Recent Headlines
Champions School of Real Estate Instructor Becomes First in Texas to Obtain the Certified Distance Education Instructor™ (CDEI) Designation
Jack Merrill, a long time Real Estate and Appraisal instructor for Champions School of Real Estate® has become the first real estate instructor in Texas to earn the Certified Distance Education Instructor™ (CDEI) designation. The CDEI™ program is designed for those schools and... - December 05, 2008 - Champions School of Real Estate
Ashworth College Announces Partnership with Non-Profit Dress for Success Atlanta. First Projects Kick Off in a Flurry of December Activities.
This holiday season will be a bit brighter for many local women as a result of the newly established partnership between Ashworth College and Dress for Success Atlanta. Ashworth College, a global leader in distance education, announced its strategic partnership with Dress for Success Atlanta, a... - December 05, 2008 - Ashworth College
The e-Learning Lingo Show Discusses “Dynamic Capabilities”
SyberWorks, Inc., a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System industry, today announces the next episode of the e-Learning Lingo Podcast Series, about a term used in knowledge management, “dynamic capabilities.” - December 05, 2008 - SyberWorks, Inc. Survey: Economic Crisis Spikes New Interest in Online Higher Education Survey Reveals Motivation of Recent Prospective Students. - December 04, 2008 -
PRIDE Industries Picks the SyberWorks Hosted Learning Management System to Provide Employee Training
SyberWorks, a leader in the Learning Management Systems industry, announced today that they signed an agreement with PRIDE Industries Inc. to manage employee training using the SyberWorks Hosted Learning Management System. - December 04, 2008 - SyberWorks, Inc.
SyberWorks Media Center Presents a New Article – “10 Tips on LMS Implementation”
SyberWorks, Inc., a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System (LMS) industry, today announces an article available in the SyberWorks Online Media Center: “10 Tips on LMS Implementation,” by Steve Pena, Senior Instructional Designer and Implementation Consultant for SyberWorks. - December 04, 2008 - SyberWorks, Inc. Offers Comprehensive List of Loan Forgiveness Programs
Loan Forgiveness Programs Rescue Student Debt Amid Credit Crisis. - December 04, 2008 -
Carr Expands Role at WARM2Kids
Director of Content Development will take charge of Youth Programming for WARM2Kids Learning Centers. - December 03, 2008 - WARM2Kids, Inc.
Ashworth College Students Get Vocal on New Virtual Politics Forum
Ashworth College’s online Student Forum, the Politics Forum has quickly grown, with active members discussing everything from political candidates to issues personally impacting students on national and regional levels. - December 03, 2008 - Ashworth College
MoneyTree GEW Entrepreneurship Challenge 2008. MoneyTree Kids Win Entrepreneur Challenge.
In conjunction with the Global Entrepreneurship Week (November 17th – 23rd, 2008), MoneyTree organized an Entrepreneurship Challenge whereby teams raced and competed against each other in various business events to see how they fared on an overall basis. - December 03, 2008 - MoneyTree
College Student Launches Free Homework Help Web Site
Andrew Wittman a local college student and CEO of Recycle Your Homework, LLC, will launch a new web site today that will allow college and high school students to have their homework questions answered by answering other students' questions. - December 02, 2008 - Recycle Your Homework, LLC.
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas... for One Special Shopper at the Schoolhouse Store
The “Win Big” Promo Delivers Gift Package to Their 67,000th Customer. - November 29, 2008 - The Old Schoolhouse Magazine
SMARTHINKING to Exhibit at Online Educa Berlin
SMARTHINKING, Inc. (, the market leader in providing online tutoring and academic support to students, has announced that its representatives will participate in Online Educa Berlin’s International Conference on Technology Supported Learning and Training Dec. 3-5 in... - November 28, 2008 - SMARTHINKING
Smart Marketers Emulate Obama Marketing Campaign and Cash in on Economic Crisis: BrandU Reveals Downturn Economy Serves Opportune Platform for Businesses to Thrive
During a spiraling economy, smart marketers are beefing up their marketing after witnessing the success of President-elect Barack Obama’s flawless marketing campaign. Business expert Vito Montone stresses that while a recession creates opportunities for entrepreneurs, they must focus on bold, strategic marketing steps. To avoid making critical marketing mistakes, Montone uses a scientifically backed process on his clients. Learn more about BrandU's Business Profit System at - November 27, 2008 - Intention Products, LLC
SyberWorks e-Learning Podcast Talks with Guy Wallace About His e-Book “Management Areas of Performance”
SyberWorks, Inc., a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System (LMS) industry, today announces the next episode in their e-Learning Podcast Series: “Interview with Guy Wallace on His e-Book, ‘Management Areas of Performance.’ ” - November 27, 2008 - SyberWorks, Inc.
Care2Learn Director Appears on New Radio Program Created for Nurses
Faith Williams, RN, Discusses Healthcare Continuing Education on “Nurse View.” - November 27, 2008 - Care2Learn
Community Wellness Draws Larger-Than-Expected Crowd
More than 40 people filled the ACHS Apothecary Shoppe College Store Saturday, November 15 for a free community wellness event. The College hosts several events a year with themes like lavender distillation and HerbDay, which emphasize seasonal tips for holistic wellness. The November 15 event... - November 26, 2008 - American College of Healthcare Sciences
Sprouts Teams with Australasian College of Health Sciences for 21st-Century Professional Development
In this economy, more Americans than ever are taking action to avoid costly medical expenses. Employers are seeing the value in having trained employees to help consumers make informed and safe choices. One such company is Sprouts Farmers Markets. With 31 stores in Arizona, California, Texas, and... - November 26, 2008 - American College of Healthcare Sciences
Open Fire Academy, International Takes Firefighter Education Mobile
The Open Fire Academy, International launched it's new mobile site. Now students and instructors can access their classes and participate using their web-enabled cell phone or pda, as if they were at a computer. For the first time, a fire and emergency services education institution will make training and information available from practically anywhere. The new feature can be accessed at - November 23, 2008 - Open Fire Academy
Learn How to Write Web Copy and Develop an Online Marketing Strategy with American Writers & Artists Inc.’s “Wealthy Web Writer”
Receive free weekly tips and special report “7 Ways to Optimize Your Homepage.” - November 23, 2008 - American Writers & Artists, Inc.
Tampa Bay Aid Organizations Benefit from RedVector Charity Efforts
RedVector and its employees are shifting into high gear to give back to the community this holiday season and beyond. - November 22, 2008 - RedVector
Free Education for Unemployed Treasure Valley, Idaho Residents
During the week of December 8-12, 2008 ExecuTrain of Idaho will be hosting free hands-on educational sessions on a variety of computer and business skills topics for Treasure Valley residents that have been laid off this year. - November 22, 2008 - ExecuTrain of Idaho
ourUSAschools Launches Its Education Network
ourUSAschools has launched the first of a network of sites dedicated to simplifying the search for education resources for Parents, Teachers and Administrators. The network will eventually include the national site and a site for each state in the US and the District of Columbia. - November 21, 2008 - ourUSAschools
The e-Learning Lingo Podcast Show Discusses the Meaning of “Core Capabilities”
Custom e-Learning Solutions and Learning Management System industry leader, SyberWorks, Inc., announces today the release of the next installment of the e-Learning Lingo Podcast Series, about a term related to knowledge management: “core capabilities.” - November 21, 2008 - SyberWorks, Inc.
Release of Ardour 2.7 : Open-Source DAW for Mac OS X
Thanks to the support of SAE Institute, the Apple OS X version of the popular free audio editing software will be available for download as of November 17, 2008. - November 20, 2008 - SAE Institute of Technology, US
Shermco Industries Purchases the SyberWorks Learning Management System to Manage Technician Certification and Training
SyberWorks Inc., a leader in the Learning Management Systems industry, announced today that they signed an agreement with Shermco Industries, Inc. to manage technician certification training using the SyberWorks Learning Management System. - November 20, 2008 - SyberWorks, Inc.
SMARTHINKING to Exhibit at 13th Annual Association of Colleges Conference
SMARTHINKING, Inc. (, the market leader in providing online tutoring and academic support to students, has announced that its representatives will participate in the 13th International Convention of the Association of Colleges (AoC) Nov. 18-20 at the International Convention... - November 19, 2008 - SMARTHINKING
SAE Institute Opens Digital Film Program in the Heart of Hollywood
Worldwide media institution draws from local Hollywood directors, producers and screenwriters to offer the Digital Film Production Diploma at the Los Angeles campus. Shooting begins January 2009. - November 17, 2008 - SAE Institute of Technology, US Announces Partnership with SystemsOnLine - A Saudi Arabian Company has just signed an agreement with SystemsOnLine, a Saudi Arabian Company that will be TalktoCanada’s working partner in the Middle East and will act as its agent to procure new customers, carry forward Marketing in the Middle East and deal with customers in the local Arabic... - November 17, 2008 -
MoneyTree GEW Entrepreneurship Challenge 2008, Malaysia
In conjunction with the Global Entrepreneurship Week, MoneyTree will be organizing an Entrepreneurship Challenge (November 17th – 23rd, 2008) whereby teams race and compete in various business events to see how they fare on an overall basis. - November 16, 2008 - MoneyTree
The e-Learning Lingo Podcast #71: “Bloom’s Taxonomy”
A premier custom e-Learning Solutions and Learning Management System company, SyberWorks, Inc., has released another episode in its e-Learning Lingo Podcast Series. This new installment addresses a model that is used in e-Learning, “Bloom’s Taxonomy.” - November 16, 2008 - SyberWorks, Inc.
SyberWorks LMS e-Learning Implementation Podcast Discusses Learning Management System Implementation Techniques
SyberWorks, Inc., a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System industry, today announces the next episode in their e-Learning Podcast Series: “LMS Implementation Tips.” - November 14, 2008 - SyberWorks, Inc.
Customer Satisfaction Tops List of Reasons to Train Customers
Research by Expertus and Training Industry, Inc. Delves into Motivation for Customer Training. - November 14, 2008 - Expertus Inc
Ashworth University Students Celebrate National Distance Education Week with Essay Contest
Ashworth University students share their experiences as distance education learners and how continuing their education has made an impact on their lives. The contest supports National Distance Education Week, November 10-14, 2008 - November 12, 2008 - Ashworth College
Ashworth University Supports National Distance Education Week with Online Infosession
Rising tuition costs and declining financial aid leaves many students and parents with questions. To support National Distance Education Week, Ashworth University administration and staff will host an online discussion in the Ashworth Student Forum. - November 12, 2008 - Ashworth College
SUNY Ulster Theater Department Presents The Boys Next Door “Bittersweet Comedy”
SUNY Ulster’s Theater Arts Department will present The Boys Next Door, a moving comedy-drama on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, November 20, 21 and 22; Friday and Saturday November 28 and 29 at 8:00 p.m. and on Sundays, November 23 and November 30 at 3:00 p.m. in the Quimby Theater on the Stone Ridge campus of the college. Suggested donation is $10. A signer will interpret for the members of the audience with hearing challenges on Saturday, November 22 and November 29. - November 09, 2008 - SUNY Ulster
Ashworth College Students Get Creative with New Virtual Writer’s Club
Creative writing differs from homework assignments and research papers, because the writer is given the freedom to use his or her imagination to the fullest when creating a story. With Ashworth College’s new online Writer’s Club, students have the opportunity to hone their professional... - November 09, 2008 - Ashworth College
SAE Institute Trains the Future of Music City
Prestigious International Audio Education School in Our Own Back-yard Opens Its Facilities for Public Tours November 15th - November 09, 2008 - SAE Institute of Technology, US
Open Fire Academy, International Becomes First International Fire Academy
The Open Fire Academy ( becomes the first international fire academy. A nonprofit, the OFA is the only one of it's kind specifically focused on the global fire community. - November 09, 2008 - Open Fire Academy
Ashworth College Students Establish Virtual Forensic Science Club
Ashworth College students are exploring a different type of crime scene, an online discussion forum in a club format, where like-minded students converge to discuss issues, news and trends pertaining to forensic science. - November 08, 2008 - Ashworth College
The e-Learning Lingo Podcast #70: “Lateral Thinking”
SyberWorks, Inc., a provider of customized e-Learning Solutions and a leader in the Learning Management System field, announces this week’s episode of the e-Learning Lingo Podcast Series, about an e-Learning theory, “lateral thinking.” - November 08, 2008 - SyberWorks, Inc.
Rebecca Matter Named Co-Managing Partner of American Writers & Artists, Inc. (AWAI)
Experienced marketer helps entrepreneurs learn profitable skills to work from home and enjoy financial independence. - November 08, 2008 - American Writers & Artists, Inc.
Atlas Selects the SyberWorks Learning Management System to Manage Technician Certification Training
SyberWorks, a leader in the Learning Management Systems industry, announced today that they signed an agreement with Atlas Interactive to manage classroom training at Middle East construction sites. - November 07, 2008 - SyberWorks, Inc.
SAE Institute Begins Major Construction on New Campus in San Francisco
SAE has begun major construction on new campus in the SOMA section of San Francisco. The 6th campus in the United States for SAE, San Francisco will offer the internationally recognized Audio Technology Diploma and Electronic Music Producer Certificate. Grand opening ceremonies scheduled for Spring 2009. - November 06, 2008 - SAE Institute of Technology, US
Caregiver Certification Course Provides Comprehensive Online Training for In-Home, Assisted Living Staff
Online training solutions enhance staff job satisfaction, quality care and profitability. - November 06, 2008 - aQuire Training Solutions
Juried Art Show at SUNY Ulster
If food figures thematically, visually or metaphorically in your work, artists are invited to submit entries in the media of choice to this Regional Juried Exhibition sponsored by Muroff Kotler Visual Arts Gallery at the Stone Ridge campus of SUNY Ulster. - November 05, 2008 - SUNY Ulster
American Writers & Artists, Inc. (AWAI) Expose Their Top 5 Recession-Proof Careers to Start Now
Popular home-study programs publisher lists in-demand jobs during tough economy. - November 05, 2008 - American Writers & Artists, Inc.
Upside Learning Makes It to the Red Herring 100 Asia Finalists for 2008
Upside Learning selected as a Red Herring 100 Asia 2008 finalist - short listed one of the most innovative technology companies in the Asia Pacific region. - November 05, 2008 - Upside Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
The e-Learning Lingo Show Discusses the Term “Value Proposition”
SyberWorks, Inc., a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System industry, today announces the next episode of the e-Learning Lingo Podcast Series, about a term used in knowledge management, “value proposition.” - November 04, 2008 - SyberWorks, Inc.
SAE Institute Los Angeles Hosts REMIX Hotel; December 4-6
SAE Institute's Los Angeles campus hosts REMIX Hotel December 4th-6th. Three days of technology, artist performances, and producer seminars. - November 03, 2008 - SAE Institute of Technology, US