Books News

Read up on the latest news about fiction and non-fiction books, festivals, literary prizes, competitions, authors, tours, book marketing, e-readers and apps. Find out about book publishers and retailers as well as products and services designed for book lovers.

Author of Nine Lives Book Signing at Borders Books, Monaca Pa.

F. Say, debut author of the psychological thriller Nine Lives will be having a book signing at Borders Books in Monaca Pa, September 26th, 12:00pm - 3:00pm. - September 07, 2009 - Frank Say

Prayers That Unlock Doors of Blessings for You - Powerful Short Prayers for People on the Go - Adult and Children Prayers, and Inspirational Plays

George H. Oliver Releases a book of prayers entitled Powerful Short Prayers For People On The Go at (, the world's fastest-growing provider of print-on-demand books. A book of prayers that's suitable for all ages, and a special rendition of short inspirational plays. Powerful Short Prayers For People On The Go will unlock doors of blessings for you. - September 05, 2009 - George Oliver

New England Fan Experience 2009

New England Fan Experience 2009

An annual non-profit volunteer-run convention held in Boston, Massachusetts. This year's featured celebrities include Leonard Nimoy, Gareth David-Lloyd, James Hong, Corin Nemec, Arron Dismuke, John De Lancie, and Sonny Strait. Writers and artists include Wen Spencer and Bettina Kurkoski. Gaming guests are Vicarious Visions, Science and Technology guest is the robot Aexeous and his creator, Joe Silva. - September 05, 2009 - New England Fan Experience

Local Author Attending Annual Bridgewater Book Fest

Frank say, author of Nine Lives will be attending the Brigewater Book Fest in Bridgewater Pa, Saturday, September 12th. Held in Bridgewater Pennsylvania. - September 05, 2009 - Frank Say

New Novel "Elena, Woman of Courage," Reflects the Mood of the Roaring Twenties

The “Roaring Twenties” was a time of great change, when women raised their hemlines and bobbed their hair. It was a time of independence, courage, and adventure. - September 05, 2009 - Linda Weaver Clarke

Spirit Thinking: Your Guide to Enlightened Life Seeks Publisher After BPP Life

Major Publisher's Calendar Delays Publication. Faster, Aggressive Publisher Sought. - September 05, 2009 - Advocate USA LLC

Xlibris Hollywood Book Trailer Marketing to Boost Book Sales and Exposure

Xlibris marketing service to increase sales and exposure by promoting self-published titles to Hollywood film agents. - September 05, 2009 - Xlibris Publisher

Self Published Author, Researchers Suggest Ways of Fighting Childhood Obesity

The Institute of Medicine, the National Research Council and author T. Alan Brenner present strategies for battling the obesity dilemma among American children. - September 04, 2009 - Xlibris Publisher

Virtual Vice by Jason M. Kays is a Hit

Informational press release for “Virtual Vice” (BookSurge), a new technology crime novel by Jason M. Kays. - September 03, 2009 - Pump Up Your Book Promotion PR

Prophecy of Power the Debut Novel by Andrew Parker....Out Now

Prophecy of Power, the book everyone is talking about is available online at Amazon, and Barnes & Noble or ask at all good book stores. For latest reviews or to find out more about this Author go to - September 03, 2009 - Andrew Parker

Mommy PR Reviews Stories for Children Magazine

Stories for Children Magazine is thrilled to announce a wonderful endorsement from Andrea Millay of Mommy PR - Millay says, “I really like this website…there are tons of different things to look at here: great stories, arts and crafts, puzzles, and... - September 03, 2009 - Stories for Children Magazine

Stories for Children Magazine Announces Amazing But True Contest Winners

Stories for Children Magazine has built a strong readership with schools, teachers, libraries, and families since it’s inception in 2007 and strives to build their relationships stronger with each monthly publication. In recent months, Stories for Children Magazine held an Amazing but True... - September 03, 2009 - Stories for Children Magazine

Come Along on Homer’s Odyssey with Gwen Cooper in September ‘09

Author Gwen Cooper tours the blogosphere in September 2009 with “Homer’s Odyssey: A Fearless Feline Tale, Or How I Learned about Love and Life from a Blind Wonder Cat.” - September 02, 2009 - Pump Up Your Book Promotion PR

Launch of Essential Children’s Book “My Body Belongs to Me” Turns an Awkward Subject Into a Natural Discussion

New York City prosecutor writes groundbreaking title to teach children their bodies are their own. - September 02, 2009 - Safety Star Media Presents Interviews with Authors Laura Castoro, Pamela Samuels Young, Janete Scobie, and Tammy Fournier

Books of Soul ( has posted interviews with a diverse group of African American authors. Featuring first-time, self-published, bestselling, and award-winning writers, each interview offers an interesting insight into writing and promoting books. Best-selling and multi-award... - September 02, 2009 - Books of Soul

Local Minister/Teacher Encourages Christians to be Team Players

Bread of Life International, a private press, has published the book The Great Chess Game by Kansas, minister/teacher, Winner Torborg. The Christian book is a biblically based look at the work that God wants His children to do as a team. In 1985, author Winner Torborg began a newsletter ministry... - September 01, 2009 - Bread of Life International Ministries

Thirteen Lyme-Literate Health Care Practitioners Reveal Their Treatment Strategies for Chronic Lyme Disease in New Book

Thirteen Lyme-Literate Health Care Practitioners Reveal Their Treatment Strategies for Chronic Lyme Disease in New Book

A new book, Insights Into Lyme Disease Treatment: Thirteen Lyme-Literate Health Care Practitioners Share Their Healing Strategies, provides people with Lyme disease and their physicians with current, cutting-edge information on the treatment of chronic Lyme disease and the corollary conditions that... - August 30, 2009 - Connie Strasheim

The Golden Rules of Making Money (and How to Use Them) Workbook by Laura M. Crawford

Workbook Unlocks Timeless Secrets to Making Money. - August 30, 2009 - Crawford Writing & Marketing

Pearl Shinn Wormhoudt’s Self Published Book Teaches Music from Deep Within

With a Song in My Psyche is a well-reviewed self-published volume that explores the psychological aspect of music teaching. - August 30, 2009 - Xlibris Publisher

"Firsts: Origins of Everyday Things That Changed the World!"

New Book. “Firsts” are the milestones of history. Surprising, informative, humorous, and always fascinating, these wonderful, often little-known facts bring our world to life. Now, for the first time ever, Guinness World Record-holding trivia expert Wilson Casey has compiled over 500 firsts on nearly every topic imaginable, from fashion to food, politics to science, sports to art. - August 29, 2009 -

Lower Health Care Cost Advocated in Self Published Title

Author and medical doctor Arndt von Hippel advocates lower health insurance costs in his book, Better Health Care at Half the Cost. - August 29, 2009 - Xlibris Publisher

Looking for a Way Out of Corporate America? Here is the Escape Manual.

Looking for a Way Out of Corporate America? Here is the Escape Manual.

Custom Solutions announces the release of "No Limits: How I escaped the clutches of Corporate America to live the self-employed life of my dreams" by Sara Morgan. Sample chapters can be accessed online at - August 28, 2009 - Custom Solutions

International Support for Marvin’s Mysteries

Richard Mulligan’s Marvin’s Mysteries, the middle reader book about a lost pet with a mysterious identity, is gaining an international fan base. Those fans are from all corners of the globe, but Europeans, in particular, have expressed interest in the story of the brave little fellow... - August 28, 2009 - Richard Mulligan

Barnes & Noble Adds "Absolutely Vulnerable" by Lehigh Valley Author Thomas Malm

Absolutely Vulnerable, The Crisis of Strategic Business Planning in America by Thomas Allen Malm (Brainworks Books) is now available from Barnes & Noble. - August 28, 2009 - Brainworks Books

Author of "America Libre" Tours Southern California, Setting for the Controversial Novel

Author of apocalyptic story, Raul Ramos y Sanchez, appears at colleges, book signings and writers workshop in Los Angeles and San Diego September 15 through 27. - August 28, 2009 - Raul Ramos y Sanchez

How to do a Back-to-School Vision Board by Best-Selling Author Joyce Schwarz, Booksigning & Workshop in Venice, Ca 8/27/09

How to do a Back-to-School Vision Board by Best-Selling Author Joyce Schwarz, Booksigning & Workshop in Venice, Ca 8/27/09

What if you and your family could decide to make this the best school year ever for your kids? Well, now you can using an amazing, no-cost method called visionboarding. Best-selling author Joyce Schwarz, The Vision Board book (16 weeks as the #1 mystical bestseller on explains how to in her upcoming workshop at the Mystic Journey Bookstore in Venice, California on Thursday, August 27 from 7-10 pm - August 27, 2009 - The Vision Board Institute

Author, Mimi DiLatese, Makes a Sparkling Debut with Her New Book "Dump His Ass"

"Dump His Ass” is a girlfriend to girlfriend guide to breaking up and moving on. - August 27, 2009 - Girly Gyrl Books LLC

Thomas M. Kiley Releases Free Child Injury Guide for Parents

Child injury lawyer Thomas M. Kiley, is offering a free book to help parents cope with the emotional, physical, and financial consequences stemming from their child’s injury. - August 26, 2009 - Thomas M. Kiley & Associates

Spirit Thinking® Inspires Aging Advocacy Group Formation by Client

Spirit Thinking® Inspires Aging Advocacy Group Formation by Client

Spirit Thinking® client Lea D. has been inspired. After completing The Horizons Approach to Spirit Thinking with Dr. Reece W. Manley, Lea wanted to give something back. - August 26, 2009 - Advocate USA LLC

Yoga Poses to Practice at Any Moment in Your Daily Life

Yoga Poses to Practice at Any Moment in Your Daily Life

How many times have you heard someone say, "I'd really like to do yoga but I just don't have time for it?" That is no longer an excuse. The new book, Yoga in No Time at All, published by PranaPower, LLC, provides 39 poses that can be done while you are brushing your teeth, putting your... - August 26, 2009 - PranaPower, LLC

Back to School and the Issue of Bullying

Back to School and the Issue of Bullying

Almost 6,000,000 kids, nearly 30% of all children, are either bullied or are doing the bullying in this country. Now, for the first time, the American Academy of Pediatrics is stepping in with recommendations and tips to help all involved. The issue of bullying is at the heart of Megan Kelley Hall’s upcoming release The Lost Sister (Kensington, August 2009). - August 25, 2009 - Kelley and Hall Book Publicity

Author Solutions Appoints Becca Wagman Director of Sales, Marketing, and Editorial Services

Author Solutions Appoints Becca Wagman Director of Sales, Marketing, and Editorial Services

Author Solutions (ASI), the world leader in indie book publishing—the fastest-growing segment of book publishing, is pleased to announce the appointment of Becca Wagman to the role of director of sales, marketing, and editorial services. In her new role, Wagman will direct sales operations for ASI’s rapidly expanding marketing services division. - August 25, 2009 - Author Solutions

EE's Simple Rules Announces Simple Rules for... The Road Warrior Princess Author Debbie Anderson

Eminence Enterprises' Simple Rules Infotainment Line has published Simple Rules for...The Road Warrior Princess: "Thee" Women's Inspirational Guide To Embracing The Open Road!!! by Debbie Anderson, which is the author's most recent book to date. - August 25, 2009 - Eminence Enterprises, LLC

New Book by Aminah Iman, Lillith: My Genesis. Aminah Iman Has Taken Lillith to a Completely New Level.

Captivating from the first page, Lillith: My Genesis gives a unique and well-needed spin on vampires and their beginning. Lillith is the first wife of Adam, with a thirst for blood and revenge. Her travels throughout her long life show the destruction she has left in her wake and the true meaning of 'Hell hath no fury, like a woman scorned'. Aminah Iman has taken Lillith to a completely new level. - August 23, 2009 - Aminah Iman

Literary Gluttons Get Happy; Re-Launches Website re-launches website incorporating custom design integrations with the assistance of Phoenix-based web development and technology company iGoMogul. - August 23, 2009 - iGoMogul

Ocean Cooperative Launches Innovative Publishing Concept

Ocean Cooperative Launches Innovative Publishing Concept

Newly-launched Ocean Cooperative Publishing offers an alternative to the choice now faced by writers: searching for a traditional publisher or, on the other hand, self-publishing. OC provides its authors with all the services offered by traditional publishers and cannot of course accept every manuscript submitted. But as a cooperative publisher, Ocean's production fee – actually lower than the fees charged by self-publishing companies –permits it great latitude in accepting unusual projects. - August 22, 2009 - The Ocean Cooperative

Times Square Sign to Tout Spirit Thinking®

Times Square Sign to Tout Spirit Thinking®

TRI Psychologists President Tries Novel Approach to Attract Literary Agent for New Self-Help Series. - August 21, 2009 - Advocate USA LLC

New Book: City at the Cusp Takes a Sociological and Cultural Look at the Demise of the American Economy

J. Allison Brown, author of the recently published nonfiction book, City at the Cusp, defines a new class of Americans—the Zenithians—who reside at the height of society. Could it be that the culture in the city at the cusp is in great part responsible for the demise of the American economy? This thorough sociological argument provides insight on a very timely and urgent matter. - August 21, 2009 - J. Allison Brown

Self Published Author Reveals a Life of Happiness and Joy in the Midst of Terminal Illness

Elaine Young McGuire reveals how people affected with AIDS can continue leading a happy, normal life in her self-published book. - August 21, 2009 - Xlibris Publisher

Lo Gap Media Announces the Publication of Revealed Evil

Anthology collection of thirteen short stories from Kat Yares to be published by Lo Gap Media. - August 21, 2009 - Lo Gap Media

Rave Reviews for "Accidental Heroes, Accidental Villains," New Novel, Now Also on Kindle

A historical fiction about the intimate relation between the much-dreaded Triads and the last two centuries of Chinese history. - August 21, 2009 - Ed Chung

Avrin and Lee - Business Consultants, Book Authors, and Bloggers

Deborah Avrin and Shirley Fine Lee sign their business books at annual Learning Summit. The authors/consultants are profiled along with their books and the productivity blog both contribute to at - August 21, 2009 - Shirley Fine Lee

Debut Novel “In Memory of Central Park” Wins Three National Indie Excellence Awards

Queenelle Minet’s First Novel Wins Best Science Fiction Novel and Finalist in Best New Fiction and Best General Fiction. - August 19, 2009 - Queenelle Minet

Health Care Turnaround Author Launches Book Cover Design Competition

Global competition begins to find grab-me-off-the-shelf book cover design for new book, Stop the $,$$$,$$$,$$$ Bleeding: How You and Me can Turnaround Health Care Costs Now. - August 18, 2009 - theStrategist, LLC

Novel Prophesied Current Racial Tensions

This PR announces the re-release of a novel published in 1992, which supposed the creation of separate states for whites and blacks in the U.S. - August 18, 2009 - kileyblackman

New iPhone Story Apps from iOrbi Help Parents Personalize Story Time for Kids

iOrbi, LLC, a Chicago-based technology company, has released new children's story apps for the iPhone that use the smartphone’s record feature to give readers the option to tell the story in their own voice. In addition to the “Record Your Voice” option, the story apps feature vibrant, full color illustrations and heart-warming stories that are meant to entertain and teach kids simple life lessons. All children's story apps from iOrbi may be found on iTunes by searching for "iOrbi." - August 18, 2009 - iOrbi, LLC

Askin Ozcan, a New International Author, Signs Contract with Leading Publisher in India

Askin Ozcan, author of six books published in the U.S.A, has signed contract with Prakash Books of India, to publish two of his books in India, in English and Hindi. - August 18, 2009 - Askin Ozcan

Wattpad Comes to Nokia Ovi Store

Widely Popular “YouTube For Ebook” is Featured on Nokia Ovi Store’s Front Page. - August 17, 2009 - Wattpad Inc.

RealTime Publishing Are Delighted to Announce the Releases of the First in a Series of Five Sci-Fi Novels by Author Sam Smith

RealTime Publishing author, Sam Smith, releases "towards the unMaking of Heaven, Balant: A Beginning." - August 17, 2009 - RealTime Publishing, Inc

Guinness World Record Holder for Longest Walk Self Publishes His Documentary

Long-distance walker, George Meegan, documents his travels and travails in his Xlibris release. - August 16, 2009 - Xlibris Publisher

Press Releases 22,401 - 22,450 of 25,532