Books News
Read up on the latest news about fiction and non-fiction books, festivals, literary prizes, competitions, authors, tours, book marketing, e-readers and apps. Find out about book publishers and retailers as well as products and services designed for book lovers.
J.E. Braun, Author of Paranoia - A 9/11 Novel, Pledges to Donate 10% of All Profits from Sales of His Debut Novel to Twin Towers Orphan Fund
NJ Author, J.E. Braun is promoting his debut novel, Paranoia, a tale of a 9/11 survivor whose life begins to self-destruct as he allows his vigilance and patriotism to devolve into fear, hatred, and all-encompassing paranoia. - May 09, 2008 - J.E. Braun
The First Sandcastle: a Novel by M. E. Delgado
The novel, The First Sandcastle, is a rite of passage of a young artist who is caught between his father's twisted views of women and the long-lost relationship which has evaded him and his mother. - May 09, 2008 - M. E. Delgado
Two iUniverse Titles Featured in May Kirkus Discoveries Newsletter
The iUniverse titles "Witness" by Bill Blais and "Corporate Governance" by Eric Yocam and Annie Choi were featured among the best-reviewed books of the month in the May issue of Kirkus Discoveries. iUniverse, the leading book marketing, editorial services, and supported... - May 08, 2008 - iUniverse
New Inspirational Romance Novel: A Time and A Season by Sylvia Huffnagle
Sylvia Huffnagle is announcing the publication of her 4th Inspirational romance, A Time and A Season. - May 08, 2008 - Author and self-publisher, Sylvia Huffnagle
Bernard A. Mersier Has Brought the Meaning of Romance Back to the World, with His Book Which Can be Found on
Bernard A. Mersier within a month created a poetry book containing 81 pages of poetry that is certified to have people across the world hormones racing ready to be intimate with his book "Recipes of satisfaction". Raynard Valentine comments: "After reading the first few lines of 'Show & Show,' I knew from there what the true meaning of all talk and no actions really meant." - May 08, 2008 - Bernard Mersier
The eBook Sale, a Leading Online Retailer of eBooks, Announces the Formation of a Partnership with Raider Publishing International
The eBook Sale, a relatively new retailer of information products, website templates and software packages, has taken a major step towards expanding into the fiction and non-fiction novel market by forming a partnership with Raider Publishing International. - May 08, 2008 - Ebooks Inc
Liz Mitten Ryan Leads the Herd at Book Expo America
World-renowned Artist-Equine Communicator Liz Mitten Ryan, Author of One with the Herd: A Spiritual Journey will appear at Book Expo America in Los Angeles May 29 – June 1, 2008. - May 08, 2008 - Liz Mitten Ryan
Dunedin Academic Press Publishes Ireland’s Economic Success: Reasons and Lessons by Paul Sweeney
Dunedin Academic Press launches the international edition of Paul Sweeney’s successful Ireland’s Economic Success with a new insightful introduction from prominent economist, Frances Cairncross, Rector of Exeter College, University of Oxford, who was on the staff of The Economist for... - May 08, 2008 - Dunedin Academic Press Interviews Anne Frank’s Cousin and Last Living Relative, Buddy Elias
Anne Frank’s only living direct relative, Buddy Elias, speaks exclusively with’s Allison Kugel about his famous cousin and the Anne Frank-Fonds in Switzerland. - May 07, 2008 -
A Novel Approach: Author’s Book Exposes Possible Link Between Industrial Pollutant and Parkinson’s Disease
When her husband was diagnosed with Early Onset Parkinson’s Disease and Multiple Sclerosis, author K.A. Shott super-sleuthed medical annals, neurochemistry journals, and other related scientific research discovering interesting information regarding neurological diseases and relationships to toxic substances. This research was the impetus for creating her novel “The Cr6 Terrorist,” a complex imperative in an unconventional telling. - May 07, 2008 -
Mom Coach Explains, "The Silent War of Motherhood"
Mia Redrick, author of Time for mom-ME: 5 Essential Strategies for A Mother's Self-Care, teaches mothers that self-care is not negotiable but necessary to be the best you, as well as the best parent. - May 06, 2008 - Finding Definitions,LLC
Reg Owens Publications Releases New Book
Most Small Towns have some Corruption and others have a lot. Elway, Georgia has more than a lot. This is a book of true incidents in novel format and written as a humorous account of wrong doing. The title is Small Town Corruption. - May 06, 2008 - Reg Owens Book And Music Publishers
Mexico City Guide Wins Gourmand Award in London
Add Mexico City to the list of great culinary capitals. Good Food in Mexico City: A Guide to Food Stalls, Fondas and Fine Dining, by Nicholas Gilman won on April 13 in London at the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards. It took third place in the guide category, competing with finalists from 10 other countries. 107 countries entered books in this awards contest. - May 06, 2008 - Nicholas Gilman
Training Wills Founder Releases "Little Book" That Delivers Big
Training Wills founder, and college instructor, Tami S. Easter has written her first book in efforts to stimulate readers to strive for greatness in their daily lives. Inspired by her students, Ms. Easter seized the opportunity to create a book that is easily read, and promised to inspire, and... - May 05, 2008 - Tami Easter
New Release for Author Karina Kantas
Karina Kantas author of the popular urban thriller, In Times of Violence, announces her new release “Heads & Tales”. Fiction: A collection of 28 flash and short fiction. “Heads & Tales” consists of 13 previously published stories and 15 original pieces, in the... - May 04, 2008 - Karina Kantas
Just Released: New Inspirational Book to Change the Perception of Millions: "21 Days to Creating Your Dream Life"
Just confirmed: The release of the new book "21 Days To Creating Your Dream Life" by Stephen Mark. ISBN: 978-0-9816275-0-2. - May 04, 2008 - Dream Board Publications LLC
iUniverse Announces the Release of the Blistered Cat by Chuck Bianchi
From the Hills of Harlan, KY Comes a New Voice and an Eastern Kentucky Coming-of-Age Story. Most men will describe the events in their lives, few share the associated emotions. In his fictionalized autobiography, The Blistered Cat, Chuck Bianchi reaches deep into his heart to craft a rare and... - May 04, 2008 - iUniverse
iUniverse Would Like to Announce the Release of Exploring by Ruth Williams
Introducing a Breakthrough Manual for Resolving Organizational Challenge. Exploring: Using 2x2 Matrices for Analyzing Situations Provides Effective New Troubleshooting Model for Business. In her new book Exploring: Using 2x2 Matrices for Analyzing Situations international business expert and... - May 04, 2008 - iUniverse
Historic Photos of Los Angeles by Dana Lombardy
Turner Publishing announces the new release the Historic Photos of Los Angeles by Dana Lombardy. This 10x10 gift book showcases the pictorial narrative of the “City of Angels” in stunning, culled-from-the-archives photography. - May 03, 2008 - Turner Publishing Company
New Author: Joanne Augello Writes Two Books of Poems. First One Oct 2007 and Second One April 2008.
Joanne Augello has one book that was finished in Oct 2007 called Emotional Feelings which was done with red lead press. It will be out by mid May of this year. The print is being made bigger. Joannes' second book that she did herself with is called Even Love Hurts. This book is out already and can be purchased through Both books will be with Also with stores, if they want it. - May 03, 2008 - Joanne Augello
Author Says There is Only One Person Here...
In his first book author Graham E. Pepall gives a valid reason for life and explains the real purpose of all self aware creatures. - May 03, 2008 - G.E.Pepall.
Identify Over 200 Animals in 26 Letter Descriptions as Easy as a Walk in the Park. A Clarence-Henry Books Release for Young Readers.
An A to Z Walk In the Park is a new animal alphabet book that encourages children to learn and spark their interest in animals of the world. This book is designed for children ages 3-7 who have learned the alphabet or who are just now learning their ABCs. - May 02, 2008 - Clarence-Henry Books
True Crime Manga "Family Bones" Solicits in May
King Tractor Press solicits the first volume of the true crime comic book Family Bones in May, collecting issues 1 through 5 into a trade paperback. Family Bones is the story of the elderly serial killers, Ray and Faye Copeland. - May 02, 2008 - King Tractor Films / Press
Leon Jean Publications Releases Unique's Ending by Victor L Martin
Leon Jean Publications is proud to represent author Victor L Martin in his first self published novel Unique's Ending. Unique's Ending is the final saga of the trilogy A Hood Legend and Menage's Way. Unique's Ending is the finale to the Menage Unique Legend drama. It is the final chapter of DJ... - April 30, 2008 - Leon Jean Publications LLC
Release Set for Second Book in Critically Acclaimed Asphodel Cycle
Bestselling author Celina Summers prepares for release of her second book, The Gift of Redemption, in June, 2008. - April 30, 2008 - Celina Summers
Magic and Grace: a Timely Novel of Love, Loss, and Redemption
Evermore Books to release Chad Hautmann's second nove, Magic and Grace. - April 29, 2008 - Evermore Books
A Prescription Against Death - How to Manage the Current Prescription Drug Epidemic
Oak Ridge Press author Stephen Della Valle speaks out regarding the rise in teenage prescription drug abuse - April 28, 2008 - Oak Ridge Press
News Release for New Best-Selling Crime Novel, Chickenhawk
Chickenhawk is a gritty crime novel about a serial killer, cops, New York City, sex, murder, illness, madness, racism, sexism, religion, politics and vengeance. - April 27, 2008 - Arnold Wolf
Former Broadcast Journalist Bases New Novel -- KILL-TV -- on Resume
KILL-TV is a humorous mystery that takes deadly aim at your funny bone. - April 27, 2008 - Hope Springs Eternal Press
Paws Up to Gracie and Diane Appearing on TV 8 to Unveil Their Spanish Book in Time for Cinco de Mayo
A One-of-a-kind Service Dog Team - Gracie the Italian Greyhound and Diane the Author, Singer, Educational and Motivational Speaker both have overcome life's challenges to bring hope to many. - April 27, 2008 - Diane Dike
New Inspirational Book: 21 Days To Creating Your Dream Life on Target to Publish on April 28, 2008
A life changing inspirational self help book with new view points. It begins with a great introduction, some basic self tests, and then gets right into the areas of self realization. It all begins with being truthful with yourself. Making a change, even in your own perception can change your life. - April 27, 2008 - Dream Board Publications LLC
Historic Photos of El Paso by Sandra Fye
Turner Publishing announces the new release, the Historic Photos of El Paso by Sandra Fye. This 10x10 large format volume showcases the pictorial narrative of the “Gateway to Mexico,” in stunning, culled-from-the-archives photography. - April 27, 2008 - Turner Publishing Company
“65 Poor Life Decisions” Now Available for Mass Distribution
The recently published book “65 Poor Life Decisions” by popular blogger Ryan Zeinert is now available for mass distribution. - April 27, 2008 - Ryan Zeinert
Separation is a New Novel That Tackles the Relationship Between a Father and Son in Light of His Mother's Death
Separation is a new novel by UK author, Ben Bell, and is available for purchase now through internet self-publishing giant The author’s own experience of being a student, leaving old surroundings and embarking on new relationships, have all inspired this semi-autobiographical work. - April 27, 2008 - Ben Bell
Free Comic Book Day is Saturday May 3rd 2008
A Free Day of Fun for the Whole Family. Worldwide Free Comic Book Day Comes to New York City with Comics for All Ages. - April 27, 2008 - Gerry Gladston
iUniverse Announces the Release of The Gulf War Chronicles by Richard Lowry
Thrilling new book exposes the truth behind Operation Desert Storm. Military historian Richard S. Lowry tells the real story of America’s first war with Iraq. - April 26, 2008 - iUniverse
Pirate Spirit by Jeffery Williams
English Teacher Explores Adventures of Piracy Through Female Eyes; Historically Based Novel Reflects on Female Issues Present Today - April 26, 2008 - iUniverse
New YA Fantasy by Author EJ Tett
English author EJ Tett has just published the first in a series of new young adult fantasy on, the online marketplace for digital content. - April 26, 2008 - EJ Tett
Me No Speak Adds Two New Titles to Its Language Companion Series for Travelers Headed to Japan and Thailand
The Me No Speak roster of travel titles expands to include China, Japan, and Thailand. A twist on traditional phrase books, Me No Speak helps people communicate in the simplest way: pointing at what they want to say. - April 25, 2008 - Me No Speak
iUniverse to Exhibit at Los Angeles Times Festival of Books
Attendees of the 13th Los Angeles Times Festival of Books (April 26-27) will have the opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge of the self-publishing industry from iUniverse the leading book marketing, editorial services, and supported self-publishing company. With more than 130,000 people... - April 25, 2008 - iUniverse
"What Will Hillary Clinton do if She Wins the Big Prize?" Asks Dr. Thomas Moore in His New Book, Hillary… "Considering New Government Secrets and Media Hostility?"
"Is Democracy too fragile a flower to trust to a woman?” questions a Republican leader in Dr. Moore’s new book, "Hillary," due for release. - April 25, 2008 - Alphar Publishing
Book-Signing with Bestselling Pagan Author Veronica Cummers
Veronica Cummers, author of the bestselling Pagan book "Sorgitzak: Old Forest Craft," will be at Magus Books and Herbs in Minneapolis, MN, on May 16 to talk about her book and sign copies. - April 25, 2008 - Pendraig Publishing
iUniverse Announces the Release of Sounds Like Teen Spirit by Tim English
Sounds Like Teen Spirit Strikes Chord with Music Fans. New Book Examines Link between Creative Influence, ‘Copycats.’ Music lovers everywhere will be fascinated by Sounds Like Teen Spirit: Stolen Melodies, Ripped-Off Riffs, and the Secret History of Rock and Roll. In this fun,... - April 25, 2008 - iUniverse
Doctors' New Book, Hunger Free Forever, Gives Keys to Real Weight Loss Success
Dr. Michael Lyon and Dr. Michael Murray address the key steps needed for lifelong, healthy weight control in their new book, Hunger Free Forever. - April 24, 2008 - Hunger Free Forever
April Kirkus Discoveries Newsletter Features Three iUniverse Authors
Three iUniverse titles, Brief Flights by Frederic A. Alling, Harmony Hall by Ric McGee, and Broken Glass and Other Stories by Herbert Spohn, were listed among the Kirkus Discoveries best reviews of April. - April 24, 2008 - iUniverse
MJ Daley-Prado, Writer Living in Maryland, USA
Bio: MJ Daley-Prado is an author and illustrator of children's books. MJ received her certificate in commercial art from the Professional Institute of Professional Art in 1978. Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the United States today. We all know there is plenty of research being... - April 24, 2008 - Mary Jo Prado
Sleep Pea Angel Literacy Organization, Inc (SPALO) to Visit Carroll County Elementary Schools April 28, 2008 – May 2, 2008
Sleep Pea Angel Literacy Organization, Inc. (SPALO) celebrates a week of literacy with six Carroll County Elementary Schools April 28, 2008 - May 2, 2008. - April 24, 2008 - Sleep Pea Angel Literacy Organization, Inc.
Quackenworth to Launch Witty Bitty Bunch Series
Six-character series to launch at largest book festival in the United States. - April 24, 2008 - Quackenworth Publishing
Single Nashville Songwriter Pens Marriage Book
Erika Chambers has spent the past three years writing and performing Americana/Roots music in Nashville, TN. But now the single 26-year-old is taking a break from music in order to promote a marriage book— a book she co-wrote with her mother. - April 23, 2008 - Pass It On Publications
Bauu Institute and Press Releases New Book on Potential Water Wars
Impending global water crisis depicted in debut novel about New Mexico and Texas. - April 23, 2008 - Bauu Institute and Press