Christianity News

Keep the faith with news of interest to Christian audiences. Learn about church programs, art and culture and other faith-based initiatives of interest to churchgoers and clergy.

Lilisa J Williams Hosts Chrisitian Writers Convention

First International Christian Writers Convention offers authors the opportunity to take their words of virtue from concept to written reality. - March 04, 2011 - Lilisa J Williams

Decision Making is Subject of New Bible Study Lesson

A new lesson on “Decision Making” has been added to the site, bringing the total to 81 lessons. - February 25, 2011 - United Church of God

Lincoln, Nebraska, Priest Father Peter Mitchell Profiled in Book About Pope John Paul II

Father Peter Mitchell, professor at St. Gregory the Great Seminary in Seward, Neb., says pope John Paul II changed his life, and is among the priests and bishops featured in the book Living Miracles: The Spiritual Sons of John Paul the Great. - February 24, 2011 -

Latest Bible Study Guide Series Explores "What God Wants for You"

A new series on “What God Wants for You” has just been added to the site, bringing the total number of practical, hope-filled lessons to 77. - February 18, 2011 - United Church of God

New Bible Study Guide Series Explores “God’s Plan for You and the Entire World”

What did the Old Testament festivals mean to the New Testament Church? What can these harvest festivals teach us about God’s growth plan for us and all humanity? A new series on “God’s Plan for You and the Entire World” has just been added to the site. - February 17, 2011 - United Church of God

Bishop Jugis of Charlotte, North Carolina, Profiled in Book on “JP2” Generation

Peter Jugis, Bishop of Charlotte, North Carolina, is among those profiled in a newly released book chronicling John Paul II’s lasting influence on church culture (Living Miracles: The Spiritual Sons of John Paul the Great by Randall J. Meissen, Mission Network: 2011, ISBN 9781933271279,... - February 12, 2011 -

Cowboys Quarterback Jon Kitna Event @ First Euless

Cowboys Quarterback Jon Kitna Event @ First Euless

Dallas Cowboy's Quarterback Jon Kitna at First Baptist Church Euless. Sunday Feb. 20th, 9:15 AM & 10:45 AM. Event is Free. - February 06, 2011 - First Baptist Church Euless

DivineCoders: Creating New Advancements in Bible Code Research

New advancements in Bible Code Research are propelling the world forward toward a greater understanding of God. DivineCoders has stumbled upon an ancient device that can be used to locate hidden words encoded in the Bible, mathematically, with the assistance of computers. - February 02, 2011 - DivineCoders

Pain Can Start Someone Healing: When You Are Hurt by the Church, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published When You Are Hurt by the Church by Cassandra Curtis. The author's most recent book to date is a 7.4 x 9.7 paperback in the religion, Christian life and personal growth category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes &... - February 01, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc. Announces Promotion of the New Book, "Christianity in the 22nd Century" by Author James Stroud

Self-Acclaimed Average Joe, James Stroud, Has Released A New Book That Covers the History of Christian Persecution, The Logic of Faith Through Apologetics, and the Hypocrisy of “Church-ianity” vs. “Christ-ianity” Writing from years of "real-life" experience, and... - January 29, 2011 - BookBuzz

New Bible Study Guide Series Explores “Getting to Really Know God”

What does God tell us about Himself, and how can we build a closer relationship with Him? A new series on “Getting to Really Know God” has just been added to the site. - January 27, 2011 - United Church of God

Luis Aponte's New Screenplay, "The Dark Diary of Columbus," Offers Unique View on American Slave Trade Origins

America’s history books may need an update. Screenwriter, Luis Aponte claims that a closer look into the personal diaries of Christopher Columbus and a Dominican priest reveal some of the most unforgivable crimes in American history. The Dark Diary of Columbus is a new screenplay that reveals... - January 17, 2011 - Luis Aponte

New Bible Study Lesson Looks at How to Get Along with Other People

The Bible has a lot to say about the secrets of having good relationships. A new lesson on “Getting Along With People” has just been added to the site. - January 14, 2011 - United Church of God

Charisma Starts New Year with Focus on Forgiveness

The January 2011 issue of Charisma magazine focuses on forgiveness and the Bible. - January 11, 2011 - Charisma Media

Author Sherri Lane Challenges Others to Make Leap of Faith in New Spiritual Release; Book Published by Dog Ear Publishing

The author has a simple message, calling for all Christians to dare to be more like Jesus: to stop judging others and to start living a life of love. Christians, whether practicing their faith or not, should release God from the restrictions or preconceived notions of what He is and can do for them. Although making a leap of faith is not easy, someday, the author writes, we will be enlightened beyond imagining, and we should be ready to make the jump to paradise. - January 08, 2011 - Dog Ear Publishing

Castle on the Hill Releases Jesus Talks, an Innovative New iPhone App

Castle on the Hill Releases Jesus Talks, an Innovative New iPhone App

"Jesus Talks" was recently approved by Apple for release in the iTunes online store. Early reviews are very positive and the application has already been downloaded several thousand times in countries across the world. Ever wonder how Jesus really prayed? Jesus Talks iPhone application... - January 05, 2011 - Castle On The Hill, Inc

CentrePoint Launches Evangelistic Campaign Engaging Christian College Students

Normally winning souls is a chore among congregants of every age. It is something that is expected of all Christians. CentrePoint college students were excited to participate before they knew they would be compensated. This will add to their education as they learn to make disciples and make money. - January 05, 2011 - CentrePoint

Author Challenges Others to Make Leap of Faith in New Spiritual Release; Book by Sherri Lane, Released by Dog Ear Publishing

The author has a simple message, calling for all Christians to dare to be more like Jesus: to stop judging others and to start living a life of love. Christians, whether practicing their faith or not, should release God from the restrictions or preconceived notions of what He is and can do for them. Although making a leap of faith is not easy, someday, the author writes, we will be enlightened beyond imagining, and we should be ready to make the jump to paradise. - December 25, 2010 - Dog Ear Publishing

Porch Step Introduces 5 Simple Things Challenge

Porch Step Introduces 5 Simple Things Challenge

Contest Kick-Starts Meaningful New Year’s Resolutions - December 21, 2010 - Porch Step

Kultur is Proud to Announce the Release of the Historic Film, the Testament of Mother Teresa on DVD January 25

The Testament of Mother Teresa Debuts on DVD January 25 Kultur is proud to announce the release on DVD of the historic film, The Testament of Mother Teresa. This rare interview captures on film one of the greatest humanitarians of our time. It will be released on January 25, 2011, for a suggested... - December 17, 2010 - Kultur International Films Ltd

Xclaimed Ministries Provides Christmas Toys and Bicycles to the Community

A small ministry reaches out in big ways. At the Xclaimed Ministries 2nd Annual Christmas Festival, 20 children went home with new bicycles; over 300 children went home with two new toys each, 200 children (ages 3-12) received free admission to Adventure City Amusement Park, 20 children received free Tommy’s Original Hamburger meal vouchers, 100 people received free hamburger vouchers from Fuego’s Restaurant. - December 15, 2010 - Xclaimed Ministries, Inc

Bode Ososami Releases New Christian Book: "The Majesty of God"

Bode Ososami Releases New Christian Book: "The Majesty of God"

The book - Majesty of God, captures the awesomeness and often forgotten grandeur that belongs to God. In the frenzy of gift purchases and preparations for the holidays, we may want to pause to consider that someone will benefit from a different view of the God who from His majestic throne in heaven came to earth as a lamb. Why is His glory the greatest thing we can ever hope to encounter? - December 12, 2010 - Bode Ososami

New Release from Dog Ear Publishing Invites Christians to Explore Their Relationship to God; Book by C J Davidson

This thought-provoking book explores the history of the Roman Catholic Church and the pope’s union with the German king, forming the Holy Roman Empire, and the consequences to faith. The victors of World War II revived the empire, which was suspended in 1806, according to the author, and... - December 05, 2010 - Dog Ear Publishing

New Non-Fiction Release by Dog Ear Publishing Shares Scripture, True Life Testimonies; Book by C. Marie

“God is everywhere, and he sees everything.” Thus begins The Holy Spirit and Christian Testimonies, an in-depth exploration of the New Testament complete with commentary sharing examples of the ways one can apply the word of God to one’s everyday life. Through the scripture, a blueprint of the way God wants the average person to live his life emerges. - December 03, 2010 - Dog Ear Publishing

DivineCoders: New Online Bible Code Software: Now Available Online

DivineCoders, the leaders in Bible Code research/analysis, today introduced a new revolutionary online Bible Code software and services, a new product that is applying standards and revolutionizing the industry. - December 03, 2010 - DivineCoders

Ha’Tell Again Offers Beautiful Photo Hanukkah Holiday Books that Teach and Enchant

Ha’Tell Again Offers Beautiful Photo Hanukkah Holiday Books that Teach and Enchant

Aaron Ha’Tell announced today that the striking hardcover color classic “Lighting the Way to Freedom: Treasured Hanukkah Menorahs of Early Israel” and the new poetic softcover black and white “A Celebration of Light: Treasured Hanukkah Menorahs of Early Israel” are now both in print and available everywhere. - November 24, 2010 - Hanukkiot.Com

New Bible Study Guide Provides Practical Help in Dealing with Money Problems

“Dealing With Money Problems” has just been added to the new site. - November 24, 2010 - United Church of God

St. John Little Wings Childcare Presents: Katie Stam, Miss America 2009

Former Miss America in Concert at Indianapolis Southeast Side Church - November 12, 2010 - St John Lutheran Church

New Release by Dr. Rock D. Moore Provides Guidance to Those Building Up Their Faith; Published by Dog Ear Publishing

Building up a spiritual life is just as much work as building a house and requires an equally strong foundation to provide support, the author writes. This book is the first volume in a series on the topic of the Lord constructing the perfect house – finishing humans the way He intended them... - November 05, 2010 - Dog Ear Publishing

Compassion 2010 Fundraiser

Compassion 2010 Fundraiser

Family Event to Benefit Three Non Profits in Need Compassion 2010 will host a family event with live music from local bands, activities for children, food, raffles and prizes throughout the day, silent auction and vendors. This first annual effort to raise funds for three faith-based Non Profits will take place at the Monastery, in Mesa on Sunday, November 14, 2010 from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. - November 04, 2010 - Compassion 2010 Fundraiser

Eagerly Awaited Novel by William Hearth Ponders Secret Alchemy of Mary Magdalene

Eagerly Awaited Novel by William Hearth Ponders Secret Alchemy of Mary Magdalene

William Hearth’s Much Anticipated Novel Debuts This Spring (2011) Historical romance inferring scandalous romantic links between Mary Magdalene and Judas Iscariot, heralds arrival of Volume II in William Hearth’s series of fearless historical scholarship. Did their lives represent defiance of rabbinical law? - November 02, 2010 - DAKINI Publications & Booksellers

Ex-Yogi Counters “Yogaphobia” Claims

PraiseMoves Founder Answers Christianity vs. yoga debate. - October 30, 2010 - PraiseMoves Fitness Ministry

"Steadfast Christian" by Patrick Dillon Has Won First Place by Category in the "Best Books 2010" Awards

"Steadfast Christian" by Patrick Dillon Has Won First Place by Category in the "Best Books 2010" Awards

The award winning Book, Steadfast Christian - A Higher Call To Faith, Family, And Hope, by Patrick Dillon, has won first place honors for the category Religion: Christian Inspirational. Check it out at - October 28, 2010 - Steadfast Christian, LLC

World Mission Provides Winter Clothes for Wyoming Public Schools

World Mission has donated 500 winter coats for students that attend Wyoming Public Schools. These coats came from World Mission Thrift Stores whose proceeds help World Mission minister to poor and underprivileged people around the world. - October 15, 2010 - World Mission

"I Had Every Excuse to Fail, But I Chose None"

"I Had Every Excuse to Fail, But I Chose None"

I Had Every Excuse to Fail, But I Chose None is a motivational and inspirational book about Sebastian Young, a successful entrepreneur who refused to allow life's unfortunate circumstances to dictate his future. Raised by his grandparents in rural Beaumont, Texas but determined to achieve a certain success, he experienced various trials and pitfalls that paved his chosen path. This authentic and inspirational biography is full of hilarious stories, encouraging statements, and enlightening situat - September 30, 2010 - Skybash Publishing

Christian Web Solutions Company, OurChurch.Com Announces Partnership with United Methodist Communications

Christian Web Solutions Company, OurChurch.Com Announces Partnership with United Methodist Communications

OurChurch.Com, a leading web services provider to Christian organizations, announces a new partnership with United Methodist Communications. The goal of this partnership is to better serve the churches and other ministries of The United Methodist Church (UMC) through more effective communication, special pricing, and exclusive technology initiatives. - September 30, 2010 - OurChurch.Com

3 Sun Thanksgiving Rallies to End Poverty on Indian Reservations

Grassroots advocate for peace, 3 Sun Thanksgiving, is rallying American communities, churches, and families to participate in a new year-round living history hobby that ultimately raises funds to open micro-lending facilities on destitute American Indian reservations. 3 Sun Thanksgiving’s... - September 24, 2010 - TIPS of Oregon / 3 Sun Thanksgiving

United Church of God Set to Open Annual Festival, 20,000 Expected to Attend Eight-Day Gathering

Fifty-five locations around the world will join global biblical celebration Sept. 23-30. - September 17, 2010 - United Church of God

New Survey Shows Opportunities for Churches in Facebook

A recent survey conducted by OurChurch.Com on the subject of churches and Facebook points to five specific opportunities churches have to improve their use of Facebook and connect better with their members and their community. With the emergence of social media in the past several years, churches... - September 15, 2010 - OurChurch.Com

Christianity & Socialism is Topic of Monthly Gathering of Freedom & Virtue Institute

Socialist vision and its compatibility with Christianity will be discussed at the Freedom & Virtue Institute’s next Hour of Freedom to be held on September 15 at 6 p.m. at The Forest Country Club in Fort Myers. Can a Christian be a Socialist? Previous meetings have explored the meaning... - September 05, 2010 - Freedom & Virtue Institute

Free Career Calling Teleseries Presented by Canaan Career Coaching

Free career calling teleseries helps christian entrepreneurs, christian college students and christian career professionals discover their kingdom assignment. This teleseries shows Christians how to glorify god through their work. - September 03, 2010 - Canaan Career Coaching

Gossip Free, Cleaning Up the Leak That is More Devastating Than the BP Spill

The BP oil spill is an analogy of how Gossip continues to be spread throughout our world and has devastating results. It must be cleaned up. So, Kevin Hester, the founder of Gossip Free, the 8 day challenge, is re-issuing the 8 Day challenge. - August 03, 2010 - gossip free

Xclaimed Ministries Hosts an Evangelistic Carnival and Concert in the City of Stanton

Xclaimed Ministries hosts an evangelistic carnival and concert at Norm Ross Sports Field in the City of Stanton. Thousands of the local community residents came to this event. - July 29, 2010 - Xclaimed Ministries, Inc

Xclaimed Ministries Hosts Stanton Carnival

Xclaimed Ministries hosts a carnival and free evangelist concert in the City of Stanton at the Norm Ross Field. - July 22, 2010 - Xclaimed Ministries, Inc

Ashland Theological Seminary Accredited to Offer Complete Degree Programs in Columbus

Ashland Theological Seminary, a graduate division of Ashland University, receives approval to offer two complete degree programs at University’s Columbus Center. - July 21, 2010 - Ashland University

Blessed Ways Launches New Church Fundraising Website to Help Churches Raise Funds

Blessed Ways helps churches raise funds from online donations and enhanced tithes and offerings. - July 17, 2010 -

Award-Winning Story of a Pastor’s Struggles and Victories Released to DVD by Lukas Media Distribution

Award-Winning Story of a Pastor’s Struggles and Victories Released to DVD by Lukas Media Distribution

Greg Laurie of Harvest Ministries Chronicles His Journey from Abuse to Redemption in Lost Boy - July 12, 2010 - Lukas Media LLC

New Christian Guide to Best Possible Life Now and in Eternity Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published How to have the best possible life now and a perfect and spectacular life for eternity in heaven: Become a most cherished prince or princess of the most powerful King by David Nelson Carr. The author's most recent book to date is a 6 x 9 paperback in the... - June 22, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Touching Story of Birth of Christ Told in Who Was That Baby?, Published by Outskirts Press

JOutskirts Press, Inc. has published Who Was That Baby?: A Christmas Story by Calvin Glenn Watson. The author's most recent book to date is a 6 x 9 paperback in the family, relationships and friendship category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes &... - June 16, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Passion and Pain, Faith and Folly Propel Eternity Beckons, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Eternity Beckons by John Strassel. The author's most recent book to date is a 6 x 9 paperback in the Christian fiction category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The webpage at... - June 15, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

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