Art News
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Less like a Field Trip, More Like A Night Out - February 20, 2009 - Erie Art Museum
Abstract Thinking. Glasses Clinking.
Abstract thinking, glasses clinking, free admission, artist demos, live music combine for the first Gallery Night of 2009 on March 6 from 7-10 p.m. “It’s never been more important than it is now to support local businesses. Erie’s galleries offer unique gifts such as fine art,... - February 20, 2009 - Erie Art Museum
Erie Art Museum Contemporary Music Series Presents Ethnic Heritage Ensemble
The Erie Art Museum Contemporary Music Series presents a special by the Ethnic Heritage Ensemble on Sunday, March 1, 2009 at 7 p.m. in the Erie Art Museum’s Annex, 423 State Street. Admission to this concert is free; suggested donation $10. After 35 years, the Ethnic Heritage Ensemble is... - February 20, 2009 - Erie Art Museum
Toshiko Nishikawa: Crystallizing the Invisible
The Agora Gallery (530 West 25th Street, Chelsea, New York, NY, 10001) is proud to present Toshiko Nishikawa in Matrix of the Mind: Fine Art by Japanese Artists. Scheduled to run from February 24th through March 17th, the collection will feature a captivating selection of Toshiko Nishikawa’s new artworks. - February 20, 2009 - Agora Gallery
Box24 Studio Shows Artist Eric Schrab's Paintings March 6th, 2009 7pm-Midnight
Box24 Studio | 945 Lake St. | Venice Beach California | Shows Artist Eric Schrab's Paintings. 3 day event March 6-8th. - February 14, 2009 - Cireart LLC
Dot Fiftyone Gallery is Proudly Presenting Two Simultaneous Exhibitions
“Bazaar,” new works by Miami’s resident artist Pancho Luna – First floor main gallery. “Painted Paintings” by Seville’s (Spain) artist Cristobal Quintero – Second floor project room. - February 11, 2009 - Dot Fiftyone Gallery
BBH New York and Fame Theory Unveil Trust Art at TED Palm Springs
Fame Theory (creators of, in partnership with BBH New York, announces the launch of Trust Art, a new project to reinvent the model of the contemporary art world. The project, an innovative stock market for artistic and cultural renewal, was launched on Friday during the TED... - February 11, 2009 - Fame Theory LLC
Artist Pollyanna Pickering Shortlisted for Women in Public Life Award
Wildlife Artist Pollyanna Pickering is honoured to have been shortlisted for the Business Woman of the Year award at the Dods & Scottish Widows Women in Public Life Awards, which celebrate women leaders in society and seek to recognise and promote the work of women in politics, business, the... - February 11, 2009 - Anna-Louise Pickering
Balsman Photography to Exhibit“Portraits in Oil” by Gaynor Cooke Nelson on Friday, February 13, 2009 from 8PM-9PM
Balsman Photography will showcase the exhibit “Portraits in Oil” by Gaynor Cooke Nelson. The general public is invited to attend this exhibit of fine art oil portraits. - February 10, 2009 - Balsman Photography, LLC
Street Art Photography by Charlene Weisler at the Kevin Barry Gallery
Photography by Charlene Weisler at the Kevin Barry Gallery in Staten Island NYC showcased in a solo show from April 16 – June 11, 2009. Opening reception Thursday, April 16, 2009 from 6-9p. - February 09, 2009 - Charlene Weisler
Giving in Tough Times
Charities cry ever more loudly in depressed times: The needy still need us. Artist Julie Scandora has found one creative way to help. During her show, “And the Skies Opened Up,” at Tahoma Unitarian Universalist Congregation (TUU), she will donate 15 percent of sales to Olive Crest Homes... - February 09, 2009 - Julie Scandora
For V-Day: Think Like Obama?
Our President successfully romanced an entire nation last year. Here is how to apply his strategies to do some wooing of your own. - February 08, 2009 - J.J. Jones, Author
Alfa Art Gallery Presents Art Lines - Linear Abstractions in Graphic Design, Painting and Animation
Exhibition duration: February 17 – March 5, 2009; Curator: Natalie Trainor; Live music: Communipaw; Opening reception: February 19th, 2009 – 7-11pm - February 08, 2009 - Alfa Art Gallery
Erie Art Museum Now Accepting Works for 86h Annual Spring Show
Works are currently being accepted for the Erie Art Museum’s 86th Annual Spring Show, a regional juried exhibit, running April 18 through June 14, 2009 in the Erie Art Museum’s Main Gallery, 411 State Street. All artists residing within 250 miles of Erie are invited to enter works not... - February 07, 2009 - Erie Art Museum
African Textile Celebrates President Barack Obama
The Erie Art Museum’s exhibit, Kanga & Kitenge: Cloth and Culture in East Africa, just received a new acquisition. Fresh from the textile factories in Tanzania, is a cloth commemorating President Barack Obama. It is on view through April 5, 2009 in the Museum’s Main Gallery, 411... - February 07, 2009 - Erie Art Museum
Erie Art Museum Exhibit Smells a Little Like Teen Spirit
The Erie Art Museum’s newest exhibit smells a little like teen spirit. The very popular Kids As Curators exhibit, now in its fifth year, returns with a new crop of students and their fresh ideas about art and collecting. The exhibit debuts on Friday, February 6, 2009 at the Erie Art Museum... - February 07, 2009 - Erie Art Museum
Educators Cure Cabin Fever at Erie Art Museum
Educators from Erie County can find the cure for their cabin fever at the Erie Art Museum, 411 State Street, on Tuesday, March 3, 2009 from 4:30-7 p.m. Educators from all disciplines and age levels can earn Act 48 credit. “The Cabin Fever Getaway is an opportunity for educators of students... - February 07, 2009 - Erie Art Museum
Want to be an Art-O-Mat Artist?
During a visit to the Erie Art Museum, did you notice the retired cigarette vending machine near the reception desk? It’s an Art-o-Mat, one of only 82 active machines in various locations across the country that have been converted to vend art. For many Erie Art Museum visitors, the... - February 07, 2009 - Erie Art Museum
Jason Craighead Donates "Red Crane" to VAE Auction
Jason Craighead, the artist whose painting broke the record for the highest single bid during the November “Works of Heart” charitable auction for the Carolina AIDS Alliance, has donated another large painting to the Visual Art Exchange for its 25th Art Auction & Gala. The silver... - February 05, 2009 - Jason Craighead
Russell Gallery Presents "A Celebration of African American Aesthetics"
This Friday, February 6th is the opening of the Celebration for African American Aesthetics. Featured is the artwork of ten critically acclaimed artists and is in honor of Black History Month. Detroit bred artist, BeloZro is one of the artists gracing the Russell Gallery with his Neo-Calligraphic... - February 05, 2009 - The Russell Industrial Center
Harry K. Wong, Alfie Kohn, Teaching Tips in Latest Teachers.Net Gazette
February 2009 issue is biggest yet - Features Abraham Lincoln, Black History, and Dr. Seuss Read Across America lesson plans, classroom management help, opinion, recipes, and classroom humor. - February 04, 2009 - Teachers.Net
iAuctionShop Signs Harrogate, Yorkshire Based Artist Joey Parkin
iAuctionShop Ltd announces that it will be marketing original art and prints by Harrogate based artist Joey Parkin. - February 02, 2009 - iAuctionShop Ltd
World Printmakers Presents: Cut the Gallery Out of the Picture
A new website permits artists around the world to share their own creative marketing strategies, thus cutting art galleries out of the picture. - February 02, 2009 - Mike Booth, writer
"The Quilt Complex" Launches New Web Site; a "Paradise" for People Who Love Antique Quilts
Announcing the launch of a web site for a business with merchandise and services involving antique quilts. - January 31, 2009 - The Quilt Complex
Raymond Vineyards Partners with Asian Art Museum
Raymond Vineyards is pleased to announce their new partnership with the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco, CA. Raymond is the official wine sponsor for the Museum’s private donor lounge, The Peterson Room, and their Napa Valley Reserve Chardonnay and Cabernet Sauvignon will be poured at the... - January 30, 2009 - Raymond Vineyards
Passionate Explorations in Texture by D. Loren Champlin
The Agora Gallery (530 West 25th Street, Chelsea, New York, NY, 10001) is proud to present D. Loren Champlin in Contemporary Perspectives. Scheduled to run from January 30th through February 19th, the collection will feature a captivating selection of D. Loren Champlin's bold and detailed paintings. - January 30, 2009 - Agora Gallery
Darla Reid: Capturing the Life Force
The Agora Gallery (530 West 25th Street, Chelsea, New York, NY, 10001) is proud to present Darla Reid in Enigmatic Visions. Scheduled to run from January 30th through February 19th, the collection will feature a captivating selection of Darla Reid's artistic expressions. - January 30, 2009 - Agora Gallery
Pascal Fessler: Cities and Sittings in Contrast
The Agora Gallery (530 West 25th Street, Chelsea, New York, NY, 10001) is proud to present Pascal Fessler in Contemporary Perspectives. Scheduled to run from January 30th through February 19th, the collection will feature a captivating selection of Pascal Fessler's unique cityscapes. - January 30, 2009 - Agora Gallery
Happy 1-Year Off-the-Grid to a Very Special Non-Profit
Side Street Projects just celebrated one-year 100% solar. - January 29, 2009 - Side Street Projects
Daryl Bibicoff, Artist/Painter of Contemporary Musicians and "Inclusive" Retrospective
Daryl Bibicoff is a contemporary painter and was born and raised in the Los Angeles area. Opportunities to display his work defines his success as an artist, and he is fortunate for the opportunities he has been afforded. Currently, he just finished a commissioned painting for Ariey Productions. Daryl continues to apply his unique talent by expanding his “Inclusive” Retrospective. He is currently connecting painting and music with popular rock and jazz musicians. - January 28, 2009 - Art By Daryl
CAKE: a Mid Career Retrospective of Sculptor and Visual Artist Don Desper Opening on January 24 at 7pm
A protégé of Walker Hancock, Don Desper’s retrospective spans 35 years of accumulated sculpture, painting, drawing, writing and conceptual work. - January 24, 2009 - Don Desper - Artist
Did You Attend the Inauguration? Tips for Preserving an Unforgettable Experience.
Recommendations for preserving and displaying inauguration memorabilia including tickets, invitations and photographs. - January 22, 2009 - Purple Raincoat
American Heritage Trading Cards Giving Away Free Autographed Barack Obama Trading Card Sets Online
American Heritage trading Cards Giving Away Free Autographed Barack Obama Trading Card Sets Online. flooded with requests. Tough economic times have everyone looking for a bargain, but look no further. American Heritage Memorabilia is offering a Limited Edition Autographed... - January 20, 2009 -
Art:Raw Gallery Inaugural Exhibit Debut Show Featuring 300+ Artists
Art Raw Gallery is pleased to present for its inaugural exhibit the international works of over 300 emerging artists. The show will run from February 19 to March 21, 2009 with an opening reception Thursday, February 19, 6-9pm. The grand opening 4-week group exhibition for the West Chelsea gallery... - January 19, 2009 - Art Raw Gallery
Russell Gallery Features "My Wish for 2009"
Its an exciting time of year, many are creating New Years resolutions and have wishes for the new year to come. - January 18, 2009 - The Russell Industrial Center
Abandoned Demolition: New En Plein Air Paintings by Andy Paczos
Painter Andy Paczos exhibits 14 works of en plein air paintings chronicling three years of growth, destruction and resurrection at local demolition site. - January 18, 2009 - Hyde Park Art Center
Dancing Shadows, Epic Tales: Wayang Kulit of Indonesia
Wayang kulit performance of Indonesia, among the oldest and greatest story telling traditions in the world, is said to lie at the heart of Javanese culture. Wayang kulit are flat, elaborately painted and intricately carved and perforated leather shadow puppets that cast dazzling shadows through a cotton screen. - January 18, 2009 - New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs
American Impressionism: Paintings from the Phillips Collection
Works by Childe Hassam, Maurice Prendergast, Augustus Vincent Tack, and John Henry Twachtman, are among other American Masters who compose some of this exhibition’s highlights. The artists represented in this exhibition were among the first generation of American painters to absorb the technique, brighter palette, and subject matter of impressionism from their French counterparts. - January 18, 2009 - New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs
Lux Art Institute Welcomes Victoria Adams as Next Artist-in-Residence
Lux Art Institute, San Diego’s recent recipient of the American Institute of Architects San Diego Chapter top design award, will welcome Victoria Adams as the next resident artist of ‘09. Adams is a landscape painter who lives and works on Vashon Island off the coast of Seattle,... - January 18, 2009 - Lux Art Institute
Haitham Eid Participating in the 11th Annual Invitational Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Art Exhibit
Painter Haitham Eid is participating in the 11th Annual Invitational Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Art Exhibit for the second time in a row at The New Orleans African American Museum of Art, Culture and History (NOAAM) at 1418 Gov. Nicholls Street, New Orleans, LA 70116 from January 19 to... - January 18, 2009 - Haitham Eid
Exhibit at Erie Art Museum Reflects Basic Truths About Art
Frank Novel is a natural artist and visitors to the Erie Art Museum Frame Shop Gallery, 423 State Street, from January 23 through April 18, 2009 will experience firsthand how Novel uses art to engage the world. A free public reception is schedule for Gallery Night on Friday, March 6, 2009 from 7-10... - January 17, 2009 - Erie Art Museum
Beat the Winter Doldrums at ClaySpace Open Studio
Cure those winter doldrums by learning to throw a pot at the Erie Art Museum’s ClaySpace Open Studio, 1505 State Street 3rd Floor, every Saturday beginning Jan. 17, 2009 from 5-7 p.m. Instruction is $5 per person ($3 for Erie Art Museum members) and is on a first come first served... - January 17, 2009 - Erie Art Museum
iGavel Presents Geraldine Carr’s Art and Antiques from Southern and New England Estates Auction
iGavel is pleased to present Geraldine Carr’s Art and Antiques From Southern and New England Estates Auction. - January 16, 2009 - iGavel, Inc.
Intertwined: Contemporary Baskets from the Sara and David Lieberman Collection
The contemporary baskets in Intertwined are made by artists who challenge the notion of a basket - both in definition and in materials used. - January 16, 2009 - New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs
Alternative Spaces: New Mexico Artists' Installations at the New Mexico Museum of Art
Eight New Mexico artists will create installations in the 1917 New Mexico Museum of Art - a contrast of the contemporary with the well-known Santa Fe-style of the building. - January 16, 2009 - New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs
iGavel Presents Upcoming Winter Auctions
iGavel is pleased to present its Winter Sales, featuring items that are offered in Fresh@iGavel. - January 16, 2009 - iGavel, Inc.
Get Those Holiday Photos Out of the Camera and Onto the Walls makes museum-quality art from digital photos. Great for Valentines. - January 13, 2009 -
Introducing Story and Craft Time at Once Upon a Gallery
Once Upon a Gallery, Chestnut Hill's children's art center, is proud to announce Story and Craft Time every Thursday morning at 10:30 a.m. - January 12, 2009 - Once Upon a Gallery
Video Accent Releases 4 Ambient Art DVDs
Video Accent announced today the release of 4 Impressionist art DVDs intended to enhance the use of wide screen flat panel televisions and the spaces they occupy. The DVDs, Van Gogh, Monet, Renoir and Cezanne, present the work of these artists in wide screen, high definition splendor. Each DVD... - January 09, 2009 - Video Accent
Yes He Can
Urban Artist THH70 Featured in Barack Obama Art Exhibit. - January 08, 2009 - THH70