Books News
Read up on the latest news about fiction and non-fiction books, festivals, literary prizes, competitions, authors, tours, book marketing, e-readers and apps. Find out about book publishers and retailers as well as products and services designed for book lovers.
An Inspiring Summer Read and Fundraiser: Biography of Judy Taylor - The Woman Who Could Not Eat - by Shireen Jeejeebhoy
Shireen Jeejeebhoy writes about a Canadian First in the best tradition of Banting and Best in her award-winning book "Lifeliner: The Judy Taylor Story," excerpted at Continuing that tradition of saving lives, the author will be selling and signing copies at Marilyn's, 200 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, in order to raise funds for a community defibrillator, as part of the Heart and Stroke Foundation's ReStart a Heart, Restart a Life AED program. - May 23, 2008 - Shireen Jeejeebhoy
iUniverse Would Like to Announce the Release of Headline by Stephen Ball
New Novel Explores Boston Teen’s Overnight Hero Status, Quest to Stay in the Limelight. Stephen Ball’s ‘Headline’ Offers Thrilling Plot about Fame at Any Cost. With a society that prizes celebrity and a media that creates an obsession for the latest news, real-life... - May 23, 2008 - iUniverse
"What Was Ralph Nader Thinking?" New Biography of the Consumer Advocate and Independent Candidate
What Was Ralph Nader Thinking when he ran for president against impossible odds? Read this new biography and find out. - May 22, 2008 - Jürgen Vsych
Young Cookbook Author Brings a Taste of Dessert to Borders Concept Store Grand Opening
On Friday, May 30th, the new Southbury Borders Concept Store will kick off its grand opening event with a meet and greet book signing by Hannah Kaminsky, the author of My Sweet Vegan. Beginning at 4pm, Hannah Kaminsky will be on hand to answer questions, sign copies of her new cookbook, and share samples of her delicious desserts with shoppers. - May 22, 2008 - My Sweet Vegan
Bathroom Readers' Institute Hits One Out of the Park with Uncle John's Bathroom Reader Takes a Swing at Baseball
Step Up to the Plate for a Grand Slam of Factoids, Obscure Trivia, and Unknown Origins About America’s Favorite Pastime and Most Treasured Sport. - May 22, 2008 - Portable Press
All We Need is Love? First Time Wisconsin Author Says Love is All We Need
Wisconsin author Matthew James Nygren is reviving the work of love in everyday life by unifying the plethora of teachings from all the people he has encountered and publishing them in book form on, the online marketplace for digital content. All his life, through listening, reading,... - May 21, 2008 - Matthew James Nygren
Merrill Web Design Introduces Website Accessible with a Cell Phone
Some of the world’s best literature may be read out loud while traveling down the road or explore the latest discussion on Jane Austen’s book, “Sense and Sensibility.” The Internet is continually providing new ways for us to access valuable information at our convenience. Merrill Web Design has been busy placing a favorite author online which isn’t anything out of the ordinary. What is exceptional is the fact that anyone may listen to it from their cell phone in the near future. - May 21, 2008 - Merrill Web Design
"Rock & Roll Homicide" Released
Rock & Roll Homicide chonicles the struggles of a young detective as he unravels the mystery of who murdered the leader of a major rock band. - May 21, 2008 - Killeena Publishing
Meet Josiah, a Wheelchair-Bound Child, Who Will Enlighten You with the Power of a Positive Attitude
A newly-released children's book, Josiah's School Fun Day tells the first story about Josiah and his best friend Wheely. With Josiah's remarkable can-do attitude and spirit, their stories bring a positive message of hope, joy and encouragement not only to the disabled, but to everyone. The two... - May 20, 2008 - HisWillBeDone Productions
Ten iUniverse Authors Honored with Eric Hoffer Awards
iUniverse, the leading book marketing, editorial services, and supported self-publishing company announced that ten iUniverse titles have received honorable mentions in the 2008 Eric Hoffer Award contest for best new writing. The awards are named in honor of the late American philosopher Eric... - May 20, 2008 - iUniverse
New Book Release, Hope Station by Joshua Busch
Hope Station is a middle school science fiction book that will keep those discerning adolescents up past their bedtime and have them talking in the halls about this new book that may fill that void that those Harry Potter fans have been trying to fill. Here is a description of Hope Station. After... - May 20, 2008 - Joshua Busch
Author Reveals Enchanting Romance Amidst the Beautiful Settings of Michigan
Read this hot, new, passionate romance novel filled with breath taking life and death hospital scenarios, a world of wealth and prestige, and pulse quickening romance. - May 20, 2008 - Leeanne Marie Stephenson
Bauu Press Publishes Book About Man Solo Hiking Across Weminuche Wilderness Area
Backpacker William Hood published a new book about his adventure solo hiking across the Weminuche Wilderness Area in the San Juan Mountains of southern Colorado. - May 19, 2008 - Bauu Institute and Press
Inmodify Inc President Joshua Daniel Smith Uses AdWords to Market His Self-Published Novel Abrom Croix
Award-winner Joshua Daniel Smith brings string theory to young adult readers with his self-published novel. "It's amazing. Using the Google’s AdWords to target my readers at the point of interest far surpasses traditional direct mail. The response has been phenomenal. We started with a... - May 19, 2008 - Inmodify, Inc
New Author Publishes Book Following Years of Questioning
Michanna Talley has self-published a book regarding her personal natural hair journey to provide readers with an in-depth real life step by step look at returning one's hair to its God given natural state. - May 19, 2008 - Michanna Talley
Is There Scientific Proof of the Existence of God?
Local author and musician fuses math, science, music, and spirituality in new book to offer scientific proof of the existence of God. - May 19, 2008 - Ken Nunoo
Owen Fiddler is Released
Marvin D. Wilson has a new book out, published by Cambridge Books. It can be purchased online at: or or at your favorite bookstore. - May 19, 2008 - Marvin D. Wilson
The Wishing Flower and Kandies by Karen Join Forces to Create Sweet Temptations
The Wishing Flower, an original fairy tale for children, is to become a sweet treat. Plans are in the works to turn the pictures from the children’s book into cookies and candy. - May 18, 2008 - PM Moon Publishers, Limited
Jim Murdoch’s Living with the Truth Has Been Published by Fandango Virtual, an Independent Scottish Publisher
Fandango Virtual today announced the release of Jim Murdoch’s Living with the Truth, a cross-genre novel which portrays a worn-out bookseller's two-day encounter with the personification of truth. The author creates two vivid characters who play off each other like a pair of music hall comedians. - May 18, 2008 - Fandango Virtual
Harry Potter Parody Receives Top Honor from National Indie Excellence 2008 Book Awards
Henry Potty and the Pet Rock: An Unauthorized Harry Potter Parody (ISBN: 978-1-59594-088-9, WingSpan Press) by Valerie Estelle Frankel won the Indie Excellence 2008 Book Award for “eBook Fiction.” The paperback version of the novel has also won many awards, most recently in USA Book News National Best Books 2007. The long-expected sequel will arrive in July. - May 17, 2008 - Publicity House
Black Author from Apollo House Press Brings New Voice to Sci-Fi/Fantasy Literature
African American sci-fi/fantasy author R. A. Baker shares his views on the genre, and the future of black speculative fiction. - May 17, 2008 - Apollo House Press
Local Business Selected as Semi-Finalist for $1000.00 Small Business Grant from
The Picasso Kid, a new company which creates personalized art photo books using children's own artwork, has been selected from over 700 applicants as a semi-finalist for The Idea Cafe's $1.000.00 Small Business Grant. The winner will be announced on June 24, 2008. - May 17, 2008 - The Picasso Kid
Russ Allen Speaks Out About the Negative Health Effects and Danger of Electrical Pollution
Stray electric utility currents are a major source of pollution in North America. While big businesses are often to blame, the ramifications of stray electricity on the environment are resulting in the deaths of millions through commonplace occurrences. Stray current can interfere with living... - May 16, 2008 - Glenmore Books
New Arts Documentary Series: The Russian Avant-Garde "Revolution or Renaissance" - Copernicus Films
The producer and director Michael Craig of Copernicus Films discovers inspiration in the pioneers of the Russian Avant-garde of the 1920s and 30s. - May 16, 2008 - Copernicus Films
YA Fantasy Author MJ Allaire Releases Book Three in Her Series
Search for Second Amulet Leads the Children from Uncava Closer to their Destiny. - May 16, 2008 - MJ Allaire
Upcoming Political Fiction Sure to Cause a Stir
New novel demonstrates how dangerous it had become to live in the sunshine swing state during the war on terror. - May 16, 2008 - Alex Hutchinson
"Boycott: Stolen Dreams of the 1980 Moscow Olympic Games" Now Available in Bookstores
The new book, "Boycott: Stolen Dreams of the 1980 Moscow Olympic Games" that chronicles the 1980 U.S. Olympic Boycott and the athletes who lost their only opportunity for Olympic glory, is now available in book stores. - May 16, 2008 - New Chapter Press
iUniverse Would Like to Announce the Release of Sensible Stock Investing by David Van Knapp
Sensible Stock Investing is a Must-Have Guide For New Millennium Investors. David Van Knapp cracks the code for greater investment return in a tough market. “Sensible Stock Investing is a pragmatic approach to help you, as an individual investor, pick, value, and manage your stocks for the... - May 16, 2008 - iUniverse
New Hidden Sabbath Truths Reveals Stunning Bible Connections
Hidden Sabbath Truths, a timely new resource that has enormous potential to persuade Christians of all denominations about the truth and power of the Bible-ordained Sabbath. - May 15, 2008 - Remnant Publications
New Book, "the Lyme Disease Survival Guide," Provides Physical, Emotional and Lifestyle Strategies for Healing from a Now Epidemic Disease
A new book, The Lyme Disease Survival Guide, provides a single, comprehensive resource that describes conventional and alternative Lyme disease treatments, plus real-world, practical solutions for dealing with the lifestyle and emotional difficulties of this now-epidemic disease. - May 15, 2008 - Connie Strasheim
Artist Raises Money for Adoption and Donates Part of Proceeds to Non-Profit La Leche League Local Chapter
Independent artist Christine Pointeau of the Austin, TX area is offering her self published book series A Cappella, vol. 1 and 2 at a discount to raise money to fulfill her dream of adopting a child. Pointeau will donate part of the proceed to La Leche League Austin, TX chapter, a local non-profit... - May 15, 2008 - Christine Pointeau
The Code of Faith
Almost since the beginning of recorded history, people have struggled with the concept of God. Some of the greatest minds have tried to connect the things people could prove scientifically with those that had to be taken on faith. While philosophers such as Aristotle managed to bridge some of the... - May 15, 2008 - Ken Nunoo
iUniverse Would Like to Announce the Release of Titanic: Relative Fate by V.C. King
Fiction Writer Puts Modern Twist on Titanic’s Legendary Fate. Author Utilizes Suspense, Intrigue and Mystery in an Epic Thriller. Nearly one hundred years after the catastrophe, people around the world are still intrigued by the events leading up to the ultimate destruction and sinking of... - May 15, 2008 - iUniverse
iUniverse Would Like to Announce the Release of Alaskans by Tanyo Ravicz
New Short Story Collection Combines Stirring Plots with Awe-Inspiring Alaskan Wilderness. Action, Emotion of Alaskans Unfolds in Stunning Natural Settings. It is the pristine beauty of the backcountry of Alaska that provides both contrast and complement to the creative storylines in award-winning... - May 15, 2008 - iUniverse
Los Angeles Producer Acquires Film Rights for Adventure Novel
Los Angeles film producer, Tony Eldridge, acquires the film rights for the action/adventure novel, The Samson Effect. The author and producer connect in a way that even Hollywood could not script. - May 15, 2008 - Tony Eldridge
NABE Announces Winners of the 2007 Pinnacle Book Achievement Award
Award Winning Author Dr. Annette Colby, author of Your Highest Potential: The New Psychology of Understanding and Working with Self accepts NABE 2007 Pinnacle Book Achievement Award in the category of self-help. - May 14, 2008 - Annette Colby
Does God Exist? Who and What is God?
Does God exist? Who and what is God? Is there scientific proof of the existence of God? What is the nature of the soul? Is there life after death? Do angels exist? Is our fate pre-written and our destinies predetermined? How do we form a closer union with God to better to improve the welfare of ourselves, our society country and earth? - May 14, 2008 - Ken Nunoo
Southern Writer Drives 40,000 Miles to Find Chicago
M.R.M. Parrott releases "Driving Home: A North American Tour", a travelogue and autobiography of adventures, challenges and lessons during a 40,000-mile, 5-month road trip across the US, Canada and Mexico, detailing which cities are "cool" and why. The book is available at for a "set your own price" download. Over 2,000 photos will be made available. - May 14, 2008 - rimric press
Gary Garner Has Recently Appeared on Rude Awakening Show
Gary Garner talks about his world travel experience and his new book. - May 13, 2008 - Gary Garner
Book Proof Original on Auction at eBay for Shelter House Charity
'Buy It Now' at $150k, and 20 percent of winning bid for donation to Shelter House of Fairfax County, Va. - May 13, 2008 - Reaching Peak LLC
Best Seller Institute Hosted by International Best Seller Patrick Snow and Author of Create Your Own Destiny
The "real" truth behind what it takes to become a best-selling author. - May 13, 2008 - Creating Your Own Destiny
American Author Alfred Wood is Excited to Release His Newest Publication, The History of the Can Opener, This Interesting New History Book is Available at
What an appropriate time for this publication on the sesquicentennial 150 year anniversary of the can opener. Wood's book will take you through the history and evolution of the can opener starting in 1854. This 94 page book is packed with fun and interesting facts, pictures and patents. - May 13, 2008 - Alfred Wood Has Finally Released Its Much Anticipated Ebook
The E-book is all-inclusive with handy links to each section. It will download in minutes and can be printed or saved on the customer’s hard drive so he or she can constantly review the free tips it offers. - May 12, 2008 - BestEssayTips
The Natural World
Thomas D. Mangelsen's Best Selling Book "The Natural World" is a Quiet Call to Action as the Earth Battles Global Warming. - May 12, 2008 - Thomas D. Mangelsen
iUniverse Announces the Release of Darren Main's Yoga and the Path of the Urban Mystic
Renowned Instructor Takes Yoga From the Mat into Everyday Life. Book Provides Insight into Philosophical Aspects of the Ancient Practice. We can easily loose the innocence and wonder of our childhood in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. One tried and true method of regaining that wholeness... - May 11, 2008 - iUniverse
Author Amber Kingston’s First Book, Laura and the Leprechauns is Nominated for Benjamin Franklin Children’s Award
Chrysalis Press author Amber Kingston’s first book, Laura and the Leprechauns is nominated for Benjamin Franklin Children’s Award while Kingston is abroad visiting German school children. - May 11, 2008 - Chrysalis Press
Watchung Bookstores Invites Stephen Della Valle for Book Signing
Oak Ridge Press author Stephen Della Valle will be signing copies of his book at Watchung Bookstores in Montclair, NJ, from 6pm – 7pm on June 26. - May 10, 2008 - Oak Ridge Press
Feeling Happy Doesn't Just Happen
Jump-Start Self-Serve Buffet is a book that provides everyone with the opportunity to regain “happy” as their default emotion... in short order. - May 10, 2008 - Lilianne White
Unique, Science Fiction Murder Mystery, Conscience of a Dead Killer, Huge Success in California
Gary Delfino's murder mystery is like no other. Most murder, who done it, books, chase an evil killer and then predictably bring him/her to justice at the end. In Gary Delfino's murder mystery, the killer, gets the electric chair in the first chapter and then his ghost spends the rest of the story trying to stop his living self, hence the title, Conscience of a Dead Killer. - May 10, 2008 - Gary Delfino Publishing
New Book Discloses "The Other Roswell" UFO Crash
A startling new book gives eyewitness testimony from an Air Force jet aviator who chased an intensely-bright UFO across Texas and watched it crash on the U.S.-Mexico border. Best-selling author Bruce Maccabee writes in the foreword, "I believe that the reader will find this book important support for the idea that Alien Flying Craft have crashed on earth and have been retrieved and covered up by the United States Government." - May 09, 2008 -