paramedic or EMT students. Topics will include exams, skill sets, assessments, EMS trends and product use to name a few. EMS Boot Camp will also have guest speakers along with Greg and Jim to make for exciting and engaging events. - June 11, 2009 - The EMS Professional

jTask, Inc. Launches jSTAS Version 3.0

Security and Training Assignment mapping for large ERP projects is significantly improved -- both in speed and accuracy. Much better than sharing thousands of user data points using lots of spreadsheets. - June 11, 2009 - jTask, Inc.

2logical Launches New Course: Leading in Turbulent Times

2logical, one of the world’s top training and development companies, announced today that it has created a new leadership development process specifically to help managers/leaders to adapt more quickly and drive their business success, even in these turbulent times. "After 9/11, the... - June 11, 2009 - 2logical, Inc

GVI Launches a Full House of Volunteer Options in South Africa

South Africa has always proved to be a popular destination with incredible scenery, stunning wildlife – and now with a wide range of volunteering programs from Global Vision International (GVI) – it now has the options for the conscious traveler. - June 11, 2009 - Global Vision International (GVI)

CEO of Hr411.com Shares Story of Company's 450% Growth Since 2007 Through Partnership Programs

HR411.com continues to grow through well-executed business partner programs. Michael Pires, CEO of HRinterax, Inc., d.b.a. HR411.com, shares his company's story of astronomical growth from 300 to 135,000 clients in 26 months on The Voice America Talk Radio Network's “The Growth Strategist™.” - June 11, 2009 - HRinterax, Inc.

Leadership Expert, Edith Onderick-Harvey Joins Business Expert Webinars Speaker Portfolio

Business Expert Webinars (BEW), the leading provider of business eLearning, announced that leadership expert, Edith Onderick-Harvey, has joined their speaker community. “Company loyalty is at an all-time low. Employees are unfocused and performing at less than optimal levels. All of this is... - June 11, 2009 - Business Expert Webinars

Productivity Expert, Patty Kreamer, CPO® Joins Business Expert Webinars Speaker Portfolio

Business Expert Webinars (BEW), the leading provider of business eLearning, announced that productivity expert and Certified Professional Organizer®, Patty Kreamer, has joined their speaker community. “With workforces being reduced by unprecedented numbers, employers are expecting their... - June 11, 2009 - Business Expert Webinars

What Buyers Want

Buyers need trained and trusted sales reps as they struggle with the economy. - June 11, 2009 - What Buyers Want

Training Courses 2009 for AIL Diplomas

All information about the Preparatory Courses to support the teachers of Italian as a foreign language to pass the exam for getting the “Firenze” AIL Diploma. - June 11, 2009 - Scuola Leonardo da Vinci

ExxonMobil Foundation to Give Almost $386K to Support University of Houston Programs

It’s safe to say that 2008 was a good year for ExxonMobil. Thanks to the corporation’s employee gift matching program, it also was a good year for the University of Houston, which will receive a check today worth $385,891 from the corporation’s charitable arm. Gerald McElvy, the... - June 11, 2009 - University of Houston

Baby Fingers Joins Forces with Au Pair Care

Baby Fingers director, Lora Heller, was chosen by Au Pair Care, a nationally acclaimed agency providing qualified live in child care, to train their infant specialists. - June 11, 2009 - Baby Fingers

SyberWorks Media Center Presents New Article – “Hosted (SaaS) Vs. Licensed Cost Analysis of a Learning Management System/Learning Content Management System (LMS/LCMS)”

SyberWorks, Inc., a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System (LMS) industry, today announces an article available in the SyberWorks Online Media Center: “Hosted (SaaS) Vs. Licensed Cost Analysis of a Learning Management System/Learning Content Management System,” by Bob Goldschneider, Director of Business Development for SyberWorks. - June 11, 2009 - SyberWorks, Inc.

NetHealth, Inc. Selected by CMS as PQRI Reporting Provider

NetHealth, Inc. announced today that it was approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) as a participating registry of the Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI). The adaptable NetHealth Performance Improvement Platform (PIP) is now accepted as a means for simplified... - June 11, 2009 - NetHealth

North American Seminars Inc. Has Expanded Its Travel Offering for Medical Professional Course Attendees

North American Seminars Inc. Has Expanded Its Travel Offering for Medical Professional Course Attendees

North American Seminars Inc. has expanded its travel services for course attendees to include additional discounts on hotels, rental vehicles and airline bookings. Extended services can be booked directly on www.healthclick.com when registering for a course. - June 10, 2009 - North American Seminars

MoreSteam.com Announces Online French and German Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Courses

MoreSteam.com, the leading global provider of online Lean Six Sigma training and support technologies, today released French and German versions of its Lean Six Sigma Green Belt course. These additions to MoreSteam’s e-Learning catalog are the first complete Lean Six Sigma Green Belt courses presented in French and German by any online training provider. These new courses provide thorough coverage of the Lean and Six Sigma skills that professionals need to lead a process improvement project. - June 10, 2009 - MoreSteam.com

Novus Origo Releases New White Paper Highlighting How the Mega Vendors are Missing the Mark in Middle Market Outsourcing

New White Paper reports on the flaws of the “One to Many” model. - June 10, 2009 - Novus Origo, LLC

Loqu8 Teaches Chinese with Digital Cameras, Photo Frames and Mobile Phones

Loqu8 Copyworks personalizes learning with Copysheets, FlashTiles and Digital Images. - June 10, 2009 - Loqu8, Inc.

Oshyn, Inc. Releases a New Whitepaper on Sitecore CMS Best Practices

New Whitepaper Intended for Organizations Embarking on a Sitecore Content Management System Implementation. - June 10, 2009 - Oshyn, Inc.

Women Make Better Career Decisions

According to the results of a study by workplace psychologists OPP, women are making career decisions based on more solid information than their male colleagues. Around a quarter (24%) of men reported they leave their careers to luck compared to one in five women. More than one in four (26%) men even admit that opportunism is one of the most important factors when making career decisions, compared to 19% of women. - June 10, 2009 - OPP

Fidel India Moves to a New Development Center

Fidel Softech, a leading company providing IT Services (Business Solutions / Infra Support), Product Centric Consulting ( Yantra / Sugarcrm / Others) and Localization Services recently moved its business operations to a new facility in Koregaon Park (Pune, India). The new facility is equipped with... - June 10, 2009 - Fidel Softech P Ltd

Discovering Italian Culture and Language, Just in Italy

Full information about the new Cultural Courses offered by the Italian language school for foreigners Leonardo da Vinci, for all the students who wish to learn Italian language and all aspects of Italian culture. - June 10, 2009 - Scuola Leonardo da Vinci

SMARTHINKING Inks Deal Benefiting New Jersey Public Higher Education

SMARTHINKING, Inc. (www.smarthinking.com), the market leader in providing online tutoring and academic support to students, has announced the creation of the New Jersey Public Higher Education/SMARTHINKING Buying Group, an initiative to provide its service to students across the state. The New... - June 10, 2009 - SMARTHINKING

Alabama’s Beaches to Host First of Two Prominent USSSA Events

More than 600 youth will compete in the USSSA South State Baseball Tournament, which is set for June 12th through 14th. - June 10, 2009 - Alabama Gulf Coast Sports Commission

Beaufort, Maps.com Go Interactive

Maps.com has created new interactive maps for visitors to Beaufort-Port Royal, South Carolina. - June 10, 2009 - Maps.com

California DanceArts Holds Weekend Open House & Student Demonstrations

Special Open House Weekend Events to Run June 12-14 at California DanceArts Studio in La Canada. - June 10, 2009 - California DanceArts

Claremont Graduate University Announces New MBA/MPH Dual Degree; Classes Begin in Fall 2009

Claremont Graduate University is now offering a dual MBA/MPH degree program beginning in fall of 2009, one of ten programs in the United States. This new offering will join the expertise and strengths of CGU’s Drucker School of Management with its new School of Community and Global Health. The CGU MBA/MPH degree is based in Southern California. - June 10, 2009 - Claremont Graduate University

Community Outreach is Central to Practice of Stamford Yoga Studio, Dew Yoga

With focus on an under-served community need, Dew Yoga, in the Springdale section of Stamford on the 2nd floor at Bobby Valentines Sports Academy, 72 Camp Avenue, Stamford, has announced the start of a no-fee weekly yoga class. Beginning in June, the studio will offer the weekly class on Saturdays... - June 10, 2009 - Dew Yoga

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