Religion News
Stay true to news about organized religions, multi-faith events, spirituality and the concept of faith. Includes information about services, books, movies and religious leaders.
Controversial Sex Book Grapples with an Age-Old Question
Is there sex in Heaven? Tom Gruber's ground-breaking book sheds light on this age-old question. - August 03, 2008 - Tom Gruber
Family Festival and Special Celebration in Columbia County on August 3 Offers Glimpse of Tibetan Art, Crafts, Culture, Food, Music, and Religion
The amazingly beautiful 130-acres that comprise the Pumpkin Hollow Retreat Center in Craryville, NY (Columbia County) will be transformed into a Tibetan village on Sunday, August 3, for a celebration of "Chökhör Day," a very important day in the Buddhism, the religion of Tibet, as it commemorates the first time the Buddha taught publicly, around 2500 years ago. - August 02, 2008 - The Vikramasila Foundation
"Bought & Sold"
Minnesota’s Faith Community Against Modern Day Slavery. Justice North invites Minnesotans to an anti-human trafficking event on September 9, 2008, 6-9 pm, at the Christos Union Depot in St. Paul. - August 02, 2008 - Justice North
Judaism and Technology Podcast: Interview with Guest Rabbi Aaron Spiegel by
Rabbi Aaron Spiegel, of the Indianapolis Center for Congregations and the Synagogue 3000 project, discusses technology as a tool for managing relationships, in the first Judaism and Technology Podcast. - July 31, 2008 - TnR Global, LLC Releases iphone Video Game – "Karmic Cookie"
In a world short on inspiration and long on hot air, released a video game designed to inspire, enlighten and to make life's best words of wisdom accessible from your iPhone or iPod touch any time... all wrapped in a video game. - July 30, 2008 - Inspired Arts & Media, LLC
Ms. Christian U.S.A. 2009 is Crowned
“A mother of (5) is crowned …” - July 28, 2008 - VIRTUE INTERNATIONAL PAGEANTS
New Film Chronicles Both the Funny and Tragic Moments in the Lives of Four Top Comedians
Four top comedians open up their personal lives and allow the cameras to capture them both on and off stage in the new documentary-style film, "Apostles of Comedy: The Movie," releasing September 9. These "counter-culture" comedians keep their comedy family-friendly without losing their edge. - July 23, 2008 - Apostles Of Comedy
Harry Reid Holds Hearing on FLDS
Sen. Harry Reid is holding a hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee about the FLDS . Find out who is invited to testify and who is not. At 3 PM E.T., Thursday, July 24, 2008, Jerri Ward will be discussing this on "I Object! Justice Examined" at Right Talk Radio with a panel of... - July 23, 2008 - "I Object! Justice Examined"
iUniverse Top 5 Selling Titles for June
iUniverse, the leading book marketing, editorial services, and supported self-publishing company, announced its top five sellers for the month of June. - July 21, 2008 - iUniverse
China Ministry Leader Helps Dispel Misconceptions About Christianity in China
New Book on China and her Christian Church is now available. Mike Falkenstine, founder of the Colorado-based China Resource Center, hopes to shed light on the true state of Christianity in China with his new book The Chinese Puzzle. - July 16, 2008 - China Resource Center
The Seed Masters, a New Group on Facebook
Ken Nunoo author of the books "The Seed Master," "La Semilla Maestra," and "The Trinity of Lights," says he has formed a new group on facebook called "The Seed Masters" - July 15, 2008 - Ken Nunoo
First Membership Orientation Graduate
“Prophecy coming to past!” said Bishop Veynell Warren, as the New Believers Missionary Baptist Church celebrates their first graduate of the New Membership Orientation Class on Sunday, July 13, 2008 – Sister Cassandra Effiong. The class is instructed by Sister Vicki Hudson, who... - July 15, 2008 - New Believers Missionary Baptist Church
Illinois Clergy Consecrated as Bishop
The Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International (FGBCFI) opened its 2008 annual conference in Birmingham, Alabama on Tuesday, June 24th by consecrating nine new Bishops. One of the nine was Victor D. Agee, Senior Pastor of Praise Temple of Restoration. He was consecrated as the State... - July 13, 2008 - Praise Temple of Restoration
Join Four of the Top Wisdom Teachers for: "Transformation in Paradise" Retreat, August 2-10, 2008 at the Mauna Lani Resort, Kohala Coast, Hawaii’s Big Island
Join in a rare and unique opportunity to be part of a small group for a "Transformation in Paradise" retreat at the Mauna Lani Resort, located on the Kohala Coast of Hawaii’s Big island, August 2-9. Four of the world's top wisdom leaders, Rev Michael Beckwith (one of the teachers... - July 09, 2008 - LifeSoulutions
Elevated Existence, a New Spiritual Self-Help Magazine Debuts
Elevated Existence, an innovative, digital quarterly publication premieres featuring the Chopra Center Renewal Weekend and Affirmations by Louise L. Hay. Premiere Issue available for Download Free. - July 09, 2008 - Elevated Existence LLC
Brazilian Writer, Glauco Ortolano, Releases First Book in English
Brazilian writer, Glauco Ortolano, has recently released his first book ever published in English. "Humaniquess: The Gif of Your Inner God" is a well humored response to yet another book recently published by a paleontologist who claims he has found the missing link between the human origins and fish from 350 billion years ago. Ortolano writes from the perspective of a poet attempting to discredit such theory. - July 07, 2008 - Glauco Ortolano
Stellar Award Winning Gospel Hip/Hop Group 21:03 to Join Pastors Lyle and Deborah Dukes at Summer Youth Jam '08 in the Washington DC Area
Stellar Award winning Gospel Hip/Hop Group 21:03 (PAJAM) and the 17-year old, renowned Minister Reggie Sharpe from Decatur, GA, are scheduled to join Pastor Lyle Dukes, Pastor Deborah Dukes and the Harvest Life Changers Church, International in the highly anticipated 3-day Summer Youth Jam ‘08, beginning Friday, July 18 – Sunday, July 20, 2008. - July 05, 2008 - Harvest Life Changers Church, International
Listen Up. "God Told Me To Tell You This."
“Like the food you eat can poison your body, the negative thoughts you feed your mouth from inside your mind can spread poison throughout your being. You speak negative words and self defeating prophecies such as; “I am poor”, “I am broke”, and “I don’t... - July 01, 2008 - The Financial Truth with Carla Cargle
Love and Life from the “Me Decade”
Five young men, in the 70’s, began five new streams of Christianity that have now become internationally influential. - July 01, 2008 - Harvest Fields Commissioning International
New Book on Religion Shows Teachings of Jesus Came from Buddha
“Buddha’s Big Foot,” is now available on and Createspace (; this new book by Robert Korczynski explores history, religion, linguistics, and numerology, to conclude that all of Christianity is sourced from the teachings of the Buddha. - June 30, 2008 - Robert Korczynski
Cybernetic Light Online Magazine Launches on the Net
On August 1st, Cybernetic Light, an online Chrisitan youth magazine, launches on the web. - June 29, 2008 - Cybernetic Light
GodTube like GodTuner is Ready to Make an Impact is a Christian alternative to YouTube that has been recently created to help Christians watch and share videos. - June 28, 2008 - GodTuner
Grace Divine by Vinny DiGirolamo
Grace Divine presents new and fresh perspectives on the saving and enabling power of grace. Written primarily for Latter-day Saints, it carries with it a powerful message that the rest of the Christian world would also benefit by considering. - June 27, 2008 - Celestine Publishing, LLC
Two New Orthodox Parishes to Open in Baltimore
Parishes to bring ancient liturgy experience to southeast Baltimore. - June 26, 2008 - North American Old Catholic Church
Fast & Furious Hollywood Stuntman Sammy Maloof – Guest Speaker at Celebrate Freedom
Hollywood Stuntman, Speaker and Author Sammy Maloof, will be a featured speaker as well as ‘show how it is done in Hollywood’ through a stunt show demonstration. Sammy has been in major blockbusters including Fast & The Furious Tokyo Drift, The Hitcher, Déjà Vu, and Transporter 2. Kids and “young at heart” adults will be given the opportunity to win safe rides with Sammy in his infamous 1967 Camaro, powered by a 415 cubic inch Chevrolet engine with 640 horsepower and 640 ft. lbs. of torque. - June 24, 2008 - Winning at the Race of Life
Understanding Science and the Theology of Creation Book Returns to Amazon Cosmology Charts
Debut book on creation, evolution, intelligent design, Genesis, and the Bible reaches the top ten on the creationism sales chart. - June 22, 2008 - Watertree Press LLC
San Antonio’s North Chamber Selects Madeline Anz Slay for ATHENA International Young Professional Award
Madeline Anz Slay was recognized at a luncheon awards ceremony for her outstanding contributions to the community and promoting women in leadership roles in business. - June 20, 2008 - Madeline Anz Slay Architecture, PLLC
Church to President: Close GitMo
Church urges President Bush to restore constitutional integrity by allowing due process for Guantanamo Bay detainees. - June 15, 2008 - North American Old Catholic Church
The United States Revealed in Bible Prophecy
Book sheds new light on the separation of church and state. - June 14, 2008 - Remnant Publications - Setting a New Standard in Social Networking
The need for a clean, safe, social network for you and your kids is easy to see in light of recent news. has set out to be just that. Challenging people to a higher moral standard, they are making waves for those surfing the internet. - June 13, 2008 - TheDesperate
Nine Years in the Ministry and Community
What started as a small vision in the eyes of Bishop Veynell Warren has now come to fruition as the New Believers Missionary Baptist Church celebrates 9 years ministering to the community. The dates for the church anniversary are July 7 – July 9 (7pm nightly) with closing ceremony on July 13... - June 12, 2008 - New Believers Missionary Baptist Church
Virginia Governor Commutes Death Sentence of Mentally Ill Inmate
Church applauds Governors display of compassion - urges reforms to prevent future issues. - June 12, 2008 - North American Old Catholic Church
Stonehenge: Ancient Megalithic Site Holds Secret to Earth’s Turbulent Past
Computer systems analyst Dean Talboys has unlocked a previously overlooked aspect of an ancient megalithic site in Wiltshire, England, which indicates a major catastrophic event at the end of the last Ice Age 13,000 years ago that could have been caused by the rapid decline of the polar ice caps. - June 11, 2008 - Dean Talboys
Author Bill Misset of "Awakening the Soul: Book 3: Restoring Your Spiritual Nature" to be Guest on Paranormal Palace Radio
Join Author Bill Misset and radio show host Royce Holleman as they delve into this exciting aspect of human nature, learn how Christianity was the cause of the loss of humanities divine gifts, learn the steps necessary to regain them. - June 11, 2008 - Paranormal Palace
Jamaica Connects Faith with Tourism
Government officials commend Miles Ahead's humanitarian work on the island. The Jamaica Government is embracing faith tourism efforts which stimulate the economy and provide medical care to its nationals. Jamaica's Ministry of Health and Environment recently expressed appreciation to the San... - June 07, 2008 - Miles Ahead
Release of Film on China Honours the Life and Death of Hudson Taylor
A documentary film about China is to be released on the anniversary of the death of missions pioneer Hudson Taylor. - June 06, 2008 - Harvest Fields Commissioning International
Joel Osteen’s Audio Podcast Hits #3 on iTunes
Joel Osteen Ministries announced today that their audio Podcast reached No. 3 in the list of all Podcasts on iTunes this week. Joel Osteen’s audio Podcast has been in or near the top 10 on iTunes since January of 2007. Over 42 million people have requested the audio Podcast of Joel... - June 05, 2008 - Lakewood Church
New Illustrated Prophecy Study Tool Presents Explosive Present Truth
A one-of-a-kind witnessing resource that will infuse church evangelism and mission work with power as the world appears on the precipice of perilous times. - June 05, 2008 - Orion Publishing
New E-Zine Asserts: Earth Changes Signal the Emergence of a New Golden Age
Golden Age Today,, is dedicated to understanding the current Earth changes from a spiritual point of view. - June 03, 2008 - Golden Age Today Celebrates Saint Joan of Arc's Feast Day
Joan of Arc's feast day is celebrated every year on May 30th and is a chance to remember her for the great woman that she was and to celebrate her life. To honor Joan of Arc, has set up a special page about Joan of Arc's feast day. - June 01, 2008 -
Ordaining Women is a Fulfillment of the Gospel
Bishops of this church continue their commitment to the ordination of women. - June 01, 2008 - North American Old Catholic Church
Paranormal Palace Radio Talk Show Host Interviews Author of Spirit Rescues
The stories in this collection are based upon actual events. In some cases the names have been changed to protect the innocent. These accounts take you on an amazing journey on how it all began, and what led Seirra to become a Spirit Rescuer. - May 31, 2008 - Paranormal Palace
One Man Trains Muslims Around the World in the Art of Media
Any Muslim with an interest in media work will have the rare opportunity to learn the ins and outs of mass communication starting May 31, 2008. Belal Khan, founder of Leechon Films, will be conducting a one time only webinar on film making. The system he created is called Message Mastery; made by... - May 31, 2008 - Message Mastery
Veteran Disney Animator Releases Second Children's Storybook, Colorful Tale of Adventure, Struggle and Faith That Captures the Imagination
Independent film producer, illustrator and art director, Davy Liu, will release his second children's book, Fire Fish, on June 28, 2008. Inspired by historical events from the book of Exodus, Liu weaves an colorful tale of adventure, struggle and faith that captures the imagination. - May 30, 2008 - Kendu Films
"Healing the World with Dharma," Celebrating 2551st Anniversary of Vesak Day with Teaching by H. H. Dagchen Rinpoche at New York University on June 16
The Vikramasila Foundation, Palden Sakya Centers of Tibetan Buddhism, and Tsechen Kunchab Ling offer a celebration of Vesak Day, the 2551st anniversary of the Buddha's birth, enlightenment, and mahpariniravana, with a teaching by H. H. Dagchen Rinpoche, one of the supreme heads of Sakya Buddhism,... - May 30, 2008 - The Vikramasila Foundation
New Benefits Package Offered to Clergy
Church continues its commitment to support clergy, so they can be successful in their ministries, by offering a wide array of new benefits. - May 30, 2008 - North American Old Catholic Church
Old Catholic Clergy Ordination Set for Baltimore, MD
Sharp increase in vocations to the Old Catholic Priesthood brings a new level of service to the city of Baltimore. Archbishop cites a renewed concern in the US for the environment, the less fortunate, and the marginalized that is calling people to action. - May 29, 2008 - North American Old Catholic Church
Just Cause Awarded Catholic Campaign for Human Development Grant to Assist Refugees with Job Advancement
Just Cause, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization Founded by Lorrie King. - May 23, 2008 - Just Cause, Inc.
All We Need is Love? First Time Wisconsin Author Says Love is All We Need
Wisconsin author Matthew James Nygren is reviving the work of love in everyday life by unifying the plethora of teachings from all the people he has encountered and publishing them in book form on, the online marketplace for digital content. All his life, through listening, reading,... - May 21, 2008 - Matthew James Nygren
Lucas Parry and The GO Concert Set to Invade Australia/NZ
Independent Christian recording artist set to ignite a passion for mission and social action with highly anticipated multimedia concert tour. - May 20, 2008 - The GO Concert