Joseph Russo Appointed as the Executive Director of The National Council of Financial Literacy

Joseph Russo has been appointed as the Executive Director of The National Council of Financial Literacy. The Council is located in Charlotte NC and focuses on personal financial literacy issues. - May 05, 2009 - National Council for Financial Literacy

DonorPerfect Fundraising Software is “Best Bet” in Donor Management Report

DonorPerfect Fundraising Software is “Best Bet” in Donor Management Report

The family of DonorPerfect solutions received the highest fundraising software ratings among all vendors in a new report from the independent organizations NTEN and Idealware called "A Consumers Guide to Low Cost Donor Management Systems." - May 04, 2009 - SofterWare

San Diego Jiu Jitsu World Champion Xande Ribeiro wins 2nd MMA fight

Xande Ribeiro, World Jiu Jitsu Champion and MMA fighter based out of The University of Jiu Jitsu and The Arena (, the Premier MMA Training Gym in San Diego, won his 2nd professional MMA fight on May 2nd, 2009. The fight was in Japan in Sengoku, one of the two main Japanese MMA organizations. - May 04, 2009 - The Arena - MMA School / Fighter Training Gym

May is Older Americans Month

NASGA recommends adding "power" to Durable Powers of Attorney. - May 04, 2009 - National Association to STOP Guardian Abuse

Cultural Homestay International - China Wave of the Fulture

Cultural Homestay International recently toured five cities in China and the results were startling. - May 04, 2009 - Cultural Homestay International

Varsity Tutors Announces Next Expansion: Austin, TX

Varsity Tutors expands service to Austin, Texas. - May 04, 2009 - Varsity Tutors

The #1 Thing You Need to Get That Job

New Book promises to "Save Your Sex Life" as well as your Career - May 04, 2009 - OZ-Some Success!

Dower and Associates, Inc. Participates in "Autism Awareness" Consortium in Leesburg, VA

On April 25, 2009 in honor of Autism Awareness Month, Nikia Dower, MS, CCC-SLP/L, BCBA® and Leslie Andrews provided information about autism services and treatment options, local autism resources and the incidence of autism in Virginia at the Dower and Associates, Inc. vendor table at the 2nd Annual Loudoun County Autism Consortium sponsored by the Autism Pathway Foundation in Leesburg, VA. - May 04, 2009 - Dower and Associates, Inc.

Dower and Associates, Inc. Hires Computer Network and Operations Manager

On March 1, 2009, Kyra Saling, BS joined Dower and Associates, Inc. as a Computer Network and Operations Manager. - May 04, 2009 - Dower and Associates, Inc.

The Q Group Gives Free Online English Courses to People in Mexico

Free online English courses for all residents forced to stay at home during the epidemic. - May 03, 2009 - The Q Group

Expanding Learning Boundaries with EQUELLA® Student

The Learning Edge International today announces the availability of EQUELLA Student, a configurable version of the award-winning Digital Repository that allows students to experience the benefits of the solution. EQUELLA Student builds upon the traditional EQUELLA® usage by enabling students... - May 03, 2009 - The Learning Edge International

Low Country Nannies Services Go Statewide -

Low Country Nannies now delivers statewide services, for families seeking trusted and experienced agency in South Carolina. - May 03, 2009 - Low Country Nannies, LLC

Spring Fashion Show Reveals Students' Talents

Music will be pulsating, models will be stunning, and cameras will be rolling when The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale's annual fashion show hits the runway this June. - May 03, 2009 - The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale

Project Runway Finalist Rami Kashou to Judge Orange County Design Competition

Kashou is joined by an Elmer Ave designer and editors from California Apparel News and Preen Magazine. - May 03, 2009 - The Art Institute of California -- Orange County

Cassbeth Sends Author of Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering to Collingswood Green Festival

Cassbeth sends author of Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering to Collingswood Green Festival. From the author: "This was a great community event and I had the opportunity to meet several individuals that I invited to the a local system engineering conference where... - May 03, 2009 - CassBeth

Trinity Academy of Raleigh Named "Best High School Choir"

Dr. Robert Littlejohn, head of school at Trinity Academy of Raleigh (, a preK-12 college preparatory school community located in North Raleigh, has announced that the academy has received the “Best High School Choir” award at the National Music In The Parks... - May 03, 2009 - Trinity Academy of Raleigh

Infinity Martial Arts Announces New Interactive Website for Families Devoted to the Martial Arts and Karate

Infinity Martial Arts is a karate school in Middleton WI that is focused on self-development and personal growth in the martial arts according to each student's individual level and capacity. The highly trained martial arts professionals guide each student to become their best and show them how to achieve their personal goals by focusing on these areas: Self confidence, attitude, self-discipline, respect for others as well as respect for self, self-defense, and physical fitness. - May 03, 2009 - Infinity Martial Arts Launches Service in Celebration of May 2009 Better Speech and Hearing Month's new service will allow computer users to email their video footage or YouTube links and receive back a Communication Strengths and Needs Analysis by email. - May 03, 2009 -

Institute of Intellectual Property Research & Development [IIPRD] Starting Bangalore Branch Office

IIPRD is expanding their operations by starting Bangalore office. - May 03, 2009 - Institute of Intellectual Property Research & Development [IIPRD]

K2 blackpoint a 2009 Tech·Ed Awards Finalist

K2 software in the running again after winning best ‘SharePoint Development’ product in 2008. - May 03, 2009 - K2

North American Seminars, Inc. Introduces Oncology Rehabilitation and Cancer Survivorship, a New Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy Continuing Education Course

North American Seminars, Inc. Introduces Oncology Rehabilitation and Cancer Survivorship, a New Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy Continuing Education Course

North American Seminars has introduced Oncology Rehabilitation and Cancer Survivorship, a new physical therapy and occupational therapy continuing education course directed at helping rehabilitation professionals provide better care for their cancer patients. Since 1996, North American Seminars has regularly introduced new programs to address current needs with the rehab community. - May 02, 2009 - North American Seminars

Building the E-Learning Business Case for Your Lean Six Sigma Deployment

In a free May 12 Webcast, “Building the Business Case for Lean Six Sigma e-Learning,” presenters from Quest Diagnostics Incorporated, Textron Incorporated and will reveal how organizations can invest in and implement a successful blended Lean Six Sigma training model that capitalizes on the cost-saving features of high-quality e-Learning. - May 02, 2009 -

The Crenshaw School of Orlando, Florida Not-for-Profit Guild, Announces Their Annual Gala to Raise Funds for Student Scholarships, May 3, 2009

The Crenshaw School of Orlando, Florida's Guild will be hosting the 10th Annual School Gala Sunday May 3, 2009 at Universal CityWalk’s The Groove from 4 pm to 7 pm. They will be hosting a Silent Auction at the Gala of which the proceeds will go towards scholarships for attendance at The Crenshaw School. - May 02, 2009 - The Crenshaw School

Award Winning Authors Resolve Happiness Can’t Buy Money

Research and real estate combine with a unique twist to capture headlines and history. Once again, Carmen & Lloyd Multhaulf apply their penchant for summarizing everyday lives in a vibrant way. - May 02, 2009 - Generational Housing Council

The Arena - MMA Training Gym in San Diego Gives USMC Seminar

The Arena (, the Premier MMA Training Gym in San Diego, gave a free seminar to members of the United States Marine Corps at MCAS Miramar in San Diego. - May 02, 2009 - The Arena - MMA School / Fighter Training Gym

Baltimore City Schools Report Finds Charter Schools More Diverse and More Popular with Parents

A report by Baltimore City Schools studying the impact and progress of Baltimore City's growing charter school movement shows that charters are more diverse in terms of race and socio-economic background than the city's traditional public schools. As evidenced in the Baltimore City Report on Charter Schools, city charter schools are providing a valuable choice option for parents, students and teachers. - May 02, 2009 - Maryland Charter School Network

The Marsh Presents Ann Randolph’s "Final Destination" on Wednesday, May 27, 2009. A Marsh Rising Performance.

One Performance Only. Ann Randolph’s “Final Destination” plays on Wednesday, May 27, 2009 at 7.30 pm on The Marsh Main Stage, 1062 Valencia Street. For tickets, the public may call Brown Paper Tickets at 800-838-3006 or visit - May 02, 2009 - The Marsh

Prof Richard Arvey Addresses HR Leaders in Singapore on ‘Risky Business with Risky People

As part of NUS Business School’s outreach to the human resources community, the Office of Executive Education arranged for Professor Richard Arvey, Head of the Management and Organisation Department, to speak at the HR Congress 2009 event held in Singapore on 14 and 15 April 2009. Professor... - May 02, 2009 - NUS Business School

SMARTHINKING to Exhibit at EDUCAUSE Australasia Conference

SMARTHINKING, Inc. (, the market leader in providing online tutoring and academic support to students, has announced that its representatives will participate in the EDUCAUSE Australasia Conference May 3-6 at the Perth Convention Exhibition Centre in Perth, Western Australia. - May 02, 2009 - SMARTHINKING

Empire Medical Training - Education for Health Care Professionals

Learn the newest procedures in medical technology by attending training workshops & programs provided by Empire Medical Training with Dr. Stephen Cosentino and a complete faculty of Board Certified Plastic Surgeons and specialists that are committed to the success of all students and physicians. - May 02, 2009 - Empire Medical Training

Visions In Education to Support the Sac Works Career Center's "Career/Education Fair" in Citrus Heights, California

Visions In Education, one of California's leading provider of Home schooling and Independent Study programs for students in grades K-12 will be participating in the Sac Works Career Center's "Career/Education Fair" on Friday, May 15th, 2009. The event will run between 10 am to 2 pm at the... - May 02, 2009 - Visions In Education K-12 Charter School

The e-Learning Lingo Show Looks at “Webinars”

SyberWorks, Inc., a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System industry, announces a new episode in the e-Learning Lingo Podcast Series, about a tool used in e-Learning: “Webinars.” - May 02, 2009 - SyberWorks, Inc.

New Name to Celebrate 20th Anniversary in the United States

Australasian College of Health Sciences announced today that, effective May 1, it will change its name to American College of Healthcare Sciences to celebrate its 20th year of operations in the United States. “2009 is our 20th Anniversary of starting operations in the Oregon. To celebrate... - May 02, 2009 - American College of Healthcare Sciences

Varsity Tutors to Serve Dallas Metro Area

Varsity Tutors continues to expand its services, with the Dallas metro area being its newest addition. In response to the demand for quality tutoring at affordable prices, the company brings its expertise to help K-12 and college students achieve their academic goals. Unlike other industries, the... - May 02, 2009 - Varsity Tutors

Non-Profit Organization Seeks San Diego Families to Host International Exchange Students

Travel abroad in the comfort of your own home while contributing to your country by sharing your home and everyday life with an AYUSA high school exchange student. AYUSA is the leading global non-profit organization supported by the U.S. Department of State to offer life changing opportunities to... - May 02, 2009 - Intrax Cultural Exchange

Experience is (Usually) the Name of the Game

"Experience Required"... sound familiar? This needs to longer be the case with Global Vision International (GVI). - May 02, 2009 - Global Vision International (GVI)

Time Has Already Sprung Forward This Year. So Have GVI.

Global Vision International (GVI) are pleased to announce that a number of new programs are now running, including a unique opportunity in Laos, and the chance to change a life for the better in Mombasa, Kenya. - May 02, 2009 - Global Vision International (GVI)

The Actors Hall of Fame Top 10 Actors of the Week

The Top 10 stars of the most popular movies, TV shows, Broadway plays and DVD's were announced this week by The Actors Hall of Fame. Leading the list are the stars of Obsessed, CSI, Wicked and The Spirit. - May 02, 2009 - The Actors Hall of Fame Foundation

Prescription Drug Abuse in Indian Country

Lamar Associates Announces New Training Program for Tribal law enforcement, health, education, and service providers. - May 01, 2009 - Lamar Associates

Mimi Rothschild Announces Launch of Podcast Program

Podcast will be an audio resource for current and potential home schooling parents. - May 01, 2009 - Mimi Rothschild

AIR Personal Fitness Donates a Free Month of Fitness Boot Camp to the Volunteers of Boston’s Walk for Hunger

AIR Personal Fitness wants to recognize and celebrate the people who participated in the Walk for Hunger by giving them 4 weeks of free fitness boot camp on the esplanade. - May 01, 2009 - AIR Personal Fitness

National Promotion Makes Quality Live-in Childcare Even More Affordable

Leading U.S. live-in childcare agency launches a nationwide promotion to help families burdened with finding quality childcare at an affordable price. AuPairCare introduces families to au pair childcare, a little known solution that doesn't immediately come to mind for many families and is much more affordable than daycare or other live-in nanny options. - May 01, 2009 - Intrax Cultural Exchange

Encaustic Monotype Workshop Taught by Martine Strohmeyer at Artists Gallery in Virginia Beach, VA

Encaustic Monotype Process is a form of painting with hot wax. Martine Strohmeyer, a world renowned artist, will be teaching a workshop on this process at the Artist Gallery in Virginia Beach, VA. - May 01, 2009 - Martine Strohmeyer

Rapper Queen Pen Pairs Up with Local Non-Profit to Bring Kids and Incarcerated Parents Together

The challenges facing children impacted by parental incarceration are significant, wide-ranging and potentially devastating. Queen Pen has become a more outspoken advocate for these children by participating in CPNYC fundraisers and sponsorship meetings and raising funds and awareness for these free Father’s Day field trips - May 01, 2009 - Children of Promise, NYC (

America’s Favorite Life Coach from the Emmy-Award Winning Starting Over, Rhonda Britten, is This Week’s Featured Expert for the Free Women Masters Tele-Seminar

Designed to offer inspiration to women across the world, The Women Masters is also donating 10% of the profits (from the ancillary sales of upgrade packages of MP3 recordings, CDs and/or transcripts) to Women for Women International and Girls, Inc. and is dedicated to helping women realize their strength and empower themselves in this challenging time. - May 01, 2009 - Wake-Up Call Coaching

Project Management Training Online Offers New PMBOK Fourth Edition-based Project Management Training Courses

Project Management Training Online – - announced today that it has added PMBOK Fourth Edition project management training courses to its catalog of online project management training courses. Project Management Training Online provides one of the most extensive offerings... - May 01, 2009 - AcroVision Business Systems, Inc. Project Management Training Online#

ActionCOACH Business Coaches Are Helping Business Owners See Opportunities in the Present Crisis

Most recently, Business Coaches from three regions of the globe were recognized and honored for their performance in 2008 with the coveted “Coach of the Year” award. - May 01, 2009 - ActionCOACH

Dallas Firm Approves Bailout of Corporate Training Programs

Pursuit of Excellence Inc., to recruit and certify independent trainers to fill the void created by the slashing of corporate training budgets. - April 30, 2009 - Pursuit of Excellence, Inc.

San Diego Jiu Jitsu Champ Xande Ribeiro Readies for 2nd MMA Fight

San Diego Jiu Jitsu Champ Xande Ribeiro Readies for 2nd MMA Fight

San Diego Jiu Jitsu 2008 World Champion Alexandre “Xande” Ribeiro has been training for his 2nd MMA fight at The Arena (, the leading MMA gym in San Diego for professional and amateur fighters. HIs fight will be in Japan on May 2nd, 2009. Ribeiro will be fighting in Sengoku VIII, a major Japanese MMA fight promotion. - April 30, 2009 - The Arena - MMA School / Fighter Training Gym

Unity in Motion Inc. Granted 501(c)(3) Status

Unity in Motion, Inc. (UIM), a youth-focused social service organization in Milwaukee, WI today announced it has been granted 501(c)(3) tax exempt status. - April 30, 2009 - Unity in Motion, Inc.

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