College & University News
Elevate your knowledge about college and university initiatives in higher learning, technology, student recruitment, housing, campus development and extracurricular activities. This section features information about students, faculty and staff as well as products and services geared toward campus life.
ETC Test Prep Offers Full Tuition Scholarships
ETC Test Prep is offering full tuition scholarships for upcoming GRE, GMAT, and LSAT test preparation programs offered in Charlotte, NC. - May 15, 2013 - ETC Test Prep
Debbie Ferrier Recognized by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication
Debbie Ferrier of Katy, Texas has been included in the Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Edition for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of education. About Debbie Ferrier Ms. Ferrier has over 18 years experience in the education field. She is the Director of... - May 14, 2013 - Strathmore Worldwide
American International College to Honor Board Treasurer and Alumnae at Commencement
Attorney A. Craig Brown of Longmeadow and educator Mary Raissi Stewart of Enfield, Conn., will receive honorary degrees at the American International College commencement ceremony, Sunday, May 19. The ceremony will take place at the Mass Mutual Center beginning at 3:00 p.m. - May 14, 2013 - American International College
AIC Nursing Students Score High on State Exam
The latest results of the 2012 Performance Summary for Massachusetts Nursing Education Programs, put American International College as tops in Western Massachusetts, and number three in the state among schools with BSN students taking the state licensure exam. - May 14, 2013 - American International College
Ozarks Technical Community College Announces $500,000 Gift for OTC Lebanon Center
A gift of 50 acres of land, valued at more than $500,000, has been presented to the OTC Foundation, the fundraising arm of Ozarks Technical Community College. The property was gifted to the college by Reuben and the late Mary Lou Casey of San Clemente, Calif., the same couple who presented the college with the largest gift in its history, two buildings and 13 acres of land valued at approximately $2.6 million. - May 11, 2013 - Ozarks Technical Community College
William Peace University Names Linda Paulhus Student Accounts Coordinator
Four-Year Baccalaureate University Hires Paulhus to Serve as Student Accounts Coordinator. - May 10, 2013 - William Peace University
International Resiliency Experts to Gather for Conference at Reed College
Join an international panel of Resiliency experts for this interactive conference exploring how people in different cultures and situations respond to difficult circumstances. Runs concurrently with the 37th annual Summer Institute for Intercultural Communication on the Reed College campus. (Separate registration required.) - May 09, 2013 - Al Siebert Resiliency Center
Civil Rights Icon Rev. Jesse Jackson to Deliver TSU Commencement May 11
Tennessee State University is pleased to announce that the Reverend Jesse Jackson Sr. will deliver the University’s 2013 Spring Commencement Address on Saturday, May 11. The graduation ceremony takes place outside in newly renovated Hale Stadium for the first time in nearly 40 years. - May 09, 2013 - Tennessee State University
Campbell Law Professor Kevin Lee Speaks at Conference on Religious Legal Theory
Professor Kevin Lee Joins Panel Discussion at Annual Conference on Religious Legal Theory in New York - May 08, 2013 - Campbell Law
Where Do You Celestron®? Spotlights Your Memorable Moments for New Campaign
Celestron unveils its inspirational interactive campaign, sourced from your stories about using Celestron telescopes, sport optics, and microscopes. - May 07, 2013 - Celestron
Harrison College Sponsors Senior Care Spring Conference and Trade Show May 6
Corporate Partnership Division of Harrison College Supports Annual Event for Assisted Living Facilities - May 05, 2013 - HarrisonCollege
Harrison College’s Corporate Partnerships Sponsors "Vacant" Art Exhibit May 3
Corporate Partnership Division Of Harrison College Supports Herron Art And Design Students With A One-Night Art Show In Downtown Indianapolis - May 04, 2013 - HarrisonCollege
William Peace University Names Kevin Rist as Admissions Counselor
Four-Year Baccalaureate University Expands Admissions Department with the Hiring of Experienced Student Recruiter - May 04, 2013 - William Peace University
Integral Technical Services Speaks to San Jacinto College Grant Recipients
Recruitment firm shares tips for success with H-LSAMP and T-STEM Scholars. - May 04, 2013 - Integral Technical Services, Inc.
Nursing Students and New Graduate Nurses: CPTC Exam Review and Handbook for the Organ Procurement Coordinator Describes Highly Specialized Area of Nursing
Nursing students and new graduate nurses can learn more about becoming part of the transplant team. CPTC Exam Review and Handbook for the Organ Procurement Coordinator describes in detail the many facets of this position. - May 03, 2013 - Nurse Brooke CPTC LLC
Governor Pat McCrory to Deliver Commencement Address at Campbell Law
North Carolina’s 74th Governor to Speak at Law School’s Graduation Ceremony on Friday, May 10. - May 03, 2013 - Campbell Law
Champlain College Ranked Best Online Bachelor's Programs by US News & World Report
Nationally Recognized Computer Forensics Institution Ranks in Top 25 Percent of Best Online Colleges Across the United States. - May 03, 2013 - Champlain College
Creativity Expert to Deliver Richard Bland’s 50th Commencement Address
William & Mary’s Kyung Hee Kim, Ph.D., will advise graduates on innovation and creative thinking at Richard Bland College’s 2013 Commencement ceremony. - May 02, 2013 - Richard Bland College
New Assessment Tool Promotes Entrepreneurial Skills
After three years of development, Eckerd College’s Leadership Development Institute (LDI) is pleased to announce the release of a new assessment instrument called the Entrepreneurial Dimensions Profile™ (EDP). Based on extensive research into the traits, motivations, and skills of... - May 01, 2013 - Eckerd College Leadership Development Institute (LD)
Campbell Law School Adjunct Faculty Members Recognized by N.C. State Bar
Board Of Legal Specialization Honors Judge John Tyson with the 2013 James E. Cross Jr. Leadership Award, and Evan Horwitz and Geeta Kapur as New Specialists - May 01, 2013 - Campbell Law
The University of Missouri Celebrates Global Engagement
At the recent International Engagement Awards ceremony, the University of Missouri (MU) celebrated faculty, staff, and students that have made significant contributions to internationalizing the University of Missouri. The award ceremony, which took place in Monsanto Auditorium in the Christopher... - May 01, 2013 - University of Missouri
Harrison College Appoints Megan Wolford as Partnership Consultant
Online Admissions Representative for Harrison College Promoted to Partnership Consultant - May 01, 2013 - HarrisonCollege
San Diego Company iGrad Wins National Award for Financial Literacy Education
iGrad has received an Excellence In Financial Literacy (EIFLE) Award from the Institute for Financial Literacy. The award distinguishes iGrad as the Education Program of the Year in Debt Management. - April 29, 2013 - iGrad
William Peace University Names Carmela Cohen-Perry Assistant Director of Financial Aid
Four-Year Baccalaureate University Hires a New Assistant Director for the Department. - April 28, 2013 - William Peace University
The King Graduate School’s New Master of Public Health Program: Making a Difference for Yourself… and the World
The Monroe College King Graduate School Introduces a Master of Public Health program. - April 27, 2013 - Monroe College
New King Graduate School Master’s Program Boosts Upward Mobility in Hospitality
The Monroe College King Graduate School introduces a Master of Science program in Executive Leadership in Hospitality Management. - April 27, 2013 - Monroe College
Exoconsciousness: Rebecca Hardcastle Wright Teaches UFO Class
The International Metaphysical University offers an online, UFO class taught by Exoconsciousness expert Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, PhD. - April 26, 2013 - International Metaphysical University
Joe Diaz Joins Harrison College as Director of Corporate Learning and Operations
Private Sector College Welcomes New Director of Corporate Learning and Operations with More Than 12 Years Experience. - April 26, 2013 - HarrisonCollege
National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship Names NACCE Leadership Fellows
John Liddy and Doan Winkel receive one-year fellows from NACCE. - April 25, 2013 - National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship
The American College of Greece Embarks on Ambitious 4-Year Plan of Investment in Academics and Financial Aid
In the midst of a severe financial crisis affecting many Greek families, The American College of Greece, Europe’s oldest and largest American educational institution, is in the process of increasing dramatically the resources it dedicates to scholarships and financial aid for students, as well as to academic innovation and excellence. - April 25, 2013 - The American College of Greece
The University of Missouri Receives Largest Gift Ever of Ancient and Modern Chinese Books
The University of Missouri Receives Largest Gift Ever of Ancient and Modern Chinese Books - April 25, 2013 - University of Missouri
Startup Launches That Takes the Sitting Out of Studying with Flashcards Designed for Movement
RunGRE enables students to learn GRE vocabulary while exercising. - April 25, 2013 - RunGRE
Campbell Law School Wins N.C. Bar Feeding Frenzy Food Drive Competition
Law School Collects 6,500 Pounds of Food, Surpassing Donations from All Other State Law Schools. - April 24, 2013 - Campbell Law
Unitec Partners with Catch Software
Catch Software, a leading provider of test management software and services, today announced an agreement with Unitec Institute of Technology, an Auckland-based tertiary provider, to bring Enterprise Tester to their computing department. As the only tertiary provider in New Zealand with dedicated... - April 22, 2013 - Catch Software
William Peace University to Freeze Housing and Board for 2013-2014 Academic Year
Four-Year Baccalaureate University Announces No Increase in Tuition, Housing and Board as Part of Its Ongoing Effort to Promote Affordable Access to Higher Education. - April 20, 2013 - William Peace University
Harrison College’s Neil Stanley Discusses ICD-10 Medical Coding Transition
Regional President of Corporate Partnerships Provides Insight on New ICD-10 Medical Coding Training Curriculum. - April 19, 2013 - HarrisonCollege
LSI Launches MyAcademicWorkshop™ Adaptive Mathematics Placement Exam
MyAcademicWorkshop rapidly places students into or out of developmental mathematics courses with its student-friendly assessment system. - April 18, 2013 - Link-Systems International, Inc.
Three Rivers Systems Degree Audit Features on Display at Annual Meeting of College Registrars, Admissions Officers
With recruitment costs averaging $2,300 a student and heading higher, higher education leaders need better tools like CAMS Enterprise’s Degree Audit and Business Analytics to meet retention-rate and reporting demands. - April 17, 2013 - Three Rivers Systems Inc.
University of Houston Hispanic Studies Chair Receives Fulbright Grant
Anadeli Bencomo to Research Journalism on Narco-Violence in Mexico. - April 14, 2013 - University of Houston
William Peace University Launches Newly Renovated Website
Four-Year Baccalaureate University Redesigns Website to Better Engage and Reach Current and Prospective Students and Alumni - April 14, 2013 - William Peace University
Custom College Visits Announces Partnership with Frosch Travel
Custom College Visits, a company that offers tailor-made campus tour itineraries for college-bound students and their families, today announced that it has entered into a partnership with Frosch Travel (FROSCH), one of the leading travel management companies in the U.S. This new partnership will... - April 12, 2013 - Custom College Visits
CardFlex News: Prepaid Campus Debit Cards Benefit Both Schools and Students
Prepaid campus debit cards are the best all-in-one solution for colleges, students, and parents, offering cost savings, flexibility, and security. - April 12, 2013 - CardFlex
William Peace University Names Shawn Henderson as Director of Financial Aid
Four-Year Baccalaureate University Promotes from Within Office of Financial Aid a New Director for the Department. - April 12, 2013 - William Peace University
TFI Envision President is Juror for NCC's Spring Student Exhibition
On May 1, 2013, the Norwalk Community College’s spring student exhibition of art, architecture, and design will open to the public in their West Community, East Gallery at 188 Richards Ave, Norwalk, CT. - April 12, 2013 - TFI Envision, Inc.
Campus Technology Announces New Strategic Partnership with NISOD
1105 Media Education Group and Campus Technology announce a new strategic education industry partnership with the National Institute of Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD), a group dedicated to the development of community colleges nationwide, including their use of technology to support... - April 12, 2013 - 1105 Media, Inc.
Free Career Fair for Leeward Oahu Community Continues
The general public is invited to attend the 11th annual Career, College & Job Fair at Leeward Community College on April 11, 2013, from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. The event is free for the public. - April 11, 2013 - Leeward Community College Job Prep Services
WASC Academic Resources Conference Addresses "Disruption"; Three Rivers Systems Says Disruptive Cams Enterprise is Answer
Company tells higher-education leaders they need disruptive technology to succeed in disruptive world. - April 11, 2013 - Three Rivers Systems Inc.
Water Words That Work, LLC Announces the "News: County Launches Enviro Ed. and Grant Program"
New Castle County’s “Great Schools, Clean Streams” campaign starts April 8. Residents have until Friday, April 19 to support their local schools by pledging to dispose of used cooking grease properly. The six New Castle County schools that collect the most pledges from their... - April 08, 2013 - Water Words That Work, LLC
William Peace University’s Justin G. Roy Named International Brand Master Finalist
Four-Year Baccalaureate University’s Vice President of Communication and Marketing Recognized as 2012 International Brand Master Award Finalist by the Educational Marketing Group - April 07, 2013 - William Peace University
Norfolk Academy Seniors Granted Prestigious College Scholarships
The Jefferson Scholarship Foundation at the University of Virginia has selected Norfolk Academy senior Harper Dodd as a Jefferson Scholar. Jefferson Scholarships are awarded to “the most promising leaders, scholars, and citizens in the world.” In addition to full financial support, the... - April 05, 2013 - Norfolk Academy