Women's Interest News
News aimed at women regarding products, services and resources that are female-specific. Find out about women-owned businesses, female-focused research and issues affecting women and girls.
Become Moronized. Funny New Web Site by moronface.com.
Moronface team has published new web 2.0 pages. The site is based on a crazy idea of making people funny and ugly, by using a face photo. - August 31, 2008 - moronface.com
Smitteniche Digs for DIY Delights and Discovers Hidden, Handmade Gems
Inviting readers to step outside of big-box buying is Smitteniche, a fun and fanciful shopping blog featuring fresh and unique finds with a handmade twist. Celebrating independent artisans and homegrown businesses, Smitteniche is poised to become an online trove for indie treasures. - August 30, 2008 - Smitteniche
This Marin County Artist is Presenting at the West Hollywood Erotic Art Fair Weekend and is Debuting with Two Solo Shows in San Francisco
Nancy Peach has been an Architectural Illustrator, Children's Book Illustrator and Muralist for over 35 years. She has spent 16 years in Marin County and is truly coming into her own as an Erotic Artist. She is heading for Hollywood in October to present her new body of work, "The Men in My Life." Tom of Finland Foundation is presenting this Erotic Art Fair that attracts erotic artists world-wide. - August 28, 2008 - Nancy Peach Erotic Artist
Jaminga.com, Add Punk, Rock N Roll, or Zen to Your Baby Registry
Jaminga specializes in Punk, Rock n Roll, and Zen inspired organic and hand-crafted clothes, gifts and gear for baby, mama and papa too and has recently added an online gift registry service. - August 27, 2008 - eWish.com
Baby Couture Cover Shot
Manhattan Beach California photographer, Dani Brubaker, photographs Josie Bissett for Baby Couture magazine’s “Back to School” issue. The current issue (August/September 08) of the magazine features a cover story about actress, author and mother, Josie Bissett and her children... - August 26, 2008 - Dani Brubaker
After 25 Years as a Professional Architectural Illustrator, Nancy Peach is Embracing Her True Passion as an Erotic Artist
This announcement summarizes the upcoming shows of erotic figurative artist, Nancy Peach. Her one women shows at Onetaste and Good Vibrations on September 4 and September 5th. She is also exhibiting at the West Hollywood - Los Angeles Erotic Arts Weekend, October 3, 4, 5, 2008. - August 23, 2008 - Nancy Peach Erotic Artist
Boston Brides Set to Run - Filene’s Basement's Famous Wedding Gown Sale
The 'Running of the Brides' is one of the most distinctive and fun annual bridal events in the USA and takes place in Boston this Friday, August 22nd. - August 20, 2008 - WeddingWire
Breaking Through the Clutter with the Health record(R)
The Health Record is a “sticky” medium as it’s used by moms from the birth of their child through their teenage years. It also offers numerous leveraging opportunities for advertisers, as the program is measurable and fully integrated, and includes a database for future marketing efforts, couponing, logo brand placement and messaging with CSR functionality. - August 20, 2008 - SouVez
Florida's First-Ever 24-Hour Dog Adoptathon Begins Friday, Aug. 22 at 6:00 p.m. in Tampa
Hillsborough County Commissioner Rose Ferlita, an avid supporter of animal rescue, will use bolt cutters to “break the chain,” marking the start of Tampa's inaugural dog adoption marathon on Friday, Aug. 22 at 6:00 p.m. The Adoptathon is a first-of-its-kind event for Florida. Breaking the metal chain link to kick-off the event is symbolic of the Adoptathon partnership’s heavy task of breaking the chain of irresponsible pet ownership, a primary cause of most animal abuse and neglect. - August 19, 2008 - Adoptathon.org
Online Dating Website Breaks with Industry Tradition - Begins Offering 30-Day Risk-Free Subscription Refund Guarantee
While many online dating websites have become known for having a high number of customer complaints due to their unscrupulous business practices, MyFutureSpouse.com is taking the high road. The marriage-oriented dating website has started offering a 30-day risk-free subscription refund guarantee to its members. - August 17, 2008 - DynaCross Inc.
Stressed Out Women Using Ancient Self-Healing Methods to Stop Worrying and Stay Healthy
New clinically-proven plan from Longevitytree.com triggers the body’s natural stress-relief system to reduce anxiety and increase energy in just minutes a day. - August 17, 2008 - Longevity Tree, LLC
Lawhorn's Announces Amazing New Seasoning
Lawhorn's Signature Seasonings announces the national roll-out of their spectacular new all-natural seasoning blend that will change the way the average American cooks. This revolutionary blend enhances the natural flavors of every protein, starch and vegetable its cooked on. Developed by a hotel Executive Chef, this professional seasoning blend is unique in the fact that it tastes different on beef than is does on pork, chicken, fish, vegetables, etc. Release details how to purchase product. - August 15, 2008 - Lawhorn's Signature Seasonings
There's No Place Like AlopeciaWorld.NET
Alopecia does not define great people. Rather, great people define alopecia, as Cheryl Carvery and other members of Alopecia World demonstrate each and every day. - August 13, 2008 - AlopeciaWorld.NET
The Miracle of Death
The Kamlak Center Tackles Death. “Putting Birth and Death Back Together Again” is exactly what Kamlak is all about. The Miracle of Death by Betty J. Kovács, Ph.D., is Kamlak’s first in a series of punches aimed at changing the way we look at death—and life. - August 12, 2008 - The Kamlak Center
Stick-e® Yoga Accessories Rock the Health and Fitness Industry
On the heals of the successful launch of Yoga Stick-e Socks...for that Barefoot Feeling, Stick-e Brands announces an expanded product line of new Stick-e accessories for Yoga and Pilates. The new line was received with rave reviews, media attention and orders from Sporting Goods chains buyers at the recent Health and Fitness Business Expo. Stick-e Brands will be establishing itself as a household name this Fall as it graces the covers and pages of some of the biggest catalogs. - August 11, 2008 - Stick-e Products LLC
iCherish Turns Crinkly Crayon and Finger Painted Kids Art Into Eye-Popping Multimedia Web Presentations
Take the hassle out of displaying and preserving children's artwork using digital media to show and share your child's precious masterpieces anytime and anywhere. - August 07, 2008 - MixedMedia
July “Kirkus Discoveries” Newsletter Features Six iUniverse Titles
iUniverse, the leading book marketing, editorial services, and supported self-publishing company, had six titles recognized among the “Kirkus Discoveries” best reviews for July. - August 07, 2008 - iUniverse
SensiClear Acne Treatment System Offers Gentle Yet Effective Approach to Combating Adult Acne
Teens aren't the only acne sufferers. SensiClear Acne Treatment makes sense for people with adult acne, especially those with acne and sensitive skin. - August 05, 2008 - SensiClear
A New Women's Online Magazine - www.womenseverything.com - Provides Up to Date Factual Information for Cash Rich Time Poor Women Across the UK
By women for women, Womens Everything has collated an abundance of resources and articles under one website and by having this at women’s fingertips will free them to handle life and make better decisions. - August 02, 2008 - Womens Everything
AuthorHouse Announces Its Top Five Best-Selling Titles for July 2008
AuthorHouse, the leading provider of self-publishing and marketing services for authors around the globe, has announced its five top-selling books for July 2008. - August 02, 2008 - AuthorHouse
Pooghe Makes Sweating Stylish
Luxury anti-odor collection to debut in September. - July 29, 2008 - Pooghe Laundry
Alberta Boot Camps Biggest Loser Challenge #2 -30 Teams Will Compete for $5000 in Cash and Prizes
July 28th, 2008 — Calgary, Alberta. Alberta Boot Camps Biggest Loser Challenge #2 -30 teams will compete for $5000 in Cash and prizes. Calgary Man Takes Matters into his Own Hands - Boot Camp Style. http://www.Albertabootcamp.com. - July 29, 2008 - Calgary Alberta Boot Camp
For Parents in Academia, the Right Life Coach can Make the Difference Between “Tenured” and “Terminated”
Parents in academia make great strides toward succeeding as professors, parents, and partners when they work with the right academic and life coach. Dr. Mary Coussons-Read, PhD, Professor of Psychology and Founding Principal of Powerful Mind Coaching, discusses her work with parents in academia and her clients’ results. - July 26, 2008 - Powerful Mind Consulting and Coaching, LLC
Fameo Wins UK Bridal Collection of the Year Award
Jewellery designer and online retailer Fameo won the Bridal Jewellery of the Year award at the UK Jewellery Awards 2008 for it's bridal jewellery collections. - July 26, 2008 - Fameo Ltd
The Artist Brush, Launch Cosmetic Brushes to Aid Relief of Carpal Tunnel Symptoms
The Artist Brush an on line cosmetic brush wholesaler/makeup artistry company, plan to launch 5 newly designed cosmetic brushes fall of this year. - July 25, 2008 - The Artist Brush
Galavanting – Online Women's Travel Magazine Launches
Galavanting, a new online women’s travel magazine, officially launched July 15th to thousands of readers in its first week. Editors-in-chief Kim Mance and Katy Quissell recruited a diverse and impressive group of women writers to tell their stories of adventures from around the globe for the... - July 23, 2008 - Galavanting Productions, LLC
Inkubook Photo Book Maker Launches Public Availability
Inkubook, the New Online Photo Book Builder, Allows Anyone to Collaborate and Create Drop-Dead Gorgeous Books in Minutes. - July 23, 2008 - iUniverse
Forgan of St. Andrews Announces Signing International Legend Ian Woosnam
Forgan of St Andrews announced today the signing of international golfing legend Ian Woosnam, OBE, to represent them on tour. Ian has signed an initial contract of 3½ years from the 1st July and got off to a winning start first time out at the recent Russian Seniors in Moscow. - July 23, 2008 - The Sports HQ
DollsBags.com Now Carries Rioni "Signature Series" Italian Designer Handbags
Rioni products are well known for their superior craftsmanship, meticulous attention to detail, outstanding durability, and exquisite designs. All Rioni products are handmade by skilled craftsman and come with an international warranty. DollsBags, LLC is an Authorized Reseller for Rioni and, for a limited time only, you also get the Rioni evening bag free with every Rioni handbag purchase (a $45 value). - July 22, 2008 - DollsBags, LLC
Terra Cotta Inn, Palm Springs, CA Selected as One of the Top Ten Best Clothing Optional Resorts in the World by TripAdvisor.com
Clothing optional vacationers have many choices of destinations to travel to soak up the sun around the world. The best nudist resorts used to be in the Caribbean and Europe. Times have changed. According to TripAdvisor.com, America now has two of the best nude sunbathing hotels. And The Terra Cotta Inn clothing Optional Resort and Spa located in sunny Palm Springs, CA is ranked as one of the 10 best. - July 22, 2008 - The Terra Cotta Inn Clothing Optional Resort and Spa
Women's Empowerment Seminar by C. Joyce Farrar-Rosemon August 30, 2008, Ramada Inn Conference Center, Conyers, Georgia
Women's Empowerment Seminar discusses a 14-Step Self Help Recovery Program to overcome Loneliness, Discrimination, Depression, Barrenness & Abuse. - July 22, 2008 - Hope Teddy Bears
NuU Medspa Kicks-Off New Campaign Dedicated to Their Clients Campaign: The NuU Face of NuU
NuU Medspa, the pioneer of the Medical Spa Industry, will kick-off their new campaign, The NuU Face of NuU, in August 2008. The campaign will feature a real-life client whose life has changed and taken a positive turn as a result of non-invasive medical treatments/procedures performed at one of the... - July 17, 2008 - NuU Unlimited
Travel + Leisure ’s 13th Annual World’s Best Awards Readers’ Survey Results Announced
Bangkok Named World’s Best City 2008. Triple Creek Ranch in Montana Ranked No. 1 U.S. Hotel. Nancy Novogrod, editor-in-chief of Travel + Leisure, today announces that Bangkok, Galápagos Islands, and Virgin America are first-time overall winners in Travel + Leisure ’s 2008... - July 17, 2008 - American Express Publishing
DMC Offers Practical and Personal Touch on Bridging Barriers of Diversity Between Career-Seekers and Employers in the Job Market
Whether you are a Woman, African American or other minority trying to further your career track or an employer seeking talented diversity candidates, DMC will not only help you in the placement, but also ensure that it’s the right fit. Diversity Management Consultants delivers a practical punch to executive recruiting with an untraditional style; by adding coaching and consulting as an added value for both the candidate and client. - July 17, 2008 - Diversity Management Consultants
Big Tattoo Wines Raises Money for Breast Cancer Year Round
During the month of October, it’s impossible to walk into a food market, department store or home store without noticing a pink display designed to draw attention to a brand or product donating proceeds to breast cancer research. One product line with the goal to raise money for breast cancer... - July 13, 2008 - Big Tattoo Wines
Inspirational Jewelry Designed to Communicate
String-Ring Mission:To promote kindness through everyday relationships. - July 12, 2008 - String-Ring.com
NHL Wife Invents Best Selling Pacifier Accessory to Eliminate the Problem of Lost Pacifiers
Paci-Plushies™, Available at PaciPlushies.com, are Big Hit Among NHL Hockey Wives and Moms Everywhere. - July 11, 2008 - Paci-Plushies
Red Wine Drinkers Can Now ‘Wipe That Wine Off Their Smile’
Wine Wipes are an innovative new product created especially for red wine drinkers who fall victim to stain left on their teeth and smile from drinking red wine. - July 09, 2008 - Borracha, LLC
Beautorium Presents… Trilogy: Taming a Wild Rose
A rose is a rose is a rose…except when it transcends its natural simplicity. In the hands of Trilogy, the wild-grown rose elevates to become the power behind this multitasking line of advanced natural skin and hair care. The small New Zealand brand making big waves in the cosmetic world is... - July 08, 2008 - Beautorium
John S. Brana - Distinctive Jewelry – Adds Rings and 14K Gold to the SoMa Hammered Metal Jewelry Collection
John S. Brana - Distinctive Jewelry enhances popular SoMa Collection of hammered jewelry with rings and incorporates 14K gold. - July 08, 2008 - Handcrafted Fine Jewelry by John S. Brana
Vacation Rentals Innovate to Provide Real Relief and Value to Guests
Vacation Rental Companies along the Gulf Coast have taken guest incentive programs to the next level, providing vacationers with complimentary golf rounds, deep sea fishing excursions, dolphin cruises, passes to amusement and water parks and more to offset skyrocketing gas prices this summer. - July 08, 2008 - Amenity Services Inc.
Naked Ice Cream in Palm Springs - A Fun, Cool Way to Celebrate Nude Recreation Week
Every year more and more people are celebrating America's freedoms by choosing to do it the most fun way possible by vacationing at nudist resorts or nude beaches. Nude Recreation Week reminds people that you don't have to settle for the same old boring chain hotel vacations each year. Pack light and say goodbye to funny tanlines forever. - July 06, 2008 - The Terra Cotta Inn Clothing Optional Resort and Spa
Director of UR-InThePaper Meets Gordon Brown
UR-InThePaper Ltd, the largest personalised newspaper company in the UK, today announced that their Managing Director, Rebecca Philipson, has met the British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, for the second time in two years. 24-year-old Rebecca was invited by Durham MP, Hilary Armstrong, to celebrate the success of local entrepreneurs at a private reception held at Number 10 Downing Street on June 23rd, 2008. - July 02, 2008 - UR-InThePaper Ltd
A Condom with a Longdrink - Play It Safe Campaign
Finnish craft brewery and beverage manufacturer Mallaskoski (Seinäjoki, Finland) and RFSU of Finland are distributing condoms this summer alongside with Mallaskoski canned Gin Long Drink, an alcoholic beverage. The marketing campaign is targeted to the young adults encouraging them to have more responsible sex when under the influence of alcohol. The “Play it Safe” campaign video is at www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pK7AYQc-GE. Additional campaign material also at www.mallaskoski.fi/longdrink. - July 02, 2008 - Liquidmedia Corporation
Looking for a Fun Summer Vacation? Dare to Go Bare in Palm Springs with the Terra Cotta Inn's Sizzling Summer No Tan Lines Special Offer.
Tired of the same old boring chain hotel vacations? Looking for a new, fun, exotic vacation experience? Now is the time to try a clothing optional vacation. Topless and nude sunbathing is the fastest growing trend in the travel industry. And Palm Springs, CA is the sunniest city in the US and the perfect summertime travel destination for your first nude vacation. - July 02, 2008 - The Terra Cotta Inn Clothing Optional Resort and Spa
Trichotillomania, a form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Can Affect Your Physical Appearance
HelpMe2Stop.org raises money to help economically disadvantaged sufferers of OCD related disorder, Trichotillomania, to restore their hair and physical appearance. - July 01, 2008 - HelpMe2Stop.org
Cutting-Up Launches New Good Vibe Collection of Fashion T-shirts and Accessories For Fall 2008
Fashion tee shirts, jewelry, belts and more from fashion brand Cutting-Up will feature eight new collage art designs for the Fall 2008 fashion season. - June 28, 2008 - Cutting-Up
Galavanting – Online Women’s Travel Magazine Poised to Launch
With thousands of visitors in the weeks leading up to its official launch on July 15th, Galavanting, the new online women’s travel magazine, expects a large readership to enjoy its first monthly issue. Editors-in-chief Kim Mance and Katy Quissell have recruited contributors who range from... - June 27, 2008 - Galavanting Productions, LLC
A Health Diary and Food Journal for the Rest of Us
For women who would like to keep a food diary, exercise log and health journal in two minutes a day or less. The Bio-Diary for Women by FitMinder is an easy-to-use alternative to food and exercise journals that require tedious daily entries. Its unique format offers and useful and beautiful tool to record and analyze health information. - June 25, 2008 - Fitminder Publishing
All the Spa Services You Can Have in 1 Day
At Spa Chinois in New York City, for $5000, up to 5 clients can have as many spa services as they want from 10am to 6pm. - June 25, 2008 - Spa & Salon Chinois