Books News
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Author Chris Chegri Novel, Package Deal Releases March 15, 2012
Knight Romance Publishing announced today the release of Chris Chegri’s novel, Package Deal, will be released on March 15, 2012 in paperback and eBook. - February 26, 2012 - kNight Romance Publishing
Seth Kahan’s book, Getting Change Right, is Listed 24 Among Amazon’s Best Sellers on Organizational Change
Seth Kahan is the author of the bestseller, Getting Change Right: How Leaders Transform Organizations from the Inside Out. He provides strategy consulting to CEOs and senior leaders in both private and public sectors, and mentoring to independent consultants. - February 25, 2012 - Performance Development Group
A Book Honoring a Grimm Anniversary
On the 200th anniversary of the publication of the Brothers Grimm’s first fairy tale collection, Kinder-und Hausmärchen, comes a new twist on the genre - fairy tales for adults. - February 25, 2012 - j.a. kazimer
Yes! Energy Live Comes to Hay House Radio
Loral Langemeier to Host a Weekly Radio Show on Hay House Radio - February 25, 2012 - Live Out Loud
New Novel by Ned Greenwood Blends Fact with Fiction in Japan at the End of WWII
Author, Ned Greenwood is pleased to announce his new book, Hachiman Taro: Firstborn of the God of War. This historical novel deals with the protection of Samurai Temple swords (Nippon-to) at the end of World War II. - February 25, 2012 - Ned Greenwood
Larry Ivkovich, Author of the Urban Fantasy, The Sixth Precept, to Attend the Steel City Con at the Monroeville Convention Center in Monroeville, PA. on March 2 - 4
Larry Ivkovich will be attending the Steel City Con in Monroeville, PA. (Monroeville Convention Center) on the weekend of March 2 - 4 to promote and sell his urban fantasy, The Sixth Precept. The Sixth Precept takes place in contemporary Pittsburgh and medieval Japan of the 16th century. It... - February 24, 2012 - Larry Ivkovich
Utah Author Releases New Contemporary Fiction Novel Set in Florence, Italy
Author, G.G. Vandagriff is pleased to announce the re-release of her book, The Only Way to Paradise. This contemporary women's fiction title is set in magical Florence, Italy. - February 23, 2012 - Author, G.G. Vandagriff
Renowned Fine Art Photographer Debuts Free eBook, “The Vision of Alan S. Maltz – Stories Behind the Capture”
Renowned Fine Art Photographer Alan S. Maltz has released his first eBook, "The Vision of Alan S. Maltz – Stories Behind the Capture." The new eBook is a firsthand look behind the development of some of the most passionate and inspiring images of Maltz's career. The artist himself recalls the moments behind the magic and recreates the beauty of the "capture" in his narratives. The eBook can be downloaded free at - February 23, 2012 - Alan S. Maltz Gallery
Children's Books by Little Creek Press Receive National Exposure from
Little Creek Press of Mineral Point, Wisconsin helps authors self publish children's books which are available for shipment nationwide at the online gourmet food and gift store, - February 23, 2012 -
India's Triumph in the ICC World Cup 2011 Brought Alive by Sporting Links in Indra Vikram Singh's Crowning Glory
Published by Sporting Links, ISBN 978-81-901668-6-7, Fully Illustrated, Paperback 11 x 8.5 x 0.4 inches - February 23, 2012 - Sporting Links
Author Julie Anne Lindsey’s Novel, Death by Chocolate Releases in March
Knight Romance Publishing announced today the release of Julie Anne Lindsey’s newest novel, Death by Chocolate, the first book in the Killer Confection Series will be released on March 15, 2012 in paperback and eBook. - February 23, 2012 - kNight Romance Publishing
Poetry Book Chronicles Life of Author Diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Washington State Poet Travis Laurence Naught shares his views on life, love, and the world in this debut book. - February 22, 2012 - ASD Publishing
New Book Provides Insights from the Spiritual World - Destiny, Karma, Spirituality, And Humanity
A new release from author Garry Gilfoy hits the mark for people with deeper life questions. In The Big Picture, author Garry Gilfoy discloses his own spiritual experiences and also tells the stories of others. - February 22, 2012 - Author, Garry Gilfoy
Alice McCall’s Popular Wellness Now Available as an E-book
For the first time after its release, Wellness Wisdom by Alice McCall is available as an e-book. - February 21, 2012 - Healing Path with Alice McCall
Tirgearr Publishing Announces Launch as Irleand’s Only Digital Fiction Publisher
Tirgearr Publishing,, announces that on 29 February, Leap Day, they will take a leap of their own into the worldwide publishing market as Ireland’s only publisher dedicated to digital publishing. With nearly 20 years in the book business, Tirgearr Publishing... - February 21, 2012 - Tirgearr Publishing
Irresistible Offer by Sporting Links: Supplement on ICC World Cup 2011 Complimentary with Indra Vikram Singh's Coffee-Table Edition The Big Book of World Cup Cricket
The Big Book of World Cup Cricket is published by Sporting Links, ISBN 978-81-901668-4-3, Fully Illustrated, Hardcover, French Fold 11.5 x 8.75 x 1 inches, 544 pages - February 19, 2012 - Sporting Links
Insomniac's Thrilling Autobiography Offers New Approach to the World of Horror Fiction
“Lost in Infinity” is the gothic memoir of a chronic insomniac suffering from apeirophobia (the fear of infinity). The novel unfolds the history of the author's life as he tries to unlock repressed memories through a near schizophrenic relationship with his own splintered subconscious. - February 19, 2012 - Apocalypse Coming Books
Tony Hawk’s 900 Revolution Inspires Nationwide Student Writing Contest
First Place Winner to Appear in Book and Win Trip to Tony Hawk’s Stand Up for Skateparks Event - February 18, 2012 - Capstone
Religion Meets Science Fiction in the New Novel Hanged for the Few
Author, James T. Carpenter, is pleased to announce his book, Hanged for the Few. This novel touches on the topics of religious intolerance, legalistic religions and the nature of God and salvation. - February 18, 2012 - Author, James T Carpenter
Mental Illness, Suicide, and a Parents Struggle Are Discussed in the Book, I Still Believe
Author, Desiree Woodland, is pleased to announce her book, I Still Believe. This memoir is the story of a parent’s worst nightmare; the suicide of a child. - February 18, 2012 - Desiree Woodland
Writers Pitch Book Opens Submissions for Spring 2012
Writers Pitch Book which connects writers with agents, editors and Hollywood producers is opening submissions for Spring 2012. The Pitch Book goes out to writers’ representatives and buyers twice annually and features pitches for fiction books, non-fiction books, and screenplays. - February 18, 2012 - Sharon Y. Cobb, Author
Historical Fiction Author Mary Ann Bernal Book Launch of the Third Installment of the Briton and the Dane Trilogy
The journey continues in Anglo-Saxon Britannia where an imminent Danish Viking invasion threatens the Kingdom of Wessex in the third installment of The Briton and the Dane novels. - February 18, 2012 - Mary Ann Bernal, author
How to Get What You Want from Men Without Having Sex with Them
Can men seduce women into having casual sex without spending any money? Can women motivate men to spend money on them without agreeing to have sex? Find out on Thursday, March 1, 2012 at 10:00pm EST / 7:00pm PST when two book authors with strong opinions on the role that money and materialism should play in dating, relationships, and sex go head-to-head on the popular BlogTalkRadio dating and relationships talk radio podcast program, "Upfront & Straightforward with Alan Roger Currie." - February 17, 2012 - Mode One Multimedia, Inc.
Fling Girl LA: Online Graphic Novel
Fling Girl LA is a newly launched online graphic novel about love, dating and relationships. Think Sex and the City in LA instead of NYC with characters more likely to date a broke actor-slash-bartender than Mr. Big. - February 17, 2012 - Fling Girl LA
Power Publisher’s New Release - Life Serves Love: the Fullest Form of Living - by Vinita Bali
Vinita Bali, 21, was born in Varanasi, India and is presently pursuing her Bachelor’s in Fashion and Apparel Design. Her debutant novel, Life serves Love: The Fullest Form of living, deals with life, with and without love, the essence of it. - February 17, 2012 - Power Publishers
Science Fiction Book Series Cautions Americans to Think Before They Vote
Story Foretells “Brave New World” Tainted by Greed. - February 17, 2012 - The Joad Cycle
Glynnis Campbell Writes Canterbury Tale Romance with a Scots Twist
Award-winning author Glynnis Campbell has just released a new historical romance novel, “Passion’s Exile,” in NOOK and Kindle formats. “Passion’s Exile” is an adventure inspired by the bawdy tales of Chaucer and set on a pilgrimage, not to Canterbury, but to St. - February 17, 2012 - Glynnis Campbell
North Carolina Author Releases New Psychological Novel, The Dancing Masters
Author, Bill Toole is pleased to announce the release of his new book, The Dancing Masters. Small town revelations and sensational themes combine in this psychological novel. - February 17, 2012 - Author, Bill Toole
Savant Books Releases Jean Blasiar's Newest Coming-of-Age Novel, "Richer" in Multi-eBook Formats
Savant Books and Publications LLC, Honolulu, Hawaii, announces the release of Jean Blasiar's newest coming-of-age novel, "Richer" in multiple eBook formats. - February 17, 2012 - Savant Books and Publications LLC
Deep-Sea Diver Releases Book About His Adventures and Lessons During the Exploration of the Andrea Doria
Author, Peter M. Hunt is pleased to announce the release of his new book, Setting The Hook: A Diver's Return to the Andrea Doria. This book explores the Andrea Doria and extreme diving through an introspective odyssey of memory and history back to the dangerous underwater world of Northeast shipwrecks. - February 17, 2012 - Author, Peter Hunt
History of Union High School Celebrated at Central Rappahannock Regional Library
Family historian to discuss research for local history book. - February 17, 2012 - Woodfork Genealogy LLC
Safe Passage Pictures to Develop & Produce Four Scripts from Award-Winning Writing Team
Safe Passage Pictures, an independent film and packaging company, today announced it is working with award-winning screenwriters Adrienne Lusby & Emiliana Monahan Dore to develop and produce their latest four film and television projects. - February 16, 2012 - Safe Passage Pictures
Michigan State University Internet Professionals and Co-Authors Interview to be Aired on WJR Radio, Thursday, March 1 at 7:00 PM
Creators of Michigan State University’s New Media Course Richard T. Cole, PhD and Ingenex Digital Marketing CEO, Derek Mehraban to Discuss the Impact of Social Media with MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon and MSU Athletic Director, Mark Hollis - February 16, 2012 - Ingenex Digital Marketing
Savant Books Announces Release of Reilly Ridgell's Newest Novel, "The Isla Vista Crucible"
Savant Books and Publications LLC, Honolulu, Hawaii, publishers of significant books and enduring media for the 21st century, announces release of Reilly Ridgell's newest novel, "The Isla Vista Crucible." - February 16, 2012 - Savant Books and Publications LLC
Writer Inspired on Facebook to Publish New Peace Book
Responses to writer’s inspirational Facebook posts result in book of ideas and insights for life balance and personal peace. - February 16, 2012 - Peace in Us
Minstrel’s Alley Reduces Price on Hispanic Infused California Novel for Presidential Campaign
Minstrel’s Alley announced it was reducing the price of its latest release, “The Blood Orange,” by Gordon Basichis, to accommodate the current presidential election campaign. The novel, while a romantic mystery thriller also depicts some of the early legends of old Spanish... - February 16, 2012 -
A Ghost at Stallion’s Gate, Top-Selling Kindle Book for Write Words Inc.
Book publisher Write Words Inc. reports Elizabeth Eagan-Cox's novel A Ghost at Stallion's Gate is top seller from December's 2011 Kindle list. - February 15, 2012 -
"Emily's Tic," a Teenager's Book About Tourette Syndrome, Now Available on Amazon
The book, written and illustrated by 16-year-old TS advocate Emily Fleischman, chronicles challenges such as bullying that she encountered as a child with Tourette. - February 15, 2012 - New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome
Authors Jo Lena Johnson and Steven Charles Martin Release Their Titillating Book -“Strategic Planning for Love & War, Relationships and Adult Conversations”
New relationship book solves everyday problems, offers solutions and gives people the practical help they need, with a unique musical twist. - February 14, 2012 - Absolute Good Training & Life Skills Management
The Brownstone Poets Presents Hassanal Abdullah, Tsaurah Litzky, and Nathan A. Versace on Saturday, March 3 at 2:30 P.m. At Park Plaza Restaurant in Brooklyn Heights
The Brownstone Poets presents Hassanal Abdullah, Tsaurah Litzky, and Nathan A. Versace on Saturday, March 3 at 2:30 p.m. at Park Plaza Restaurant in historic Brooklyn Heights. Enjoy the varied menu at this affordable family-run diner while listening to great poetry. Poetry grows in Brooklyn Heights... - February 14, 2012 - The Brownstone Poets
Gary Szenderski's Book of Szen is Now on Sale
Southern California-based author Gary Szenderski announces his publication Book of Szen, a compilation of inspirational short stories, is now on sale. - February 14, 2012 - Book of Szen
Techno-Thriller Author Uses Computer Phishing Scam in Plot of Latest Novel
Author, Denise Robbins takes readers on another page-turning tale of crime and intrigue in her latest romantic thriller, Phish NET Stalkings, which is set for release on February 14, 2012. - February 14, 2012 - Denise Robbins
New Inspirational Book About Love and Loss, Mothers and Daughters Receives Five Star Review
BookBuzz Reviewer gives Linda Campanella's new book, When All That's Left of Me Is Love, a Five Star Review. Linda Campanella shares her story of love, grief, gratitude, and spiritual growth in her intimate and inspiring new memoir, When All That’s Left of Me Is Love. - February 14, 2012 - BookBuzz
New Resource for Men Wanting to File for Divorce in Washington State
Men Now Have a Coach and Playbook for Surviving Divorce - February 13, 2012 - Law Offices of Molly B. Kenny
Power Publishers’ Fresh Release: The Peak of All Thoughts by Vijay Raghav – a Bouquet of Poetic Essays
Otherwise a professional at the technology department of SBI Funds Management Pvt. Ltd., Vijay Raghav is now about to unveil his poetic potentials through his latest book, The Peak of all Thoughts. - February 13, 2012 - Power Publishers
Kennedy Era Lives on: Summerland Publishing Releases "Sea Change: the Uncertain Realm of the Married" by California Author Patsy Garlan
“Sea Change: The Uncertain Realm of the Married,” a novel of awakening by Patsy Garlan, is riding a wave. The public’s fascination with the tumultuous Kennedy era and the President’s assassination in November 1963 is evident in the popularity of such books as MSNBC... - February 13, 2012 - Summerland Publishing
What's in a Name? Lisa Schuetz - Handwriting Expert, Publishes New Kindle Guide That Reveals What a Signature Says
As Valentine's Day approaches, graphologist's "5 Easy Steps to Analyzing Signatures" sheds light on love's true colors. - February 13, 2012 - Lisa Schuetz Consulting
Fresh Young Adult Novel Offers New Kind of Hero to Fawn Over
YA romantic fantasy novel Veiled Virtues released. - February 12, 2012 - Jan Fischer Wade
Clairvoyance: A Quantum Approach by Bestselling Author Dr. Theresa M. Kelly - New Book Release
Clairvoyance: A Quantum Approach is a Textbook of the University of Alternative Studies, of which Dr. Theresa M. Kelly is the Professor of Psychical (Consciousness) Studies. - February 12, 2012 - Dr. Theresa M. Kelly
Black Rose Writing Presents Relatively Close by Judy Serrano
“I can’t wait to read Judy's next book. She writes with such passion and enthusiasm with lots of twists and turns, and full of adventure and excitement.” —Patricia L. Foltz, Way2Kool Designs - February 12, 2012 - Black Rose Writing