Recent Headlines
New Multicore Association Working Group Will Enable Tools to Optimize and Manage Multicore and Manycore Software
The Multicore Association’s new working group, Software-Hardware Interface for Multi-Many Core (SHIM), will provide a common interface to abstract the hardware properties important to multicore tools. - August 01, 2013 - Multicore Association
Campbell Law School Vice Dean Faulkner Named Next Dean of Campbell University Lundy-Fetterman School of Business
Faulkner Will Take Over Business School Starting January 1, 2014. - July 26, 2013 - Campbell Law
J. Rich Leonard Assumes Deanship at Campbell Law
Former US Bankruptcy Judge Will Serve as School’s Fifth Dean - July 17, 2013 - Campbell Law
Announcing the Launch of the New Open 4 Learning Website
Idox Information Solutions is pleased to announce the launch of its new-look Open 4 Learning website, providing students with access to educational funding opportunities. - July 13, 2013 - IDOX
Game Development Online Course Launched by College
Community Business College has added a new online course with the mission of helping people who are interested in getting started in the electronic game development industry. - July 01, 2013 - Community Business College
Campbell Law School Graduate Finishes in Top Four at 2013 Top Gun National Mock Trial Competition
Recent Graduate Andrew Shores Competed Against 15 Other Schools in Competition Held at Baylor Law School June 6-9 - June 21, 2013 - Campbell Law
Achieve Private Botox Training Seminars at a Home Clinic with Elite AMBT
Daytona Beach, FL-based cosmetic medical training experts Elite AMBT have just announced that they’ll now be offering professionals across the country the opportunity to achieve private Botox treatment training seminars within their own home clinic. This highly convenient service enables the... - June 20, 2013 - Elite Aesthetic, Medical & Business Training
Achieve “Vampire Facelift” Training with Elite AMBT
Daytona Beach, FL-based leaders for cosmetic medical training Elite AMBT have just announced the addition of a new training program to their current suite of learning options. The company will now be advising students on the best practices of the Vampire Facelift or Selphyl® System treatment. - June 20, 2013 - Elite Aesthetic, Medical & Business Training
Joint Research by Cass Business School Shows Employees Are Happiest in Family Run Businesses
The Institute for Family Business (IFB) Research Foundation with UCG report - produced by Cass, Warwick and Birmingham Business Schools - found that people working in family owned and managed businesses are more satisfied with their jobs giving these firms an advantage when recruiting and retaining... - June 16, 2013 - Cass Business School
Cass London’s No. 1 in the Guardian University Guide for the Seventh Year Running
For the seventh year, Cass Business School is ranked number one by the Guardian University Guide for undergraduate Business and Management Studies. According to the 2014 Guide, which ranks all UK universities by undergraduate teaching excellence, an impressive 89% of Cass students were satisfied... - June 14, 2013 - Cass Business School
Fletcher Foundation Gift Establishes Public Interest Law Fellows Program
Grant Will Provide Stipends for Students Interning in Public Interest Law - June 12, 2013 - Campbell Law
Cass Professor Celebrated for Outstanding Research Impact
Cass Professor Paula Jarzabkowski has been awarded a Celebrating Impact Prize by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). She received the award for the 'Outstanding Impact in Business' of her research. ESRC is the UK's largest organisation for funding research on economic and social... - June 08, 2013 - Cass Business School
Trillium College School of Denturism Transforms Student with Life-Changing Makeover
Trillium College celebrated its May Grand Orientation and Graduation in style, and provided a Life-changing Makeover for a lucky student. - June 07, 2013 - Trillium College
Job Search Tools and Resume Analysis Provided Free to Veterans and Military Family Members
Community Business College extends its military family support project by offering a professional resume review and job search tools to active duty military service members, veterans, their dependents and military spouses. - June 02, 2013 - Community Business College
Campbell Students Awarded Wake County Bar Association Memorial Scholarships
Third-Year Students Honored for Commitment to Academics and Community - May 26, 2013 - Campbell Law
Botox Application Training Specialists Elite AMBT Introduce New 3-Day Business Course
Leading US-based Botox application training school, Elite AMBT has announced that they’re now expanding their suite of courses to include an exceptional new Business course. The school’s new 3-day Business course will help participants to improve upon their understanding of several... - May 16, 2013 - Elite Aesthetic, Medical & Business Training
Elite AMBT Now Offering Innovative Selphyl System Training to Teach Professionals How to Convert PRP Into PRFM and Apply Treatments
Leading training school, Elite AMBT has just announced an exciting new addition to the school’s course catalogue. The school is now offering professionals the opportunity to learn how to carry out the Selphyl System through expert training on how to convert PRP into PRFM to provide patients... - May 16, 2013 - Elite Aesthetic, Medical & Business Training
Elite AMBT Offering Industry-Recognized Botox Application Training Course
Aesthetic medical training leaders Elite AMBT have just announced that they are now presenting a new suite of Botox application training opportunities. Through the school’s 1-day, 10-hour Botox Cosmetic & Dermal Filler training course, attendees will learn the inner dynamics of complex... - May 15, 2013 - Elite Aesthetic, Medical & Business Training
Professionals Can Now Achieve PRP Training Through Elite AMBT
Specialists for cosmetic medical training courses, Elite AMBT have announced a new addition to the line-up of affordable, innovative courses within their school syllabus. The school will now be offering professionals the ability to achieve PRP training & certification, so that they can... - May 15, 2013 - Elite Aesthetic, Medical & Business Training
Campbell Law Professor Kevin Lee Speaks at Conference on Religious Legal Theory
Professor Kevin Lee Joins Panel Discussion at Annual Conference on Religious Legal Theory in New York - May 08, 2013 - Campbell Law
Skrivanek Group Opens New UK Office
Skrivanek Group, a leading global language solution provider based in the Czech Republic, is raising its profile in the UK. - May 05, 2013 - Skrivanek, s. r. o.
Language Systems International Granted National Accreditation
Language Systems International (LSI) announced today that the avocational private language school has been granted national accreditation by ACCET. - May 04, 2013 - Language Systems International
Gagliardi, Center for Credentialing & Education (CCE) Human Services-Board Certified Practitioner (HS-BCP), Earns National Honor
Jane Gagliardi, HS-BCP, coordinator of the human services program at Northern Essex Community College in Lawrence, Massachusetts, recently received the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) Excellence Award. This annual award recognizes outstanding faculty and staff in... - May 03, 2013 - Center for Credentialing & Education
Governor Pat McCrory to Deliver Commencement Address at Campbell Law
North Carolina’s 74th Governor to Speak at Law School’s Graduation Ceremony on Friday, May 10. - May 03, 2013 - Campbell Law
Campbell Law School Adjunct Faculty Members Recognized by N.C. State Bar
Board Of Legal Specialization Honors Judge John Tyson with the 2013 James E. Cross Jr. Leadership Award, and Evan Horwitz and Geeta Kapur as New Specialists - May 01, 2013 - Campbell Law
The UK Markets MBA for the Music Industry at Henley Business School Proves to be a Key Influencer in US Job Success
The UK market is known for its influence in music across the world so its no surprise that its world first MBA in the Music Industry also proves to be a real game changer and a positive effect on the US jobs market. - April 26, 2013 - Henley Business School
Campbell Law School Wins N.C. Bar Feeding Frenzy Food Drive Competition
Law School Collects 6,500 Pounds of Food, Surpassing Donations from All Other State Law Schools. - April 24, 2013 - Campbell Law
Campbell Law School Leads North Carolina Bar Passage Rates for February
Graduates Led All Seven N.C. Law Schools in First-Time and Overall Bar Passage Rates - April 17, 2013 - Campbell Law
Campbell Law Professor Serves as Moderator for North Carolina Bar Legal Summit
Professor and Former Dean, Melissa Essary, Helped Lead Panel Discussions with the Legal Community in North Carolina - April 13, 2013 - Campbell Law
Advanced Processes Help Ensure the Right Hire, Reduce Costs
Since RedRock Leadership was founded, the firm’s primary focus has been to help emerging companies in the areas of Sales, Management and Leadership Development. After listening to customers and perceiving their needs, RedRock has recently launched a Job Benchmarking and Talent Acquisition... - April 12, 2013 - RedRock Leadership
Tampa Based RedRock Leadership Adds Key Personnel
RedRock Leadership, the premier provider of Sales, Management, and Leadership development training has added two professionals to its team in recent weeks. Thom Pirone has joined RedRock Leadership in the role of Sales and Business Development Executive. In addition to new client development, Thom... - April 11, 2013 - RedRock Leadership
Campbell Law Student Dorothy Gooding Wins Susie Sharp Inn of Court Scholarship
Prominent Triangle Judges and Attorneys Offer Scholarship to Third-Year Campbell Law Student - April 11, 2013 - Campbell Law
Henley Business School's New MBA in the Music Industry Program Gets U.S. Launch at Musexpo, May 5-8, 2013
Spearheaded by Program Director, Helen Gammons, the Henley Business School will officially launch it's new MBA in the Music Industry program in Hollywood at the Musexpo global music event, May 5-8, 2013. Helen Gammons, a 30 year music industry veteran, entrepreneur and educator, will address... - April 08, 2013 - Henley Business School
Campbell Law Team Named National Champions at South Texas Mock Trial
Student Jessica Burgess Brings Home Individual Honors; Team Receives $10,000 Grand Prize - April 04, 2013 - Campbell Law
Campbell Law Team Wins AAJ Advocacy Regional Championship
A Team of Four Campbell Law Students Wins the American Association tor Justice (AAJ) Student Trial Advocacy Competition - March 29, 2013 - Campbell Law
Idox Information Solutions Releases Latest Findings from Healthcare Survey
Following a recent survey of delegates attending the Healthcare Innovation Expo 2013, Idox Information Solutions is pleased to publish its research findings. - March 27, 2013 - IDOX
Campbell Law Moves Into Top Tier in Latest U.S. News Rankings
Campbell Law School (, has announced that the school has moved into the top tier for law schools and collected it’s highest ever ranking as released by U.S. News & World Report on Tuesday, March 12. The ranking is included as a part of the publication’s Best... - March 23, 2013 - Campbell Law
GIIP - Patent Agent Examination Preparation Course 2013
GIIP - Patent Agent Examination Preparation Course starts from 18th March 2013 - March 23, 2013 - Global Institute of Intellectual Property
Campbell Law Review Annual Symposium on March 15 to Focus on Medical Error Litigation
Symposium to Host Richard Boothman, CRO of the University of Michigan Healthcare System and Creator of the Michigan Model - March 14, 2013 - Campbell Law
Announcing the Launch of Idox’s New GRANTfinder 4 Health Product
Idox Information Solutions is pleased to announce the launch of its new professional funding product, dedicated to meeting the funding needs of healthcare organisations. - March 14, 2013 - IDOX
Ethica Interviews Akhuwat, the World's First Completely Interest-Free Microfinance Program
Since starting a decade ago with a simple $100 loan, Akhuwat has dispersed $30 million to over 1 million people – completely free of interest. Ethica sat down with the inspiring Dr. Muhammad Amjad Saqib to learn more about his amazing story. The success of Akhuwat offers hope to a new generation of budding Islamic finance entrepreneurs seeking to replicate their microfinance model. - March 07, 2013 - Ethica Institute of Islamic Finance
Campbell Law Class Set for Unique Service Opportunity in Panama
Students Visit Panama to Study Adoption Services - March 03, 2013 - Campbell Law
Elite AMBT Offering Basic & Advanced Botox Training in Latest 1-Day Course
Leading class aesthetic medical training specialists, Elite AMBT has just announced that they’re now providing medical professionals with the opportunity to achieve basic and advanced training for Botox and dermal filler applications in an intensive one-day course. The school’s... - March 03, 2013 - Elite Aesthetic, Medical & Business Training
Elite AMBT Offering One of the Most Affordable Botox Training Courses on the Market
Leading cosmetic training school, Ormond Beach, FL, based Elite AMBT has just announced that they are now offering one of the most affordable Botox training opportunities available market-wide. The school’s Botox training course, which offers both basic and advanced training instruction as... - March 03, 2013 - Elite Aesthetic, Medical & Business Training
Campbell Law Hosts 21st Annual N.C. Advocates for Justice High School Mock Trial State Championship
Eight North Carolina High School Teams Compete at Campbell Law School for State Title - March 02, 2013 - Campbell Law
Multicore Association Unveils Specification to Ease Programming of SoCs
The Multicore Association has announced the availability of its Multicore Task Management Application Program Interface (MTAPI) that supports the coordination of tasks on embedded parallel systems. - February 24, 2013 - Multicore Association
TFE Launches e-Mentoring for Business Start-ups, Business Growth, Business Turnaround and Succession
Training for (TFE), the online business skills training and business mentoring website, announced today that its online, one-to-one business mentoring program – TFE One-to-One e- Mentoring Program -- is open for enrollment. - February 21, 2013 - Training for Entrepreneurs
Chicago Area PE Professionals and Students Gather for 12th Annual Private Equity Conference
Industry Leaders Howard Marks, James Quella, Bruce Rauner, and John Canning Among List of Speakers at 12th Annual Chicago Booth Private Equity Conference. - February 19, 2013 - Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Somerset Christian College - Feb. 20th Grand Opening
Somerset Christian College will be celebrating the Grand Opening of a new facility on Feb. 20th in SOmerset, NJ. Please see below press release. - February 17, 2013 - Somerset Christian College
Multicore Association Rolls Out Developer’s Guide to Software Programming for Multicore Designs
The Multicore Association announces the Multicore Programming Practices guide, which is a detailed set of best practices for writing multicore-ready embedded software. The guide, which is collectively written by a wide range of industry experts, outlines how to migrate applications to multicore platforms and shares industry-proven techniques that help reduce development costs. - February 16, 2013 - Multicore Association