Coscend’s Pioneering Innovation, ‘Software Service Factory,’ Heralds a New Era in the Industry
Industry Stakeholders State Software Service Factory Does 'The Right Thing,' Nurtures the Greater Good. Software Service Factory Enriches Software Engineering. - December 29, 2009
Service Providers Optimize Subscribers' Communications and Entertainment Experience by Leveraging ‘Software Service Factory’
Coscend’s Pioneering Innovation, 'Software Service Factory', Reduces Time to Market and Saves Total Cost of Ownership. - January 14, 2009
The Industry’s First ‘Built to Change’ Software Solutions from Coscend Epitomize Exceptional Software Services Delivery
Coscend Drives Flexibility and Agility Using Its Pioneering Innovation, ‘Software Service Factory.’ - December 02, 2008
Coscend is Pioneering a New Evolution by Delivering the Industry’s First ‘Built-to-Change’ Software Solutions
Coscend incubates disruptive economics in the industry by combining breakthrough process efficiency with multiple disruptive technologies. - November 15, 2008
What do Bill Gates, Michael Dell and Coscend Have in Common? They Know What It is to be at the ‘Vanguard of a New Evolution’
Industry analysts: · Rank Coscend as a ‘pioneer’ in the communications software services segment. · State that Coscend is the leader of ‘a new evolution’ in the communications software segment. · Rank Coscend along side IBM, Motorola, Accenture, Amdocs, Oracle, SAP, Telstra and Telcordia. - October 21, 2008