Orthopedics & Rehabilitation News
Bone up on news about treating orthopedic ailments affecting the body’s bones, muscles, cartilage, tendons, ligaments and joints as well as rehabilitation information covering sports medicine, athletic training and physical and occupational therapy.
North American Seminars Inc. Has Expanded Its Travel Offering for Medical Professional Course Attendees
North American Seminars Inc. has expanded its travel services for course attendees to include additional discounts on hotels, rental vehicles and airline bookings. Extended services can be booked directly on www.healthclick.com when registering for a course. - June 10, 2009 - North American Seminars
Nordic Walking Clinics to be Offered at "Girl’s Night Out"
Free Nordic Walking Clinics To Be Offered At “Girl’s Night Out” on Thursday June 18th from 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. in the Glen Arbor Town Hall, M-22 Michigan. The Nordic Walking Classes will be hosted by Glen Arbor’s Pete Edwards – owner/founder of www.SkiWalking.com and The American Nordic Walking System. Edwards has introduced Nordic Walking to thousands of Americans. - June 06, 2009 - American Nordic Walking System SkiWalking.com
Hoag Hospital's World-Renowned Director of Sexual Medicine Will Speak at Womanology Book Release Party
Dr. Michael Krychman will sign copies of and talk about "100 Questions and Answers about Women's Sexual Wellness and Vitality" at the Womanology physical therapy clinic in Irvine, Calif. on June 24. - June 06, 2009 - Womanology
North American Seminars, Inc. Introduces a New Physical Therapy Continuing Education Course, an Algorithmic Based Treatment Approach to Vestibular Dysfunction
North American Seminars, Inc., www.healthclick.com introduces An Algorithmic Based Treatment Approach to Vestibular Dysfunction. This physical therapy continuing education course is a two day training event created to assist rehab professionals evaluate and treat dizziness and imbalance. - May 23, 2009 - North American Seminars
Keith Blankenship and JTECH Medical Join Forces
Keith L. Blankenship, P. T., and JTech Medical have joined forces to usher in a new era in Industrial Rehabilitation. Keith developed one of the first Functional Capacity Evaluation Systems in 1983 and has taught his process to over 15,000 medical professionals worldwide. He authored over 15... - May 15, 2009 - Blankenship, Inc.
North American Seminars, Inc. Introduces the Second Course in Its New Continuing Education Cancer Series, Advanced Oncology Rehabilitation for Successful Outcomes
North American Seminars introduces Advanced Oncology Rehabilitation for Successful Outcomes, a new occupational therapy and physical therapy continuing education course. This course is the second course in the North American Seminars Cancer Education Series. Details can be found at www.healthclick.com - May 05, 2009 - North American Seminars
North American Seminars, Inc. Introduces Oncology Rehabilitation and Cancer Survivorship, a New Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy Continuing Education Course
North American Seminars has introduced Oncology Rehabilitation and Cancer Survivorship, a new physical therapy and occupational therapy continuing education course directed at helping rehabilitation professionals provide better care for their cancer patients. Since 1996, North American Seminars has regularly introduced new programs to address current needs with the rehab community. - May 02, 2009 - North American Seminars
Elite Sports Physical Therapy Brings Fremont Orthopedic and Sports Rehabilitation Into 21st Century
Entering into its 3rd year serving the Fremont community and the East Bay, Elite Sports Physical Therapy (ESPT) is proud to be the premier provider of sports and orthopedic rehabilitation to the Tri-City area. Beginning with the vision of bringing world-class sports medicine and physical therapy... - April 30, 2009 - Elite Sports Physical Therapy
Medical Billing Software MPMsoft Chosen by MedCrew as Its Medical Office Software
In preparation for Tom Daschle and Barak Obama's healthcare reform, MedCrew tightens its ship and battens its hatches with high technology. - January 16, 2009 - Medical Billing Software - MPMsoft
VibraFlex® Receives Class II Medical Device License from Health Canada
Orthometrix, Inc. (OTCBB: OMRX) announced today that its VibraFlex® series of whole body vibration technologies and devices received a Class II Medical Device License from Health Canada and may now be sold in the Canadian market as a medical device. The VibraFlex®, developed using the... - January 15, 2009 - Motion Health Inc.
Inspirational Speaker Michael Segal Releases First CD -- Possible CD Features Stories of Hope, Inspiration and Humor and the Music of The O’Neill Brothers
Shooting victim Michael Segal releases inspirational CD containing stories of hope, humor and inspiration. Music by The O'Neill Brothers. - December 24, 2008 - Lone Star Sound
There Was Dr. Martin's Dream, Obama's Change, and Now Ressurrection: How Her Ministry of Healing Has Turned into H.E.A.L. Massage and Bodywork in Largo MD
H.E.A.L. Massage and Bodywork's mission is to serve our clients, (to pour out; expend, expose ones energy for the benefit of others); use the authority, faith (½ of the ingredient to healing and opposite of fear), dominion, and my work (to obey, serve; create) to facilitate mental, physical, and spiritual healing through touch. Located in Largo, MD with flexible hours, and concentrated bodywork, they specialize in massage. - December 17, 2008 - H.E.A.L. Massage and Bodywork
North American Seminars, Inc. Expands Its Community Outreach Program
North American Seminars, Inc. has donated over $60,000 in cancer related medical supplies to patients across the U.S. In December 2008, North American Seminars expanded its Community Outreach Program. - December 11, 2008 - North American Seminars
North American Seminars 2009 Courses Released
North American Seminars is proud to announce release of the 2009 schedule of medical training courses for physical therapy and occupational therapy professionals. - December 08, 2008 - North American Seminars
The American Nordic Walking System and www.SkiWalking.com Are Ready for the Holiday Gift Giving Rush and New Year's Resolutions
The American Nordic Walking System and www.skiwalking.com recently received large deliveries of quality Nordic Walking Poles from SWIX of Norway and EXEL of Finland in preparation for the Holiday Rush and New Year's Resolutions. The American Nordic Walking System and www.SkiWalking.com are the exclusive retailers of the SWIX VIP Nordic Walking Poles and the EXEL Urban Skier Nordic Walking Poles. All 12 sizes are in-stock and ready to ship - Perfect Length Guaranteed. - November 27, 2008 - American Nordic Walking System SkiWalking.com
Master Russian Kettlebell Instructor Brett Jones to Give One-Day Only Seminar at Indianapolis Fitness and Sports Training
Brett Jones, RKC, a Master Russian Kettlebell instructor will be teaching a Russian Kettlebell Seminar at Indianapolis Fitness and Sport Training on January 24, 2009 from 10 a.m to 5 p.m. This exclusive one-day seminar will provide participants with the tools necessary to implement cutting-edge... - November 22, 2008 - Indianapolis Fitness and Sports Training
Medical Billing Software .com Announces Release of Medisoft Medical Billing Software Version 14 Service Pack 1
Medical Billing Software .com today announced release of the service pack 1 of the popular Medisoft Medical Billing Software program. The service pack addresses over 75 fixes and enhancements designed to improve the popular medisoft billing software version 14 released earlier this year. Medisoft... - November 19, 2008 - MedicalBillingSoftware.com
Cortiva Institute – Chicago Celebrates 25 Years of Chicago Marathon Massage
For the past 25 years, the faculty, students and graduates of Cortiva Institute – Chicago have been a fixture of comfort at the annual Chicago Marathon. The Cortiva team celebrated this quarter century of support on Oct. 12, providing more than 1,000 massages in less than five hours at the 2008 Chicago Marathon. - November 14, 2008 - Cortiva Institute - Schools of Massage Therapy
Education on the Signs, Symptoms and Early Detection of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder "Vital"
Occupational therapy practitioners release societal statement on combat-related PTSD. - November 08, 2008 - American Occupational Therapy Association
Virtual Conference Brings Best Minds in Massage to Your Living Room
More than 50 of the top names in massage and bodywork will appear in your office, living room, or clinic during the first-ever virtual World Massage Conference, which will take place Nov. 17 through Nov. 22. From John Upledger and Tom Myers to Bruno Chikly and Bonnie Prudden, the list of World... - November 05, 2008 - Cortiva Institute - Schools of Massage Therapy
Enjoy Independent Living and Peace of Mind with A-1 Alarm Protection’s Guardian Alert 911 Phone
Today, A-1 Alarm Protection redefined the face of the personal emergency response systems (PERS) industry by introducing a new exciting product – the Guardian Alert 911. Protect the ones you love with this innovative system that instantly connects to an emergency operator with just One push of a button. - October 07, 2008 - A-1 Alarm Protection
Seniors Are Turning in Their Canes and Walkers for One-Piece Nordic Walking Poles - Finding Improved Balance, Stability and Freedom
Ski Walking and hill bounding with poles are no longer just for world class skiers. Nordic Walking Poles are ideal for all ages and all fitness levels. Obviously hill bounding and running with poles are for the more athletic individuals, but walking with poles radically improves balance and stability - a godsend to seniors and individuals with balance issues too. Nordic Walking Poles are versatile. The benefits are many. Walking with poles burns up to 40% more calories than regular walking. - September 26, 2008 - American Nordic Walking System SkiWalking.com
Ironman World Champion Normann Stadler to be Guest Speaker at Triathlon Club of San Diego Monthly Meeting Hosted by Coastal Sports and Wellness Medical Center
Normann Stadler, the 2004 and 2006 Ironman Triathlon World Champion will be the featured guest speaker at the Triathlon Club of San Diego’s September meeting this Tuesday, September 23rd. Normann will be interviewed by Bob Babbitt, publisher of Competitor Magazine, and the event will be... - September 19, 2008 - Coastal Sports and Wellness Medical Center
Pilates Expert and Worldwide Lecturer Kelly Kane Comes to Bristol
EVOLUTION Bodywork & Nutrition will be hosting “Inside Out” a one-day intensive Pelvic Floor Workshop for health and fitness practitioners. This workshop will be taught by Pilates expert Kelly Kane, owner of NYC based The Kane School of Core Integration, on November 15, 2008, 10 AM – 5 PM. - September 11, 2008 - EVOLUTION Pilates & Nutrition
Dahn Yoga Develops New Exercises to Relieve Lower Back Pain
Dahn Yoga, the leading health and wellness center, has developed a system of body-mind fitness exercises that can help among other things to reduce lower back pain. If you have lower back pain or want to prevent it, consider the relief that comes from doing Dahn Yoga (http://www.dahnyoga.com)... - August 23, 2008 - Dahn Yoga
One-Piece Nordic Walking Poles Prove Safer and More Durable During In-Service Programs at Hospitals, Physical Therapy Locations and Fitness Centers Throughout the USA
Perfect length Nordic Ski Walking poles help us to automatically walk with a super straight back - better walking posture is biomechanically a good thing. This improved walking posture when combined with the unique 4-Wheel-Drive type action of walking with poles radically reduces the stress to the shins, knees, hips and back. Nordic Walking is low impact and yet provides a highly effective workout - burning more calories and working more muscle groups than regular walking. - August 19, 2008 - American Nordic Walking System SkiWalking.com
Brian Smith: a Massage Therapist Aims for Gold
Brian Smith provides massage treatment for swimmers competing for a spot on the US Olympic Swimming Team. - August 13, 2008 - Cortiva Institute - Schools of Massage Therapy
Stick-e® Yoga Accessories Rock the Health and Fitness Industry
On the heals of the successful launch of Yoga Stick-e Socks...for that Barefoot Feeling, Stick-e Brands announces an expanded product line of new Stick-e accessories for Yoga and Pilates. The new line was received with rave reviews, media attention and orders from Sporting Goods chains buyers at the recent Health and Fitness Business Expo. Stick-e Brands will be establishing itself as a household name this Fall as it graces the covers and pages of some of the biggest catalogs. - August 11, 2008 - Stick-e Products LLC
Nordic Walking Coming to Scandinavian Folk Festival (No Skis and No Snow Required)
Free Nordic Walking classes and lectures will be a part of the 7th Annual Scandinavian Folk Festival in Jamestown, New York. - July 09, 2008 - American Nordic Walking System SkiWalking.com
Orlando Scooter Rental Company Gives Seriously Ill Kids the Mobility They Need to be Kids. Starlight Starbright Children’s Foundation Partners with Scooter Vacations
Starlight Starbright Children’s Foundation announced today the launching of its new partnership with Orlando Scooter Rental Company Scooter Vacations. This new partnership will give seriously ill kids the mobility they need to be kids. Scooter Vacations offers a range of luxurious mobility scooters to vacationers visiting Orlando and attractions such as Sea World, Universal Orlando and Walt Disney World. - June 24, 2008 - Scooter Vacations
Device Surpasses Steroids in Strength and Overall Athletic Performance Enhancement
A new episode of Super Human Radio® reveals real-life results in world ranked athletes using a new nighttime technique for improving strength, stamina, physical and mental performance while providing deep, recuperative sleep. - June 15, 2008 - EarthPulse Tech, LLC
Dr. Babak Azizzadeh of The Institute for Rhinoplasty and Nasal Reconstruction Creates the Aging Arc
Dr. Azizzadeh's Aging Arc Explains the difference between age and aesthetic. - June 10, 2008 - Institute for Rhinoplasty and Nasal Reconstruction
Free Nordic Walking Clinics Coming to Lutheran Outpatient Rehab in Jamestown, New York, on Wednesday, June 11th
Nordic walking is no longer just for professional skiers deprived of snow. No snow and no skis required. Walking with poles burns up to 40% more calories than regular walking. Nordic walking poles not only improve balance and stability, these special poles help to radically reduce the shins to the shins, knees, hips and back. - June 07, 2008 - American Nordic Walking System SkiWalking.com
SpaCapsule® Creates Decubitus Ulcer and Bed Sore Relief Programs
Decubitus Ulcer and Bed Sores are relieved with a program instituted by SpaCapsule’s team of physicians. - June 03, 2008 - Simulated Environment Concepts, Inc.
Nordic Walking Poles from www.SkiWalking.com Make ABC News
When Nordic Walking was covered in an ABC News article and caught on film by New York's CW11 the featured Nordic Walking Poles were the lightweight and durable one-piece VIP Nordic Ski Walking Poles from The American Nordic Walking System and www.skiwalking.com. - May 21, 2008 - American Nordic Walking System SkiWalking.com
Introduction of Botox in Facial Paralysis Surgery Leading to Optimism for Bell's Balsy Patients
Bell's palsy is a disorder that can cause facial paralysis due to damage of the nerves that control the muscles that control facial movement. The typical effects of Bell's palsy can include swelling and inflammation of the face and affects the nerves that sends signals to the brain, which then... - April 30, 2008 - Facial Paralysis Institute
Less Waiting, Frustration for Orthopedic Patients - New Neighbor, Partner Provides Physical Therapy for Children’s Bone & Spine Surgery
Full recovery of pediatric bone and spine injuries or conditions require a total care approach. Apart from the initial treatments of possible bracing or surgery, patients generally undergo months of rigorous physical therapy in order to achieve the best results. For patients of Children’s... - March 26, 2008 - Children’s Bone & Spine Surgery
Health & Wellness Program
"Good health is ... not just an absence of disease; it is a state of positive well-being-ness. We are not just humans who are destined to fall sick and get cured. We have been created to feel bliss continuously inside us and ecstatic lightness at the Being level. This is good health." -Paramahamsa Nithyananda. The Health & Wellness is a 2-day meditation program designed by Paramahamsa to help us reconnect with the innate intelligence of our bodies, and to allow flowering of perfect health. - March 11, 2008 - Life Bliss New York
Medisoft Medical Billing Software Announces the New Version 14 of Its Popular Practice Management Program Designed for Single Provider and Small Group Medical Offices
www.medicalbillingsoftware.com announces a new release of Medisoft Version 14, designed to help increase productivity, reduce costs, and provide better financial information to help the medical office run smoother. - March 05, 2008 - MedicalBillingSoftware.com
Free Nordic Ski Walking Clinics Coming to Garland Resort - No Snow/No Skis Required - Saturday, March 8th, 2008
Learn how to unlock the calorie burning and aerobic benefits of Nordic Ski Walking. Garland Resort is not only the home of beautiful cross country ski trails and four of the best golf courses in Michigan, but also the largest log building east of the Mississippi River – a beautiful central structure that gives the entire resort the flavor of the great outdoors. - March 04, 2008 - American Nordic Walking System SkiWalking.com
Thera-Band® Stability Trainer Proven to Decrease Ankle Injuries in Young Athletes
A recent study co-authored by a physical therapist, high school athletic trainer and member of the Thera-Band Research Advisory Committee concludes that athletes who perform balance training using the Thera-Band® foam Stability Trainer can reduce the risk of noncontact inversion ankle sprains... - February 25, 2008 - The Hygenic Corporation
Nordic Ski Walking Clinics Coming to Cadillac’s Mercy Hospital in Honor of Healthy Heart Month & Cardiac Rehabilitation Week
February is Healthy Heart Month. February 10th–16th is Cardiac Rehabilitation Week. And walking is good for your heart. Doctors and Physical Therapist here in the USA have recently discovered that Nordic Ski Walking Poles radically improve balance and stability – a huge aid during... - February 08, 2008 - American Nordic Walking System SkiWalking.com
First Online Documentation System for Physical Therapists Now Available
After years of planning, preparation and development, WebPT has announced that their beta testing is complete and sales of their online Physical Therapy documentation service have begun. - February 02, 2008 - WebPT
Philadelphia Physical Therapist Prescribes Wii Time
Nintendo Wii is lots of fun to use and the movements are the types of things that are promoted in physical therapy. - January 14, 2008 - Transplex Center for Medicine and Rehabilitation
Accelerated Conditioning and Learning (A.C.L.) - Website Dedicated to Preventing Female ACL Injuries
Accelerated Conditioning and Learning (www.aclprogram.com) is a research based education, injury prevention and sports performance website. This site provides resource centers with educational material for Physical Therapists, Athletic Trainers, Coaches, Strength Coaches, parents and athletes. Accelerated Conditioning and Learning also provided a research based injury prevention/sport performance enhancement program. Their goal: Build athletes who perform better and last longer. - January 14, 2008 - Accelerated Conditioning and Learning
Focusing in Therapeutic Deep Tissue Massages, Humberto Valtierra Brings a Soothing Touch to North Dallas
Humberto Valtierra of Stress Away Massage relieves patients by offering a multitude of therapeutic massage therapies. - January 11, 2008 - Stress Away Massage
Avoiding Steroids and Their Side Effects Should be Component in New Year’s Resolution of Athletes, Law Enforcement and Paramilitary
Unparalleled drug-free gains in strength, stamina and mental performance attainable through natural energetic alternative to steroids and banned performance enhancing drugs providing powerful ergogenic effects rivaling steroids, blood doping and other dangerous performance enhancement techniques while enhancing deep delta sleep, cardiovascular efficiency, cellular repair and mental acuity. - January 01, 2008 - EarthPulse Tech, LLC
The Holiday Gift for the Pet Who Has Everything
Pulsed magnetic fields provide strong anti-aging effects while enhancing physical performance in older pets where trauma, arthritis or age related joint deformity has resulted in chronic pain, loss of mobility and subsequent changes in behavior. - December 14, 2007 - EarthPulse Tech, LLC
Localhands.com Partners with AMTA - the World’s Largest Directory of Massage Therapists Will Offer AMTA Members Discount Rates on Annual Listings
WazUp Media Inc. (Localhands.com) today announced a new partnership with the American Massage Therapy Association (AAMTA), becoming a supporting member of AMTA. - October 04, 2007 - WazUp Media Inc
Yoga Stick-E Socks...for That Barefoot Feeling - Eco Friendly and Not Just for Yoga
Yoga Stick-e Socks have a unique patented design that creates a barefoot feeling. The socks have a hole for each toe to extend through so the toes remain exposed. The exposed toes enable gripping during exercise. Yoga Stick-e Socks are made from eco-friendly Bamboo fiber which is naturally antibacterial, deodorizing and cooling. The socks are great for all barefoot sports including Yoga, Pilates, Martial Arts, Dance and more. They even make great Pedicure socks. - September 12, 2007 - Stick-e Products LLC