Christianity News
Keep the faith with news of interest to Christian audiences. Learn about church programs, art and culture and other faith-based initiatives of interest to churchgoers and clergy.
America’s Registry of Outstanding Professionals is Pleased to Announce the Acceptance of Pastor Raymond Brenner as a New Member
Pastor Raymond Brenner of Jasper, Indiana has been accepted into membership by America’s Registry of Outstanding Professionals for his highly regarded vocation as a Roman Catholic priest. - October 28, 2016 - America's Registry of Outstanding Professionals
Support Women in the Church; Come to an Equali-Tea
Invitation to drinks and appetizers at St. Joseph's Brewery 540 College Ave. Indianapolis 46202. In anticipation of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops' General Assembly in Baltimore you will have a chance to sign a "ballot" stating that you vote "yes" that women's voices should be included at every table where church decisions and policies are made. - October 27, 2016 - St. Mary of Magdela Catholic Community
Missions Matching Grant to Help Crossworld Connect with the World’s Least-Reached People
Up to $50,000 in gifts will be matched by an anonymous donor through Dec. 31. - October 20, 2016 - Crossworld
Shark Tank Like Show for Mission Projects
Mission Seed Fund is holding a contest for current and future mission projects with a grand prize of $1,000 in seed money. Entries to the contest are being accepted via the project creation tool at through October 28th, 2016. Contest entry is free. View official contest rules. Finalists in the contest will appear in person in front of a live audience and a panel of judges to compete for the grand prize on November 12th, 2016 at the University of Portland's Buckley Center. - October 16, 2016 - Mission Seed Fund
Central Presbyterian Announces the Rev. David Cozad as New Interim Pastor, Head of Staff
Reverend David Cozad joins Central Presbyterian Church, in Atlanta, GA, as it's interim pastor and head of staff. - October 12, 2016 - Central Presbyterian Church - Atlanta
Discovery of Christian Meditation Leads Teen with Big Problems to Renewed Faith
A former delinquent’s discovery of meditation puts him on a path to self-discovery and the purpose of his life in this new book released by Dog Ear Publishing. - September 22, 2016 - Dog Ear Publishing
A New Church is Set to Launch in Mustang
Freedom Fellowship Church will officially launch their new church in the city of Mustang at 10:30 Sunday, September 18th at 10:30 am. - September 09, 2016 - Freedom Fellowship Church
New Catholic University Aims to Renew Culture of Beauty
Pontifex University opens inaugural enrollment for its affordable and innovative Masters of Sacred Arts degree. - September 08, 2016 - Pontifex University
Pro-Life Christian Fiction Details Real Issues with Abortion
Lorana Hoopes, a new author from the Pacific Northwest, has published the first book in her Heartbeats series, a pro-life Christian fiction series that shows the dangers of abortion and the salvation of Jesus Christ through a fictional platform. - September 07, 2016 - Lorana Hoopes
Free Tutoring Service Offered by Chinese Community Church of South Bay
The Chinese Community Church of South Bay, located in the Torrance area of Los Angeles County, will be offering free tutoring service for Junior High and High School students for the Fall and Spring semesters of the 2016-2017 school year. - September 03, 2016 - Chinese Community Church of South Bay
Christian Music Trendsetter Carman Returns to the Stage Triumphant After Life-Threatening Cancer Battle
Bringing life and hope to families across the country in the high energy 2016 "CinemaSonic Experience" Tour - August 25, 2016 - Carman
New Church Seeks to Help Local Children Through Its Backpack Giveaway Event
As summer begins to wind down, parents are turning their attention to the new school year. Back to school time can be exciting for both parents and children alike. Unfortunately, it can also be a stressful time for families that are having trouble making ends meet. Source Church, a new... - August 19, 2016 - Source Church
Save the Date: Food Waste Weekend
Weekend of September 23-25, 2016 Set Aside for America’s Clergy Across the Faith Spectrum to Give Sermons on Food Waste - August 10, 2016 -
Life-Changing Accident Becomes a Ripple Effect
The amazing story of Michigan OB/GYN Dr. David Wolf and how a major accident paralyzed him, yet set him on a new, fulfilling path that has impacted thousands of people. - July 28, 2016 - The Gift Is You
Christian Author Reginald Cooke Says You Can Get Barred from Heaven for Doing Wrong… and Also for Doing Nothing
New book focuses on a universal spiritual truth that was held by people like the late Muhammed Ali, Martin Luther King Jr., and Catholic Priest Father Chase - July 24, 2016 - Reginald A. Cooke
Northwest Christian Church to Reach New Families with the Addition of a Certified Special Needs Children’s Ministry
As part of its long term vision to connect the local community to Christ, Northwest Christian Church announced today that it will launch a new ministry for Special Needs Children in early October called “UNlimited.” It will be part of NWCC’s current KidsTown children’s... - July 05, 2016 - Northwest Christian Church
The Mission Society Highlights Plight of Refugees – And the Struggles to Practice Compassion of Christ
New Issue of "Unfinished" Magazine Describes On-the-Ground Outreach - July 02, 2016 - InChrist Communications
Mireille Mishriky, Author Has Published a New Book: "Philo and the Superholies"; Christian Children Have Super Powers
"Christian children have super powers," says Mireille Mishriky in her first book. "Real super powers. Powers that put those of fictional superheroes to shame. And yet, most Christian children only discover their powers much later on in life. This tragedy ends today." Mireille... - June 24, 2016 - Mireille Mishriky, author
Summer Short Term Mission 2016 Sponsored by Chinese Community Church of South Bay
The Chinese Community Church of South Bay, located in the Torrance area of Los Angeles County, will be sponsoring a short term mission among the Navajo people in Arizona from July 17, 2016 to July 23, 2016. - June 21, 2016 - Chinese Community Church of South Bay
Redeeming Word Christian Center International Revolution Youth Encounter
Redeeming Word Christian Center International (RWCCI) will host the Revolution Youth Encounter themed The Rebuild, with a focus on liberating and empowering today’s youth. This event will be hosted at the Central location in Fort Lauderdale, FL and will take place Thursday and Friday night at 7:00 p.m. - June 16, 2016 - Redeeming Word Christian Center International
Enrico Nicoló’s New Book Reveals Undiscovered History of Jesus’ Life
Dog Ear Publishing reviews a new book that explores the text of the New Testament and unveils an intriguing history of Jesus concealed within it. - June 14, 2016 - Dog Ear Publishing
UR2.Global Self-Esteem Project Showcasing the Arts Names Musician - Premik Russell Tubbs as Honorary Artist-In-Residence
UR2.Global names renown multi-instrumental musician, composer, arranger, and producer Premik Russell Tubbs as its 2016 Honorary Artist-in-Residence for its humanitarian project which showcases the ARTS to uplift the self-esteem of humanity. Premik has worked with Sting, Lady Gaga, Whitney Houston,... - June 07, 2016 - UR2.Global
Christian Publishing Company Will be Launching a New Interfaith Guide This Summer
A new interfaith guide will soon be available to the public. As the world seems to be searching for peace where ever it can be found, world leaders like Pope Francis have put inter-religious dialogue at the top of their agendas. Other religious leaders are also encouraging interfaith education in a move towards ecumenism and understanding. - June 02, 2016 - Search for Peace
Dying to Be Free - The Compelling New Book Written by the Child of a Catholic Priest
After an unexpected accident and near-death experience, Hannah Robinson found herself radically transforming her life, while a remarkable new insight altered her relationship with her father; a practising Catholic priest. - May 30, 2016 - Hannah Robinson
Redeeming Word Christian Center International Momentum Men’s Encounter
Redeeming Word Christian Center International (RWCCI) will host their Men’s Encounter with a focus on developing an “Expert Man.” The event will be held at the Central location in Fort Lauderdale, FL and will take place Thursday through Saturday with nightly sessions on Thursday and Friday beginning at 7:00 p.m. and morning session on Saturday at 9 a.m. - May 20, 2016 - Redeeming Word Christian Center International
Steve Walker Releases New Book That Provides a Map to Spiritual Maturity
Dog Ear Publishing reviews a book that guides readers to determine their path in life with God’s help, achieving full growth and maturity. - May 20, 2016 - Dog Ear Publishing
West Coast Chinese Christian Conference Announces 2016 Winter Conference
Rev. Walter Lau and Rev. Gordon Sau Wah Siu to Speak for WCCCC at Mount Hermon - May 15, 2016 - West Coast Chinese Christian Conference
Transformation, Freedom Highlight One Woman’s Journey in Award-Winning New Memoir
Dog Ear Publishing bestows its Award of Literary Excellence on “From Mormon to Mermaid: One Woman’s Voyage from Oppression to Freedom,” a story about one woman’s experiences in the Mormon Church and why she left. - May 06, 2016 - Dog Ear Publishing
Celebrating 2016 Friendship Day
Friendship Agape Church to offer special musical program, uplifting message and fellowship lunch on Sunday, May 15, 2016. - May 05, 2016 - Friendship Agape Church
New Memoir Offers Insider’s Perspective on Mormonism, Break with Faith
A book “fifty years in the living and ten years in the writing” details one woman’s journey from being a devout Mormon to discovering major doctrinal problems in the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Dog Ear Publishing reviews her compelling new memoir. - May 03, 2016 - Dog Ear Publishing
Dr. Stephanie Offers Tips on How to "Spring Clean" Your Relationship
Toss out those dirty habits and refresh your relationship! Dr. Stephanie Weiland Knarr, Ph.D., a nationally recognized psychotherapist and couples therapist, offers free Relationship Advice on The Relationship Repair Shop Radio Show, a weekly radio broadcast with the BBM Global Network. She invites... - April 25, 2016 - BBM global Network
Tampa Church Will Feed the Homeless with the Fruits of Their Labor During One Year Anniversary Celebration - May 21, 2016 @ 11:00AM
Mount Olive Church will feed and clothe the needy in the Community. - April 19, 2016 - Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church
Cincinnati Native Returns to Inspire Positive Change for All
Kirk Smith Unlimited & Associates announces the return of Kirk Ray Smith, BS, MS, a native of Cincinnati-Avondale, who overcame obstacles and beat the odds. Kirk is returning to share insights and experiences to inspire and empower others no matter their race, age, lifestyle, pedigree, or... - April 16, 2016 - Kirk Smith Unlimited & Associates, LLC
"Sane Spiritual Revival" Book Published by Telical Books
Telical Books of Seattle, Washington is releasing a new book on spiritual renewal called "Meditations on Christian Revival," by R.S. Pearson. Mr. Pearson has written three books previously that deal with problems in religious practice. This is one where spiritual fervor takes on a sane and helpful form. - April 15, 2016 - Telical Books
Tim Tebow Headlining Free Wheelchair Mission’s 13th Annual Miracle of Mobility Gala
On July 28, 2016, Free Wheelchair Mission will hold the 13th Annual Miracle of Mobility Gala at Costa Mesa’s Segerstrom Center for the Arts in Orange County, Calif. Special guest speaker Tim Tebow will share a message affirming the faith, hope and transformation Free Wheelchair Mission... - April 08, 2016 - Free Wheelchair Mission
Redeeming Word Christian Center International 2016 Tea Party
Redeeming Word Christian Center International (RWCCI) will host their 2016 Tea Party at the luxurious Marriott Harbor Beach Resort and Spa in Fort Lauderdale, FL on Saturday, April 16th at 11:00 AM. - April 07, 2016 - Redeeming Word Christian Center International
10th Year of Restoring, Healing and Restoration
Saved Souls Ministries holds it's 10th Women's Conference at Hilton Garden Inn at Kent Island. A weekend that transforms the beautiful Hilton Garden Inn into an oasis of renewal for women. - April 02, 2016 - Saved Souls Ministries
Dale F. Shaffer’s End-Times Prophecy Novel Features Bible Reference Endnotes
Dog Ear Publishing reviews a new novel about the end-times when a middle-east war escalates into World War III. Biblical references following the story provide an opportunity for studying the prophecies and their sequence. - April 01, 2016 - Dog Ear Publishing
Best Faith-Based Web Site to be Named by Web Marketing Association in 20th Annual WebAward Competition
The best faith-based Websites in the world will be named as part of the 20th annual international WebAward Competition for Web site development at The WebAwards is the standards-defining competition that sets benchmarks for 96 industries, including all religious denominations web sites, based on the seven criteria of a successful Web site. The deadline for advertising web sites to enter to be judged is May 31, 2016. - March 31, 2016 - Web Marketing Association
Denver Seminary Announces Master of Theology Degree
New degree offers opportunity for Masters level students to deepen their theological education. - March 15, 2016 - Denver Seminary
Entertainment Personality Cas Spencer Begs the Question: Where’s the "Christian Bachelorette?" and Volunteers for Season One
Church girls need love too. A sweet, attractive Christian bachelorette is what's missing from the TV dating game. Attractive and Christian, is that an oxymoron? Well not exactly. Christians are attractive too. And just to make things fun and interesting, entertainment personality Cas Spencer is campaigning to be Christian Bachelorette - season one. - March 14, 2016 - Casimir Spencer
A Century’s Missionary Report Card from an African Viewpoint
The book, “Precious Mt. Silinda United Church of Christ (UCC) Mission,” by Mrs. Kate E. Sukuta is an informative book about Western Christian missionary work in Zimbabwe, Africa. The author found herself in a unique position of witnessing over a century of Christian work through her... - March 05, 2016 - Sukuta Technologies, LLC
Redeeming Word Christian Center International 24th Pastor’s Appreciation and Church Anniversary
Redeeming Word Christian Center International (RWCCI) will host its 24th Pastor’s Appreciation and Church Anniversary to honor and celebrate 24 years of ministry. This month long celebration will be like none other as it will honor both Pastors and Partners’ alike. There will be special presentations, activities and gift giveaways in store during the month of February at the Central location in Fort Lauderdale, FL. - January 30, 2016 - Redeeming Word Christian Center International
WhizFish Honored to Develop Mobile App for St. Barbara Catholic Church
Erlanger, Kentucky parish adopts modern outreach to fuel continued growth. - January 29, 2016 - WhizFish
Unique, New Book Provided for Free to Pastors, Christian Ministry Leaders, CEOs, and Heads of Nations for Becoming 20 Times More Fruitful in 2016
Pastors, Christian ministry leaders, CEOs, and heads of nations can receive free books describing how to accomplish 20 times more with existing resources. - January 28, 2016 - Breakthrough Improvement Institute
Reverend Janice R. Nicholas Recognized as a Professional of the Year by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication
Reverend Janice R. Nicholas of Mitchellville, Maryland has been recognized as a Professional of the Year for 2016 by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of religion. About Reverend Janice R. Nicholas Reverend Nicholas has... - January 27, 2016 - Strathmore Worldwide
Rev. Loretta F. Moody, M.Div. Recognized as a Professional of the Year and VIP by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication
Rev. Loretta F. Moody, M.Div. of Oakland, California has been recognized as a Professional of the Year and a VIP for 2015 by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Edition for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the religious field. About Rev. Loretta F. Moody, M.Div Rev. Moody... - January 27, 2016 - Strathmore Worldwide
Mighty Men of Faith to Release New Album "Believe in His Promises"
Pre-Order Today the Upcoming Album “Believe in His Promises”; Set for Release in March - January 26, 2016 - N2L Records
Tech Startup Bible APP Dev Team Launches a Brand New Bible App to Jumpstart Its Business
Bible - KJV,NIV and etc. is a new launch by the Bible APP Dev Team, committed to bringing God's words to people all around the world using cutting-edge technologies. Young as it is, the startup is aiming high. It seems quite ambitious to have its share in the market that is no stranger to new entrants. - January 19, 2016 - Bible APP Dev
New York Developer Elie Hirschfeld to Meet Pope Francis in Rome Representing Rabbi Arthur Schneier and the Park East Synagogue in Rome’s Great Synagogue on January 17
Elie Hirschfeld, the principal and president of privately held New York City ownership and development group Hirschfeld Properties is traveling to Rome to greet Pope Francis on his visit to the Great Synagogue of Rome on January 17, 2016. Pope Francis will become the third-ever Roman Pontiff to... - January 14, 2016 - Hirschfeld Properties