Books News
Read up on the latest news about fiction and non-fiction books, festivals, literary prizes, competitions, authors, tours, book marketing, e-readers and apps. Find out about book publishers and retailers as well as products and services designed for book lovers.
Teen Sexuality Explodes in the New Novel, Torn, by Amber Lehman
Think that by not discussing the topic of sexuality with your teen it will keep them from experimenting with not only heterosexual activities, but homosexual activities as well? Don't be so sure. In today's day and age more teens are questioning their sexuality and most likely parents will be the last to know. Oftentimes there are limited resources for teens to relate to during this difficult and confusing time in their life. Literature is a major outlet for teens to turn to. - August 16, 2009 - Amber Lehman
Award Winning Children's Books
Although only launched this year The Pencil Play Pals children's books—published by Whehey Publishing—have already won 2 "Creative Child Magazine" awards. - August 16, 2009 - Whehey Publishing
Stories for Children Magazine Recipient of Outstanding Web Site Award from Disability Network
Stories for Children Magazinea trademark of Stories for Children Publishing, LLC A monthly Ezine for Children (3 to 12) Website: Stories for Children Magazine recently was bestowed the honor of the Outstanding Web Site Award from the Disability... - August 16, 2009 - Stories for Children Magazine
Magic Genie Found in Louisiana
Anyone can claim his or her own wish granting ‘genie’ out of thin air. The new book, Wish Granter: Yours for the Asking, explains how anyone can get anything he or she desires just by asking for it. - August 15, 2009 - Reese Jensen
Regarding Joey Buttafuoco Defamation of Character Lawsuit Threat, Mary Jo Buttafuoco Tells, "I’ll Defend it to the Death"
Mary Jo Buttafuoco tells that she stands by her claim that ex-husband Joey Buttafuoco is a “sociopath,” in a revealing interview striking back at Joey’s threat of a lawsuit. - August 14, 2009 -
Andrew Peterson's Debut Thriller, First to Kill, Goes to Audiobook on Award-Winning Narrator Dick Hill Crafts the Voice of Nathan McBride.
In a rare honor for a debut novelist, Andrew Peterson’s First to Kill has been developed as an audiobook and is receiving critical acclaim. Dick Hill, award-winning narrator and iconic voice behind Lee Child's Jack Reacher series, masterfully captures the intensity of Peterson’s gripping espionage thriller. Listen to the prologue at - August 14, 2009 - Andrew Peterson
Stories for Children Magazine Talks with Children’s Author and Founder & Editor-in-Chief of SFC, VS Grenier
What better way to learn more about the behind the scenes activities at Stories for Children Magazine then featuring SFC’s own, Founder and Editor-in-Chief, VS Grenier. Read this exciting interview and learn how this dynamic woman juggles the responsibilities of running a leading... - August 14, 2009 - Stories for Children Magazine
Self Published Author Shares Her Life as a Political Activist in Xlibris Title
Mary L. Wentworth shares the twists, turns and travails of being in the world of political activism in the self-published book, Discovering America: A Political Journey. - August 13, 2009 - Xlibris Publisher
A Stripper Who Found Herself in the Most Unconventional Way
Have you ever wondered what goes through the mind of a stripper? Dixie Publishing announces the new release of the inspirational novel Thoughts of a Stripper: A Mother's Story. - August 13, 2009 - Dixie Publishing Company
"Evolution Diet" Author Tackles Food Allergies in New Book
Author reveals the root causes of food allergies, namely the recent introduction of these foods into our collective diet - August 13, 2009 - Code Publishing
TRI Prepares to Publish Crossing Twice: Answers from the Source
Due to customer demand, TRI may turn to POD for Crossing Twice. Agent search closes September 15, 2009. - August 13, 2009 - Advocate USA LLC
Kid Contest Winner Stars with Superman in New DC SUPER HEROES Book
Stone Arch Books announces the release of its highly anticipated new chapter book The Kid Who Saved Superman, which stars Hakeem Bennett, a 13-year-old student at P.S. 36K, The Nathanael Greene School in Brooklyn, New York. - August 12, 2009 - Capstone
More Writers Take on the Publishing Industry
Year Zero Writers is a group of 20 authors from as far afield as Hong Kong, the USA, England, France, Dubai, Greece, and Finland who have joined forces to bring their unique brand of contemporary fiction direct to readers. The group started as a response to a publishing industry reeling under the... - August 12, 2009 - Year Zero Writers
Transcending the Depths of Hell: Against All Odds - Author Emerges with a Heart-Felt Story
After ten long, grueling years, the much anticipated Life story of a young man up against major odds, comes to fruition. The process of not just writing, but living what has been an extremely tumultuous existence, has brought forth a solid individual. Perseverance, prayer and faith have contributed to the solidarity of this humble young man. - August 11, 2009 - DE-CLUTTER Your Life!
A Love of Life Makes One Man's Journey Inspirational, Uplifting
Into the Eyes of Life is a heart-warming journal of one man's journey through life, a touching chronicle of all that life brings to Bob Simondson: the joys and sorrows, the triumphs and heartaches. He's a special man who's found a way to love all that life has given him. - August 10, 2009 - Rogers Publishing & Consulting, Inc.
Wattpad Seeks the Most Interesting Written Work
Share Your Written Work and Win $1,000 Cash Plus Other Prizes. - August 10, 2009 - Wattpad Inc.
New Children's Book Teaches the Importance of Being Charitable
Donation Day With Eva Steeva is an inspiring story that proves that giving truly is better than receiving. - August 09, 2009 - E. L. Fortney
The Nightmare Begins. Boogeymen and Bedtime Stories Now Available.
It is a daunting task to string together the accumulated information of the past one hundred years into a coherent set of ideas, let alone fuse those ideas into a fictional story. Boogeymen and Bedtime Stories will affect the way you see the world and understanding of one's path in life. - August 08, 2009 - Boogeymen and Bedtime Stories, LLC
AuthorHouse Introduces Enhanced Publishing Packages for Poets
AuthorHouse, the leading provider of self publishing and marketing services for authors around the globe, has introduced five new poetry book publishing packages. These new indie book publishing options help poets who want to publish a book of poetry to create an artistic expression for their readers. - August 08, 2009 - AuthorHouse
The Human Side of Twitter, a New Book by Dr. Neil Sandow, Creates a New Genre for the Offline and Online Public
The Human Side of Twitter displays actual Twitter content for the first time in book form. "There doesn't seem to be anything that people won't say on Twitter" says Editor, Dr. Neil Sandow. "There's no use trying to describe what Twitter is to somebody who's never seen it. Just read the tweets in the book and you'll soon understand the appeal." - August 08, 2009 - Neil Sandow, Pharm.D.
Author Shares Triumphant Battle Against Compulsive Gambling in Self Published Release
Rosemary A. Cunliffe North shares her ordeal with compulsive gambling and her success in overcoming this condition. - August 07, 2009 - Xlibris Publisher
Crossing Twice: Answers from the Source Ready After Full Development Review Agent Inquiries Encouraged Before Opportunity Passes
"Is there a God? What does He look like? What is He about to do?" These are all questions asked by many Americans and answered in Dr. Reece Manley's "Crossing Twice: Answers from the Source" written after his near death experience in 2008. - August 06, 2009 - Advocate USA LLC
Dodging the Depression-2009-2015
We are at the start of a Great Depression which began in Dec. 2007 and and will reach its peak in 2009 & 2010. It may not resemble Great Depression on the scale of the 1930s, when output in the US declined by as much as 33% and unemployment reached 25 per cent. The output in the developed world... - August 06, 2009 - Dodging The Depression
iUniverse Announces Newest Rising Star Titles
Rising Star Designation Recognizes Titles that Show Potential for Commercial Success. - August 06, 2009 - iUniverse
iUniverse Author, TLC Personality Dr. Charles Hux Featured in June Podcast
Hux, an Obstetrician Specializing in Multiple Deliveries, Talks About Easing the Worries of Expectant Mothers. - August 06, 2009 - iUniverse
Icaros de Lumia: a Little Book of Poetry, a Big New Business Model
With the release of J. Cady Johns' book of poetry, Icaros de Lumia, the newly-formed Lightborne Publishing Group is poised to demonstrate their company's core belief: that true success is measured in what we give, and in how we make the world a better place. The four founding members are committed... - August 06, 2009 - The Lightborne Publishing Group
VerveStar Client Gunter Swoboda, Author of Mountains of the Sea to Appear in Live Online Chat on the HuiLoa Our Hawaii Ning Network
In partnership with HuaLoa OurHawaii.Ning Social Media and VerveStar, Gunter Swoboda's will be featured live in an online chat series. to discuss his book and surf culture. - August 06, 2009 - VerveStar
iUniverse Releases Top Ten Best Seller List for June 2009
Figures Based on Point-of-Sale Data from Major U.S. Booksellers. - August 06, 2009 - iUniverse
“Capt’n Eli” Graphic Novel Artist Jay Piscopo Featured at Camden Public Library
Portland, Maine comic book artist Jay Piscopo is part of the Camden Public Library’s “Authors in August” program. Piscopo is the author and illustrator of “The Undersea Adventures of Capt’n Eli” all-ages graphic novel series. The “Authors in August”... - August 05, 2009 - Nemo Publishing
AuthorHouse Releases Top Ten Best Seller List for June 2009
Figures Based on Retailer Channel Sales Data - August 05, 2009 - AuthorHouse
Best-Selling Author to Reunite Families and Mend Pockets of Struggling New Jersey Halfway House
Best-selling Internet marketing author, Larry Bailin, will donate all proceeds for the month of to New Jersey halfway house, Freedom House. - August 05, 2009 - Single Throw Internet Marketing
New Accolades for The Gate by Stan Law
The Gate — Things my Mother told me, a haunting, contemplative work, earns 5.0 out of 5 Stars. - August 05, 2009 - inhousepress
American History Revisited, Thanks to the Digital Age
Slow Travels Historic Driving Guides: Enjoying again the wealth of American History along America’s Highways. - August 05, 2009 - Caddo Publications USA
Self Published Title Highlights the Presidency of Corazon Aquino
The Philippine Presidency -- From Ferdinand Marcos to Joseph Estrada: Patterns of Leadership looks at a succession of presidencies from 1965 to 2001, including the administration of Corazon Aquino. - August 05, 2009 - Xlibris Publisher
Raleigh Author Jon Batson Releases "Encounter in a Small Cafe and Other Short Stories"
Fans follow award winning author Jon Batson's short story series. His descriptive narrative style is engaging and makes for entertaining reads. - August 05, 2009 - Jon Batson
Honda USA Eyes Spirit Thinking Series for Sponsorship Title
Spirit Thinking Seminar Series by Dr. Reece Manley garners early positive reviews and possible sponsorship in self-help industry. - August 04, 2009 - Advocate USA LLC
There is a New Dog on the Block in the World of Small and Independent Writer Promotion offers book buyers and sellers something new. - August 04, 2009 -
Motherhood and Me Book Now Available on Amazon Kindle
The inspirational parenting book on surviving the ups and downs of motherhood is now available to read on Kindle. - August 04, 2009 - Lindy Bruce Marketing
Ghost from the Shadows Give-Away Until August 15
Author Elizabeth Eagan-Cox is offering up the concept of the cozy G-Rated ghost mystery novel into the mainstream community with a Goodreads Free Give-away for 2 copies of book 2 in her Shannon Delaney paranormal mystery series: A Ghost From the Shadows. - August 04, 2009 -
Stelly's "Human Trial" Receiving Positive Reviews
The first part of Timothy N. Stelly, Sr's sci-fi noir trilogy has been getting quite a bit of buzz on the internet. - August 04, 2009 - Timothy Stelly Sr
Savant Books and Publications Releases Newest Children's Book, "A Whale's Tale" by Daniel S. Janik
Savant books and Publications is pleased to announce the release of it's newest in the "Color-Me-Please" series children's books entitled "A Whale's Tale" by veteran children's book writer Daniel S. Janik - August 03, 2009 - Savant Books and Publications LLC
Is Myrtle Villa Publishing’s Latest Release the Most Controversial Novel of 2009?
Myrtle Villa Publishing’s latest signing, Berkshire author, Scott Hunter is ruffling scientists’ feathers with the publication of his new thriller, ‘The Trespass.’ - August 03, 2009 - Myrtle Villa Publishing Celebrates One-Year Selling Chiropractic & Health Books opened for business one year ago and is selling chiropractic books and textbooks to chiropractic students and practicing doctors and nutrition, diet, and general health books to the public. - August 03, 2009 -
Utah Author Helps Bring Children Their First Book
Children's Author, VS Grenier has joined forces with First Book to help children find the love of reading and writing. Here is what Bonnie Johnson from First Book had to say about Grenier joining their cause. - August 03, 2009 - Stories for Children Magazine
New Book by Louay Fatoohi from Luna Plena Publishing: "Jihad in the Qur'an (Third Edition)"
Luna Plena Publishing has just released the third edition of Louay Fatoohi's book “Jihad in the Qur'an: The Truth from the Source.” - August 03, 2009 - Luna Plena Publishing
Sci Fi’s Ghost Hunters® Visit Cincinnati to Sign Chilling Tales from the Porcelain Seat
Roto-Rooter Plumbers Turned Paranormal Investigators Autograph Bathroom Reader. - August 02, 2009 - Roto-Rooter
Author Shows That Dating Can be Hell.... Literally
New book shows heroism, loneliness, and the meaning of true love. - August 01, 2009 - Morgalla, Inc.
New eBook Brilliantly Examines Business Marketing Strategies Through Real Business Success Stories
Super Biz Buzz brilliantly examines 50 great business marketing strategies which are told through amazing real business success stories. - August 01, 2009 - Super Biz Buzz
Author of the Book "Turning the Tides," Just Released by Signalman Publishing, Offers Safety and Security Analysis
Expert and author in the field of community emergency management and preparedness offers free safety and security analysis. - August 01, 2009 - Signalman Publishing
Texas Research and Investment Obtains Spirit Thinking Process® Series Being Developed by Dr. Reece W. Manley
TRI acquires works of Dr. Reece W. Manley, seeks agents and publishers for predicted 100,000 run on self-help and spirituality platforms. - July 31, 2009 - Advocate USA LLC