Religion News
Stay true to news about organized religions, multi-faith events, spirituality and the concept of faith. Includes information about services, books, movies and religious leaders.
Crossroads Church and ThumbPeople Hold Events to Help Individuals “Live an Abundant Life in a Time of Scarcity”
ThumbPeople and Crossroads Church partner together to encourage and strengthen individuals. - May 23, 2009 - ThumbPeople, Inc.
Edward Tick Talks About "How the Warrior Heals from War" with Christina Pratt on Why Shamanism Now?
Teacher, author, and founder of The Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing Christina Pratt talks with guest Dr. Edward Tick about "War and the Soul: How the Warrior Heals from War" in the third of a four-part series exploring war, the soul, and shamanic healing on her show "Why Shamanism Now? A Practical Path to Authenticity". - May 22, 2009 - Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing
Architarium Commends Passage of Texas House Bill 1404 for Columbariums
Legislation Allows Churches More Freedom to Create Structures for Cremated Remains. Architarium, a US columbarium manufacturing business, today commends state legislators for the passage of Texas House Bill 1404, allowing more flexibility in the establishment and use of columbarium structures by... - May 20, 2009 - Architarium
Israel Ministry of Tourism - Pope Benedict XVI Visits the Western Wall
Pope Benedict XVI: “Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.” Pope Benedict XVI continued his historic pilgrimage through the Holy Land earlier Tuesday, visiting the Western Wall in Jerusalem, the Roman-era Temple remnant that represents Judaism’s holiest place and the most-visited... - May 19, 2009 - Israel Ministry of Tourism
New Book on Immortality Provides Alternative Preventative Health Practices to Increase Life Expectancy and Decrease Health Care Costs
Martin K. Ettington’s newly revised book, Immortality: A History and How to Guide (Revised 2009), Or How to live to 150 Years and beyond, includes chapters on the Spiritual, Energy, and Physical bodies we all have, and how to synchronize them to increase everyone’s long term health. Given the current national debate on health care plans and the need to improve preventative health planning to save money, it’s time for alternative views of human health and longevity to be seriously debated. - May 17, 2009 - M.K. Ettington Books
ThumbPeople Announces Its Imprint Ministry
ThumbPeople establishes its Imprint Ministry to fund church ministries. - May 15, 2009 - ThumbPeople, Inc.
1,000,000 Christians Change the Internet on June 16, 2009 with a Live Online Bible Study
The Christian Living Bible Institute and Two Sons of One, LLC believe that God created the Internet for a reason. On June 16th, 2009, the web site will host the largest online Bible study in the world. - May 14, 2009 - Christian Living Ministry, Inc.
Life Changers 13th Edition a Depression Era Self Help Book Made for Today's Solutions
The book focuses on a man named Frank Buchman, FB, who affects the lives of many people with hi teachings and stories. - May 14, 2009 -
Former Roster Artist Comes Back to Roost in Management at Incubator Creative Group
Incubator Founder and President, Nate Sakany, is upbeat about the addition of Leah to the company team. "It's a wonderful reward to see an artist you've worked with develop a thriving ministry," says Sakany. "Leah is a perfect example of someone who has applied the principles of Incubator and made them work. Adding Leah to our development team just seemed like a natural decision given our history and relationship." - May 13, 2009 - Incubator Creative Group
Fulfilling Your Life’s Course: Discover Your Purpose
New Book Helps Numerous People Discover How to Find Their Purpose and Fulfill it Even During Hard Times - May 13, 2009 - Dawn Epting
Thrivent Builds Commits Largest Gift Ever to Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity for Ten Homes
A kick-off event celebrating the partnership will be held on Monday, May 18, from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. at 1605 Case Avenue in St. Paul, Minn. Speakers include St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman, Congresswoman Betty McCollum, Habitat homebuyer Abraham Shokiyo, and representatives from Thrivent Builds and Habitat for Humanity. - May 12, 2009 - Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity
Rev. Shaman John-Luke Edwards Talks to Christina Pratt on Why Shamanism Now? Radio Show on May 13
In an episode titled “Shamans Are Sent as an Answer to Prayer”, teacher, author, and founder of the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing Christina Pratt talks to Reverend Shaman John-Luke Edwards, MA, PhD. on her show "Why Shamanism Now? A Practical Path to Authenticity." - May 10, 2009 - Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing
Lama Pema Wangdak Receives 2009 Ellis Island Medal of Honor
The Venerable Lama Pema Wandak, director of the Palden Sakya Centers and the Vikramasila Foundation, has been chosen by the National Ethnic Coalition of Organizations (NECO) to receive an Ellis Island Medal of Honor in a ceremony on Saturday, May 9, 2009. He is the first Tibetan to receive this award, which ranks among this country’s most prestigious and is officially recognized by both the US Senate and the US House of Representatives. - May 10, 2009 - The Vikramasila Foundation
Readings by Jackie Professional Psychic Has Come Up with a Variety of Ways for Readings
She has spent many years reading for her family and friends before taking her gift to a professional level. Now working full time as a professional psychic, published author, radio host, and paranormal investigator, she enjoys her chosen career tremendously. - May 08, 2009 - Psychic Readings By Jackie
OurChurch.Com Celebrates Search Marketing Month with Info and Deals
OurChurch.Com, a leading provider of custom web design, hosting, search marketing, and advertising services to Christian organizations and individuals, has announced a month long initiative to educate people about search engine marketing and make search marketing more affordable for churches and... - May 07, 2009 - OurChurch.Com
"Initiation and Why We Need It Desperately" on the May 6 Edition of Why Shamanism Now? Radio Show on Voice America
Teacher, author, and founder of the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing Christina Pratt focuses on initiation as the thing we need most from shamanism on her show "Why Shamanism Now? A Practical Path to Authenticity." - May 05, 2009 - Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing
Prophet Bryant W. Hewitt Announces Intense Homeless Program
National mininstry through Prayerful Sponsorship go after the ever growing population of the homeless through concert of prayers and media ties and experienced ties in the entertainment industry. - May 03, 2009 - mcn ministries
In Habit and Running Shoes, Sister Mary Beth Llloyd to Race 100 Miles from Key Largo to Key West
Vatican “Path to Peace” Award Winner to Run Second Annual KEYS100 Prostate Cancer Benefit Race on May 16-17. - May 03, 2009 - UltraSports, LLC
Rescuing Christmas, Inc. Launches to Preserve Christmas and Easter One Advertisement at a Time
Rescuing Christmas, Inc. (, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to keeping the words and meanings of Christmas and Easter alive in the public domain through the purchase of advertising space in all media outlets launched today. - May 01, 2009 - Rescuing Christmas, Inc.
The Greening of Spirituality: Green Entrepreneurs Permeate Every Segment of the New Economy
In the midst of an economic downturn, there is a new entrepreneurial optimism emerging throughout the country. It’s the belief that a solution to our historic recession lies in the creation of jobs and businesses that incorporate sustainability and will give birth to a New Green Economy. That ingenuity is permeating every facet of society- even spirituality. A new e-business called Synergy Beads launched in March of 2009 with the goal of merging sustainability with spirituality. - April 30, 2009 - Synergy Beads
Church Issues Guidelines on Swine Flu
In light of the declared health emergency, the church is modifying several religious practices to prevent transmission of swine flu at its services. - April 30, 2009 - North American Old Catholic Church
Cantcha, Inc. – Releases “Our Daily Bread” a New Christian iPhone and iPod Touch Application on iTunes
Cantcha, Inc . the makers of iMissal has released “Our Daily Bread”, another iPhone and iPod touch application for the Christian community. Enjoy a unique and thought provoking Bible verse for every day of the year displayed on a beautiful background. Choose from three different Bible... - April 28, 2009 - Cantcha, Inc.
A Meaningful Life and a Solution to the “God Wars” Offered in Award-Winning New Book
"Return to Meaning: The American Psyche in Search of its Soul," by Dr. Andrew Cort, D.C., J.D., Redefines Religious Meaning and Its Importance for a Scientific Age. - April 27, 2009 - Andrew Cort
New Book: Speaking Tips from Joel Osteen & Other Inspiring Communicators
Joel Osteen featured among extraordinary leaders and managers in Carmine Gallo’s book, Fire Them Up! - April 27, 2009 - Carmine Gallo
Do Catholic Schools Have a Future - a Catholic Digest Special Report
Catholic Digest explores whether or not Catholic schools can survive in these trying times, and what the value of Catholic schooling is to those who advocate for the survival. - April 26, 2009 - Catholic Digest
Reaching Out to Micronesians
Church working with Micronesian Government to protect the rights of Micronesian Nationals living in the US. - April 25, 2009 - North American Old Catholic Church
Monster Trucks Introduce Christian Values in New Children's Book
Faithful Crushers Series: Loving Others by Kasey M. Carter introduces Christian values into the wonderful sport of monster truck racing. What better way to reach this huge fan base about God than to use monster trucks to tell of God’s love and teach important lessons by using God’s Word as a reference. - April 24, 2009 - Tate Publishing & Enterprises
Spotlight Radio Ministries Launches New Online Radio Ministry
Spotlight Radio Ministries interviews Christian Men and Women, and those who have been touched by His Grace and Mercy, using to help spread the message of Salvation. - April 23, 2009 - Spotlight Radio Ministries
CLASSEMINARS Announces New Writer’s Conference Director and New Location
CLASSEMINARS names Linda Gilden to new writers conference director position and announces dates and location for the conference: Abiquiu, New Mexico, November 4-8, 2009 - April 22, 2009 - CLASSEMINARS, INC
Heavens Best Ministries
Angelo O. Jones Ministries. Heavens Best Healing & Deliverance Baptist Church. - April 21, 2009 - Angelo O Jones Ministries
Tor Books Announces the April 28, 2009 Launch of Author S.J. Day's New Urban Fantasy Series Releasing Consecutively Over Three Months Starting with Eve of Darkness
Fueled by the economic downturn, the demand for escapist fiction is on the rise. Urban fantasy—fantastical tales set in recognizable milieus—is unquestionably the strongest selling fantasy sub-genre. S.J. Day explodes onto the urban fantasy scene with a thrilling new series. In this modern, inventive take on a classic Biblical tale, formerly agnostic Evangeline finds herself struggling with her new demon-killing job and her two loves—Cain and Abel. - April 16, 2009 - S. J. Day
In New Book, Hannibal Books' Author Says Old Testament Still Relevant for Americans
New book takes a journey with veteran author Joe E. Tarry through story after dramatic story in the Old Testament to see how Satan tries to undermine the spiritual growth of believers, how God protects them, and how Americans today can learn from this. - April 15, 2009 - Hannibal Books
New Book Release: The Christian, Stand Up and Fight; The Law According to Gods Word
Las Vegas Christian Author Victorya released her powerful new book, The Christian, Stand Up and Fight, with biblical based answers to counter the latest assaults on Christian faith. Paperback available in large print as well as on Amazon Kindle where your purchase is instant and where digial text platform has become the new wave of the future for download reading. - April 11, 2009 - Messages of Faith Ministry
Ministry Launches New Web Site to Explore Christian Peace and Simplicity
The Virtual Hermitary Web site went live on Good Friday offering original essays, sermons and daily devotionals for Christians interested in learning more about a life of Christ-like simplicity and peace. Visitors will find a growing selection of essays, e-books and sermons designed to challenge... - April 11, 2009 - Amy Jo Garner Ministries
Church of the Earth Sponsors Central NC Pagan Pride Day 2009
For the 4th year in a row, the Church of the Earth of Raleigh, NC has become a Sponsor for the annual Central NC Pagan Pride Day festival. - April 10, 2009 - Central NC Pagan Pride Day Festival
The Reformed Theology Institute (RTI) and The North American Reformed Seminary (TNARS) Announce Joint Collaboration
Dr. Patrick L. Reilly, General Manager, RTI, and Dr. Lawrence E. Bray, President, TNARS, announce today their joint collaboration for the support of enrolled students in the The North American Reformed Seminary degree programs. - April 09, 2009 - Ask Mr. Religion
The Voice Magazine Seeks Citizen Journalists for TEA Party Coverage
International Christian magazine looks for patriots to offer reports, photos and videos from rallies across the nation as part of its coverage of this historic event. - April 07, 2009 - The Voice Magazine
Explore Easter Before Christ with Dr. Betty J. Kovacs
The Kamlak Center presents Dr. Betty J. Kovacs, author of The Miracle of Death, to discuss Easter Before Christ with Suzane Northrop on April 13. - April 07, 2009 - The Kamlak Center
Putting Pencils in the Hands of Future Leaders: Oakland Community College Partners with Operation: Kid Equip to Change Children's Lives
Call it a lesson in social responsibility, the “pay it forward” concept, or just smart educating. Whatever you call it, Oakland Community College has partnered with Michigan-based Operation: Kid Equip on a college-wide school supply drive called “You can Be the Change in a... - April 06, 2009 - Operation: Kid Equip Releases Its First Book. Is Hitler In Heaven? The New Book by Mike Cullison Claims He Is.
Mike Cullison has released his first book, Is Hitler in Heaven? ($19.99 ISBN: 978-0-615-28820-8) This book explores the questions of humanity, religion, science, evolution, and the Universe. It is the author's opinion that "Hitler believed in God, and the Bible says that if you believe in God,... - April 04, 2009 - Mike Cullison
Mel Wacks, Director of Jewish-American Hall of Fame, Contributes Historic Medal Dies to Hebraic Section of the Library of Congress
In 2004, the national committee celebrating 350 Years of Jewish Life in America distributed commemorative medals throughout the country, including one to President Bush. The head of the medal committee, Mel Wacks, has now contributed the original medal dies to the Hebraic Section of the Library of Congress in the hope that they will be exhibited during the 400th anniversary celebration and beyond. - April 04, 2009 - Jewish-American Hall of Fame
Encouragement for Christians Struggling in the Current Economy Publishes LOADED WITH BENEFITS by Ollie and Daisy Buckner - March 29, 2009 - Ollie and Daisy Buckner
Cantcha Launches iMissal on iTunes – The first Catholic Missal / Missalette for iPhone and iPod Touch
Just in time for Easter. iMissal is the first true Catholic Missal / Missalette application for iPhone and iPod Touch. - March 26, 2009 - Cantcha, Inc.
New Community Church in Southern Maryland Rallies Around Baby Girl with Sickness so Rare It Could Bear Her Name
Residents, Business Owners, and Church Members go Door-to-Door to Raise Awareness and Funds for Baby to Cover Medical and Living Expenses Surrounding Rare Genetic Condition. - March 26, 2009 - New Community COGIC
Ugly Hermit Finds a Home in St. Paul's Episcopal Church
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, located in Waldorf, Maryland, has opened its doors and kitchen to the Ugly Hermit Cookie Company, a Maryland-based start-up. - March 23, 2009 - Ugly Hermit Cookie Company
Judas Iscariot: Traitor or Hero? Firsthand Account Reveals What Really Happened
Published decades before the highly-publicized discovery of the lost Gospel of Judas, and its revelation that Jesus asked Judas to betray him, The Flight of the Feathered Serpent by Armando Cosani correlates precisely with it. Newly translated, it brings to light new and remarkable spiritual teachings by giving a firsthand account of what really happened in those critical events that shaped human history. - March 22, 2009 - Absolute Publishing Press
Local Author Publishes Book About Worldwide Spiritual Phenomenon
Sonoma County California author J. Scott Husted has written his first book about a burgeoning worldwide spiritual phenomenon, The House of Prayer, and published it with, the online marketplace for publishing and digital content. Mr. Husted, who presently lives between California and South... - March 21, 2009 - J. Scott Husted
New York-Based Artist Depicts Playboy Bunny Logo as a Deity
As a commentary on censorship in China, hot new artist R. Lloyd Ming creates a sculpture in which Buddha experiences true enlightenment by worshiping the Playboy Bunny logo as a modern-day golden calf. - March 19, 2009 - R. Lloyd Ming Studio
CLASSeminars Names New President
New Corporation Board of Directors Meet, Name Officers, Plan The Board of Directors of CLASSEMINARS, INC. named Gerry Wakeland of Albuquerque, New Mexico, President of the corporation at its first annual board meeting. CLASSEMINARS, INC is a 501c3 corporation which presents training seminars for... - March 14, 2009 - CLASSEMINARS, INC
Betterdaze(TM) Hypnosis Publishes New Book Critical of Scientology
Following its business plan that, in part, is to publish “on-topic/related subject articles and books,” Betterdaze(TM) Hypnosis recently published its first book, Hollywood, Satanism, Scientology, and Suicide by American author and professional hypnotist, Jerry Staton. Mr. Staton... - March 12, 2009 - Betterdaze Hypnosis