Books News
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New Science Fiction Novel is Part Mystery, Part Thriller, and All Adventure
Author, M. Alan Jacobs is pleased to announce the release of his new book, H.I. Tech. Jacobs work mixes science fiction with mystery and adventure to entice readers of all ages and genres. - January 28, 2012 - Author, M. Alan Jacobs
California Author Announces His Historical Fiction Novel Set in the 19th Century
Author, Alfred Buschek is pleased to announce his book, Elisabeth, Empress of Austria. Elisabeth, nicknamed Sissi, was the Princess Diana of her time. The historic tale of the most famous Empress in Europe comes alive in Elisabeth, Empress of Austria. - January 27, 2012 - Author, Alfred Buschek Donates Proceeds of eBook, Prairie Springs, to Help Texas Animal Rescue
Download Prairie Springs at Amazon, Smashwords, or to assist animal rescue, Blue Paws. - January 26, 2012 -
Ursa Minor Publishing Announces New Novel "Destination Dealey," to Reveal Fictional Truth About the JFK Assassination
JFK historian L.D.C. Fitzgerald has authored “Destination Dealey: Countdown to the Kennedy Conspiracy,” a fictional response to speculation about who assassinated JFK in Dealey Plaza, Dallas. Ursa Minor Publishing released the book in the latter part of 2011, forty-eight years after the national tragedy occurred. The new novel is available in hardcover, paperback, and e-book through online booksellers in the US and worldwide. - January 26, 2012 - Ursa Minor Publishing
Black Rose Writing presents The Promise by Anne Burnette
“Jace had never broken a promise. Kendal had never forgotten. Was it even possible?” —excerpt from The Promise. - January 26, 2012 - Black Rose Writing
Black Rose Writing presents The Raven King by E.J. McCracken
“They needed the Raven King, needed him more than anyone could know. Without the Raven King, all would fail. Without the Raven King, they were stuck.” —excerpt from The Raven King. - January 26, 2012 - Black Rose Writing
God’s Paranormal: The Cloudy Corners of Creation Published by Outskirts Press
Pastor Dr. Mark Tate offers a questioning, but sympathetic look at a broad range of paranormal phenomena -- from ghosts to past life regression to near death experiences -- with the idea of objectively examining the totality of God’s creations. - January 26, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Outskirts Press Reveals Top 10 Best Selling Books in Self-Publishing for December 2011
Outskirts Press, the fastest-growing full-service self-publishing and book marketing company today announced its top ten titles for December. - January 26, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Rave Reviews for “Nor the Years Condemn” - New Historical Fiction Novel by Justin Sheedy
Justin Sheedy, author of the Byron Bay Writers’ Festival-acclaimed “Goodbye Crackernight,” has had his latest book “Nor the Years Condemn” published in Print-on-Demand Paperback at Amazon – to 5-Star Reviews. - January 25, 2012 - "Nor the Years Condemn" by Justin Sheedy
Creations by Crouch is Giving Away Bilingual Books
Author is making free Kindle downloads available for a limited time per book. - January 25, 2012 - Creations By Crouch L.L.C.
Pittsburgh Author Larry Ivkovich to Attend Megacon in Orlando, Florida
Larry Ivkovich, author of the urban fantasy, THE SIXTH PRECEPT, will attend media/comic book/genre convention Megacon as part of a group of IFWG Publishing authors and staff the weekend of February 17 - 20. - January 25, 2012 - Larry Ivkovich
Book Release: Breakthrough Food Product Innovation Through Emotions Research, by David Lundahl, Founder of InsightsNow, Inc.
Breakthrough Food Product Innovation through Emotions Research provides a clear answer to why success rates are so low in the consumer packaged goods industry. It lays out a roadmap for product innovation to make ideas successful. Throughout this book, Lundahl inspires readers to make a paradigm shift in how they approach product innovation. - January 25, 2012 - InsightsNow, Inc.
New Russian Inspired Literary Collection Released by Wisconsin Author
Author, Mishka Zakharin is pleased to announce the release of his new book, The Green Lamp. This new work is a collection of carefully crafted Russian-inspired novellas, plays, poetry, and short stories infused with humor. - January 25, 2012 - Author, Mishka Zakharin
Self Published Author Places as Finalists for "Best Books 2011" and Called a "Must Read"
Green Kitty, an educational book about Alzheimer's disease for 8-12 year olds, placed as a Finalist in Children's Fiction in USA Book News Contest "Best Books 2011." - January 23, 2012 - Green Kitty Book
Signalman Publishing Announces Release of Flight Into Sanity: A Memoir of Recovery
A brutally honest memoir of a mother's struggle through child abuse, addiction, reconciliation and recovery. - January 23, 2012 - Signalman Publishing
Guns N’ Roses Photographer/Author Marc Canter Joins The Rare Collections
Marc Canter, local businessman, author and concert photographer is the latest collector to select The Rare Collections to help disperse his limited edition concert photography and signed copies of his book “Reckless Road-Guns N’ Roses and the making of Appetite for... - January 22, 2012 - The Rare Collections
New Action Adventure Novel by Richard A.M. Dixon Combines War, an Extraordinary Man, and Preternatural Animals
Author, Richard A.M. Dixon, is pleased to announce the release of his new book, Dillon’s War – The Weretiger or Kontum. Deep in the jungle a soldier encounters a tiger for what will become a life-changing experience for both tiger and man. - January 22, 2012 - Author, Richard Dixon
New Fantasy Saga Just Released by Chicago Author
Author, Stella Atrium, is pleased to announce the release of her new book, SufferStone. This fantasy, space opera novel has a strong female leading character and is Book 1 of the Dolvia Saga. - January 22, 2012 - Author, Stella Atrium
Savant Books Announces Release of Mike Farris' "Manifest Intent" in Multiple eBook Formats
Savant Books and Publications LLC, Honolulu, Hawaii, publishers of significant books and enduring media for the 21st century, announces the release of Mike Farris' newest murder-mystery novel, "Manifest Intent" in multiple eBook formats. - January 21, 2012 - Savant Books and Publications LLC
National Contest Winner’s Pets Featured in Latest DC Super-Pets Book
Capstone announces the publication of its highly anticipated new chapter book, The Amazing Mini-Mutts, which stars the pets of its nationwide student writing contest winner Cloey Nyberg. - January 21, 2012 - Capstone
3 Reasons to Showcase Your Book Award on Your Author Webpage
Enhancing your author webpage with award recognition graphics can not only spruce up your internet presence, but it can help differentiate your book in the marketplace. - January 21, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
A Serial Killer in Africa – a New Novel by John D. Kenworthy
Author John Kenworthy has published The Missionary and the Brute, a chilling murder mystery set in Tanzania, East Africa. This is Kenworthy’s third book, first novel. The Missionary and the Brute is adult literary fiction. The following excerpt comes from the description on the dust jacket:... - January 21, 2012 - John D. Kenworthy
Best Seller “What Love Is A-Z” Receives the Award of Excellence Tribute from the Film Advisory Board
Film Advisory Board Honors “What Love Is A-Z” by Elle Febbo the Award of Excellence in Children’s Literature. - January 21, 2012 - Febbo Media, LLC.
Get a Free Children’s App for Your Mobile Device; Children’s Book of the Year Now on the iPad, iPhone and Android
This Free app is perfect for young children as it is filled with animated pages, and musical narration. - January 20, 2012 - Pers
Denver Author Releases New Humorous Novel About First Love
Denver author, William O. Wing, is pleased to announce the release of his new book,... So There. Wing's novel is a different kind of love story. - January 20, 2012 - Author, William O. Wing
Local History Author to Discuss Genealogy and Local History on GeneaBloggers Radio
Marion Woodfork Simmons, a family historian and author, will be a guest on GeneaBloggers Radio on Friday, January 20, 2012 starting at 9pm Eastern with host Thomas MacEntee. The show is titled Go Local: Local History and Genealogy. She will discuss how she combined her love for genealogy and local... - January 20, 2012 - Woodfork Genealogy LLC
The Dark Legion, First of the Keiratha Trilogy, Available for a Limited Time as an Ebook for Only 99 Cents
Debut fantasy novel from exciting young writer, Michael Holladay, now available as an ebook for only 99 cents for a limited time. "The Dark Legion" is the first in the Keiratha Trilogy. - January 20, 2012 - Signalman Publishing
Oceanroc Web Publishing Announces Price Reduction on Its Amazon Bestseller -The Best Japanese Fairy Tales
Oceanroc Web Publishing has announced the reduction of the price of its popular Amazon Kindle best seller, The Best Japanese Fairy Tales - Legends & Mythology From The Far East. - January 20, 2012 - Oceanroc Web Publishing
New Book Release - America's Privateer: LYNX and the War of 1812 (Beautiful Hard Bound 190 Colored Photographs)
“America’s Privateer: LYNX and the War of 1812” tells the story of a ship with two lives that sailed in two different centuries. The idea for the first privateer Lynx came from the mind of Thomas Kemp, a shipwright from Fells Point, Maryland. Kemp’s Lynx was launched in 1812... - January 20, 2012 - Lynx Educational Foundation
Black Rose Writing Presents Spell Bound by Kristen McDonald
“Instead of the small red flames that had licked her palms before, bright purple and orange streams of burning lights, leapt outwards and surrounded the area.” -from Nikki, page 96 in Spell Bound. - January 20, 2012 - Black Rose Writing
California Author Releases New Memoir of His Paranormal Experiences
California author is pleased to announce the release of his new book, The Connection. This work is a memoir of the paranormal and parapsychological experiences of a Western Mind professional and the opening of his “Golden Box” of knowledge containing a spiritual book: “The Book of... - January 19, 2012 - The Connection
Parkside Press Launches Middle-Grade Anti-Bullying Series with The Galactic Adventures of Jaedyn G.
The Galactic Adventures of Jaedyn G. is new middle-grade series by author Andre Gaines. The series follows 12-year-old Jaedyn G. on a superhero's journey from school to space to fight an intergalactic school bully. - January 19, 2012 - Parkside Press
Hello Kitty Interactive Cookbook: Baking Has Never Been so Much Fun
Castle Builders (IL) presents its new Hello Kitty Interactive Cookbook for the iPad, PC, Mac and Android. The world most celebrated and beloved kitty, Hello Kitty, brings her delightful charm and culinary ideas straight into the kitchen on the iPad with the new Hello Kitty Digital Cookbook for children. - January 19, 2012 - Castle Builders (IL)
Dr. Leigh-Davis Narrates the Audiobook of “The Greatest Salesman in the World,” by Og Mandino
It’s a new year; now it is time to start your new life, and Dr. Leigh-Davis wants to help, by bringing music, excitement, and a step-by-step guide to you, in her narration of the audiobook “The Greatest Salesman in the World.” - January 18, 2012 - Dr. Leigh-Davis
Black Rose Writing Presents Dead Lock by B. David Warner
Black Rose Writing is proud to announce that it has acquired the publishing rights to Dead Lock by B. David Warner. - January 18, 2012 - Black Rose Writing
Open to Interpretation Announces Launch of New Book, "Water's Edge," Which Pairs Juried Photography with Creative Writing Selections from Around the World
A fresh and innovative project Open to Interpretation brings together photographers and writers in a collaborative book. Launch February 7, 2012, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Open Book in Minneapolis. - January 18, 2012 - Open to Interpretation
A Riveting Voyage in the Human Mind - CIME Corporation Just Released "The Tower. Exploring Consciousness from Unknown Darkness to Cosmic Light"
CIME Corporation just released The Tower: a compelling collection of short stories and poems exposing the most intimate sides of human presence in an extraordinarily complex universe. The feelings, the need to understand the individual’s role and capabilities; recognizing the incredible potential while fighting the physical limits. And the call to unexplained frontiers within the mind's reach. Free access to selected portions at - January 18, 2012 - CIME Corporation
Meet the Merman of Your Dreams in the Novel Naked Siren: Port Emerald After Dark
New Romantic Novel Explores the Legend of the Merman. - January 18, 2012 - Megan Hussey
MPPublishing Releases Steve O'Driscoll's Mystery Novel in Mid January
Read about eight different people from all walks of life that come together for an elaborate casino heist. - January 17, 2012 - MPPublishing
Author Lisa Jeanette Uplifts and Inspires at Blue Coffee Cafe
Lisa Jeanette, prolific Christian author, has just released her book entitled “Love Indeed” and she will be autographing copies of her new work at Blue Coffee Cafe on Tuesday, January 17, 2012. - January 17, 2012 - Lisa Jeanette
Kimico Releases BookBuddy 4.0, Now Utilizing Advanced Barcode Scanning Technology
BookBuddy is available for iPhone and iPod touch. - January 16, 2012 - Kimico Ltd.
Picture Books About Snow is Now Trending on
Winter brings about shorter days and less opportunities for outdoor play for kids. The season is a perfect time to snuggle close with the kids and read aloud a picture book about snow. - January 15, 2012 - Slimy Bookworm
New National Report Looks at Disparity Between Sizes of Models and Real Women; Eating Disorder Expert Looks at Links to Eating Disorders
A new report that came out in the January issue of PLUS Model magazine offers disturbing insight into the disparity between our society’s models and the real-life women they are purporting to represent. According to Judy Scheel, Ph.D., executive director of Cedar Associates, an eating disorder clinic in New York, this kind of disparity can go a long way to damaging young girls’ ideas of what it is to be beautiful, or even normal, and can lead to eating disorders. - January 14, 2012 - Cedar Associates
Meet Award-Winning Author, Theresa Roemer at Gift & Home Show in Atlanta
See Exciting Personal Products, Enter Draw to Win an iPad - January 14, 2012 - Kym and Theresa
Heroes of the North Launches Their First Novella in Print
Heroes of the North is proud to announce the release of a print version of their first novella, Manon of the Frozen North, written by Ian Cuthbertson. - January 14, 2012 - Movie Seals Digital Inc.
Signalman Publishing Announces Release of a Frightening New Novel of a Chinese Invasion of North America
Debut novel set in the year 2016 when resource hungry China invades Canada and North America to go after its oil sands. Fascinating look at how a father and son team fights off the invaders. Interesting account of the end of peak oil and the world-wide impact. - January 14, 2012 - Signalman Publishing
New Fantasy Book Just Released by Experienced Novelist Diane Nelson
Author, Diane Nelson is pleased to announce the release of her new book, Dragon Academy. Nelson’s new novel is full of fantasy, dragons, and a magical adventure and is already receiving rave reviews on With high school finished for the summer, Nick looks forward to visiting his... - January 14, 2012 - Author, Diane Nelson
Announcement of 2012 Pinnacle Book Achievement Awards
Publishers: Enter Your Book Into the 2012 Pinnacle Book Achievement Awards - January 13, 2012 - NABE (North American Bookdealers Exchange)
New Book Celebrates the History of Union High School in Caroline County, Virginia
Woodfork Genealogy LLC is pleased to announce the new title: Memories of Union High: An Oasis in Caroline County, Virginia 1903-1969 by Marion Woodfork Simmons. Based on over two years of research performed using archival materials and over 100 interviews, Memories of Union High traces the... - January 13, 2012 - Woodfork Genealogy LLC
"The Greater Reality" Author Answers Questions Regarding Paradigm Shifts
"The Greater Reality: and the Evolution of Emotion" author Don Brown answers questions about the safety of altered states of reality that can occur from reading the book. - January 13, 2012 - "The Greater Reality: and the Evolution of Emotion" by independent author Don Brown