Christianity News

Keep the faith with news of interest to Christian audiences. Learn about church programs, art and culture and other faith-based initiatives of interest to churchgoers and clergy.

Celestine Publishing Releases Controversial "Gods Many and the Lineage of Saviors" by Author Chase Landing

Celestine Publishing Releases Controversial "Gods Many and the Lineage of Saviors" by Author Chase Landing

Celestine Publishing announced the release of “Gods Many and the Lineage of Saviors: the Most Plausible Theory of the Creation That Is.” Author Chase Landing introduces several new and controversial theories that address the plurality of the Godhead, the mysterious lineage of Jesus Christ, and a fresh look at the story of the creation and how it all began. Celestine Publishing calls it “new thinking on the topic of the creation and the most plausible theory of the century.” - August 04, 2013 - Celestine Publishing, LLC

Centuries of Confusion Cleared Up Through Christ's Own Words: "Jesus Speaks" Published by One Pearl Press

Centuries of Confusion Cleared Up Through Christ's Own Words: "Jesus Speaks" Published by One Pearl Press

By separating and categorizing Jesus’ words from the narrative of the New Testament, author J. A. Warrick allows readers to hear Christ’s voice as if He were speaking directly to them, allowing readers to see for themselves that what Jesus actually said is far different than what many think He said. Interspersed with insightful essays, "Jesus Speaks" brings clarity to, and focus upon the eternal words of Jesus Christ. - August 01, 2013 - One Pearl Press

Xclaimed Ministries is Strengthening the Community

Xclaimed Ministries is Strengthening the Community

About 400 people attended the Xclaimed Ministries' "REVIVE" event (Concert in the Park) on Saturday, July 27, 2013. Scooters, Barbies and quads were the big hits for the kids. Adults went home with new dishwashers, comforters, pillows, sinks, shower head assemblies, coffee makers, home... - July 30, 2013 - Xclaimed Ministries, Inc

Workplace Matters Commissions Waterways Chaplain

Workplace Matters (WM), an ecumenical charity which takes Christian values into the workplace, has expanded its team of waterways chaplains by commissioning Barbara Davis, a Bishops Stortford resident who keeps a narrow boat, ‘Charm’, at Harlow. She is serving as a waterways chaplain... - July 20, 2013 - Workplace Matters

The Highly Anticipated Beacons of Light "A Book of Christian Testimonies" Has Just Been Released

"God made us all as individuals; each hair on our heads are numbered. He has an interest in everything that we say or do. In this book, you’ll follow journeys that will uplift your spirit, and hopefully be a reminder that God, not only loves the sinner, but forgives him as well. Has the light of Jesus Christ changed your direction? Are you a beacon?" -Mick McArt - July 20, 2013 - Mick Art Productions

One Power World Healing Ceremony

Daniel's powerful message of peace, love and compassion across all nations, cultures and faiths has found overwhelming acceptance wherever he has performed. - July 12, 2013 - Spiritual Unity Movement

Inspirational Book Reveals How to Regain Power, Authority, and Walk in Total Victory in Life

Heart-warming author, Polly Sanders-Peterson, latest and most inspirational book yet, "Power of Perseverance" divulges how you can receive God’s power to persevere and to obtain the desires of your heart. - July 11, 2013 - Polly Sanders-Peterson

Angel Two Welcomes to Its Broadcast Schedule

Angel Two Welcomes to Its Broadcast Schedule

Primetime gets covered in camouflage as Angel Two combines God and country. - July 03, 2013 - Sky Angel

Conservative Pastors Refuse to Budge on Homosexuality

Theologically-conservative pastors are known for their unwavering stands on many issues, and homosexuality is at the top of the list. A recent survey shows that conservative pastors refuse to compromise their beliefs or succumb to cultural pressures on this controversial issue. - June 24, 2013 - Center for the Study of American Culture and Faith

New Book, On the Heels of My Father, Empowers Young Christians in Times of Uncertainty

From being angry with the church, having to short sell their house, being uncertain of what her purpose was and coveting the gifts of those around her, Caneeka was in a place where she felt completely abandoned by God. Through her book of devotions, On the Heels of my Father, Caneeka E. Miller encourages the reader with stories, scriptures, and transparency equipping them with the confidence to peacefully face life’s struggles. - June 21, 2013 - Caneeka E. Miller

Conservative Pastors Stand Firm Against Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage

Same-sex marriage is not gaining any ground among theologically-conservative pastors, a recent survey revealed. - June 17, 2013 - Center for the Study of American Culture and Faith

"Spirit of Love" the Mike Glenn Story Will Screen at Woodhaven Baptist Deaf Church as Benefit for Lillian Beard Deaf Center

"Spirit of Love" the Mike Glenn Story Will Screen at Woodhaven Baptist Deaf Church as Benefit for Lillian Beard Deaf Center

Family Movie night will benefit others while bridging the gap between deaf and hearing, black and white, believer or non believer. It’s a film with a big message delivered with ASL, Open Captions, and the Spoken Word. - June 07, 2013 - Film It Productions

Fullerton, CA - Regional Leadership Event Features HIU Alumnus

CEO and Identity Evangelist of Minus Zero and Hope alumnus Sabastian Huynh will speak at the Southern California Gathering of Men breakfast events. - June 06, 2013 - Hope International University

Sky Angel Adds Faith Everywhere to the Roku Platform

Sky Angel Adds Faith Everywhere to the Roku Platform

Sky Angel announces that the Sky Angel Faith Everywhere℠ package is now available on Roku® streaming players. - June 05, 2013 - Sky Angel

"Don't Send Illegal Immigrants Back" Say Conservative Pastors

While the U.S. Congress and other public officials wrestle with policies concerning future options for illegal immigrants, a new survey of theologically-conservative Protestant pastors reveals that they are more likely than registered voters to offer illegal immigrants a chance to receive legal residency. - June 05, 2013 - Center for the Study of American Culture and Faith

New Book Encourages Americans to Take Back Their Nation by Following God’s Word

Eileen Townsend’s book, America’s Role in Revelation, addresses the need for American’s to take back their nation by following God’s Word. - June 05, 2013 - Eileen Townsend

Singer, Songwriter and Producer Chantel Hampton Signs Exclusive Marketing and Distribution Agreement with Tate Music Group/E1 Distribution

Singer, Songwriter and Producer Chantel Hampton Signs Exclusive Marketing and Distribution Agreement with Tate Music Group/E1 Distribution

International Recording Artist, Songwriter, Producer and Philanthropist Chantel Hampton fuels her flourishing career by signing an exclusive Marketing and Distribution agreement with distribution leaders Tate Music Group and E1 Distribution. Hampton’s non-profit music production company... - June 04, 2013 - Chantel Hampton

Chosen - A New Book Released by Pastor Milton K. Smith

Chosen - A New Book Released by Pastor Milton K. Smith

Are you ready to move to the next level of living? Are you ready to experience the destiny and purpose inside of you that has been there since you were born? When you come to the realization that there is more to your life than the ordinary, then you have stepped into the knowledge of being Chosen. This book is a riveting, empowering tool that will help you see yourself as God has created you. - June 03, 2013 - Milton K. Smith Enterprises

Matthew 25: Ministries Prepares Disaster Relief for Victims of Oklahoma Tornadoes

Matthew 25: Ministries is preparing shipments of relief supplies for residents of Oklahoma, following the destruction caused by last evening’s tornadoes and the additional devastating storms today. Matthew 25: Ministries’ advance team will leave on Tuesday, May 21 with their first shipment of disaster relief supplies. Matthew 25 is working with disaster relief partner Procter & Gamble to send relief products, including P&G personal and household care brands to those in the affected communities. - May 21, 2013 - Matthew 25: Ministries

Gadfly Publishing Announces the Release of Bible Bullies: How Fundamentalists Got the Good Book so Wrong

Gadfly Publishing Announces the Release of Bible Bullies: How Fundamentalists Got the Good Book so Wrong

Bible Bullies explores the nature of a special kind of aggressor who uses the Bible to push others around. - May 13, 2013 - Gadfly Publishing, LLC

May 15: Int’l Day of Families—Global Research Reveals Families Hold Most Sway with Teens

Family experience directly correlates to substance use, sexual experience, academic drive - May 03, 2013 - OneHope

Connecticut Author Wins Achievement Award for Her Book About Surviving Cancer

Connecticut Author Wins Achievement Award for Her Book About Surviving Cancer

Connecticut Author Kathy Graff won 2nd place achievement award in the “Devotional” category of the 2013 Christian Choice Book Awards, an annual contest which recognizes newly independent Christian authors, sponsored by Xulon Press. The award comes just 6 months after Ms. Graff’s... - May 02, 2013 - Kathy Graff

New Book "Let Me Out!" is a Testimonial to the Healing Powers of God from Author Cheryl Yolanda Howard

New book by author, Cheryl Yolanda Howard encourages people to seek God during their happy times, tough times, and every day times. - April 24, 2013 - Cheryl Yolanda Howard

Origin of Life Revealed in New Book

Origin of Life Revealed in New Book

GOD Exists! Ten Evidences for Belief by Wallace Shaunfield aims to show, by using secular data and logic, that the origin of life was a supernatural event and therefore was an act of God. - April 22, 2013 - Wallace Shaunfield

Launch of the Roots of Christian Mysticism Course - Starting Thursday 25 April 2013 in London

This is a rare opportunity to reflect on the riches of the Christian contemplative tradition. Contemplation as the art of silent prayer, is no longer confined to the monasteries but is being reclaimed by the ordinary Christian. This is a course for anybody who wishes to explore their Christian... - April 21, 2013 - WCCM

Christian Brands Responds to Boston Marathon Bombing: Donates Rosaries to Boston Dioceses

While horrific events like the Boston Marathon bombing can tear families and lives apart, they can also bring people and communities together. Such is the case for a Valley company, Christian Brands, which recently announced it will donate 3,000 rosaries and holy cards to the Boston Catholic... - April 20, 2013 - Christian Brands

DL Church Websites is Open for Business

They partner with you to expand God's kingdom by creating an attractive online presence that describes who you are and what you're about. - April 13, 2013 - DL Church Websites

Reveal Fellowship Presents "Messiah in the Passover"

Messiah in the Passover helps the Jewish and Christian communities understand their common heritage. - April 11, 2013 - Reveal Fellowship

Angel Two Enhances Programming Options with

Angel Two Enhances Programming Options with

The Angel Two Network, found on DISH Network, FAVE TV, Sky Angel TV and Sky Angel Faith Everywhere, will be launching a new block of programming called, which will feature shows related to outdoor sports such as hunting and fishing, this upcoming July of 2013. - April 03, 2013 - Sky Angel

Overcoming Racism: Newly Released Christian Non-Fiction Book Series Discusses Steps for Gaining Individual Victory Over Racism

Overcoming Racism: Newly Released Christian Non-Fiction Book Series Discusses Steps for Gaining Individual Victory Over Racism

Marble Tower Publishing, LLC, a Maryland-based company announces release of empowering new Christian inspirational book series as excerpts from “RAYS OF VICTORY: NAILING RACISM TO THE CROSS.” Included in the book series are the following titles: Footprints of Victory Over Racism: In the... - April 01, 2013 - Marble Tower Publishing, LLC Reveals U.S. Consumers Set to Spend Over $15 Billion on Easter Candy This Year Alone Reveals U.S. Consumers Set to Spend Over $15 Billion on Easter Candy This Year Alone has released an infographic detailing obscure facts about the Easter Holiday, which falls on Sunday, March 31. The numbers are staggering. - March 30, 2013 - Megaads Ltd.

Behavioral Specialist Greg Herzog Paints Jesus Christ for Good Friday

Behavioral Specialist Greg Herzog Paints Jesus Christ for Good Friday

Jesus of Nazareth commonly referred to as Jesus Christ or simply as Jesus or Christ, is the central figure of Christianity and regarded as an important prophet of God in Islam. - March 29, 2013 - HBT

I Have a Calling Released in Print Format; Mary Wamaitha's Workbook Guides Your Life with Help of the Scriptures

Foden Press today announced the release of Mary Wamaitha's book titled "I Have A Calling: Must Know Ingredients for Success." Originally written as mainly a set of exhortations from Mary and the Scriptures to motivate readers and start them on a new career direction, the book has now been edited into a structured workbook by Greg Marus. As a result, anyone can directly work in the book and answer the challenging questions to help you discover your career and life goals and motivations. - March 29, 2013 - Foden Press

FellowshipWorld to Hold Easter Worship to be Held at The Regal Cinema

FellowshipWorld, a non-denominational, multicultural Christian ministry will begin holding weekly Sunday Worship at the Regal Cinema, 2001 Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo, NY on Easter Sunday, March 31st at 9:00 am. FellowshipWorld will also provide live video and audio online and mobile streaming of its services from the Regal at - March 24, 2013 - FellowshipWorld

From Outskirts Press: Fellowshipping With Holy Spirit - Up Close and Personal

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated religion, Christian life and inspirational book from Billings, MT, author S. Lee Winnan. - March 16, 2013 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

The Lord 2nd Coming Is Our Salvation Forever Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated religion and Biblical studies book from Capitol Heights, MD, author Rodolfo Gaila. - March 15, 2013 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Inspiring, Rhymed Global Tour: Little Ben's Pledge Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated Christian historical fiction from Tacoma, WA, author Bernard E. Bentley. - March 14, 2013 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Wake Up! You Know Not the Day or the Hour, Tells Jesus' Life in Chronological Order Through the Gospels

Eric McNamara found himself flipping through Gospels to study Jesus' life. Wake Up! You Know Not the Day or the Hour consolidates accounts chronologically to give meaning to events that shaped Jesus. - March 14, 2013 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Wake Up! You Know Not the Day or the Hour, Tells Jesus' Life in Chronological Order Through the Gospels

Eric McNamara found himself flipping through Gospels to study Jesus' life. Wake Up! You Know Not the Day or the Hour consolidates accounts chronologically to give meaning to events that shaped Jesus. - March 14, 2013 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Discipling Oneself and Others: Discipled by Jesus Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated religion, Christian life and personal growth book from Colorado Springs, CO, authors Hal and Debbi Perkins. - March 06, 2013 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

A Time To Kill: The Myth of Christian Pacifism by Greg Hopkins Challenges Pacifist Views on Self Defense and Prepares Readers to Protect Self and Family

A Time To Kill: The Myth of Christian Pacifism by Greg Hopkins Challenges Pacifist Views on Self Defense and Prepares Readers to Protect Self and Family

Includes chapters about preparing for self defense, state laws governing self defense, understanding how criminals think, recovery from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), biblical appraisals of military and police, discussion of criminal punishment and retribution, and much more. - March 05, 2013 - MindBridge Press

Horizon Christian Fellowship to Present The Bible 30-Day Church Experience

Why just listen to Bible stories when you can experience them like never before? Beginning Sunday, March 3rd, you’re invited to attend The Bible 30-Day Church Experience at Horizon Christian Fellowship. - March 02, 2013 - Horizon Christian Fellowship

Sage School Doubles in Size and Moves Onto Larger Campus

Suwanee-based school for children with dyslexia is seeing raising enrollments. - February 27, 2013 - Sage School

The Center for Living Well Announces Christ Centered Yoga Teacher Training to Begin in April

The Center for Living Well Announces Christ Centered Yoga Teacher Training to Begin in April

The Center for Living Well, a 501(c)3 nonprofit wellness ministry providing Christ-centered wellness education and training, is pleased to announce teacher training to begin April 9. The Center’s Yoga Ministry Leadership Training Program is designed for individuals who want to strengthen their yoga knowledge and practice, deepen their faith walk, teach Christ-centered yoga classes, or lead a yoga ministry. For more information, please visit - February 26, 2013 - The Center for Living Well

Google and YouTube Have Approved Xclaimed Ministries for Live Streaming

Google and YouTube Have Approved Xclaimed Ministries for Live Streaming

Since 2005, Xclaimed Ministries has been involved in community events and outreach. Over 20,000 people have been to their events receiving free food, toys, clothes, resources, Bibles, entertainment and concerts. The purpose of these events is to bring resources and help to the people within the community. - February 26, 2013 - Xclaimed Ministries, Inc

Reveal Fellowship Announces “Heaven on Earth” Night of Worship Event

Contemporary Christian Worship to be featured. - February 13, 2013 - Reveal Fellowship

Finding Local St Louis Churches Seems Easy with

Churches in St Louis MO is an online directory that enables anyone in St. Louis to find nearby churches according to their preferred denomination, ministry, church size & more. - January 30, 2013 -

February Open House at Christian Leadership Academy

Christian Leadership Academy (CLA) in Troy, MI will be hosting an Open House on Thursday, February 7 2013 at 7 pm. - January 18, 2013 - Christian Leadership Academy

Friendship Agape Church to Ordain James Chiang

Friendship Agape Church will be formally ordaining James Chiang on Sunday, January 13, 2013. Founded in 1989, Friendship Agape Church (FAC) is a congregation of the Christian Reformed Church denomination. Based in San Jose, California, FAC serves the local community with English and Mandarin Chinese programs for individuals and families. - January 07, 2013 - Friendship Agape Church

New Christian Book Provides Insight Into Lost Language of Christ

Author, A Victoria Chance, is pleased to announce the release of her new book, The Disciple's Guidebook. - December 20, 2012 - A. Victoria Chance

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