Arts & Entertainment News
Arts and entertainment news covering the visual and performing arts, including photography, books and publishing, electronic games, events and concerts, movies, music, television and radio as well as information, products and services pertaining to arts and entertainment industry professionals., a Renown Hand-Crafted Cedar Wood Dog Houses Supplier, Reveals the Importance of Outdoor Dog Houses
Established supplier of cedar wood dog houses, stepped up to reveal the importance of outdoor dog houses and the basics to make the best out of dog houses. - April 21, 2008 - CedarwoodDoghouses
WatchIndia.TV Partners Up with INX
Media Mega Hindi General Entertainment Channel 9X is Newest Addition to WatchIndia.TV Platform. - April 21, 2008 - Live Asia TV
New Book on Schizophrenia of Help to Families
Schizophrenia: Medicine's Mystery - Society's Shame written by Marvin Ross with a preface by David Dawson MD FRCP(C) is now available. Marvin Ross is an accomplished medical writer. Dr Dawson was formerly Professor of Psychiatry at McMaster University and Psychiatrist-in-Chief at the Hamilton Psychiatric Hospital. - April 21, 2008 - Bridgeross Communications
Ochanga Celebrates 1st Year of Providing Trendy Boys Fashions
Ochanga celebrates 1st year of providing trendy boys fashions at the 2nd Annual LA Baby Celebration Expo in Los Angeles, CA. - April 20, 2008 - Ochanga International Clothing for Boys, LLC
Announcing World's First Online Social Networking Web Site for Authors and Publishers to Work Cooperatively
Social Networking web sites such as MySpace and Facebook are growing at millions of new members per week. However, these are both the grand-daddy's of social networking and have focused on college students and the Tweenies. Now a growing need exists for social networking sites for niche demographics and authoring and publishing are the most obvious next step for Web 2.0. - April 20, 2008 -
The Stars Are Back for More at
Stargazers no longer need to bury their heads in the tabloids or wander up and down the Sunset Strip to bask in the celebrity limelight. Everyone can experience the Hollywood scene firsthand as once again summons the biggest stars to compete in an unrivaled amalgam of celebrity... - April 20, 2008 -
Making the Most of the Jersey Coast Stage Veterans Bring Art and Entertainment to Tourism Website
Substance with style, ShorefireNJ is dozens of fun-to-watch film featurettes showcasing the more remarkable amenities, attractions and adventures found between Sandy Hook and Cape May. It is an exciting and enticing seaside guide, covering and discovering the New Jersey shore. - April 20, 2008 - Shorefirenj, LLC
Twists - Faces of Earth: Tales of an English Boy Raised in an Underdeveloped Country
Tom is born in Liverpool, England. He is raised in an unknown region. Tom writes about how the world stares casually at ill-favoured countries. It becomes illusion that never ceases to numb his brains. Affluent and wealthy people watch. Some help others are unaware, but the problems are, very large in scope and scale that any aid they give is like a drop in the ocean. By Prof. Jeff Akvama PhD.,M.D. - April 19, 2008 - Geoffrey Kofi Akuamoa
Estrada Hosts 19th Annual GLAAD Media Awards, Cruz Honored
Annual awards event featured celebrities from the United States and Latin America. - April 19, 2008 - Jade Esteban Estrada
Pilots do It. Bronc and Bull Riders do It. Now You Can do It Too.
Horseback riders of nearly all disciplines can now benefit from lessons on “LuLu,” one of only two electronic riding simulators in the state. - April 18, 2008 - The Riding Simulator
"The Gonzo Comedy Tour" Starring Peter Berman Set to Debut at the Ontario Improv
Comedy Central's Berman teams with veteran comic Arredondo for U.S. tour. - April 18, 2008 - Gonzo Comedy Productions
Second Life - Monogram Virtua Brings Together Art and Jewelry Aficionados from Around the Globe in Cyber Space
April 19 - 20 Monogram Virtua Entertainment is proud to Sponsor the First Annual Second Life Art Exhibit & Jewelry Show at their Virtual Convention Center and Big Top Tent. - April 18, 2008 - Monogram Virtua
7Five7 Clothing Experiences Success with Its Social Marketing Campaign
7Five7 Clothing hits the web with a successful social marketing strategy. - April 18, 2008 - 7Five7 Clothing
Comedic Icon Tim Conway Joins BlogTalkRadio Show “Annie & Burl Live!” April 23, 2008 at 10pm Eastern
Beloved comic actor of both small and big screen will talk about his career spanning 4 decades. - April 18, 2008 - Annie & Burl Live!
Sound Show Announces April 18th, 2008 Show Lineup Authors Radio
World Talk Radio broadcasted on the Modavox network features Sound Authors, a live interview talk radio show. - April 18, 2008 - Sound Authors
ArtCoSurf Participates in the First Annual Surf Artisan Exhibit
“Ace in the Hole,” “Coi” and a couple of “Muses” offered a tip-of-the-iceberg glimpse at the one-of-a-kind and limited edition surfboards created by artists Clark Hipolito of ArtCo Surf during the First Annual Surf Artisan Exhibit. The exhibit was held at... - April 18, 2008 - Art Co Surf
IMAGE Worldwide Acquires IT Solution Company All Pro Networks
IMAGE Worldwide (PINKOTC: IMGW) has acquired All Pro Networks and is expanding the products and services offered to clients to include IT solution services. - April 18, 2008 - Image Chicago Magazine
IMAGE Chicago Sponsors Paris Hilton Casting Event with MTV at Level
IMAGE Worldwide subsidiary IMAGE Chicago sponsored the casting event for Paris Hilton new MTV reality show “I Wanna Be Paris’ New BFF”, April 12th at Level nightclub in Chicago. - April 18, 2008 - Image Chicago Magazine
Connie Terwilliger Gives Script Interpretation Pointers in New Voice Acting Podcast
Connie Terwilliger discusses three pointers for voice actors while interpreting scripts and ad copy in her most recent episode on the Voice Over Experts Podcast at - April 18, 2008 - Launches Website Dedicated to "Reconnecting Our Veteran Community"
Launched On The Anniversary of the Start of the American Revolution iVeteran.US commits to reconnecting our veteran community through a full feature web site combining free membership with photo, video, music, blogging and discussion features. - April 18, 2008 - iVeteranUS
BrauHaus: A Modern Salon for Brows
Brow Design Redefined in Southern California - April 17, 2008 - BrauHaus, the First Multimedia Portal for Revealing Secrets and Confessions Anonymously, Launched by Reeveka, LLC
Imagine being able to share a secret you've never told anyone and find out if it's really as shocking as you might think? Or share your fantasy and find out if it's really a common one? That's what the new website, is designed to do. - April 17, 2008 - Reveeka, LLC
Sarasota’s Outdoor Lighting Experts, NiteLites, to Help Sponsor the Annual “Tropical Nights” - Meals on Wheels Annual Fundraising Event
Randy and Becky White, local owners and operators of NiteLites Outdoor Lighting of Sarasota are participating in the annual fundraising event ‘Tropical Nights’ which will be held at the home of Darrell and Mary Ann Turner of Turner Tree and Landscape. The proceeds from this event will benefit the area Meals on Wheels Program. - April 17, 2008 - NiteLites Outdoor Lighting Launches the First Blog Devoted to Italian Ceramics is pleased to announce the launch of the first Italian pottery blog. History, news, events and how to’s about Italian art ceramics, Italian dinnerware and decoration pottery. - April 17, 2008 -
Live Like a VIP Without Spending the Money
In the past month, 1000 Americans have started outsourcing the chores they hate to do most by using underbidding. By auctioning off chores they were able to find the cheapest person in their area to do what they did not want to or could not do without pushing the credit limit. - April 17, 2008 - Undertool
Custom Game Design, Inc. and Lombard Global, Inc. Announce Global Sales and Marketing Collaboration
Custom Game Design, leaders in gaming systems development, and Lombard Global announce partnership for global expansion. - April 16, 2008 - Lombard Global
Hometown Honey Comes Back to St. Louis
Asheena Marlyse a.k.a "Golden" is casted as the Head Doctor of The Punany Poets stage show. The cast will be performing their hit act “Verbal Penetration” on April 17th at the Moolah Theater. - April 16, 2008 - Golden Tyme Enterprises
(five-o-three) restaurant & bar Goes to the Races with Kentucky Derby Viewing Party, Other April/May Events
Today, (five-0-three) restaurant & bar, West Linn, Oregon's locally sourced, globally inspired fine-dining eatery, announced a Southern-style luncheon and Kentucky Derby viewing party on Saturday, May 3, two Winemaker's Dinners and a Mother's Day Jazz Brunch. - April 16, 2008 - (five-0-three) restaurant & bar
Snooth Announces International Expansion, Regional Search Capability
Users from over 40 countries now connected with local merchants and price information. - April 16, 2008 - Snooth
What is a Human Being? Newly Released Book by the Institute of Human Thermodynamics, The Human Molecule (2008), Answers the Question.
Newly released book: The Human Molecule, a short 120-page publication on the history of the concept of the person as a “human molecule”, by American chemical engineer Libb Thims, founder of the Institute of Human Thermodynamics, was approved for distribution on April 10, 2008 and is being listed with Bowker’s Books In Print. It is currently available at the publisher's website ( for $9.95 paperback or download (PDF) and will be available on Amazon and other online retailers soon. - April 16, 2008 - Institute of Human Thermodynamics
Squeaky Wheel Media Launched Luxury, a Microsite for the New Lexus ES350
Squeaky Wheel Media launched a microsite for Lexus, the new ES350 which targets young and affluent African–American women. In a partnership with Alicia Keys, this time, the car itself took a backseat. - April 16, 2008 - Squeaky Wheel Media
Duke Lacrosse Father Remembers
Kevin Finnerty, father of Duke lacrosse player Collin Finnerty -- one of the three boys exonerated after false charges were dropped in the high profile case by North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper -- remembers April last year when his son and family were reeling under the false allegations... - April 16, 2008 - Metro Magazine Officially Launched
The official launch of, a new, free blog hosting provider. - April 16, 2008 -
TronMe | New Technology Provides Even More Ways for the Consumer to Enjoy Music
Thanks to 3D Solar UK Ltd, music is now a more versatile form of entertainment than ever before. Gone are the days of just listening to our favorite songs; with the new TronMe software coming soon, consumers can really get to the nuts and bolts of their favorite tracks and stamp their own unique identity on any song. - April 15, 2008 - 3D Solar Uk LTD
Music Radio Show Covers the Label and Beyond
The show with "Nothin' to Lose" thinks Rocklahoma with their upcoming guests, and plans to also bring local bands from the hosts' locations. - April 14, 2008 - NTL Rock Radio
BlogTalkRadio's "Shadows in the Dark" 24 Hour Paranormal Extravaganza
“Shadows in the Dark” broadcasts 24 consecutive hours of paranormal talk with guests, giveaways and live investigation of haunted locations. - April 13, 2008 - Shadows in the Dark
The Lambda Foundation Pittsburgh, PA Presents Joan Rivers in Celebration of the Lambda Foundation’s 25th Anniversary at the Byham Theater Saturday, June 21, 2008, 8pm
Joan Rivers is a force of nature, and one of the hardest working celebrities in the world. Comedienne; Tony-nominated actress; best-selling author; Emmy Award-winning television talk-show host; playwright; screenwriter; motion picture director; columnist; lecturer; syndicated radio host; jewelry... - April 12, 2008 - Lambda Foundation
The UPS Store Launches New Ad Campaign Featuring Map Placements on
More than 4,300 store locations featured on interactive weather map as points of interest sponsor. - April 12, 2008 - The Weather Channel Interactive
Muley the Mule Goes Pea-Nuts at the Charles Schultz Museum
Kevin Williams, creator of hilarious comic strip character, Muley the Mule, is special guest speaker at Schultz Museum (home of Charlie Brown and gang) this weekend (April 12, 2008). - April 12, 2008 - Kevin L. Williams Productions
The Weather Channel Interactive Relaunches Desktop Application with Enhanced Content, Interactive Maps and Baseball Team Skins
New ad products include targeted ad placements triggered by locations, weather conditions and lifestyle preferences. - April 12, 2008 - The Weather Channel Interactive
Variety Board Expands Classifieds Service to Nine Additional Metropolitan Areas
Variety Board - the regional online classifieds service - has expanded its market to include nine additional metropolitan areas. The site now provides classifieds services in the Phoenix, Miami, Tampa, Boston, Las Vegas, Dallas, Seattle, Hampton Roads, Va and Richmond, Va. metropolitan areas. The... - April 12, 2008 - Variety Board, LLC
Variety-Q Releases New Online Gay and Lesbian Social Network
Variety-Q has created a new online gay and lesbian social network and dating community. The website is an all-inclusive site designed to encourage networking and communications within the GLBT community. The social network provides its members an opportunity to share pictures, videos,... - April 12, 2008 - Variety Board, LLC Has Released the All GLBT Chat Community for Beta Testing is a free gay chat service managed by the Hedgemarks Media Group. The gay and lesbian community is receiving tremendous support from this newest venture, which focuses on meeting the needs of the underserved GLBT market. The website is a simple user-based chat forum that allows GLBT... - April 12, 2008 - Variety Board, LLC
Outstanding Non-Profit Organization Offers the Chance of a Lifetime
Dreams Can Come True combines art and culture to benefit orphaned children around the world, by selling paintings drawn by elephants. - April 12, 2008 - DCCT
Legendary Trainer, Angelo Dundee, and Elite Sports Marketing to Head World Boxing League Team Sales Efforts
The World Boxing League, a soon to be launched league of professional boxing teams, which is currently selling team operating rights in major cities throughout North America and eventually the world, announced today that legendary boxing trainer, Angelo Dundee, and Elite Sports Marketing, a sports marketing company based in Tampa, Florida that represents Mr. Dundee and other sports and entertainment celebrities, will head the WBL’s team sales efforts. - April 11, 2008 - World Boxing League - Guarded Secret on How to Professionally Maintain Pool Cues Revealed
With the right pool cue care, one will aim better, win games, and have a longer lasting pool cue and save money. Secret on how to professional maintain pool cues revealed. - April 11, 2008 - Monster Break Billiards
Award-Winning Writer/Director Stewart St. John Licenses Original Scores to New York Times Best-Selling Authors for Spiritual Audio Books Published by Hay House
Stewart St. John composes music for the Abraham-Hicks (“The Secret”) 11-CD children’s audio book series Sara Learns the Secret about the Law of Attraction -- Now Available at Barnes & Noble - April 11, 2008 -
Yuri's Night Shatters Previous Party Records
When Yuri's Night, an organization dedicated to forwarding the cause of space exploration by holding events around the world each April 12, held over 120 parties on a single day in 2007, it was viewed as an incredible accomplishment unlikely to be topped. Earlier this week, though, Yuri's Night... - April 11, 2008 - Yuri's Night
10th Anniversary California Independent Film Festival to Honor Legendary Producer John Daly with a Lifetime Achievement Award
CIFF to Kick Off with Actors’ Studio-Style Event with Director Penny Marshall, moderated by John Madden; Mary Stuart Masterson to receive Diamond Award; Actor Joe Anderson to receive Rising Star Award; Producer Michael Cerenzie to receive Maverick Award, Comedian Pauly Shore to receive Spirit Award. - April 11, 2008 - California Independent Film Festival
YouReportTV Launches Only Site to Deliver 100% People’s News
With the rapidly increasing number of public contributions to national and local news, YouReportTV has launched the world’s first people’s news site, featuring news generated entirely by the community. - April 11, 2008 - YouReport TV