Books News

Read up on the latest news about fiction and non-fiction books, festivals, literary prizes, competitions, authors, tours, book marketing, e-readers and apps. Find out about book publishers and retailers as well as products and services designed for book lovers.

The Brownstone Poets Presents Two "Girl Power" Poets Amy Leigh Cutler and Ronnie Norpel on Tuesday, February 21 at 7 p.m. at Linger Café & Lounge

The Brownstone Poets presents “Girl Power” poets Amy Leigh Cutler and Ronnie Norpel on Tuesday, Amy Leigh Cutler and Ronnie Norpel on Tuesday, February 21 at 7 p.m. at their new venue at the Linger Café & Lounge. Linger for a few hours and enjoy the quaint and cozy... - January 13, 2012 - The Brownstone Poets

The Brownstone Poets Presents Leigh Harrison, Cindy Hochman, and Joseph Charles Rebis, Jr. On Saturday, February 4 at 2:30 p.m. at Park Plaza Restaurant

The Brownstone Poets presents Leigh Harrison, Cindy Hochman, and Joseph Charles Rebis, Jr. on Saturday, February 4 at 2:30 p.m. at Park Plaza Restaurant in historic Brooklyn Heights. Poetry grows in Brooklyn Heights and there's an open-mic as well. - January 13, 2012 - The Brownstone Poets

New Christian Author Combines Christ and Cake in Comparison Book

A creative book written by a new author, that compares the Christian experience with baking a cake. - January 13, 2012 - Finding God in the Kitchen

Elle Febbo, Author of the Best-Seller, “What Love Is A-Z,” Featured Guest Author at AEF Authors Festival

Elle Febbo, best-selling children’s book author, to be “Featured Author” at the AEF Author's Festival being held at William Northrup School in Alhambra, CA. - January 13, 2012 - Febbo Media, LLC.

Brian Howard Takes a "No Fluff" Approach to Disaster Preparedness and Supplies with His New Book

When Things Go Boom! A Highly Practical (No Fluff!) Guide To What You Can Do Now To Prepare For The Coming Chaos: Techniques, Tips and Supply Checklists, authored by Brian Howard, was written to educate as many people and families as possible on the importance of disaster preparedness and help them reach an adequate and prudent state of readiness should disaster strike including getting necessary supplies that they are lacking. - January 12, 2012 - DPTaS

Current and Aspiring Writers Can Publish Their Work for No Cost in the New Outskirts Press Facebook Anthology

Leading self-publisher Outskirts Press is now taking submissions of poems, short stories, excerpts, recipes and jokes from its Facebook members for inclusion in its upcoming Facebook Anthology. - January 12, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

The Coffeepot Cookbook - Author's Fun Functional Cookbook Inspired by Nomad Adventure Published by The Passion Profit Company for Kindle Nook

Walt Goodridge, minimalist, vegan, nomad blogger, announced today the release of The Coffeepot Cookbook: A Fun, yet Functional and Feasible Traveler's Guide to Preparing Healthy, Happy Meals on the Go Using Nothing but a Hotel Coffeepot.... and a Little Ingenuity on for Kindle and for Nook e-readers. - January 12, 2012 - The Passion Profit Company

Christian Authors Network Creates Strong Presence at Trade Show

CAN (Christian Authors Network) will present a program for bookstore retailers and drawings for product. CAN focuses on sharing the good news of books with readers and fosters good relations with book retailers. The breakfast at the trade show with CAN will provide opportunity for CAN authors to share author news and encouragement with book store owners. The event will include drawings for bundles of free books and book signings. - January 11, 2012 - Karen Whiting

Michael Bowler Announces the Release of His New Urban Fantasy Novel That Teaches Lesson on Differences and Acceptance

Author, Michael J Bowler is pleased to announce the release of his new book, A Boy and His Dragon. This Urban fantasy novel encourages young adults to embrace differences and learn to accept one another. - January 11, 2012 - Michael J Bowler

Creations by Crouch Bilingual Children's Book Giveaway

Author has made free Kindle downloads available for a limited time. - January 10, 2012 - Creations By Crouch L.L.C.

Indigo Empyrean - First Contact Will Not Come from the Stars

Indigo Empyrean - First Contact Will Not Come from the Stars

Indie Film Writer/Director Pens a Novel About a Teen’s Quest to Save an Advanced Underwater Race from Extinction - January 10, 2012 - D.F. Marsh

Sudden Venture Into Future: The Dutch Flat Hotel Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated action and adventure juvenile fiction book from Singapore, SG, author Jasmine Borschberg. - January 10, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

New Guide Are You Living Your Best Life on Purpose? Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated self-help, motivational and inspirational book from Palmetto, FL, author Jonathan G. Hartman. - January 10, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Poems of Faith and Inspiration: Reality Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated poetry book from Oakland Park, FL, author Nicole Trahan. - January 10, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

No Trust Behind One Badge: Trail of Deception Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated mystery, detective and police procedure fiction book from Salem, IL, author Catherine Shuler. - January 10, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Tales of Oddest Creatures: The Adventures of Sohi Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated action and adventure juvenile fiction book from Henderson, NV, author Susan Brauner. - January 10, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

New Hope for Lonely Girl: All It Took Was a Miracle Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated social issues and friendship juvenile fiction book from Teaneck, NJ, author Vinita Hazari. - January 10, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Tale from the Cherokee Nation, Roswell Redemption, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated historical fiction book from Marietta, GA, author Cindi Crane. - January 10, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Exposing the Heretical: Critical Christian Issues Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated religion and Christian theology book from Glendale, AZ, author Jim Hafer. - January 10, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Finally, Not Rejected, But Loved: Stemming the Harm Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated fiction book from Brooklyn, NY, author Jo'Anne Brancato. - January 10, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Revealing the Greatness Within One: 8th of a Key Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated King James Bible book from Berkeley, IL, author Darius Jenkins. - January 10, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Wild Skies: ... And Sometimes the Bear Eats You Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated Pacific West United States travel book (AK, CA, HI, NV, OR, WA) from Santa Ynez, CA, author Cy L. Asta. - January 10, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Vivid Poetic Escape: Runaway, Like a Dying Moon Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated American poetry book from Silver City, NM, author Rorry Nighttrain East. - January 10, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Remarkable Odyssey of Rural Educator, Farm Boy Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated educator’s autobiography book from Columbus, OH, author Dale Joseph Blackwell, as told to Linda Omohundro. - January 10, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Original, Spirit Self: Being Upfront with Yourself Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated body, mind, spirit, inspiration and personal growth book from Columbus, OH, author H. Gerard Lang. - January 10, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Pragmatic, Eye-Opening New Guide, Brain Coaching, Published by Outskirts Press

Michael F. Goulden’s new sports book actually teaches players, parents and coaches the exact skills necessary to be a winner -- rather than merely preaching to them “inspirational” catch phrases that try to help them will “winning” into existence. - January 10, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

An Honest Look at Codependency: The Progression Tree Published by Outskirts Press

In her new book author and counselor Wanda L. McGuire answers two questions crucial to anyone who feels the pain of being in love with someone addicted to drugs or alcohol: How did we get into this mess? How are we going to get out? - January 10, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Cherise "Reese" Charleswell of Eclectic Life Books Will be Hosting a Book Signing at Mental Mondays on January 30, 2012

Authors Book Signing being held in the heart of San Fernando Valley. - January 10, 2012 - Eclectic Life

Lullaby- A Collection of Poems & Stories Launched by Vbrightbooks

A Collection of Poems & Stories (ISBN - 978-1-257-90871-4) has been launched at a gala party in Los Angles.“This is an exciting moment in my life,” the author said. - January 09, 2012 - V Bright Saigal

Chicken Feathers & Garlic Skin Saipan Sweatshop Exposé Now Available for Kindle and Nook E-Readers

Chicken Feathers & Garlic Skin: Diary of a Chinese Garment Factory Girl on Saipan, the ground-breaking book by Chun Yu Wang, that revealed the inside story of life in the garment factories (sweatshops) on Saipan, is now available for Kindle, Nook and other e-readers, as published by the Passion... - January 08, 2012 - The Passion Profit Company

Black Rose Writing Presents The Overlord Rising: Dragon Touched by E.W. Scott

“The last time she had seen those dark eyes they had been mocking her as dragon blood was poured down her throat. Mocking her as he turned her into a monster.” The Overlord Rising: Dragon Touched page 202. - January 08, 2012 - Black Rose Writing

Just About Books Talk Show Announces the Winner of the Book Award for Best Fiction – Cheryl's Choice for 2011

Cheryl Robinson, Executive Producer of the Just About Books Talk Show, one of the most popular literary talk shows, announces the winner of the Book Award for Best Fiction-Cheryl's Choice, The Prison Plumb Line by Yvonne J. Medley, an author from Maryland. The Just About Books Talk Show focuses on quality books for African American book lovers, and the winning book was chosen for both quality and popularity. It is a story about incarcerated women that opens hearts and broadens perspectives. - January 08, 2012 -

Eternal Press Released a Batch of New Titles

Eternal Press is a division of Damnation Books, LLC. The publishing company released over 100 titles in 2011. Eternal Press will continue to bring quality, affordable fiction to e-readers and traditional readers world wide. - January 07, 2012 - Caliburn Press LLC

New in the Famous Authors Series Confucius Debuts on DVD January 31

Kultur is proud to announce a new release in the Famous Authors Series, Confucius, which will be available on DVD January 31, 2012. This overview of Confucius’ biography and philosophy from the Famous Authors series contextualizes Confucius’ life during the Zhou Dynasty, relaying the... - January 07, 2012 - Kultur International Films Ltd

Actress Linda Evans Guests with Susan McCray on "Getting to Know You" Airing Tuesday, Jan 10 at 6:30 P.M. Pacific and Eastern Time on Internet Radio

Linda Evans - when people hear her name they immediately think of the characters she's portrayed on the big and small screen - especially, Krystle Carrington on the ABC series "Dynasty." But, they don't know her as a good cook. Linda has combined her passion for preparing food with memorable moments from her life in her first memoir "Recipes For Life." Tuesday, Jan.10 at 6:30 p.m. pacific and eastern time, Linda guests on "Getting To Know You" hosted by Susan McCray on internet radio - January 06, 2012 - Getting To Know You

Best-Selling Author Elle Febbo Plans Valentine’s Day Celebration with 525 Inner City Youth & Rifsocal

Best-Selling Author Elle Febbo, “What Love Is A-Z”, Plans Valentine’s Day Celebration with 525 Inner City Youth & Reading Is Fundamental of Southern California (RIFSoCal). - January 06, 2012 - Febbo Media, LLC.

Clarence-Henry Books Releases Peep in the Deep - Sea Creature Counting Book for Children Ages 4 and Under

Beneath Was a Peaceful, Quiet Place When Barely a Peep Gave Way to Something in the Deep. Your child will love learning their numbers with Peep in the Deep – Sea Creature Counting Book. Watch the ever growing number of sea creatures chase their former group across the pages ‘til the last but not least! - January 05, 2012 - Clarence-Henry Books

Black Rose Writing Presents Chasing Her Destiny by Terri Friedlander

“If we have to do this on our own, we will,” Sherri told Kent, and was surprised to see him look at her with respect. Perhaps, at last, he was beginning to acknowledge her absolute determination as a virtue, not a liability. - January 05, 2012 - Black Rose Writing

Three Free Amazon Marketing Options Prepare Self-Publishing Authors an Easy Way to Realize Their New Year's Resolutions

The Amazon Extreme Marketing Package from Outskirts Press offers self-publishing authors a head start on book marketing by taking triple advantage of the immense audience of, the largest online retailer in the United States. These valuable, popular options are free for authors who start self-publishing in January. - January 05, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

The Passion Profit Company Publishes Jamaican in China: Guess Who's Coming to Dim Sum for Kindle/Nook--the Second in the Living True to Your Self Series

As the second in its "Living True to Your Self" Role Model series, the Passion Profit Company, publisher of over 75 how to and inspirational products for and by "passionpreneurs," has announced the Kindle/Nook publication of Jamaican in China: Guess Who's Coming to Dim Sum, a... - January 05, 2012 - The Passion Profit Company

Clarence-Henry Books Releases Picture Book Rudy and Cirrus of Karma in Android App Format

Rudy gets a lesson in Karma! A boy named Rudy breaks his mom's treasured vase and blames his little brother and sister. His mom sends him on an errand and he soon discovers sometimes what goes around comes around. - January 05, 2012 - Clarence-Henry Books

Local Author and College Professor Dr. Daniel Cillis to Appear on Good Day New Mexico, Jan. 6th to Talk About Centennial and What Might Have Been

Local Author and College Professor Dr. Daniel Cillis to Appear on Good Day New Mexico, Jan. 6th to Talk About Centennial and What Might Have Been

Dr. Daniel R. Cillis, college professor, author and part-time New Mexico resident will appear on KOB’s Good Day New Mexico Friday, January 6th 2012, 11am (MST) - just in time to celebrate New Mexico’s Centennial. Talk show host Irene Estrada will interview Dr. Cillis about his new novel, Statehood of Affairs, a story about New Mexico’s journey to statehood set in 1911 as told through the eyes of lovers with ties to opposite sides of the border. Available online at Barnes & Noble and Amazon. - January 04, 2012 - Dr. Daniel Cillis

PulseBlaze Presents Forever Queen, by Cynthia White

Love her... hate her... just don't cross her... - January 04, 2012 - Pulse

Cambridge Books Releases "A Ghost at Stallion’s Gate" for 2012

"A Ghost at Stallion’s Gate" book 4 in the Shannon Delaney cozy paranormal mystery series by Elizabeth Eagan-Cox is now available world-wide, in paperback and popular e-book editions, including Kindle and Nook. - January 04, 2012 -

Susan Mary Malone Gives Strong Caution to Up and Coming Writers

Developmental Editor Gives Pros and Cons to Learning the Rules of Writing and Editing. - January 04, 2012 - Malone Editorial Services

New Book Continues American Tradition of Skewering Politicians

A new humor eBook about the GOP, Conservative commentators, and the candidates for the Republican Presidential nomination has just been released. It is a timely book that takes on the political and sexual views of the Right Wing by satirizing their past statements and actions. - January 04, 2012 - Paul Giglia

Author Announces Release of New Matt Davis Mystery

Author Announces Release of New Matt Davis Mystery

Author Joe Perrone Jr has announced that Twice Bitten, the third in the Matt Davis Mystery Series, will be released in paperback and Ebook format on January 15th. The book will be available in regular and large print paperback editions from Createspace and in Kindle format. It will also be available in various other Ebook formats such as those for iPads and Nooks through - January 03, 2012 - Author Joe Perrone Jr. d/b/a Escarpment Press

Life on a Shoestring in Beverly Hills eBook Helping People with Cost Savings and Inspiration to Feel and Think Better

Life on a Shoestring In Beverly Hills - is a whimsical and inspirational handbook, about Christine Redlin's life as a single woman, which offers helpful, cost-saving ideas for a healthy and wealthy mindset for anyone to use, wherever you live. - January 03, 2012 - Feel And Think Better

Pump Up Your Book! Announces Jan ‘12 Authors on Virtual Book Tours

Announcement of Pump Up Your Book! Virtual Book Tours’ list of authors for January 2012. - January 02, 2012 - Pump Up Your Book Promotion PR

The Greater Reality: and the Evolution of Emotion's Author Answers Questions About New Theory of Creation

Many requests for a summary of the new theory of Creation have been made by people that have not read the book. To help with the explanation, author Don Brown has provided a summary of the new theory of Creation. - January 01, 2012 - "The Greater Reality: and the Evolution of Emotion" by independent author Don Brown

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