Religion News
Stay true to news about organized religions, multi-faith events, spirituality and the concept of faith. Includes information about services, books, movies and religious leaders. Honors Jewish Festival of Lights
WCPE Offers Special Programming for Chanukah. - November 29, 2007 - WCPE 89.7FM
“Spiritual Water” Makes a Big Splash at International Food & Beverage Show Debut
New Product Attracts Not Only Investors & Distributors but Also Newspapers & Television Stations - November 26, 2007 - Spiritual Brands, Inc.
Jay Cameron's The “Church Mafia” Stage Play Opens to Rave Reviews
The “Church Mafia” Stage Play Opens to Rave Reviews. Special Encore Performance of Controversial “Church Mafia” Play. Former Insider Exposes Alarming Secrets Hidden Inside Many Churches - November 24, 2007 - Urban Change
Catholic Matchmaker – A Success Story
Catholics are avoiding the usual problems that Dating/relationship Sites have, by only allowing paid members to Catholic Matchmaker New Zealand ( . - November 24, 2007 - Catholic Matchmaker New Zealand Ltd
Former Sex Workers Announce Return to the Streets of Las Vegas
Two former Las Vegas sex workers are returning to reach out to men and women working in the sex industry in the casinos and on the Las Vegas Strip. Beginning December 1, 2007, they will be walking the streets and visiting the casinos every Saturday evening. Their goal is to present a simple Gospel message, offer prayer and support, and extend an invitation to visit their church. - November 22, 2007 - Hookers for Jesus
Hope of Israel Congregation Have Moved to a New Location. 1009 Brighton Beach Ave, 2nd Fl Brooklyn, NY 11235. Ph:(718) 872-5080
Hope of Israel Congregation is a Messianic congregation where the word of God is preached first to Jews then all mankind. They are committed to the gospel of grace through our Lord Jesus Christ, to ministry as an expression of "faith working through love," and to the Bible, the written Word of God, as the only infallible and divine authority in all matters of faith and life. - November 21, 2007 - Hope of Israel
Secular Season’s Greetings: Atheists Celebrate the Holiday Season with Help from New Web Site
Now, thanks to e-tailer Order of St. Nick (, atheists finally have their own holiday cards. Order of St. Nick is the holiday alternative for Winter Solstice cards, atheist holiday cards, and gothic Christmas cards. Order of St. Nick serves a diverse customer base, including atheists, agnostics, wiccans, pagans, goths, and many others who celebrate the holidays in an alternative fashion. - November 20, 2007 - Order of St. Nick
New Release for the Book, Jesus "The Keeper of the Truth" by Walter Muller
This release is about a book written by Walter Muller regarding the facts surrounding the differences between the message of the Old and the New Testaments of the Bible. The title of this book is, Jesus "The Keeper of the Truth". - November 20, 2007 - Walter Muller
Discovery of Spiritual India
Divine Destiny leads author to saints who abhorred publicity. A Himalayan journey unexpectedly introduced author Thirumangalakudi Venkatraman to great Indians who abhorred publicity. This was a divine destiny. The world deserve to know them, and saints of India and their life. After years of toiling, foregoing earnings, this book has been produced for the sake of posterity. This is a book on the life of saints. Quote from the book: “This book is an attempt to retell some of those stories. - November 19, 2007 - T. S. Venkatraman
Church Changes Location and Name But Not Heart
Excited church members walked door-to-door throughout the Ballast Point neighborhoods last Sunday inviting all to share in the upcoming celebration of their updated facility at 5101 Bayshore Blvd. The grand opening of South Tampa Fellowship on Sunday, November 18 will commemorate much-anticipated... - November 17, 2007 - South Tampa Fellowship
A Gift of God Pays Up to $1 Million Through The Genesis Project
The Genesis Project presents the Genealogy of Jesus, a remarkable fully embroidered chocolate suede scroll tapestry that depicts the lineage of Jesus Christ. This one-of-a-kind wall hanging brings God’s blessings into our homes. Our churches and non profit organizations will also be blessed because a portion of the profits will be donated with an additional opportunity to have up to $1 Million dollars donated as well. - November 16, 2007 - The Genesis Project
Israel Houghton & New Breed, Tye Tribbett & GA and J. Moss to Bring in the New Year in the Washington DC Area
Grammy, Stellar and Dove award winner Israel Houghton & New Breed and Stellar Award winner Tye Tribbett & GA are scheduled to join Pastor Lyle Dukes, Co-Pastor Deborah Dukes and the Harvest Life Changers Church, International to close out “The Year of the Open Door” and bring in 2008 beginning Friday, December 28, 2007 – Monday, December 31, 2007. - November 14, 2007 - Harvest Life Changers Church, International
Mary Parcells Has Been Selected for Inclusion in the 2007-2008 Princeton Premier Registry
Mary Parcells has been selected for inclusion in the 2007-2008 Princeton Premier Registry. Mary is the President of Virtual Netmarketing Adventures and received her Bachelors Degree in Interdisciplinary Human Growth and Development from Immaculate Heart College. Mary makes her home in Burbank... - November 10, 2007 - Princeton Premier
Million March for God
On October 11th, 2008, starting at 10:00 AM a march will take place at the Washington DC National Mall. Marchers are seeking to make some fundamental changes within our nation and want to bring back prayer to schools and want leaders who are people of God. - November 09, 2007 - Million March for God
NPSA Helps Budget-Minded Churches Save Space
The National Portable Storage Association offers affordable portable storage containers to nonprofit organizations that need extra space – not extra building project expenses. - November 09, 2007 - National Portable Storage Association
Does Science Contradict the Bible Video Series Released Online
Gordon J. Glover, author of Beyond the Firmament: Understanding Science and the Theology of Creation, has released a three-part online video series entitled Does Science Contradict the Bible? - November 09, 2007 - Watertree Press LLC
21st Century Technology Meets the Holy Scriptures with new Itty Bitty Bible
Religious Keepsake Allows You to Carry the Bible 24/7 - November 07, 2007 - Itty Bitty Bible
Mathematics Professor Becomes Mega-Church Pastor
From a University professor to the Pastor of the largest church in Africa, Dr. William Kumuyi’s life has taken a change of direction – definitely for the better. - November 07, 2007 - Harvest Fields Commissioning International
Chicago Churches Look Beyond Race & Religion to Celebrate Thanksgiving
The Third Annual "Miracle on 127th" Street Thanksgiving Celebration unites nearly twenty churches of all denominations and cultures for one community-focused service. - November 04, 2007 - The Lighthouse Church of All Nations
New Book: "Steps Toward the Mark of the Beast"
New Book “Steps Toward the Mark of the Beast” The Christian’s Guide to the How and Why of the Coming Cashless / RFID Economic System Did you know that you will soon be living in a world where: There are no checks, coins or paper money? All your money will exist only as... - November 02, 2007 - Pastor Guest
The Shepherd’s Guide Comes to Greater Roanoke
The Premier Edition of Shepherd's Guide for the Greater Roanoke and surrounding counties is being put together at this time. Total 30,000 copies will be printed and distributed in January 2008. It will list several hundred local Christian businesses, ministries, Christian schools and churches. - October 30, 2007 - The Shepherd's Guide
Tulsa Children's/Youth Evangelist Claims Bible was Never Removed from America's Public Schools
In his new book, "How Are You Doing That?," Bob Heath of Kids for Christ USA says that the Bible was never removed from public schools. According to Heath, "Only mandatory Bible reading and prayer were disallowed from public schools after Madelyn Murray O'Hare's challenge went to the... - October 28, 2007 - Kids for Christ
Princeton Premier Selects Retired Minister Richard W. Pectol for Inclusion in the 2007-2008 Princeton Premier Registry
Princeton Premier selects retired Minister Richard W. Pectol for inclusion in the 2007-2008 Princeton Premier Registry. Richard was a Minister for the Church of Christ for over fifty six years and has taught in seventeen countries around the world. Richard has made a commitment to spreading the... - October 27, 2007 - Princeton Premier
Lisa Kemp-Williams in Clearwater and St. Petersburg, Florida for Television Ministry and Church Concert
Prophetic psalmist to minister on Christian Television in Clearwater, Florida, and in concert at Positive Impact Worldwide Ministries in St. Petersburg, Florida. - October 26, 2007 - LKW Ministries International
Evangelical Christian Author Blogs on Religion and Science
Gordon J. Glover blogs on religion and science from an Evangelical Christian perspective in conjunction with his new book, Beyond the Firmament: Understanding Science and the Theology of Creation. Glover’s blog at highlights the issues related to science and the... - October 24, 2007 - Watertree Press LLC
Reach for Christ Website Launched
Good Christian Resources Made Available through - October 24, 2007 - Reach For Christ
Revolutionary "Spiritual Bottled Water" Delivers Health and Prosperity Through Prayers and Purified Water That Quenches Material and Spiritual Thirst
New Bottled Water Company Launches "Spiritual Water" Product for Believers, and Supports Health, Happiness, and Children's Charity. - October 23, 2007 - Spiritual Brands, Inc.
New Thriller Over 30 Years in the Making
Acclaimed novelist James Houston Turner has launched his latest thriller after a journey of over thirty years. - October 22, 2007 - 2 Oz Productions Pty Ltd
Sanctuary to Release Double CD
Sanctuary, a ritual music ensemble based out of Villanova, PA, will release its new CD Sacred Earth, on November 17. The release party for the ensemble’s new double-CD will take place at the Connelly Center, Villanova University, at 7:30. The release party will begin with cocktails and... - October 21, 2007 - The Augustinians of the Province of Saint Thomas of Villanova
Author Reveals the Truth About Mankind's Misconceptions of God
“Understanding the Truth about God” - Author publishes first book ever, revealing the Truth about mankind’s misconceptions of God. - October 19, 2007 -
Vine Memorial Baptist Church of Philadelphia Celebrates Its 75th Anniversary, "A Journey of Faith"
Rev. Dr. James S. Allen, and the Vine Memorial Baptist Church Celebrates 75 Years of Worship, Evangelism and Community Service to Philadelphia and Vicinity. - October 18, 2007 - vine memorial baptist church
New Day Books & Music Now Available Through Baker & Taylor Distributors
Christian books and music from New Day Publishing are now available through Baker & Taylor, Inc. the leading distributor for libraries and retailers. Libraries and retailers may now order New Day's titles through their Baker & Taylor sales representative. New Day Publishing is dedicated to... - October 18, 2007 - New Day Publishing, Inc.
'Soul Currency' Author Ernest D. (Ernie) Chu Receives Ordination Award
The Rev. Ernest D. (Ernie) Chu received the award of ordination from Religious Science International (RSI) at a special ceremony on Friday, Oct. 12, at The Center for Spiritual Living – Ft. Lauderdale, a Religious Science center in South Florida. “This is the highest award a Religious... - October 16, 2007 - Soul Currency Institute
Bishop Paul S. Morton One of the Guest Speakers During Men’s Conference in Woodbridge, VA
Bishop Paul S. Morton, the Senior Pastor of the 20,000 member, Greater St. Stephen Full Gospel Baptist Church in New Orleans, LA will join Pastor Lyle Dukes of Harvest Life Changers Church, International in Woodbridge, VA for the “Men Impacting the World Conference,” November 7th - 9th. - October 16, 2007 - Harvest Life Changers Church, International
Midwest Dance Troupe Will Host Conference to Give Teenage Girls and Young Women Tools for Living a Positive, Values-Based Life
Kim Sanderson, founder of Jazz For Jesus Dance Team, will offer young females an opportunity to learn a spiritual and practical approach to dealing with difficult life issues during the Broken and Beautiful Conference in Wichita, Kansas - October 15, 2007 - Jazz For Jesus
Brokerage Ranks #1 for Medical Insurance to Religious Pilgrims
A website of The Schaetzel Insurance Agency LLC has been ranked "number one" on the Google search engine for supplementary medical insurance related to religious pilgrims. - October 15, 2007 - The Schaetzel Insurance Agency, LLC
Knights Templar Chronology Goes Online on 700th Anniversary
Saturday, October 13 is the 700th anniversary of the persecution of the Knights Templar Order. George Smart, author of The Knights Templar Chronology, announced today the release of the book's second edition, free and online. This remarkable timeline maps out at a glance the Templars' rise and fall from which so many modern-day groups draw inspiration. - October 13, 2007 - George Smart
Paranormal Palace Radio Show Host Royce Holleman Interviews Bill Misset, Author of Awakening the Soul Gods Psychic Gifts
Did ancient man have powers and abilities that modern man no longer seems to possess? If so what happened to change that? Author Bill Misset Has an answer. After 20 years research into spiritual phenomena which others call psychic phenomena or mystical phenomena Bill has found 70 triats of our spiritual nature - October 12, 2007 - Paranormal Palace
Olive Tree Passes the "100 Milestone" in Bible Translations for the Mobile Device Market
Olive Tree Bible Software, an electronic publisher of Bibles and Bible study tools for mobile platforms, recently passed the "100 mile mark" in their Bibles collection. - October 10, 2007 - Olive Tree Bible Software
Insurance Brokerage Pledges Support to European Missions
The Schaetzel Insurance Agency, LLC insured Missionary trips to France last quarter. The brokerage pledges support to missionary clients operating in Europe. - October 08, 2007 - The Schaetzel Insurance Agency, LLC
TBN Second Chance Gives Prisoners the Gift of Rehabilitative TV Programming at No Cost to Taxpayers
TBN’s family of networks wants to reach a largely forgotten population – the more than two million men and women who are behind bars in the United States – and offer them a Second Chance. - October 07, 2007 - TBN
“Rogue” Scholar John Hogue to be Guest on Shadows in the Dark to Discuss the Predictions of Nostradamus
Join host Jeremiah Greer as he welcomes author of 12 books-in-counting, John Hogue, October 7th, 2007 at 9:30pm to discuss the famous predictions of Nostradamus. - October 04, 2007 - Shadows in the Dark
Lisa Kemp-Williams in Clearwater, Florida for Benefit Concert
Prophetic psalmist to host concert in Clearwater, Florida. - October 03, 2007 - LKW Ministries International
Live Experiencing The Kingdom of God - Author Steve Krotoski Available for Interview
Kingdom of God & God's miracles specialist Steve Krotoski announces new Christian living book and audio book "The Kingdom: Experiencing Heaven on Earth" to media - October 02, 2007 - PWL Publishing
Ricky R. Harlow, a Baptist Minister, Has Been Selected for Inclusion in the 2007-2008 Princeton Premier Registry
Ricky R. Harlow, a Baptist minister, has been selected for inclusion in the 2007-2008 Princeton Premier Registry. As minister of his congregation, Ricky oversees his flock and the building of a new sanctuary. Ricky shows his truly altruistic nature by granting the terminally ill kid's wishes... - October 01, 2007 - Princeton Premier
Young Singles Ministry Launches Cool Website - At The Intersection of Faith, Fun & Fellowship
A new online ministry of the Young Singles Ministry of Berean Baptist Church is serving up a large helping of spiritual resources and practical information at - October 01, 2007 - Berean Baptist Young Singles Ministry
For Your PDA or Smartphone – Olive Tree Bible Software Releases Three New Catholic Devotionals, One in Spanish
Adding to their growing list of over 2 dozen different daily devotional eBooks, Olive Tree has recently released three new devotionals written especially for Catholics: Bible Day by Day, Daily Meditations with Saint Augustine, and Cada dia es un Don. Now you can take your devotional readings with... - September 27, 2007 - Olive Tree Bible Software
Christian Biographies for your PDA or Smartphone
Olive Tree Bible Software, an electronic publisher providing Bibles and study tools for PDA and Smartphone devices, continues to add to their catalogue of Christian eBooks. Among other encouraging Christian writings are a number of short biographies that are taken from spoken messages given by John... - September 27, 2007 - Olive Tree Bible Software
Warren Wandling Appears on Biblical Coaching ™ Podcast to Discuss the Firewall for the Mind
Host Marlo Boux interviews speaker and business coach of Academic Success Inc. - September 26, 2007 - Biblical Coaching Podcast
Augustinian Press Announces 2007 Christmas Card Series
The Augustinian Press is pleased to announce the release of its 2007 line of Christmas cards. These beautiful cards were created by artists Brother Jack Stagliano, O.S.A., and Fr. Richard Cannuli, O.S.A, and all proceeds support the care of elderly and infirm friars of the Province of Saint Thomas... - September 26, 2007 - The Augustinians of the Province of Saint Thomas of Villanova