Books News
Read up on the latest news about fiction and non-fiction books, festivals, literary prizes, competitions, authors, tours, book marketing, e-readers and apps. Find out about book publishers and retailers as well as products and services designed for book lovers.
The Epicenter That is MG Hardie’s Debut Book "Everyday Life" Reveals America’s Last Bastion of Truth
With his first book MG Hardie gives readers plenty to think and talk about in a hilarious non-fiction work about everything. "EveryDay Life" (978-1-60594-036-6), Paperback, 137 pg, (5.5 x 8.5, $11.95). Available at all major bookstores. - July 30, 2008 - MG
'Bubble Joe and His Fantastic Journeys to Zapokrepit in the Land of the Day and a Half' - an Intriguing Novel by George A. Baffour
Bubble Joe and His Fantastic Journeys to Zapokrepit in the Land of the Day and a Half is a novel by the young Ghanaian Oceanographer and Fisheries Scientist, George A. Baffour. This novel is indeed, like its title, an unusual but intriguing read. It promises a ton of surprises. In the December of... - July 30, 2008 - George A. Baffour
NewsRx Launches 38 New Science Titles; Offer Free Global Warming Newsletter
NewsRx, a 25-year-old publisher and international news organization headquartered in Atlanta, has launched 38 new science titles under its VerticalNews imprint. The new science titles will provide current news, scientific research, and developments on national defense, aerospace, agriculture,... - July 29, 2008 - NewsRx
Inhousepress Announces Headless World - the Vatican Incident, by Stan I.S. Law, Sequel to the Avatar Syndrome, to be Released in Early September
Headless World pits the traditions and beauty of the Vatican against the cold mechanical might of the American War Machine. The whole world is the playing field. Who will win? Who will decide the future? Join Anne (heroine of The Avatar Syndrome); her husband, Peter; Sir Ian, the affable maestro; Gabriel, the mystical butler; and their new friend, Gio, the powerful Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church as they unravel the most sinister bid for power the world has ever seen. - July 29, 2008 - Stan I.S. Law
Inhousepress Presents a Novel, Enigma of the Second Coming, by Stan I.S. Law
For generations people lived in the shadow of the Second Coming and the attendant Last Judgment. At such time the sheep would be separated from goats, and the latter thrust into the depth of eternal fire. Thus had prophesied ancient scriptures. The truth is much simpler, if no less final for humanity. Heaven and hell may be states of our own making, but the consequences of our works reach far beyond Earthly horizons. - July 27, 2008 - Stan I.S. Law
Inhousepress Presents a Novel, Yeshua - a Personal Memoir of the Missing Years of Jesus, by Stan I.S. Law
Basing his work on many readings by the late American prophet Edgar Cayce and the latest archeological findings made available by the English translation of the Nag Hammadi Manuscripts, the author carefully reconstructs the eighteen formative years missing from the biblical accounts of Jesus' life. - July 27, 2008 - inhousepress
How to Keep Your Man
Can women really understand men? What do men really think and what makes them tick? - July 27, 2008 - Darren G. Burton
Missouri Author Linda Savage Announces Release of Second Book
Missouri Author, Linda Savage has announced the release of her second Children's book, "The Legend of Mylia Yo". The story, based in a rural southern Missouri town begins when Mark and his family attend his Uncle's funeral. Ronald, Mark's cousin tells about a legend and the boys set off... - July 25, 2008 - Linda Savage
iUniverse Would Like to Announce the Release of Awaken the Secret Within by Anne Angelheart
On the Heels of ‘The Secret’, New Book Offers Toolkit for Reaching Ultimate Personal Potential, Author Provides Map to Uncovering One’s True Self. Anne Angelheart is blessed with insight few people will experience — insight to the soul, the nature of the universe and the... - July 25, 2008 - iUniverse
iUniverse Author Gordon Page Featured in Monthly Podcast
iUniverse, the leading book marketing, editorial services, and supported self-publishing company, is featuring author Gordon Page and his iUniverse title Warbird Recovery as the subject of iUniverse’s August “Author Talk” podcast. - July 24, 2008 - iUniverse
Inhousepress Presents the Avatar Syndrome, a Novel by Stan I.S. Law
The Avatar Syndrome follows Anne from childhood, to womanhood; from a troubled, taciturn youth, to a world-renowned violinist; from misunderstood recluse, to messiah of a higher truth and beauty. A product of the expansive cultural landscape of our times, Law, a consummate student of ancient myths, fuses teachings of Lao Tzu, Jesus and Indian mysticism with contemporary issues of family, youth, feminism, fame and power delivers a singular vision of what it could mean to be human. - July 24, 2008 - Stan I.S. Law
Inhousepress Announces a New Novel, the Gate - Things My Mother Told Me, by Stan I.S. Law. A Beautiful Nostalgic, Sometimes Humorous, Memoir of a Polish Émigrée's Life.
Though struggling with the unforgiving progression of her husband’s Alzheimer’s, her spiritual resilience enables Mrs. Kordos to escape into an inner world filled with delight and abundant humour. Her own advancing dementia metamorphoses her memories into a realm of enchantment. “I still see her smile, behind my closed eyelids, whenever I think of her. It is by far her most lasting gift," writes her son. We might all see it if we enter her world… - July 24, 2008 - Stan I.S. Law
Build Better Web Sites Using Prototype and
Apress’s new title, Prototype and helps to ease the frustrations of a web site developer and through the use of this title focuses on creating serviceable and attractive user interfaces. - July 24, 2008 - Apress Inc.
Divine Love: The Spirit Behind the Law of Attraction by Jahnavi Foster
First-time author Jahnavi Foster’s newly released book, Divine Love: The Spirit Behind the Law of Attraction is a uniquely profound dialogue intended to bring to light the intrinsic, loving connection that exists within all of us. The world is reawakening to the fundamental ideal of the Law... - July 24, 2008 - Jahnavi Foster
My Sweet Vegan Author Returns to Connecticut to Continue Book Signing Tour
Back in Connecticut, Hannah Kaminsky, the young author of My Sweet Vegan, is charging ahead on her book tour. - July 24, 2008 - My Sweet Vegan
Author Commends American Foundation for Children with AIDS
Book by best-selling author David Elliot Cohen recognizes the American Foundation for Children with AIDS as a salutary organization. - July 24, 2008 - American Foundation for Children with AIDS
Inkubook Photo Book Maker Launches Public Availability
Inkubook, the New Online Photo Book Builder, Allows Anyone to Collaborate and Create Drop-Dead Gorgeous Books in Minutes. - July 23, 2008 - iUniverse
New Borders UK Site Launches Affiliate Programme with Affiliate Window
Borders UK announced today it has launched a brand new affiliate programme with UK network Affiliate Window as part of the marketing activity associated with the launch of their new transactional website The affiliate programme will not only provide additional access to the... - July 23, 2008 - Borders UK
The eBook Sale, a Leading eBooks Publisher, Announces the Formation of a Partnership with Allbooks Review
An Irish based eBook Publisher and Retailer announces their partnership with Allbooks Review. It will give authors affiliated with The eBook Sale access to services vital to their literary success. - July 23, 2008 - Ebooks Inc
From Wanted to the Red Star - Timur Bekmambetov’s Dream Project
Timur Bekmambetov continues development on Christian Gossett’s The Red Star. - July 22, 2008 - Archangel Studios
iUniverse Top 5 Selling Titles for June
iUniverse, the leading book marketing, editorial services, and supported self-publishing company, announced its top five sellers for the month of June. - July 21, 2008 - iUniverse
New Novel: Dominion by Wayne Sharrocks. Publishers: Pegasus Elliot Mackenzie Publishers Ltd.
'Dominion' is the follow up to 'Redemption', Wayne's debut novel, which was nominated for both The Guardian First Book Award & The McKitterick Prize. - July 21, 2008 - Pegasus Elliot Mackenzie Publishers Ltd
Savannah's Castle by Martha Hite Inspired by Real Sculpture
Author Martha Hite reveals that the inspiration for her new book Savannah's Castle came from a genuine crystal castle sculpture. - July 20, 2008 - PM Moon Publishers, Limited
iUniverse Would Like to Announce the Release of We Are a House Divided by Father Michael Dolan
In Election Year, New Book Ignites Discussion about Disparities between Catholic Teaching and Political Action. Roman Catholic Priest Calls on Catholics to Work for Change in Public Life. Father Michael Dolan believes passionately that “’Catholic’ is not a label to be worn, but... - July 20, 2008 - iUniverse
Looking For A Good Vacation Read? Try In Her Name By Michael R. Hicks.
Sci-fi and fantasy lovers looking for an engrossing tale to bring to the beach this summer should pick up ‘In Her Name,’ a tale of galactic conquest, friendship and love by author Michael R. Hicks. - July 19, 2008 - Imperial Guard Publishing
Design for Lean Six Sigma Book to be Distributed Online by Amazon and Barnes & Noble
Keys Six Sigma, Incorporated is pleased to announce that Amazon and Barnes & Noble have added the recently published book “Lessons Learned from an Unconventional Design for Lean Six Sigma Deployment” to their online marketplaces. The book outlines the successful development and deployment of Xerox’s Design for Lean Six Sigma initiative within the product development community. - July 19, 2008 - Keys Six Sigma, Incorporated
MMI Associates, Inc. Writer Participates in Book Signing Event at Barnes and Noble
Patty Briguglio, president of MMI Associates, Inc., a Raleigh-based marketing and public relations firm, has announced that Wesley Hyatt, senior writer for the firm, is participating in a book signing at the Celebrate North Carolina Event. Celebrate North Carolina is a festival highlighting North... - July 19, 2008 - MMI
CEO of Divine Destiny Resource Center, Helen R. Richmond, Publishes a Book About Previous Abusive Relationships, Entitled "Living Past the Pain: Reflections of the Past"
Filled with pain and suffering, Helen's life takes a turn for the better when she decides she would rather be dead than to continue to stay in an abusive marriage. A riveting must-read, "Living Past the Pain: Reflections of the Past," will keep you hanging onto the edge of your seat as you enter into the intimate and painful experiences of the life of a "PK"--preacher's kid. Trained up in the church, Helen strays away and becomes entangled in a life of pain and suffering. - July 18, 2008 - Divine Destiny Resource Center, Inc.
iUniverse Titles Honored in July as Reader’s Choice
iUniverse, the leading book marketing, editorial services, and supported self-publishing company, announced that 23 titles were awarded Reader’s Choice designation in July. To gain the Reader’s Choice designation, titles must meet several key requirements. The title must be awarded... - July 17, 2008 - iUniverse
Historic Photos of the Golden Gate Bridge by Anne Merritt
Turner Publishing announces the new release, the Historic Photos of the Golden Gate Bridge by Anne Merritt. This 10x10 volume showcases the pictorial narrative of the famous Golden Gate Bridge in stunning, culled-from-the-archives images. - July 17, 2008 - Turner Publishing Company
A Fool’s Knot is Philip Spires’s Second African Novel Set in Kenya and is Published by Libros International
Philip Spires announces the publication of his second novel A Fool's Knot. Like his first book, Mission, A Fool's Knot is set in Kenya and features the same characters. The novel deals with how people, societies and cultures change as they develop. - July 16, 2008 - Philip Spires
Desert Road Publishing Debuts 'You Ain't No Johnny Cash'
The Southwestern stage play by David Miguel Estrada launches July 25. - July 16, 2008 - Desert Road Publishing
Release of the Book 'Development, Livelihood and Empowerment: Towards a Sustainable Paradigm,' Under IRISH Publication
A book titled 'Development, Livelihood and Empowerment: Towards a Sustainable Paradigm …', by Dr S Gregory, has been released recently. It focuses on issues of development, decentralisation, Panchayatiraj, participatory planning, women's empowerment, weaker sections, poverty etc. Pages xvi +... - July 16, 2008 - Dr S Gregory
Lulu Publishing's Landmark Author Morgan Manley Has Released Her New Book, "I Was Born to Love You"
Lulu Publishing is proud to announce author Morgan Manley’s inaugural work, I was Born to Love You, for sale at retail booksellers and online at This exciting new true story begs the reader to search within for the fortitude to endure any hardship. For a lifetime Morgan Manley... - July 15, 2008 - I Was Born To Love You - by Morgan Manley
Trust in Him Communications Releases Its Newest Book
Trust In Him Communications is proud to announce the release of Unafraid To Die, A Guide of Comfort and Hope for Facing the End of Life on - July 15, 2008 - Trust in Him Communications
Indie Graphic Novel Publisher Welcomes Saucony To Comicon International San Diego 2008
Team Red Star to wear custom designed Saucony shoes. - July 14, 2008 - Archangel Studios
Sound Authors Radio Show Announces New Independent Interview Show
Blog Talk Radio network to launch new Sound Authors Independent Show, a live interview talk radio show for aspiring independent talent. - July 14, 2008 - Sound Authors
New Epic Fantasy Novel Released Just in Time for Summer Reading
New Jersey author Irven Keppen has released the first book in his epic Legends of Midralon fantasy series titled Emily & The Silent King. Following in the footsteps of noted fantasy authors from the past, Mr. Keppen’s book began as a labor of love only intended to entertain his children. - July 14, 2008 - Irven Keppen
iUniverse Would Like to Announce the Release of Worlds Apart by Miriam Sobel
WWII Survivor Writes Novel Based on Experiences. Characters’ Lives Depict Struggles Faced Around the World During Hitler’s Rule. Miriam Sobel knows first-hand the hardships caused by the horrific rule of Hitler during World War II. Based on many of her family’s and her own... - July 13, 2008 - iUniverse
From the Trenches of Darkness to the Gates of Splendor. Evangelist Rochelle Bass Takes You on a Journey with Her Life Story.
"My Life Story" by Evangelist Rochelle Bass. - July 12, 2008 - Evangelist Rochelle Bass
Renowned Educator Explains the Cultural Makeup of American Society Through the His New Book Entitled, "It's All Gumbo to Me"
This book focuses on multiple layers of the culture of the United States. It is a text that addresses cultural phenomena through the metaphor of Gumbo, a southern cuisine developed by African slaves. It’s All Gumbo to Me is ideal for students, educators, and interested persons studying cultural diversity, humanities, multicultural education, counseling, psychology and African American Studies. - July 12, 2008 - Ellis Professional Counseling Consultancy
30 Days of Night Creator Steve Niles at Midtown Comics in NYC
Also appearing: Gary Panter, Dr. Revolt, Kime Buzzelli and Morning Breath; Thursday, July 17 from 4:00 to 6:00PM, Midtown Comics Times Square location, 200 W. 40th Street, Corner 7th Avenue, NYC - July 12, 2008 - Gerry Gladston
AuthorHouse Announces Its Top Five Best-selling Titles for June 2008
“How-To” Titles Dominate the List of Top-Five Best-selling AuthorHouse titles for June 2008 - July 11, 2008 - iUniverse
Man Up Men Releases Book About How Men Cheat Without Getting Caught
Author John Bryan Stone says men need to do one thing differently from the male celebrities in today's divorce scandals: don't get caught. - July 11, 2008 - Man Up Men
Kid Tales Now Available at Major Online Book Retailers
Kid Tales, the storybook by Michael Paul Miller is now available at most major online book retailers including and - July 11, 2008 - Michael Paul Miller
Llewellyn Titles Receive 2008 Coalition of Visionary Resources Awards
Two Titles Among COVR Award Winners, Several Others Noted as Finalists. - July 10, 2008 - Llewellyn Worldwide
Little Bug Publishers Releases Architectural Novel Set in Both Italy and Portland's Pearl District
Experience the commodity, firmness, and delight of J Edward Duncan’s new architectural novel, Competition. Published in 2008 by Little Bug Publishers, this skewering of the design profession explores the creative process through the eyes of a young, jaded architect, Nicholas Black. - July 10, 2008 - Little Bug Publishers
A Journey Through Hell Visions of the Afterlife Enters the Literary Marketplace
What happens when a young man, simply wanting to begin his writing career, gets caught up with an unsavory, and possibly deadly, literary agent? What happens when that young man is overcome with criticism that threatens to ruin his career, and on top of it, his estranged wife threatens to ruin his... - July 09, 2008 - Elizabeth Hartl
Cain’s Version by Frank Durham
Turner Publishing announces the upcoming release, Cain’s Version. This novel by New Orleans author, Frank Durham, tells the story of absolution and the never-ending human search for forgiveness. - July 09, 2008 - Turner Publishing Company
'Shameless!" The Debut Novel by Author Chance. A Refreshing and Gritty Look Into the World of Glamour, Drama, and Forbidden Lesbian Love.
What happens when a naïve young girl is taken from her home, forced to marry an older man, endure blood-curdling abuse, and introduced to the most lucrative but violent corner of America? New and upcoming author Chance answers these questions and more in Shameless! (441 pp., tpb, $15.00), a... - July 08, 2008 - Author Chance