Books News

Read up on the latest news about fiction and non-fiction books, festivals, literary prizes, competitions, authors, tours, book marketing, e-readers and apps. Find out about book publishers and retailers as well as products and services designed for book lovers.

Cochrane Retailers Team Up to Launch New Novel by Journalist Sarah Junkin

Cochrane, Alberta journalist and author Sarah Junkin teams up with two local businesses to launch her debut novel. Stuffed is a darkly comic novel about emotional abuse, alcoholism, and taxidermy. - October 07, 2009 - Sarah Junkin

The Salvation of Billy Wayne Carter and Other Stories

Tritone Media announces the publication of its first book, a collection of stories by M. David Hornbuckle titled The Salvation of Billy Wayne Carter and Other Stories. - October 06, 2009 - Tritone Media

New Novel Blends Taxidermy, Alcoholism and Emotional Abuse with Dark Humour

Stuffed is a fast-paced, darkly comic novel about restoring damaged self-esteem from the inside out. Readers will never again think about love, dependency, or taxidermy in quite the same way. - October 06, 2009 - Sarah Junkin

'Hetman,' a Thrilling Debut Novel from Alex Shaw. Published by Hetman Publishing

British Author Alex Shaw has marked his literary debut by writing ‘Hetman’, the first International Thriller based in post ‘Orange Revolution’ Ukraine. - October 06, 2009 - Hetman Publishing

13 Years Old Indiana Author Released First Book of His 11 Book Series

Charleston Shi Author of “The Quest of the Phoenix” series Publisher: Dog Ear Publishing Questof The Quest of the Phoenix, Book One (The Phoenix and the Yeti) ISBN10: 1-60844-173-3 ISBN13:978-160844-173-0 There was a time when darkness was ready to plunge the world... - October 06, 2009 - Charleston Shi

Meet Author Lori Lite / Shark Tank Contestant

Meet Author Lori Lite / Shark Tank Contestant

Lori Lite, author of Angry Octopus: A Children's Relaxation Story. Mompreneur and featured contestant on ABC's Shark Tank accepted partnership with Barbara Corcoran. Lori will be relaxing children at Borders. - October 05, 2009 - Stress Free Kids

"Avoid Humans" by: Dietrich Von Schmausen Has Our Philosophical Arrogance, Religious Intolerance, Sexual Hypocrisy and Failure to Cooperate as a Species, Condemned Us?

Dietrich von Schmausen has written a frightening account human behavior presented to a body of alien overseers. These overseers are responsible for seeding human existence and have the technology required to severely limit our continued evolution. ‘Avoid Humans’ brings into question the integrity of human social and religious leadership and highlights how elitists have exploited our pathogenic nature to the extreme detriment of our species. - October 04, 2009 - Dietrich von Schmausen

Regina Hudson's Newly Published Book of Poems for Sale at a

The Founder and Owner of R. H. Soul will be showcasing her new book in which she is also the author. Regina Hudson has been writing for years, but recently decided to make it a career and not just a hobby anymore. This book is entitled The Soul of A Colored Woman. Many books will be available for purchase through Her inspiration comes from God, her family, and her endeavors in life. - October 03, 2009 - Regina Hudson

First eBooks for Children Available on iPhone and iPod Touch

Media ideas company Sleepydog announces the first eBooks aimed at young people, for use on the iPhone and iPod touch. Seven titles by award-winning authors Steve Skidmore and Steve Barlow, including books from the popular ‘Vernon Bright’ series, are now available from the iTunes App... - October 03, 2009 - Sleepydog Ltd

Xlibris Introduces Improved Line of Publishing and Marketing Services

An improved line of self-publishing and book marketing services have been launched by Xlibris. - October 03, 2009 - Xlibris Publisher

“Green Solutions,” Local-to-Global:

“Green Solutions,” Local-to-Global:

ECOfashion Pioneer Marci Zaroff Introduces Al Gore to South Florida. - October 02, 2009 - B2BGLOBAL.COM

Dr. Betty J. Kovacs Presents The Surprising Creativity of Grief at the Bodhi Tree Bookstore on October 17

Dr. Betty J. Kovacs Presents The Surprising Creativity of Grief at the Bodhi Tree Bookstore on October 17

The Kamlak Center presents Betty J. Kovacs, Ph.D., author of The Miracle of Death, in a two-hour seminar on how grief can transform our lives in surprising and creative ways. The seminar will focus on methods of working creatively with grief. - October 02, 2009 - The Kamlak Center

A Woman of Wisdom Poetry Collection Finally Arrives

African American author Gloria Lathen has written her first Spiritual & Motivational Poetry Book Collection and published it on Mrs. Lathen seized the opportunity to use her quiet time while being a mother, working and going to School to write her book E.M.O.T.I.O.N.S. Everyone May Overcome Trials Informs Others Needing Salvation and Subtitled: “A Woman of Wisdom Poetry Collection.” - October 02, 2009 - A Woman of Wisdom Poetry

Local Pittsburgh Author Signs Copies of Latest Novel at Borders Books in Butler Pa.

Saturday November 7th Noon until 3:00pm Borders Books will be hosting local author Frank Say for signing of his latest novel, Nine Lives. - October 02, 2009 - Frank Say

John Gorman Catches Big Break

"Shades of Luz" was rejected 46 times before All Things That Matter Press published it. Through his determination and perseverance John Gorman broke through the Publishing World's Iron Curtain. - October 02, 2009 - John Gorman

Biography of 19th Century Headmaster Holds Personal Meaning for the Author

Dale Wayne Slusser’s book In The Near Loss of Everything tells the late nineteenth-century story of Ronald MacDonald, the most famous headmaster of Ravenscroft High School, a boarding school for boys in Asheville, NC. Ronald was the son of the famous British writer, George MacDonald, author of such books as The Princess and the Goblin and At the Back of the North Wind. Books are available at or Barnes & Slusser is available for interviews. - October 01, 2009 - Zossima Press

Florence Reed is the Latest Subject of Robert Shetterly's Ongoing Series Americans Who Tell the Truth

Reed, Founder and President of the Maine-based environmental non-profit Sustainable Harvest International, is the latest American to grace the pages of Robert Shetterly's book and series Americans Who Tell the Truth. Her portrait was also selected as part of a Sustainability Show at Maine's College of the Atlantic. - October 01, 2009 - Sustainable Harvest International

Protagonist in Self Published Book Basis for Major Hollywood Movie, The Informant

Mark Whitacre, the main character in Floyd Perry’s self-published book, is the focus of the latest Hollywood movie, The Informant. - September 30, 2009 - Xlibris Publisher

Stunning Debut Novel "Shades of Luz"

Never before in the history of literature has a stuffed animal vendor risen the ranks to become thumb-wrestling champ. But, will Benny get the girl? John Gorman's writing is bold, poetic, and so engaging you will read it 3 times. - September 30, 2009 - John Gorman

Ross Jeffryes Writes About Peter Published by Trinity Press, a Subsidiary of Bread of Life

Who could this Peter be? Could he possibly be the one and only Apostle Peter, the one who walked with Jesus? - September 30, 2009 - Bread of Life International Ministries

Misfit McCabe Joins Operation eBook Drop

Griffie World, which is home to author LK Gardner-Griffie, has made her young adult novel, "Misfit McCabe," available to deployed service members at no cost. - September 30, 2009 - Griffie World

The "Human Food Factor": a New Book Release

The "Human Food Factor": a New Book Release

This book describes a provocative viewpoint concerning where we are going as a society, who is taking us there and why. - September 29, 2009 - Howard R. Axtell Publishing

A. J. Cronin’s Two "Missing" Novels Are Finally Published

Amazingly, two novels by bestselling 20th-century Scottish author A. J. Cronin, “Vigil in the Night” and “The Valorous Years,” have never been published in book form. They are now available in paperback from A. J. Cornell Publications. - September 29, 2009 - A. J. Cornell Publications, LLC

Sleuths Needed to Solve Murder Mystery on Friday the 13th

Enjoy wine and meet published authors while trying to solve a mystery at Zorvino Vineyards - September 29, 2009 - Denise Robbins

School Hero Releases Two New Books

Matt Atkinson, made famous in 2007 after turning in three students who planned to bomb his Green Bay, WI high school has written 2 books, an autobiography and a book of poems. Atkinson was brought into the spotlight in Sept 07 after a former friend of his confided that he and another student... - September 29, 2009 - Matt Atkinson

Small Publishers, Artists and Writers Network (SPAWN) Helps Authors and Creative Professionals with New Benefits, New Web Site, and New Vision

Non-Profit Association Web Site Redeveloped by Susan Daffron of Logical Expressions, Inc. - September 29, 2009 - Logical Expressions, Inc.

2010 Calendar for the "Year of the Tiger" Created by Michel Foster Has Been Newly Released by

Michel Foster has created an affordable 12-month calendar for the year of the Tiger (2010). This calendar includes quotes from all sorts of famous people superimposed on the author’s original color photographs. National and religious holidays and phases of the moon are part of the... - September 29, 2009 - Michel Foster to Give Away 5 Books a Week for 5 Weeks, the premier place to view promotional Christian book trailers on the Internet, announces that they will be giving away five Christian books to random visitors to their site each week for the next five weeks. - September 29, 2009 - Christian Small Publishers Association

Local Pittsburgh Author Signs Copies of Latest Novel at Monroeville Borders

Saturday October 24th Noon until 3:00pm. Borders Books will be hosting local author Frank Say for signing of his latest novel, Nine Lives. - September 29, 2009 - Frank Say

"Prescription for Mirth" by Michel Foster Has Just Been Published

"Prescription for Mirth," a book by Michel Foster, is now available at (Lulu Enterprises). - September 28, 2009 - Michel Foster

Wattpad to Embrace Open Ebook Standard

New EPUB Support Paves the Way for Vast Amounts of New Content. - September 28, 2009 - Wattpad Inc.

The Big Bad Bank: Printed Manual Released Worldwide

The big bad Bank documentary series announced the release of The Big Bad Bank, the book, in manual form to a worldwide audience. - September 27, 2009 - The Big Bad Bank

Book Signing Event Offers Thrills, Chills, Mystery & Suspense

Two local Borders Books are getting into the Halloween spirit a little early when they host book signings by highly acclaimed techno-romantic thriller author Denise Robbins. The Oct 10 signing in Concord and Oct. 24 signing in Nashua will precede a post-Halloween event at Zorvino Vineyards in... - September 26, 2009 - Denise Robbins

Woman Seeks Cure for "Wrong Men-itis" in LadyLit Press Novelist's Hilarious Debut

In LadyLit Press's newest release, The Bum Magnet, author K.L. Brady chronicles a year in the life of a woman who attracts all the wrong men. - September 26, 2009 - LadyLit Press

October is Adopt a Shelter Dog Month

Val, a labrador retriever and Hurricane Katrina survivor who was found barely alive, was lucky enough to have found his way into a loving home in suburban Chicago. Along with his sister, Brandy, who is also a shelter dog, they recently launched their “Real Dogs with Real Tales” stories in a series of books: Brandy and Val, Brandy and Val’s Favorite Things, and Brandy and Val’s Special Story. Brandy and Val can become members of the family with accompanying tie-in plush toys (sold separately). - September 26, 2009 - Brandy and Val, LLC

New Fantasy Novel Chronicles Fate of Fawcetta

Dalian Artanian Takes Readers on an Odyssey Filled with Mystery, Deceit and Romance. - September 25, 2009 - Dalian Artanian

New Children's Book

Whirly, Twirly Topsy Turvy Day – New children’s book explores the frenzied pace of modern day society. - September 25, 2009 - Mahalia Solages

Author Conducts the Ultimate Internet Marketing Experiment by Giving Away His Free Book

Horror writer Darren G. Burton has decided to give away copies of his novel “Scarecrow” absolutely free in a bold bid to reach a million readers of the book by the end of 2009. The novel is being distributed free of charge as an eBook (downloadable PDF). He has specified that people... - September 25, 2009 - Darren G. Burton

Enemy in the Ranks Released

The long awaited action thriller novel, “Enemy in the Ranks” by Varinder Taprial published by Cedar books, an imprint of Pustak Mahal, New Delhi, India has been released and is now available to buy online. A racy, thrilling novel, set against the background of the Navy, it has all the... - September 25, 2009 - Social Chakras

Rave Review for Tuxedo Press's New Book Oklahoma's Carlisle Indian School Immortals

Midwest Book Review raves: "Oklahoma's Carlisle Indian School Immortals" the in-depth story of the dedicated sports players of Carlisle Indian School... accessible to readers of all backgrounds, and especially recommended for any sports player (Native American or not) seeking inspiration along the path of athletic achievement... An excellent contribution to sports or Native American studies shelves, especially recommended for college libraries. - September 25, 2009 - Tuxedo Press

SFC: Families Matter Blog - Daughter-in-Law Rules Contest

SFC: Families Matter Blog is pleased to announce the Daughter-in-Law Rules contest in conjunction with The Daughter-In-Law Rules book, written by Sally Shields, an award-winning pianist, composer, speaker, author, radio personality, and, of course,... - September 25, 2009 - Stories for Children Magazine

Are You Ready for the Revolution - The Self-Made-Man Generation

Birth of a character called “K” representing the Self-Made-Man Generation. He will live on the Website for a period of only 2 years. In that period of time, “K” will put out 8 different songs, available to be downloaded for free from that Website and a book called: Complete Freedom of Choice. This Generation is about self achievement and Complete Freedom of Choice. This project is produced by Mother Nation. - September 24, 2009 - Mother Nation Publishing

Library of Horror Presents: The Black Act by Louise Bohmer

The Black Act, debut dark fantasy from Louise Bohmer, is now available from Library of Horror: - September 24, 2009 - Daverana Enterprises / Esoteric Writings

Ireland’s First E-Book Store Opens for Business with Over 150,000 Books Available

Irish Company launches new website on to cater for the rapidly expanding demand for eBooks worldwide. - September 24, 2009 - Directebooks Ltd

Celebrate the Arrival of the Autumnal Equinox September 22

It's that time of year again. Fall has arrived in all her exuberance and Sylvan Dell wants you to join in on the festivities of Autumnal Equinox with Fran Hawk's new title, Count Down to Fall. - September 24, 2009 - Arbordale Publishing

iUniverse Releases Top Ten Best Seller List for August 2009

Figures Based on Point-of-Sale Data from Major U.S. Booksellers - September 24, 2009 - iUniverse

When the Buddha Met Bubba Released Today

When the Buddha Met Bubba Released Today

When the Buddha Met Bubba is an enlightened southern comedy about hope, transformation and second chances. Publishers Weekly said of the novel, "[It] establishes a solid sense of character and place, and funny anecdotes woven throughout add charm." - September 23, 2009 - John Lee Books and Seminars

Author and Execution Coach, Anna McCoy to Host Woman Act Now Connect-Working Meeting in DFW Metroplex

Author and Execution Coach, Anna McCoy to Host Woman Act Now Connect-Working Meeting in DFW Metroplex

Woman Act Now is a movement of execution by women nationally and internationally who want to learn the art of getting life done. Coach Anna McCoy, Chief Encouragement Officer of Woman Act Now, an online and chapter-based organization is hosting a Woman, Act Now Connect-Working Monthly Meeting, September 25, 2009, at 6:30 PM at the estate of Anna and Richmond McCoy. Coach Anna will teach on “Closing the Execution Gap” from her newest book release, Woman, Act Now. - September 23, 2009 - Act Now, Inc.

Your Life Summed Up in a Race Horse’s Name

Caballo Press of Ann Arbor announces plans to publish a unique book that asks horsey folks to sum up their lives in a race horse’s name. - September 23, 2009 - Rudolph Alvarado

New Christian Book Exposes Subtle Faith Killers

The Voice magazine editor Jennifer LeClaire has released her second book, "Doubtless: Faith that Overcomes the World." - September 23, 2009 - Jennifer LeClaire Ministries

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