Religion News
Stay true to news about organized religions, multi-faith events, spirituality and the concept of faith. Includes information about services, books, movies and religious leaders.
Christian Web Host, OurChurch.Com, Allies with Christian Associations
OurChurch.Com, a leading provider of custom web design, hosting, marketing, and advertising services to Christian organizations and individuals, has announced a new initiative to ally with large Christian associations, such as church denominations and Christian school associations. Called the... - March 12, 2009 - OurChurch.Com
Yeah, I Got a Prayer for That: People Are Turning to Prayer for Answers in 2009
DRM Productions unveils “Donny’s Prayers” multimedia concept at Stage 52 on March 26th. Kicks off 40 Days of Prayer leading up to the National Day of Prayer. “A Nation United in Prayer Can Stand Strong” - March 11, 2009 - DRM Productions
New Children's Book from Capstone Productions Teaches That God is Not so Distant When a Child Needs Help
A touching new storybook helps children understand how to reach and communicate with God. - March 10, 2009 - Capstone Productions LLC Announces the New Gospel Online Community
If you are a Christian and a believer of Christ, then Gospelville is the place to be. - March 10, 2009 -
New Book on "Islamic Jihad" Essential for Understanding the Ongoing Jihadi Violence Globally and Its Future Implications
In "Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism and Slavery," author M. A. Khan claims that "Jihad is overridingly, if not absolutely, violent and inhuman by nature", and its history is filled harrowing tales of "forced conversion, brutal imperialism and devastating slavery." - March 08, 2009 -
Key to Immortality––Commentary on Gospel of Thomas by Stanislaw Kapuscinski
Original translation of Gnostic text of 114 sayings of Jesus. Author offers his explanation to the secret knowledge, providing the reader with the Key to Immortality promised in the first logion. - March 08, 2009 - inhousepress
Church to Offer Health Care Benefits
Full heath care and dental plan to launch June 1, 2009. The North American Old Catholic Church, in its continued efforts to support its current clergy and attract new clergy and seminarians will offer comprehensive health care benefits to its clergy, seminarians, and lay staff beginning June 1,... - March 08, 2009 - North American Old Catholic Church
Velocity Church Cancels Worship Service to Serve the Community
On Sunday, March 8th Velocity Christian Church will turn the sermon into action, and “be the church” by sending its members out into the community to carry out specific service projects. - March 07, 2009 - Velocity Christian Church
Fighting for Peace Helps Christians Confront Conflict with Character
Dr. Dennis D. Morgan encourages readers to see conflict as an invitation from God to strengthen relational closeness in Fighting for Peace, the new book being released in April from Watertree Press. - March 03, 2009 - Watertree Press LLC
Park Street Church Celebrates Its Bicentennial
"Brimstone" corner marks its 200th anniversary on February 27, 2009. This historic church on Boston's Freedom Trail has played an important role in American history. Special events to celebrate the bicentennial will be sponsored by the church throughout 2009 and into 2010. - March 01, 2009 - Park Street Church
Jews in Dallas Have Choice with New Bar/Bat Mitzvah Option
Rabbi David Gruber of Frisco, Texas, gives Jews in the heartland an alternative option to the standard synagogue based bar/ bat mitzvah. The celebration, personalized to each family, is much more relaxed and is not performance oriented. - February 26, 2009 - Bar & Bat Mitzvahs Rabbi Invites Churches to Raise Funds with New Decal Program
Budgeting for a new church entrance sign can be tough in this economy. It can now be a lot easier on your church budget with EZSignsOnline's Christian Fundraiser Free window decals. If your church needs a new entrance sign, these decals are a great way to raise funds quickly. - February 25, 2009 - LLC
"Real Talk" an African American Woman Has Written a Religious Book About Her Vision of Christ
In a world where "Good News" is needed it's time to praise and acknowledge Jesus...He is alive y'all! Are you ready for an enlightening, Religious Autobiographical book that tackles spirituality head on from an African American Woman's perspective? - IF YOU WANT YOUR LIFE, YOU HAVE TO FIGHT!!! THE BRENDA SAW JESUS STORY (148 pp.,tpb, $14.95) - February 23, 2009 - BSJ
New Release: In the Realm of God, a Miraculous Visit from Jesus
New Amazon Kindle Release: In The Realm of God This is a True Story based on a Divine Manifestation that occurred in 1998, where Author Victorya came face to face with Jesus. His Message on Forgiveness. A Three Fold Controversial Story on Spirituality, Inspiration and NV. Mental Health Law. - February 22, 2009 - Messages of Faith Ministry
Anne Hendershott's, Status Envy Evaluates the Politics of Catholic Higher Education
Transaction Publishers releases a new title by Anne Hendershott called Status Envy. This book argues that the secularization process occurring on many campuses is not the "natural" byproduct of modernization, but rather, the result of those seeking control over the culture and curriculum of Catholic colleges and universities. - February 12, 2009 - Transaction Publishers
26 April is an International Web Focus Day for Churches
Internet Evangelism Day is an annual worldwide focus day for churches, to be held Sunday 26 April 2009. Their website provides free downloads to create a customized focus spot, and is also a year-round resource guide on all aspects of online evangelism. - February 07, 2009 - Internet Evangelism Day Author Presents Mapping the World: A Faith Perspective
Ward Kaiser presents a series of exciting and innovative events in Westerville, Ohio, February 21 – 22. Kaiser was the original English-language publisher of the Peters World Map. The map was featured on the West Wing Television show and created a firestorm of controversy within the cartographic establishment. The current series will explore how maps reflect our value systems and reshape and influence our values and faith. - February 06, 2009 - ODT, Inc. Hits Over 3000 Sermons with 225 Ministers Contributing has been helping pastors come up with sermon outlines since 2002 now hosts over 3000 sermons online with 225 ministers contributing. - February 05, 2009 - preachit ministires
Feb and March at Shirat Shalom in Elgin
Some of Feb and March activities at Shirat Shalom in Elgin. New families welcome to visit. - February 05, 2009 - Congregation Shirat Shalom
OurChurch.Com Launches New Custom CMS Website Packages with No Up Front Fee
OurChurch.Com, a leading provider of web design, hosting, marketing, and advertising services to Christian organizations and individuals, has launched its new Custom CMS Website packages. The Custom CMS Website packages were developed to provide a way for organizations to get a highly functional... - February 04, 2009 - OurChurch.Com
Kneadful-Things Launches Online Wiccan Supply Store
Kneadful-Things has recently launched their brand new, high quality designed website to further provide the products and services that the Wiccan and Pagan community need to practice their craft. - February 01, 2009 - Kneadful-Things
The Top 25 Things Black Folks Do That We Need to Stop!!! A Breakdown and Analysis of 25 Self-Perpetuated Issues That Adversely Affect the African-American Community
Publication Date: July 1, 2009 (First Edition) Trade Paperback; $18.00; 248 pages; ISBN-13: 978-0-9792953-2-4, ISBN-10: 0-9792953-2-7; LCCN: 008911817. To request a complimentary paperback review copy, contact the publisher at (organizations only please). To purchase copies of this book for personal use or resale, contact Ingram Book Company, Barnes and Noble, or - January 31, 2009 - Full Surface Publishing
Celestine Publishing Released Fifth Book in the Principles with Promise Series for The Doctrine and Covenants of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Celestine Publishing announced the publishing of its fifth book in the Principles with Promise series; this time a concordance cataloging more than eight hundred principles found in The Doctrine and Covenants of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. - January 30, 2009 - Celestine Publishing, LLC
Wobblimind Media Releases Dancing in Amdo DVD
The Most Complete Report Produced to Date Concerning the Tibet/China Crisis now on DVD exclusively available at Amazon. - January 27, 2009 - Wobblimind Media
Shirat Shalom Invites Guests 2/6 Tu Bish'vat seder
Shirat Shalom is hosting a Tu Bish'vat seder on 2/6 and Shabbat services on 2/7. - January 27, 2009 - Congregation Shirat Shalom
Southern California FIRE/EMS Paying Special Attention to Church Disaster Preparedness
More and more churches realize they do not have the expertise to prepare for natural disasters without the help of disaster preparedness consultants such as Southern California FIRE/EMS. - January 23, 2009 - Southern California FIRE & EMS
Family Christian Movies Announces Jan 27 DVD Release of Fireproof, the Hit Christian Film with Kirk Cameron
Fireproof has impacted Christian theater goers with it's positive message and quality production. Produced by Sherwood Pictures, the creators of Flywheel and Facing the Giants, Fireproof will be released to DVD on January 27. Family Christian Movies is offering many significant discounts and promotions in coordination with the DVD release of Fireproof. - January 22, 2009 - Lukas Media LLC
Affordable Renewable Energy Solutions for Oklahoma's Businesses, Churches, Municipalities, Schools, Casinos, Etc.
Code Green Energy offers affordable wind turbines and solar panels for consumers and businesses. They provide free, no obligation energy analyses and help with financial incentive paperwork. - January 20, 2009 - Code Green Energy
Empower Good Issues $100 Challenge
To celebrate the launch of a new Christian online community, Empower Good issues the $100 challenge. Contestants are invited to describe how they would change their world for $100. Contestants gain exposure for their cause and the winner, of course, receives $100. “We believe in the power of... - January 17, 2009 - Empower Good
Launch of New Church Promises to Change the Face of Religion
The Vibe in Fullerton, Ca announces the February 1st launch of an unorthodox church that chooses inclusion over religion in an attempt to reach those who find the traditional church irrelevant. - January 15, 2009 - The Vibe Church
Baumco Products Proudly Announces Its Acquisition of the Exclusive Rights to the Exquisite, Hand Sculpted Jewelry Work of Michael De Medina
Baumco Products has been in business since 1976 and has been the creator of many sports and Advertising Specialty products. As an admirer of the sculptors work he is thrilled to have acquired the rights to the line of jewelry. These products were created in the year 2000 but were never offered for... - January 09, 2009 - Baumco Products
Church Expands National Staff
Top level staff to work on growth, expansion and stability The North American Old Catholic Church, in its continued efforts to reach the un-churched and those marginalized by other church bodies, announced today a dramatic expansion of their national office staff. “The strategic staff... - January 09, 2009 - North American Old Catholic Church
Move Into Action Interviews Dr. Chuck Stecker About 70% of Teens Leaving the Church After Completion of High School
The next generation of adults is turning away from the faith of their parents in record numbers. What can we as parents do to prevent this in our own kids? - January 08, 2009 - Move Into Action
Church Launches New Journal - The Gabriel
A quarterly Journal focusing on Independent Sacramental Spirituality. The Gabriel- A Journal of Independent Sacramental Spirituality was released today through the Old Catholic Publishing Group, the publishing house of the North American Old Catholic Church. The Gabriel is a journal that will be... - January 08, 2009 - North American Old Catholic Church
New and Unique Catholic 2009 Planner has designed a new weekly planner to help the busy catholic organize their life and allows Catholics to learn more about their faith. - January 07, 2009 - My Church Planner
Milton Berle Inducted Into Jewish-American Hall of Fame
Milton Berle is the 39th inductee into the Jewish-American Hall of Fame, a non-profit, educational project, founded in 1969. Previous honorees have included Albert Einstein, George Gershwin, Benny Goodman, Golda Meir and Hank Greenberg. A portrait plaque has been added to the exhibit on display at the headquarters of B’nai B’rith in Washington DC. - January 03, 2009 - Jewish-American Hall of Fame
Bishop Veynell Warren, D.D. Recaps 2008 for the New Believers Missionary Baptist Church
The secular world talks about New Year's resolutions, whereas at the New Believers Missionary Baptist Church, our resolutions settled along the scriptures. - December 31, 2008 - New Believers Missionary Baptist Church
Church Consulting Organization Announces Re-Imaging Services
New Church Specialties, a church consulting organization, launches a branding and marketing service for churches. - December 31, 2008 - New Church Specialties
New Book Decodes the Word of God, Reveals Hard Truth and Contradictions to Tradition
Presented as nonfiction, the book The Word of God: What it Really Meant Volume I presents a novel interpretation of the word of God and the gospel according to John, the disciple of Jesus, through a unique and ingenious method of deciphering the words and verses from the scriptures to the documents in the life of Jesus. - December 24, 2008 - Job Ovenda
C.J. Manahey to Preach Two Sundays at Sovereign Grace Church in Apex NC
C.J. Mahaney, president of Sovereign Grace Ministries, will be visiting Sovereign Grace Church in Apex NC to preach two messages on January 25th 2009 and February 8th 2009. - December 19, 2008 - Sovereign Grace Church
'Soul Currency' is Main Street's Hope to Create Wall Street Value and Abundance, says Author Ernest D. (Ernie) Chu
Ernest D. (Ernie) Chu, a former Wall Street investment banker and capital markets expert, offers a message of hope and practical inspiration for Main Street in his new book, "Soul Currency: Investing Your Inner Wealth for Fulfillment and Abundance." - December 17, 2008 - Soul Currency Institute
Elevated Existence Magazine Features Dr. Wayne Dyer as Cover Story
New spiritual magazine launched June 2008 features Dr. Wayne Dyer on the cover of its December 2008 issue talking about his latest work, and the digital publication also launches blog called “Elevated Ideas Online” to bring even more news, views and inspiration to its readers -- for free. - December 17, 2008 - Elevated Existence LLC
Startup Nonprofit Launches Magazine to Share Christian Perspectives
The nonprofit organization New Identity Magazine recently launched a new publication by the same name to help introduce Christianity and Christian perspectives to people who come from a variety of backgrounds, cultures, and ethnicities. - December 13, 2008 - New Identity Magazine
Christmas Season Takes Its Toll on Pastors; Pastor Burnout Rises During the Holiday Season
PastorCare offers hurting clergy help during stressful times. - December 10, 2008 - PastorCare
Cactus Kallah 2009 Early Registration to Close Soon
This year, the theme is Ushavtemayim Besason, Drawing water of Joy - Celebrating the joys of water, especially in the high desert of Tucson. TSC chose this theme to acknowledge that the intention of this gathering is indeed a sacred one: l'shem shamayim, for the sake of heaven and that all are composed mostly of water and the time in the desert helps one to see the importance of water and joy in life. - December 09, 2008 - Congregation Ner Tamid
Lion's & Eagles Summit Features Int'L Recording Artist Jesse Campbell
International Recording Artist Jesse Campbell will be the featured Psalmist at upcoming Lion's & Eagles Summit in Charleston, South Carolina this Friday. - December 05, 2008 - Jesse Campbell
Author Jim Pruitt to be Interviewed on FamilyNet
Jim Pruitt will be interviewed by the hosts of Mornings (a television and satellite radio show of FamilyNet) concerning his controversial new novel “Measure of Faith” ( on December 8th, 2008. Mornings airs from 6-9 am (eastern) on Sirius Satellite Radio channel... - December 02, 2008 - Jim Pruitt
A New Way to Buy Christian and Family DVDs - Brought to You by Lukas Media LLC., an online store selling family and Christian movies on DVD has recently been launched by Lukas Media LLC just in time for the 2008 holiday Season. - December 01, 2008 - Lukas Media LLC
HIV/AIDS in the Church, Pastor Tackles Tough Topic
Sacramento Mega-church Lead Pastor Rick Cole of Capital Christian Center has a tough task in front of him. He must communicate hope on what was once considered a taboo subject from the pulpit. The HIV/AIDS pandemic will be the topic his Sunday sermon concluding with an offer of free and confidential HIV/AIDS testing from Sacramento Center For AIDS Research, Education and Services (CARES). - November 30, 2008 - Capital Christian Center
Great Reviews for The Forgotten Roots: A Beginners Guide to The Judaic Roots of Christianity
The Director of MDDL Discernment and Study Ministry has produced a best selling book that is receiving many positive reviews. With so many Christian books promoting man and what man wants it is refreshing to have a book that points man back to G-d. - November 22, 2008 - MDDL Discernment and Study Ministry