College & University News

Elevate your knowledge about college and university initiatives in higher learning, technology, student recruitment, housing, campus development and extracurricular activities. This section features information about students, faculty and staff as well as products and services geared toward campus life.

Peter J. Bittel Elected Chair of the AIC Board of Trustees

American International College in Springfield, Mass., has named Peter J. Bittel Chairman of the board of Trustees. - November 16, 2013 - American International College

Walford and North Shropshire College's Enterprise and Development Team Represents UK at Europe-Wide Renewable Energy Meeting

Phil Ridley and Liz Wilcox, Manager and Assistant Manager, of the Enterprise and Development department of Walford and North Shropshire College (WNSC) are to be involved in the development of a new Europe-wide, Renewable Energy, qualification. - November 15, 2013 - North Shropshire College

Florida Bible College to Reopen in Orlando

After several months of mutual discernment and prayer, the Board of Trustees of Florida Bible College and the Board of Elders of Circle Community Church in Orlando have entered into a covenant partnership that will allow the college to utilize the church facilities as its anchor campus. FBC... - November 14, 2013 - Florida Bible College

William Peace University Hosts New Production of The Mystery of Edwin Drood by Rupert Holmes

Four-Year Baccalaureate University Presents Production Directed by Jason Dula,WPU’s Associate Professor of Musical Theatre - November 14, 2013 - William Peace University

Walford and North Shropshire College Representative to Visit Zambia National Park

Students from Walford and North Shropshire College (WNSC) will soon be able to experience the thrill of being in the presence of wild animals in their natural habitats; animals they might otherwise never get the opportunity to see. Rupert Hill, Deputy Head of Faculty for Land Based Studies at WNSC, will be visiting the Kasanka National Park (KNP) in Zambia at the end of November this year. - November 14, 2013 - North Shropshire College

Free Service from IAM Cloud to Drive Academic Adoption of Microsoft’s Student Advantage Program

Free Service from IAM Cloud to Drive Academic Adoption of Microsoft’s Student Advantage Program

IAM Cloud launches free service to help academic institutions accelerate implementation of Microsoft’s Student Advantage Program. - November 13, 2013 - IAM Cloud

WK Dickson’s Award Winning Study Shows the Viability of Rainwater Harvesting in a Small NC Town

WK Dickson’s Award Winning Study Shows the Viability of Rainwater Harvesting in a Small NC Town

WK Dickson has received an Engineering Excellence Award from the American Council of Engineering Companies of North Carolina for their work on the innovative Rainwater Harvesting project in Kernersville, North Carolina. - November 13, 2013 - WK Dickson & Co., Inc.

100 Higher Educational Institutions Join 100,000 Strong in the Americas Initiative

110 grant applications were received from colleges and universities competing in the first Round of President Obama's signature education initiative for the Western Hemisphere, 100,000 Strong in the Americas. - November 13, 2013 - Partners of the Americas

CCP Releases Case Study Series Documenting How Military Training Applied as College Credits Saves Vets Time and Money in Pursuit of Their College Degree

College Credit Programs offers a patented process and technology platform that matches military and professional training to college credits honored at hundreds of regionally accredited colleges and universities and provides a degree plan with detailed cost breakdowns for programs to enable Vets to make their GI Bill benefits go further. - November 13, 2013 - College Credit Programs

William Peace University Continues Learn and Lunch Series with the Rev. Dr. R. Lee Carter on Nov. 13

William C. Bennett Chaplain to Explain How Timeless Myths and Stories Can Shape the Lives of Individuals - November 08, 2013 - William Peace University

Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education Reintroduces Multi-University Campus: PASSHE Center City

There are new names and faces in Philadelphia. Residents of the greater Philadelphia region are being reintroduced to the Philadelphia Multi-University Center recently launched at the Mellon Independence Center at 8th and Market Streets. The Philadelphia Multi-University Center is now named PASSHE... - November 07, 2013 - PASSHE Center City

New Book Warns MBA Bubble is About to Burst

International marketing professional and MBA Mariana Zanetti explains the dangers of acquiring an MBA degree. - November 06, 2013 - Author Mariana Zanetti

Promoting Wellness is All in a Day’s Work: Trillium College’s Goal Setting Program Marks a Unique Career College Initiative

When people set and achieve their health and career goals, it helps them feel happier and contributes to stronger communities. With the creation of its Adventures of HR Running Girl blog and Goal Setting Program, Trillium College has taken a major step towards promoting wellness in its staff, students—and the community at large. - November 04, 2013 - Trillium College

William Peace University Presents the South Carolina Broadcasters Harmonic Trio Thursday, Nov. 7

Four-Year Baccalaureate University Welcomes Harmonic Trio Featuring Current Student as Part of the 2013-2014 Performing Arts Season - November 02, 2013 - William Peace University

9.9 SOC and International Center for Journalists Launch India's First Fellowship Course in Video Storytelling

All selected participants receive full scholarship; Online course available in English and Hindi versions; English program to be taught by Emmy Award-winning journalist. - November 02, 2013 - 9.9 School of Communication

National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship Announces Winners of National Student Competitions

Community college students won cash awards in national competitions run by the National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship. - November 01, 2013 - National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship

HIU Named as a Top Military Friendly University by Military Advanced Education

Hope International University will be in MAE’s 2014 Guide to Military-Friendly school. - November 01, 2013 - Hope International University

American International College Earns National Certification for Tutoring and Writing Programs

Students at American International College in Springfield, Mass., will benefit from two newly certified programs. The AIC Tutoring Program and the Writing Center have received International Tutor Training Program Certification from the College Reading & Learning Association (CRLA-ITTP). Lesley... - November 01, 2013 - American International College

Susan M. Miovech, Ph.D., RNC-OB Recognized by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

Susan M. Miovech, Ph.D., RNC-OB of Highlands Ranch, Colorado has been included in the Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Edition for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of nursing education. About Susan M. Miovech, Ph.D., RNC-OB Dr. Miovech has over 44 years... - October 30, 2013 - Strathmore Worldwide

From Apprentice to Assistant Manager at Walford and North Shropshire College

A Walford and North Shropshire College (WNSC) Equine Apprentice has been appointed as Assistant Yard Manager at the Walford Campus of the College. - October 30, 2013 - North Shropshire College

Florida Bible College on the Path to Reopen

The restart of FBC has been the dream of many of its alumni for quite some time. For some, recreating the FBC they knew and loved in Miami or Hollywood or Kissimmee is what they envision. For some alumni, the establishment of a culturally-relevant, mission-driven school that will not outwardly look like any of its previous iterations is what they see. For all alumni, the wait has been difficult; but finally, the dream is becoming a reality. - October 27, 2013 - Florida Bible College

Florida Bible College - the Groundwork is Well Underway

The groundwork for the formal restart of Florida Bible College is well underway. Not nearly as dramatic or exciting as some of the significant revelations that will be made in the weeks to come, such as the announcement of the location of the anchor campus, or the introduction of the President and... - October 27, 2013 - Florida Bible College

American International College Professor Turns Old Computers Into Art

Art instructor Laurie Montefusco took the assortment of mother boards, parts of clunky scanners, and hard drives, and created a unique permanent art installation. - October 27, 2013 - American International College

Champlain College Named National Center of Excellence for Digital Forensics

First Private Institution and First in the Northeast to Receive CDFAE Recognition - October 26, 2013 - Champlain College

It's College Application Time: bigwords101 is Ready for Your Essays

You have probably read in the news that students are not proficient in their writing skills. And entrance to college often depends heavily upon a well-written essay. Every writer, including students, needs an editor. - October 25, 2013 - bigwords101

Representatives Glazier, Stam Discuss Abortion

Campbell Law Federalist Society and Women in Law Students Host Event - October 25, 2013 - Campbell Law

Harrison College Names Carly Turow Campus President of Corporate Partnerships

Private Sector College Expands Its Corporate Partnerships Division Leadership Team with New Hire Armed ith Extensive Business Experience - October 25, 2013 - HarrisonCollege Survey Results Indicate Self-Reliant Parents

A recent survey conducted by revealed that 86% of parents expect to pay for their children's college costs themselves instead of utilizing other sources of funds, including the help of grandparents or other relatives. - October 23, 2013 - LLC

Patrick Fortune, Nathalie Gosset, Anand Subramony and Ruprecht von Buttlar, Will Share Their Perspective on Commercializing Drug Delivery Technologies at NanoDDS’13

At NanoDDS’13 on Friday, Oct. 25 in the Health Sciences Education Center auditorium, Prof. Adah Almutairi will moderate a panel welcoming Patrick Fortune from the Cleveland Clinic Innovations, Nathalie Gosset from the Alfred E. Mann Institute for Biomedical Engineering at the University of... - October 23, 2013 - Alfred Mann Institute at the University of Southern California

Campbell Law Welcomes State Representatives to Discuss Abortion

Federalist Society and Women in Law Students to Co-Host Oct. 23 Event - October 23, 2013 - Campbell Law

Alumni Return to American International College for Homecoming 2013

Former students of American International College will return to campus this weekend for Homecoming 2013. - October 23, 2013 - American International College

Honoring Our Heroes Events to be Held at American International College

American International College in Springfield, Mass., will host a series of events to honor veterans. - October 23, 2013 - American International College

11 Community Colleges Earn Grants Totaling $162,500 at the National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship Conference

The Coleman Foundation provides record financial support of $162,500 to 11 community colleges across the nation to build programs in key areas of NACCE's Presidents for Entrepreneurship Pledge. - October 22, 2013 - National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship

Hurix Launches Breakthrough Technology for 100% Automated PDF to ePub3 Fixed Layout Conversion at FBF 2013

Hurix Launches Breakthrough Technology for 100% Automated PDF to ePub3 Fixed Layout Conversion at FBF 2013

Hurix launched a major new feature to its market leading KITABOO® digital publishing platform that fully automates the conversion of PDFs books and documents to fixed layout ePub3 output. In July 2013, the Association of American Publishers announced the EPUB3 Implementation Project, with a... - October 22, 2013 - Hurix Systems Private Limited

Peer Advocates from NJ Center for Tourette Syndrome Deliver Rousing Medical Education Message to Yale University Doctors

Teenagers Grace Hawruk, Tommy Licato and Tess Kowalski were portraits of confidence as they discussed how their lives and those of their families have been affected by Tourette Syndrome. - October 22, 2013 - New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome

Seven Community Colleges Chosen to Receive Grants During Year Two of NACCE/Sam's Club® "Shared Vision for Small Business" Competition

Seven community colleges across the country will receive $110,000 to support training and services for microenterprises in the National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship/Sam's Club "Shared Vision for Small Business" competition. - October 21, 2013 - National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship

Yale School of Medicine Faculty and Trainees Impressed by NJ Center for Tourette Syndrome's Patient-Centered Education Program

Many of the 120 physicians in attendance call for this one-of-a-kind program to be replicated locally, regionally and nationally with other medical conditions – not just Tourette Syndrome. - October 21, 2013 - New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome

Nathalie Gosset Visited Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo on Oct 15th, 2013 and Delivered a Talk on the Best Way to Align Students to the Jobs of the Future

Colleges face challenge with preparing students for a job market that evolves continuously. Faculty trains young minds for jobs that may not exist today. Nathalie Gosset discussed upcoming trends, that she calls “S Curves” and explained how to get involved in these new emerging fields as a teacher, professor, mentor, counselor, or established professional. - October 21, 2013 - Workforce Press

California Miramar University Participates in “Women in Transition Resource Expo”

California University supports National Veterans Transition Services, Inc. at community event directed toward helping female soldiers transition back into civilian life. - October 19, 2013 - California Miramar University

Hope International University’s Open House Shows Off New Anaheim Campus

Located in Stadium Towers, the HIU campus features classrooms, offices, a counseling center and state of the art technology. - October 18, 2013 - Hope International University

RECSOLU Appoints CEO to Lead Next Phase of Strategic Initiatives

RECSOLU Appoints CEO to Lead Next Phase of Strategic Initiatives

RECSOLU Co-Founder Jason Weingarten has been appointed CEO, a key indicator of the company's planned expansion and execution of its next phase of strategic growth initiatives. The company's innovation pipeline and global client base have positioned it well for new product introductions that will further transform the HR industry. - October 17, 2013 - RECSOLU

15th Annual Florida International University Eric E.Williams Memorial Lecture

Rawle Gibbons and Lord Relator - a Trinidad and Tobago calypsonian of note - will be speaking about/performing: "One From Ten Leaves Nought, Ten to One is Murder: Eric Williams, the Mighty Sparrow and the Arithmetic of Caribbean Self-Definition." - October 17, 2013 - Eric Williams Memorial Collection

William Peace University Continues Lunch and Learn Series with Valerie G. Hall, Ph.D., on Oct. 16

Professor Emeritus of History to Discuss How the Work English Women Undertook from 1860-1939 Shaped Their Life Experiences. - October 17, 2013 - William Peace University

The RESEARCHconnect Twitter Account – Keeping You Up to Date with the Latest in the Higher Education Funding World

Follow @RESEARCHconn3ct today - a dedicated stream of news and updates in higher education funding, ensuring you are kept updated on new funding opportunities as soon as they’re announced. - October 16, 2013 - IDOX

National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship Honors Entrepreneurship Educators & Alumni Entrepreneurs at 11th Annual Conference

NACCE names 2013 Entrepreneurial President and honors two other outstanding entrepreneurship educators, along with three community college alumni who have achieved entrepreneurial success. - October 15, 2013 - National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship

Nathalie Gosset Presented "Jobs of the Future" at the National Manufacturing Day at Cerritos College on Oct 4, 2013

Nathalie Gosset, M.S., MBA, addressed high school students, faculty, industry representatives, business leaders, and college administrators on Oct 4th, 2013 at the National Manufacturing Day organized at Cerritos College, Norwalk, CA with a talk on the Jobs of the Future with an invitation to everyone to practice the art of remaining relevant to the job market. Workforce Press attended the event that was designed to connect businesses, schools, and students around the topic of manufacturing. - October 14, 2013 - Workforce Press

Campbell Law Dean J. Rich Leonard Receives Carraway Award of Merit

Preservation N.C. Awards Campbell Law School’s Dean for Commitment of Historic Preservation - October 13, 2013 - Campbell Law

Spirit of Hope 2013 Achieves Gala Fundraising Record

In addition to honoring alumni and friends of Hope International University, the annual gala also raised $135,000 toward student scholarships. - October 12, 2013 - Hope International University

CCE Sponsors HS-BCP Scholarship Recipient at 2013 NOHS Conference

The Center for Credentialing & Education (CCE) will sponsor Ryan Maddux, Human Services-Board Certified Practitioner (HS-BCP), at this year’s National Organization for Human Services (NOHS) conference, October 23–26 in Baltimore. Maddux is a recipient of the 2013 NBCC Foundation... - October 12, 2013 - Center for Credentialing & Education

Third Wave Digital Announces the Launch of Latest Higher Education Website for Trenholm State Technical College

Trenholm State Technical College came to the award-winning higher education web design firm, Third Wave Digital, seeking a complete website overhaul. In a collaborative effort, Third Wave Digital worked closely with administrators from Trenholm to develop a new web presence to serve the needs of... - October 11, 2013 - Third Wave Digital

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