Religion News

Stay true to news about organized religions, multi-faith events, spirituality and the concept of faith. Includes information about services, books, movies and religious leaders.

Sky Angel Becomes Title Sponsor of Jfest 2008

Annual Event in Chattanooga, Tenn. a Day of Christian Fun and Fellowship. - May 16, 2008 - Sky Angel

New Hidden Sabbath Truths Reveals Stunning Bible Connections

Hidden Sabbath Truths, a timely new resource that has enormous potential to persuade Christians of all denominations about the truth and power of the Bible-ordained Sabbath. - May 15, 2008 - Remnant Publications

New Service at Helps Raise Profile and Cash for Non-Profit Groups of All Sizes and Interests

New Service at Helps Raise Profile and Cash for Non-Profit Groups of All Sizes and Interests

Community Commerce™ launched by, the online marketplace for frequent flier and loyalty program miles and points collectors, is a new and innovative way for people to help good causes. Churches, schools, sports teams, community groups and other causes large and small can benefit. - May 15, 2008 -

Merrill Web Design Introduces Website Providing Access to the Bible with Your Cell Phone

The Internet is continually providing new ways for us to access valuable information at our convenience. On any Sunday morning you will find Christians carrying their Holy Bibles under their arm on their way to church. Now you can access and search the Bible with your cell phone. - May 13, 2008 - Merrill Web Design

Former NFL Player Miles McPherson Concludes Successful Jamaica Visit

Photographs available at end of release. Keep Sex for Marriage, says American Evangelist. Audio Clip of Pastor Miles McPherson's message in Jamaica available here: Audio Clip of former Jamaica national soccer player Paul... - May 09, 2008 - Miles Ahead

SVUUS 25th Anniversary Celebration

South Valley Unitarian Celebrates 25 Years. South Valley Unitarian Universalist Society is celebrating its 25th anniversary with a weekend of activities, May 9, 10 and 11, 2008. Reverend William Sinkford, president of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations, will preach at a... - May 09, 2008 - South Valley Unitarian Universaist Society

New Exposé to Shed Light on Seventh-Day Adventist Church Controversy

Dr. Herbert E. Douglass’ A Fork in the Road is a powerful new exposé that chronicles a significant and controversial chapter in the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. A key eye-witness to the drama surrounding the publication of Seventh-day Adventists Answer Questions on Doctrine in 1957. - May 08, 2008 - Remnant Publications Interviews Anne Frank’s Cousin and Last Living Relative, Buddy Elias Interviews Anne Frank’s Cousin and Last Living Relative, Buddy Elias

Anne Frank’s only living direct relative, Buddy Elias, speaks exclusively with’s Allison Kugel about his famous cousin and the Anne Frank-Fonds in Switzerland. - May 07, 2008 -

Does the Bible Explain UFOs, Alien Abduction? This is the Question Author Terry Jame and Paranormal Palace Radio Talk Show Host Royce Holleman Will be Discussing.

Magazine articles, books and even evangelists are engaging in Bible-based speculations about the nature and intention of extra-terrestrial entities that kidnap, paralyze, physically abuse and sometimes sexually molest victims. While there are many opinions as to the nature of UFOs, many agree that the topic is worthy of ongoing theological discussion. - May 04, 2008 - Paranormal Palace

Author Reveals Beast of Revelation in Interview with Royce Holleman on Paranormal Palace Radio

Have you ever felt that the world was guided in ways that are beyond man's control? The constant changes in the world since the time of Nimrod 4000 years ago until today and all the events that have shaken the world have been to bring the universe back into the hands of the Prince of Darkness, Lucia, a world that Lucia had ruled with his Watchers before it was all ripped from his grasp when man was created. - May 03, 2008 - Paranormal Palace

New Book Explains How Devotional Hindus Connect to God

Mukul Shri Goel, PhD, published by iUniverse, Inc., the leading provider of publishing technology solutions for authors, announced today the release of Devotional Hinduism: Creating Impressions for God. - May 03, 2008 - M. Goel, Writer

Beyond the Firmament Hits Top Ten Chart for Creationism Books

New book on creation, evolution, intelligent design, Genesis, and the Bible reaches number six on the sales chart for creationism books. - April 23, 2008 - Watertree Press LLC

Miss Pre-Teen Christian USA 2008 is Crowned

Cheyenne Bridgewater is crowned Miss Pre-Teen Christian USA 2008. - April 23, 2008 - Christian U.S.A Pageant

OurChurch.Com Launches Church Marketing Blog and New Top Church Search Rankings Local SEO Service

OurChurch.Com, the leading provider of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Marketing for Christian organizations, has announced the new Top Church Search Rankings service and, a blog to educate and inspire churches to better connect with the people in their communities online. - April 16, 2008 - OurChurch.Com

Pastor Avery Kinney Leads Perfecting Word Praise Church to It's New Location

Perfecting Word Praise Church moves to Oxon Hill, Maryland. Pastor Avery Kinney is the Senior Pastor of this non-denominational "house of perfecting." This ministry is the perfect church for people who are not. Pastor Kinney speaks words of life and renewed strength to those who have been depleted by life and functioning on fumes. - April 16, 2008 - Perfecting Word Praise Church

Transaction Publishers Announces New Book That Analyzes Science, Logic and Irrational Beliefs Systems

Why do people accept ideas that science or logic contradict? In Implausible Beliefs, Allan Mazur offers a comparative look at the nature of irrational belief systems, their social roots and their cultural and political impact. He provides standards for judging implausible beliefs and assesses the... - April 16, 2008 - Transaction Publishers

New Issue of JLifestyle, the Jewish Lifestyle Magazine Out Now Increased Distribution, More Exclusives and Other Great Content

Exclusive interviews with Birmingham City and Ann Summers owner David Gold and top female boxer Laura Saperstein are among the highlights of the latest issue of JLifestyle, a glossy magazine aimed at the UK Jewish community and written in a positive, fun and passionate manner. Businessman David... - April 15, 2008 - JLifestyle

Popularity of "Spiritual Water" Inspires Launch of Profitable Network Marketing Opportunity

Popularity of "Spiritual Water" Inspires Launch of Profitable Network Marketing Opportunity

New Business Combines a Recession-Proof Product with a Spiritual Mission to Revive Faith, Hope, and Health. - April 14, 2008 - Spiritual Brands, Inc.

The Prayer Channel Launches "" and Announces Comprehensive Live Coverage of the US Papal Visit

Anchor Jane Hanson to Host Live Event Coverage - April 14, 2008 - Cesario Migliozzi, llc.

On Common Ground: Bridging the Mormon Evangelical Divide Now Available Electronically

On Common Ground: Bridging the Mormon Evangelical Divide Now Available Electronically

Celestine Publishing announced the availability of its book, On Common Ground: Bridging the Mormon Evangelical Divide as an electronic download for easier access both locally and internationally. - April 07, 2008 - Celestine Publishing, LLC

Living Faith World Outreach Ministries Hosts Suspense Thriller

Young, attractive, Mary Smith, is your average 18-year old teenager. A 'good girl' by nature, she'll do whatever it takes to win the affection of her boyfriend. Meant to be thought-provoking and unforgettable, this nine-scene play will examine the consequences of our choices. Riveting... provoking... relevant. Trip to Hell is a tale you'll never forget. - April 07, 2008 - Living Faith World Outreach Ministries

Churches to Hold Web Focus Day April 27

Churches around the world will hold a 'web awareness' focus day on April 27. - April 07, 2008 - Internet Evangelism Day

Former Talk Host and Religious Skeptic to Address CBN Prayer Center

Talk Radio veteran and former skeptic will be addressing the members of the Christian Broadcasting Network's prayer center on April 15th. Dave Macy is the author of a new book entitled "Doubt Free Living" which is a collection of essays designed to help Christians strengthen their faith. - April 07, 2008 - Doubt Free Living

"God’s Smuggler" Caught on HD

“Brother Andrew,” the best-selling author, recently revealed his principles of leadership. - April 04, 2008 - Harvest Fields Commissioning International

Claremont Graduate University Conference Tackles Religious Stereotypes and Predjudices

CGU, one of the top graduate schools in California, has shaped its School of Religion around solving problems through cross-faith dialog. - April 03, 2008 - Claremont Graduate University

Is Passover the New Chanukah?

From Seder plates to T-Shirts, Indie Entrepreneur "Boom" Boosts Proliferation of Passover Gift Marketing. - March 26, 2008 - Rotem Design Studio / Rotem Gear

Biblical and Latter-Day Saint Principle-Centered Topical Guides Now Available Electronically

Biblical and Latter-Day Saint Principle-Centered Topical Guides Now Available Electronically

Electronic versions of the Principles with Promise series which catalogs thousands of principles, doctrines and values found in scripture are now available. Access to these new scriptural concordances will allow teachers and researchers from all Christian denominations to more quickly locate valued principles for personal studies, sermons and teaching assignments. - March 24, 2008 - Celestine Publishing, LLC

A Personal Journey "Finding Wings with Shattered Pieces"

In the release of her first book, A Personal Journey, Finding Wings with Shattered Pieces, Phyllis outlines a proven 12 Stage Path, as she fought for survival in a world that was dark, distant and totally unfamiliar. Using these personalized stages, Phyllis conducts motivational and life skills seminars empowering people to reach beyond their current trials or setbacks to become the person God intended them to be. - March 20, 2008 - Phyllis Bedford Video Channel Launches with 82 Scientology Videos

The video channel answers the question "What is Scientology?" while offering 82 informative and engaging Scientology videos and clips addressing Scientology beliefs and humanitarian programs. - March 20, 2008 - Church of Scientology UK

Our Lady Catholic Gifts Launches Online Catholic Gift and Collectibles Shop

Our Lady Catholic Gifts Launches Online Catholic Gift and Collectibles Shop

What better time to be a Catholic and a Christian who appreciates art, as Our Lady Catholic Gifts launches its online shop selling only the most beautiful, exclusive and hand-crafted Catholic Statues, Rosaries, gifts and collectibles. - March 19, 2008 - Our Lady Catholic Gifts

Encouraging New Guidebook Reveals How to Get Prayers Answered

"When Heaven Hears Your Prayer" by Sharlyne C. Thomas gives Christians a strategy for establishing the promises of God in their life. - March 19, 2008 - Sharlyne C. Thomas

Trinity Church Photography Exhibit and Sale

Trinity Church Photography Exhibit and Sale

Trinity Church invites you to an evening of wine, cheese, and special desserts along with beautiful photographs of the historic Trinity Episcopal Church building on Friday, April 11, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. Cost is $10.00 at the door. - March 11, 2008 - House of Sampson Creations

Health & Wellness Program

Health & Wellness Program

"Good health is ... not just an absence of disease; it is a state of positive well-being-ness. We are not just humans who are destined to fall sick and get cured. We have been created to feel bliss continuously inside us and ecstatic lightness at the Being level. This is good health." -Paramahamsa Nithyananda. The Health & Wellness is a 2-day meditation program designed by Paramahamsa to help us reconnect with the innate intelligence of our bodies, and to allow flowering of perfect health. - March 11, 2008 - Life Bliss New York

Bender's Parable Christian Store to Host Book Signing with Edie Mourey

Furrow Press announces Edie Mourey will be signing Faith: Living the Crucified Life at Bender's Parable Christian Store in Williamsville, New York, on Saturday, March 15, 2008, from noon until 3:00 p.m. - March 09, 2008 - Furrow Press

It's a Miracle: Muslim Woman Sees Christ and He Speaks to Her in a New Book from Three Corners Press

A Muslim woman sees a vision of Jesus Christ, and he speaks to her. Many have been touched and changed by her experience. She calls it “our” experience, in her new book "Origins of Truth," from Three Corners Press. Hear Christ's Easter message, “Paths, Avenues and Bridges,” as told to Nadia Khalil Bradley. Santa Anita Church in Arcadia, California. 10:00 A.M. March 23, 2008. - March 06, 2008 - Three Corners Press

Amplified Version of the Bible is Now an Audio Bible for the First Time Ever by Promises for

Considered by many experts to be one of the most literal translations of the Bible, the Amplified Bible is now available in audio format for the first time. - March 03, 2008 - TAW~Global, LLC

First Documentary to Focus on Religious Conversion Nears Completion

Release of the new Pew Forum survey underscoring high degree of “faith switching” in America, stirs intense interest in the film Leap of Faith - February 27, 2008 - Humble Films, Inc.

Understanding Science and the Theology of Creation Book Returns to Amazon Cosmology Charts

New Christian book on creation, evolution, intelligent design, and the origins debate returns to the bestseller list for cosmology books. - February 25, 2008 - Watertree Press LLC

New Principle-Centered Topical Guide for Latter-Day Saints

New Principle-Centered Topical Guide for Latter-Day Saints

Celestine Publishing released a softbound version of Principles with Promise: for Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a New Principle-Centered Topical Guide - February 24, 2008 - Celestine Publishing, LLC

Taking God from the Boardroom to the Football Field

Taking God from the Boardroom to the Football Field

The Full Contact Rules for the Christian Manager takes the unique approach of using a single verse from Proverbs as the foundation for each chapter, and then challenging some of the most common behaviors found in corporate America by evaluating their rationale within the context of a professional football team. It’s the end of the boring business book. - February 23, 2008 - Newgate, Inc.

Who Are You?  A Scarecrow - A Tin  Man - A Cowardly Lion - A Wizard

Who Are You? A Scarecrow - A Tin Man - A Cowardly Lion - A Wizard

Dr. Salminen explores the masculine journey by reconsidering what it means to be fathers, husbands, brothers, and friends. By weaving the journey among the characters from The Wizard of Oz, he exposes many of the boxes men allow themselves to be cast into, forcing them to honestly consider their lives and relationships. - February 22, 2008 - Newgate, Inc.

Divorced Catholics Now Have a Resource They Can Turn to

Divorced Catholics Now Have a Resource They Can Turn to

The New Book, “Divorced. Catholic. Now What?” Gives Accurate, Much Needed Answers on being a Divorced Catholic - February 22, 2008 - Journey of Hope Productions

Donors Needed to Send Four Million Bibles to Africa

In October 2006, on a trip to Africa, church leaders shared with Dwight Hall, president of Remnant Publications, a request for printed Bible study guides for the southern countries of Africa. Dwight pointed out that a person gets more out of a study guide when they can look the Bible verses up and... - February 22, 2008 - Remnant Publications

Leaders Learning "What They Never Taught at Harvard Divinity School"

A new film has been released that explains “What They Never Taught at Harvard Divinity School.” - February 22, 2008 - Harvest Fields Commissioning International Adds Christian Distance Education Blog

Baker’s Guide to Christian Distance Education continues to expand its online services for prospective students seeking accredited online Christian schools by introducing a new Christian Distance Education blog. The blog will highlight new degree programs, online learning news, and commentary... - February 20, 2008 - Baker's Guide to Christian Distance Education

Third Book in the Principles with Promise Series Released: A Study Companion to the Book of Mormon

Third Book in the Principles with Promise Series Released: A Study Companion to the Book of Mormon

Following the recent release of On Common Ground: Bridging the Mormon Evangelical Divide, Celestine Publishing announced the publishing of its third book in the Principles with Promise series; this time an abbreviated concordance cataloging more than a thousand principles found in The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ. - February 17, 2008 - Celestine Publishing, LLC

Lisa Kemp-Williams Ministers at Golden Gate Nondenominational Church, West Palm Beach, FL

Prophetic psalmist to minister at Golden Gate Nondenominational Church Women’s Conference West Palm Beach, Fl. - February 15, 2008 - LKW Ministries International

Ivan Q. Spencer, Founder of Elim Bible Institute and Elim Fellowship, Still Speaks

Furrow Press announces the release of Faith: Living the Crucified Life, a compilation of Ivan Q. Spencer's writings on the faith life. Often mentioned as an early American Pentecostal leader who influenced the Pentecostal movement, Spencer has escaped the intensive study of Pentecostal historians and theologians alike. This posthumous publication of his articles on faith from The Elim Pentecostal Herald should stir a real interest in Spencer's message and life. - February 15, 2008 - Furrow Press

Trying to Answer Unanswered Questions - Kenya

While many questions remain unanswered about the future of the current conflict in Kenya a documentary film crew delved into the roots and solution to the problems there. - February 14, 2008 - Harvest Fields Commissioning International

Jaguar Pictures: "666 the Beginning of the End" Wraps Principal Photography on Location in Mexico

Jaguar Pictures: "666 the Beginning of the End" Wraps Principal Photography on Location in Mexico

Stardust Films and Jaguar Pictures in association with Ome-G Productions recently wrapped on principal photography last month on their feature film entitled “666 The Beginning of the End.” The film was executive produced by Gustavo Riojas Santana and produced by Christopher Chabot and... - February 12, 2008 - Jaguar Pictures LLC

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