Art News

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Claremont Graduate University the Only MFA Students Invited to Los Angeles Art Show for Second Consecutive Year

CGU's MFA students have been invited back to the LA Arts Show to display their works. Only university to be invited to this prestigious exhibition. - January 27, 2008 - Claremont Graduate University

Erie Art Museum Now Accepting Works for 85th Annual Spring Show

Works are currently being accepted for the Erie Art Museum’s 85th Annual Spring Show, a regional juried exhibit, running April 26 through June 22, 2008 in the Erie Art Museum’s Main Gallery, 411 State Street. All artists residing within 250 miles of Erie are invited to enter works not... - January 25, 2008 - Erie Art Museum

Erie Art Museum Opens Ancient Alloy: Bronzes from the Collection

The Erie Art Museum opens Ancient Alloy: Bronzes from the Collection in the Museum’s Ground Floor Gallery, 411 State Street on Friday, January 25, 2008. Featuring objects from the Erie Art Museum’s permanent collection of more than 6,000 objects, Ancient Alloy includes works which span... - January 25, 2008 - Erie Art Museum

Educators Cure Cabin Fever at Erie Art Museum

Educators from Erie County can find the cure for their cabin fever at the Erie Art Museum, 411 State Street, on Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2008 from 4:30-7 p.m. Educators from all disciplines and age levels can earn Act 48 credit. “The Cabin Fever Getaway is an opportunity for educators of students... - January 24, 2008 - Erie Art Museum

Photographic Exhibition Opens as Part of Holocaust Memorial Day Events in Liverpool

An exhibition of photographs by Steve Deer opens at the Philharmonic Hall on Hope Street in Liverpool on Monday January 21st. The exhibition, Auschwitz Anywhere, organised by The Artfinder’s Gallery, in conjunction with Holocaust Memorial Day 2008 features images of the notorious death camps... - January 23, 2008 - lydia bates ltd

Alfred Hitchcock Meets Marvel Comics via a Bond Villain’s Hideaway at New Liverpool Art Gallery Exhibition

Imagined Landscapes, the first solo show by recent graduate Chris Mills, opens on Friday January 25th at The Artfinder’s Gallery in Liverpool. Drawing inspiration from sources ranging from contemporary masters, such as Peter Doig and Ed Ruscha, visionary landscapes by Casper Friedrich and the... - January 23, 2008 - lydia bates ltd

Erie Art Museum: Kids Learn from Teaching Artists

The Erie Art Museum’s First Fridays program for preschool kids ages 3 to 6 is slated for Friday, Feb. 1, 10-11 a.m. at the Erie Art Museum, 411 State Street with activities inspired from the Museum’s Zoo.Logic exhibit. First Fridays is a special program for 3-6 year olds and their... - January 22, 2008 - Erie Art Museum

Metaphysical Spaces, Exhibition Will Run from 22 January to 16 February 2008

Tamarind Art is delighted to announce its upcoming exhibition Metaphysical Spaces. This show features works by six young and talented artists, all exploring the vast possibilities of abstraction. However, each artist approaches abstraction from a very personal level, thereby creating a style... - January 21, 2008 - Tamarind Art

Constance H. Schwartz, Director of the Nassau County Museum of Art, Has Been Selected for Inclusion in the 2008-2009 Princeton Premier Registry

Constance H. Schwartz, Director of the Nassau County Museum of Art, Has Been Selected for Inclusion in the 2008-2009 Princeton Premier Registry. Constance makes her home in Roslyn Harbor, New York and attended the New York Institute of Technology where she received a Bachelors degree. She also... - January 19, 2008 - Princeton Premier

International Latin Pop Artist - Still Alive - Debut Single Hits Big

International Latin Pop Artist - Still Alive - Debut Single Hits Big

Patron Records - Latin pop artists Still Alive, who hail from Colombia South America, featured as the next big thing since Shakira coming out of Colombia; Debut their hit single video "Lady" on Latin TV. - January 18, 2008 - Patron Record

An Evening with Renowned Illustrator, Marshall Vandruff

The Role of Anatomy in Training Master Artists presented by Marshall Vandruff - January 18, 2008 - The Art Institute of California -- Orange County

Central London Art Exhibition

Former BBC scenic artist Annie Ralli and The Colomb Art Gallery present a series of stunning London based night scene paintings. - January 18, 2008 - Colomb Art

Green Goat Books Announces Release of A Hot Planet Needs Cool Kids by Julie Hall

Green Goat Books Announces Release of A Hot Planet Needs Cool Kids by Julie Hall

This unique book addresses the needs of kids, their parents, and their schools in the face of climate change by offering the latest information about causes and effects and leaving readers with a clear sense of direction and a powerful message of hope. - January 16, 2008 - Green Goat Books

Downtown Raleigh Art Gallery Presents New Works by Jason Craighead

Downtown Raleigh Art Gallery Presents New Works by Jason Craighead

For the first time since October 2006, abstract expressionist Jason Craighead will present his latest work in a Raleigh venue when he joins artist Tricia McKellar for a special exhibit entitled “Microcosm/Macrocosm” to be held at the Miriam Preston Block Art Gallery in the Avery... - January 16, 2008 - Jason Craighead

Leash Secure, LLC is Proud to Introduce Incredihang - Hang Pictures Perfectly Straight Every Time and Never Have to Re-Straighten Them Again

Leash Secure, LLC is Proud to Introduce Incredihang - Hang Pictures Perfectly Straight Every Time and Never Have to Re-Straighten Them Again

Incredihang is a picture hanging system that allows the hanging of pictures perfectly straight every time and never have to re-straighten them again. - January 11, 2008 - Leash Secure, LLC.

The Legendary Raw Arts Festival Heads to Los Angeles for March 2008

The world's most prestigious non-mainstream international arts festival... - January 11, 2008 - Raw Arts Festival

Gallery Night

An evening of free admission to area galleries. - January 10, 2008 - Erie Art Museum

Erie Art Museum Opens Zoo.Logic: New Works by Patricia Bellan-Gillen

New exhibition in Erie Art Museum's Main Gallery. - January 10, 2008 - Erie Art Museum

Erie Art Museum Hosts Open Studio at ClaySpace

Demonstrations, hands-on workshops, pizza. - January 10, 2008 - Erie Art Museum

PaintAmerica Announces 2008 Paint the Parks Call to Entries

PaintAmerica, a national, non-profit organization to support and promote the visual arts, has announced the Call to Entries for the 2008 “Paint The Parks” National Artists’ Competition. Paint The Parks will attract many of our nations’ top artists, with a $10,000 purchase... - January 10, 2008 - PaintAmerica

Salon Moxie Presents "Polytychs" by Artist Suzy Andron

Continuing its revolving art displays, Salon Moxie, a new hair styling salon in Raleigh’s North Ridge Shopping Center, is hosting two new large works by Raleigh artist Suzy Andron through the months of January and February. Andron connects multiple canvases of highly textured abstract... - January 09, 2008 - Salon Moxie

4th Annual International Pressed Flower Conference

The World Wide Pressed Flower Guild ( will host the 2008 international conference from the 21st to the 23rd of June, 2008 at the Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites, 1240 S. Walnut, Anaheim, CA (close to Disney World), USA. Pressed flower art is a vibrant and friendly art form. - January 08, 2008 - World Wide Pressed Flower Guild

Zigler Museum Celebrates Black History Month with Banks and Tolliver Exhibits

The Zigler Art Museum (ZAM) will feature the recent works of Vergie Banks and son Cortrillis Banks in a exhibition entitled “Me & My Shadow.” The exhibit is scheduled from January 26, 2008 through February in conjunction with ZAM’s Black History Celebration. The ZAM also... - January 06, 2008 - Zigler Art Museum

Artist Jennifer Young Responds to Food Bank in Need with Online Art Auctions

According to recent news reports, food banks across the nation have experienced serious shortages in their pantries. Over the holidays, businesses and individuals answered some of that need with significant gifts. But, recognizing that giving often slows after the holidays, Richmond Virginia artist Jennifer Young is holding online charity art auctions to encourage others to continue making donations. - January 05, 2008 - Jennifer Young Studio & Gallery

‘Harsh Goenka Takes a Keen Note of Suchitra Krishnamurty’s Arty Comments’

The annual art camp by the RPG Academy of Art concluded with a warm brunch at the Marve beach house today. Pristine white was the theme of the locale and the breezy touch of sea winds along with the live band playing some groovy numbers got the enchantment heightened. After the week-long camp, the... - December 30, 2007 - RPG

Multimedia Works by Ganga Kadakia

The Agora Gallery (530 West 25th Street, Chelsea, New York, NY, 10001) is proud to present Ganga Kadakia in The Rapture of Form. Scheduled to run from January 8th through January 29th the collection will feature a captivating selection of Ganga's multimedia works. - December 27, 2007 - Agora Gallery

Visual Stimulations by Kenneth Martin

The Agora Gallery (530 West 25th Street, Chelsea, New York, NY, 10001) is proud to present kenneth martin in Congruent Allusions. Scheduled to run from January 8th through January 29th the collection will feature a captivating selection of kenneth's visual stimulations. - December 27, 2007 - Agora Gallery

Mythological Sculptures by Edelweiss

The Agora Gallery (530 West 25th Street, Chelsea, New York, NY, 10001) is proud to present Edelweiss in Manifestations of Reality. Scheduled to run from January 8th through January 29th the collection will feature a captivating selection of Edelweiss' mythological sculptures. - December 27, 2007 - Agora Gallery

The Spiritual Art of Salvador Dali: A Holiday Exhibition Featuring the Complete Collection of Dali's Biblia Sacra and Divine Comedy at the William Bennett Gallery

From Genesis to Paradise, the William Bennett Gallery is proud to present The Spiritual Art of Salvador Dali, featuring the first complete exhibition of the 105 lithographs from the Biblia Sacra and the complete 100 lithographs from the Divine Comedy, through January 9, 2008, 11am–7pm, daily. These rare commissioned master pieces by the great Spanish surrealist have never before been exhibited in its entirety. - December 26, 2007 - William Bennett Gallery

Celebrated Anglo-Irish Painter, John Kingerlee's Interview with ART+ on KDRT

ART+ on KDRT interviewed the well known Anglo-Irish painter John Kingerlee about his remarkable and fascinating art. This radio show included discussions about Mr. Kingerlee's art and his current US exhibits. These spirited discussions were led by the well known art curators and artists: John Natsoulas and Dominique Nahas and by the landscape painter, Melissa Chandon. - December 22, 2007 - Announces 2007 Photograph of the Year Contest with Over $20,000 in Prizes Announces 2007 Photograph of the Year Contest with Over $20,000 in Prizes announces the 2007 Photograph of the Year contest, featuring twelve, high-profile sponsors with over $20,000 in prizes to be won including a grand prize valued at $5,000. The contest is free to enter, with submissions accepted via email. Any photograph taken in 2007 is eligible to be entered. - December 19, 2007 -

Kre8tiveworkz Presents NBC Television Network Third Annual Humanitarian Award

NBC 6's "Today in South Florida" receives Honor of Reality® - December 19, 2007 - kre8tiveworkz

Old Courthouse Arts Center Hosts Emerging Artist, VIVI

A new emerging contemporary artist, VIVI, or Vivian Ginsberg Smith, is a porcelain ceramic sculptress, sharing an art gallery exhibition, as one of two Northwest Area Arts Council Member Featured Artists showing from now through January 6th, 2008 at the Old Courthouse Arts Center in Woodstock, Illinois. - December 18, 2007 - VIVI of Phoenix Studios

Cary L Weigand Represented by High Desert Gallery of Central Oregon

Cary L Weigand Represented by High Desert Gallery of Central Oregon

High Desert Gallery of Central Oregon is pleased to announce the representation of Oregon Artist, Cary L Weigand. An artist feature showcasing Cary's recent works will be open to the public through January 30 at the High Desert Gallery, 281 W. Cascade, Sisters, Oregon. Work on display includes new fine art porcelain sculpture. - December 17, 2007 - High Desert Gallery of Central Oregon

Guy Hepner Contemporary to show David LaChapelle and Albert Watson at Photo LA, January 2008

Guy Hepner Contemporary announces its participation in the West Coast's most prolific photography fair, Photo LA 2008. Guy Hepner Contemporary has arranged another all star lineup of the world's biggest names from fashion and editorial photography: David LaChapelle, Albert Watson, David Drebin, Gavin Bond. - December 15, 2007 - Guy Hepner Contemporary

Figurative Nudity by Cesare Landini

Scheduled to run from December 14, 2007 through January 3, 2008. Opening Reception: Thursday, December 20, 2007, 6-8 pm. Gallery Location: 530 West 25th Street, Chelsea, New York. - December 14, 2007 - Agora Gallery

Provo Art Show Presented Throughout December - Colorful Stained and Sandblasted Glass Exhibited with Oil Paintings

David and Jeanne Gomm, stained glass artists from Gomm Studios, and Lynde Mott, oil color artist and historical costuming expert, will display their work together for the first time at the Covey Center in Provo at 425 West Center Street from now until Dec. 27 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon. through Fri. - December 13, 2007 - Gomm Studios

LogoBee Creates Logo Design for Vienna Art Gallery: Graphic Art is Used to Represent the Vienna Art Scene

The FPKK Przeczek & Seredynski KG art gallery in Vienna has just recently received a logo design created by LogoBee. Graphic arts are being used to represent the more traditional art forms. - December 13, 2007 - LogoBee Logo Design

Miniature Artist EJ Meissner Begins Bizarre Bottled Water Art Project

Artist EJ Meissner, creator of two of the World’s smallest violins, announces his latest project: frigginwater, an “Art As Product” line of bizarre bottled waters, each with strange storylines and corresponding artwork. The bottle “styles” will tackle current events and American culture, always with an odd and humorous bent. One new “style” will be released each month. - December 10, 2007 - frigginwater

Windgate Collection, Archive of More Than 400,000 Illustrations, Offered for Sale

Windgate Collection, Archive of More Than 400,000 Illustrations, Offered for Sale

The Windgate Collection, an archive of over 400,000 illustrations, is being offered for the first time. These images were all published between 1880 and 1924, “The Golden Age of Illustration.” The collection represents the work of over 1,500 individual artists and is an important historical document. It would be an ideal acquisition for a stock media agency or a university, library or arts organization. - December 07, 2007 - Creative Touchpoint

How to Take the Ho-Hum Out of Your Holiday Party

Want to guarantee that your holiday party is a hit and not some Ho-Hum yawn fest this season? K. Hill, Designer, Couture Invitation Consultant and Owner of Cinnamon Kiss Paper Studio suggests that you try incorporating a few of these design tips in your invites to ensure that everyone on your... - December 07, 2007 - Cinnamon Kiss Paper Studio

The Musical Comedic Genius of Sean Altman's Jewmongous is Making It's Way to the Ridgefield Playhouse

Sean Altman, in addition to being the founder and former leader of Rockapella, is part of a new breed of Jewish hipster comedy that includes Jon Stewart, Sacha Baron and Sarah Silverman. He is hilarious while drawing upon his Jewish heritage relating those bits of life we can all identify. He will do just that as he brings his “Jewmongous” to The Ridgefield Playhouse for Movies and the Performing Arts on Thursday, December 20 at 8 p.m. - December 06, 2007 - Ridgefield Playhouse

KSW & Balazo Gallery Present "Hijo De Tuta: Por dios por santo!" - Opening This Sunday, December 9, 4PM

Using ink, pencils, lead, paint and other mediums, the artists imbue paper with the texture and viscosity of sartorial thoughts, scribbles, the values of society, moral pollution and cut-and-paste. Curated by Lian Ladia and coordinated by TJ Basa, Hijo De Tuta features the works of Arvin Flores, Jose Guinto, England Hidalgo, Marcius Noceda, Carlo Ricafort and Mel Vera Cruz. - December 06, 2007 - Kwatro-Kantos

Mixed Media Works by Stefano Cattai

Stefano Cattai's exhibition is scheduled to be featured at Agora Gallery with the opening of The Odyssey Within: An Exhibition of Fine Art From Italy and Greece - December 04, 2007 - Agora Gallery

Opening Reception

A Square Deal presents work created by established and emerging artists in a 20 x 20cm format. All genres. All mediums. All affordable. Opening Reception: December 5 5:00-7:00pm; Snyman Chiropractic Group & Associates; 1608 Walnut Street Suite 601; Philadelphia PA 19103. On Exhibit Dec 1 through Jan 31. A portion of each art sale benefits Philabundance. - December 03, 2007 - A Square Deal

New Works by Abstract Expressionist Jason Craighead Featured in Bucks Gallery of Fine Art Exhibit

New Works by Abstract Expressionist Jason Craighead Featured in Bucks Gallery of Fine Art Exhibit

Pennsylvania gallery serves up "Significant & Sizable" in special holiday show. - November 30, 2007 - Jason Craighead

Family Medicine Students Hone Observation Skills at the Erie Art Museum

Family medicine students at Saint Vincent Health Center are learning the skill of observation through a unique family medicine and art museum partnership program sponsored by Saint Vincent Health Center and the Erie Art Museum. Often referred to as “the Art of Observation”, a best... - November 30, 2007 - Erie Art Museum

Gamut Control Holds Series of Events to Primer the Next Generation Limited Edition Giclees with Built-in Authenticity Guarantees

Texas Based Gamut Control is Premiering its new technology and authenticity protection for Limited Edition artwork in 6 locations around the DFW Metroplex over the Dec. 1-3 weekend. Celebrities, giveaways, specials and events are planned to coincide with this premier. - November 30, 2007 - BAP Technologies, Inc.

Perpetuidad de la Imagen by Salvador Lorenzo

Perpetuidad de la Imagen by Salvador Lorenzo

Perpetuidad de la Imagen... a solo show featuring Cuban artist Salvador Lorenzo's latest collection. Opening night Dec 8th from 730pm to 11pm. Show will run until January 31, 2008. Also celebrating their one year anniversary. - November 27, 2007 - zu galeria fine arts

HG Art and Framing Consultants Completes Artwork for the Sandpearl Resort

HG Art and Framing Consultants Completes Artwork for the Sandpearl Resort

HG Art and Framing Consultants proudly announces the successful completion of the artwork design and installation for the Sandpearl Resort in Clearwater Beach, Florida. Duncan & Miller Design created the interiors for the resort with Beasley and Henley Interior Design creating the look for the... - November 27, 2007 - HG Arts

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