Books News
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The Inside Scoop on the Car Sales Profession Exposed
New book gives aspiring car sales professionals the steps to success. - February 09, 2008 - iUniverse
Classic Audio Poems Make the Perfect Gay Gift This Valentine's Day
This Valentine's Day, the world's first online audio bookshop for the gay community -- -- is giving away free downloadable love poems, voiced by some of the UK's leading film and stage actors, including stars from Broadway and London's famous West End. - February 07, 2008 - Qclassics
Free Online Update to Classic Travel Guide Explore Costa Rica Now Available
Harry S. Pariser has updated his classic travel guidebook with a free PDF that tells what's new and interesting. - February 06, 2008 - Manatee Press
iUniverse Encourages Authors to Love Thy Shelf for Valentine’s Day
iUniverse, the leading provider of print-on-demand supported self-publishing services, has announced its “Treat Your Shelf To A Sweet Deal” publishing specials for Valentine’s Day. The special includes an offer of up to 60 free paperback books. The promotion is valid through... - February 06, 2008 - iUniverse
"Saliva Trails" - Currently the Best Selling Book of Poetry in English, Released from Korea Through
Anthony French’s “Saliva Trails” is at this time, the best selling book of poetry in English, released from the Republic Of Korea through [the online marketplace for digital content]. is home to a vast assortment of poetry titles across a range of different... - February 05, 2008 - Anthony French
New Teen Self-Help Book Hits #1 in Amazon Parenting-Teen Category
Richard Dudum's new teen self-help book "What Your Mother Never Told You - A Survival Guide For Teenage Girls" hit #1 this past weekend in Amazon's Parenting-Teenager rankings. - February 05, 2008 - Richard Dudum
Novelist Lawrence Lee Rowe Jr. Will be Interviewed Live on Talk Show The Biblio File
Chris Meadows will be interviewing Lawrence Lee Rowe Jr., author of the novel Tempus Fugit in which three of the Founding Fathers are transported to present-day America, on his live talk show podcast The Biblio File. The interview will be recorded live, and will take place on Saturday, February 9th... - February 05, 2008 - The Biblio File
South Tenth Records Kicks Off 2008 With The John Sullivan Brigade's Second Rock Music CD
South Tenth Records is kicking off 2008 with the John Sullivan Brigade’s second CD, A Sound Opportunity For Your Last Music Purchase, alongside the frontman’s second rock music novel, Opportunity Rocking, as well as the band’s first video single, “In Control”, on... - February 04, 2008 - South Tenth Records
"Lifemoney" Helping Individuals Create Both Financial Success and Personal Happiness
A new self-help title, “Lifemoney,” is putting a new spin on personal satisfaction. Within its pages, readers will find the secrets to creating precisely the amount of money they need to live the life they want… regardless of what that life looks like. - February 04, 2008 - Brad Turk
Acclaimed Young Adult Fantasy by Michael A. Heald
Good fantasy stories don't require alluring monsters or a polarizing concept of good and evil. However, young adults spurn preachy or condescending books . A Rumor of Dragons, by Michael A. Heald, MD, is scheduled for world-wide release in February of 2008 and will be available through on-line... - February 04, 2008 - Michael A. Heald
Jessy's Dream by Austin Long
13 year old Author publishes a book - February 04, 2008 - Austin Long
Romance Novelist, Lauri Robinson, Announces the Release of Her New Book, A Wife for Big John
Once Upon a Time and Happily Ever After - February 03, 2008 - Lauri Robinson
Author Kristen Collier is the February Featured Guest at Stories for Children Magazine
Joy the Jellyfish, Kristen Collier's first children's picture book which is illustrated by husband Kevin Scott Collier, shares with kids the tale of an unnoticed sea creature that sets out on a journey to find and make a friend. Stories for Children Magazine’s assistant editor Gayle... - February 03, 2008 - Stories for Children Magazine
Female Automotive Technician Releases Her First Murder Mystery Novel
Automotive technician, RaeAnne Hadley, burst into the literary world releasing her first automotive murder mystery and publishing it on, the online marketplace for digital content. - February 02, 2008 - RaeAnne Hadley
Introducing "The Silent Church"
Do you have any interest in religion and spirituality? Do you enjoy decent entertaining stories? Do you wish to see life from all sides rather than the parochial human state of consciousness? "The Silent Church" is a must read. Find it in - February 02, 2008 - Iyalla Gogo Fubara
Walden PhD Student Self-Publishes First Editions: Enchantress: the Perfect Boat in the Perfect Place with the Perfect Name in Anacortes WA Gateway to the San Juan Island
Online PhD student in Education and Leadership, Self-Designed, has re-founded her mentor, Dr. Fred B. Wood's non-profit, Computer Social Impact Research Institute, Inc. in WA and has published seven photo books on in the last two weeks. has joined forces with the Creator of the Anacortes Mural Project, Bill Mitchell, to help rescue a piece of history. - February 02, 2008 - Computer Social Impact Research Institute, Inc.
Books Published: Buddhist Nun's Guides to Living Mindfully
The environment, sustainability, peace, and personal happiness are issues on everyone’s mind. Venerable Yifa does not expect that everyone turn to Buddhism for answers to their struggles, but she does believe that her experience with Buddhist practice has something to offer everyone who does face struggle. She has released two new titles from Lantern Books, Authenticity: Clearing the Junk, and The Tender Heart. - February 02, 2008 - Lantern Books
Celebration of Imperfections
Nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes, even though we try not to acknowledge them. What we find even more interesting are other people's mistakes. That is why we watch the news and obsess over celebrities. "Far From Perfect" is an exhilarating story depicting the eventful and mischievous life of the author, along with some notable illustrations and even a bit of inspirational guidance. This book has it all; anyone who has been in a slump will benefit from reading "Far From Perfect." - February 01, 2008 - Scott Miller Publishing
New BC E-Publishing Company Character Arts Releases an E-Book and Audiobook Entitled Churricane Book I, 'Super Ninja'
Innovative E-Publishing Company publishes an Anti-terrorist novel with a New Millenium Superhero to add to it for action, and entertainment for good measure. - February 01, 2008 - Character Arts Company
Travel Agent Turns Novelist with Cruise Line Saga "Queen’s Hostess"
Author Betsey Shapiro has the inside scoop about cruise ships. And she’s taken her industry knowledge, garnered from 25 years of working at cruise lines and as a travel agent, and written a fictional account of a historic cruise line and its colorful crew. Shapiro’s debut novel,... - February 01, 2008 - Big Mouth Publishing
National Small Press Month: An Initiative to Promote Independent Publishers Jointly Sponsored by PMA, CLMP, and the NYCIP
Small Press Month is a nationwide promotion highlighting the valuable work produced by independent publishers. From March 1-March 31, a string of independent, literary events will be take place from coast-to-coast, showcasing some of the most diverse, unique, and significant voices being published today. Some of this year’s featured authors include Walter Mosley, Mike Farrell, Eileen Myles, Hatti Gossett, Steve Katz and many more. - February 01, 2008 - New York Center for Independent Publishing
Free Vocal Master Class at Books & Books, Coral Gables, FL on February 15th at 8 P.M.
Bilingual, dual-cultural vocal coach, Amparo Bellon-Champ, will be appearing at Books & Books in Coral Gables to teach a Vocal Master Class on February 15th at 8 PM. Amparo will also be promoting her instructional voice lesson CDs, “Gotta Sing - Learn to Sing Multiple Genres” and... - February 01, 2008 - Gotta Sing, LLC
Celebrate Valentine's Day with Uncle John's Bathroom Reader Book of Love
Grab the One that You Love and Curl Up with Your Book to Discover Everything You Ever Wondered About Valentine’s Day. - January 31, 2008 - Portable Press
Ramblings Just Released by James Hewitt, RN
This is a random sampling of poems, quotes, and humorous sayings designed to make even the grumpiest of people smile. - January 31, 2008 - Jim Hewitt Writing
Historic Photos of Thomas Edison by Leonard DeGraaf
Turner Publishing announces the new release the Historic Photos of Thomas Edison by Leonard DeGraaf. This 10x10 gift book showcases the pictorial narrative of the “Wizard of Menlo Park” in stunning, black-and-white photography. - January 31, 2008 - Turner Publishing Company
New and Unique Children's Book
New Children’s Book Author Releases Book About Boy Whose Father is in Jail. From Former Correctional Officer and Present-Day Elementary Teacher: Author Uses Personal Experience to Write Realistic Fiction for Children - January 30, 2008 - Williamspublishing
"Triangle Within a Circle: The Globe and the People In It"
Like a Candle in the Darkness, the Past Can Illuminate the Future. Triangle Within a Circle is a new novel by Geoffrey Kofi Akuamoa that blends history and fantasy as it traces the adventures of a Portuguese family that settles on the West African coast in the fifteenth century. Triangle Within a Circle traces the family through the centuries, ending in the 1950s, with the Independence of Ghana and the immediate aftermath. - January 30, 2008 - Geoffrey Kofi Akuamoa
A Murderous Act is Paled by a Mother’s Grief
Murder is a despicable act, but can the act itself pale in comparison to the aftermath forced upon a grieving mother? How long, after the death of your child, before you begin to lose everything, including your sanity, and does it even matter? - January 30, 2008 - Patricia Yarbrough
Controversial Swedish Playwright Offers New, Free Satisfactionism Play for Seekers of Love and Happiness
Stressed-out seekers of love and happiness may discover a new kind of personal freedom and satisfaction in the playful adventures of Katherine and Christianus. - January 30, 2008 - Philosophical Plays
Foreclosures Rising - New Book by S. P. Duke Gives Foreclosed Home Owners Answers
Real, help is available for troubled homeowners. “All About Bankruptcy and You” shows millions how to avoid losing their homes as foreclosures soar. This new book by S. P. Duke actually shows homeowners how to use the Bankruptcy laws to prevent their home from being sold, and, how to... - January 30, 2008 - S. P. Duke
Marilyn Meredith's Virtual Book Tour '08 Kicks Off
Announcement of Marilyn Meredith's virtual book tour promoting the latest in her Rocky Bluff P.D. series, "Smell of Death". - January 30, 2008 - Pump Up Your Book Promotion PR
Sylvan Dell to Release Four New Titles
Sylvan Dell is a young company on a serious mission to create picture books that excite children’s imaginations, are artistically spectacular, and have educational value. - January 30, 2008 - Arbordale Publishing
Life Coaches Caught in the Revolving Door of Business Failure
The new e-book, Mind Your Own Biz- Discover the Secrets of Building a Successful Coaching Business, gives new life coaches the information they need to succeed in the business world. - January 30, 2008 - Life Adventure Coaching
Nela’s Restaurant to Donate Proceeds from Book Signing to Charity
Tom Khalaf, proprietor of Nela’s Restaurant, 3553 West 117th Street, Cleveland, Ohio has decided to donate his proceeds from a Lunch with the Author, and book signing of The Wishing Flower, a new children’s book, written and illustrated by Mosetta M. Penick Phillips-Cermak, Ph.D. to the St. Jude Children’s Hospital. - January 29, 2008 - PM Moon Publishers, Limited
Grandfather of Eight Pens Steamy Novel
Retired cement worker's début novel, is snapped up by the first publishing house that reads it. - January 28, 2008 - Anthony James Barnett
Lyndhurst Author Publishes Jersey Shore Book
Lyndhurst, NJ, author and photographer Kevin Woyce takes readers on an illustrated tour of Jersey Shore history in his new book, "Jersey Shore Facts & Photos." - January 28, 2008 - Kevin Woyce, Author & Photographer
Black Rock: A Time For Love - New Release from The Wild Rose Press
Having a love of American history and a fascination with the possibility of time travel, E. G. Parsons combined the two in her new romance release from The Wild Rose Press. "I've always been intrigued with the idea of traveling through time, so writing a time-travel romance was only... - January 28, 2008 - E. G. Parsons
The Gift Therapist Helps Consumers Shop Smart and GIVE MORE
Author, speaker and reformed shop-a-holic, Jennifer Melnick Carota teaches consumers how to Shop Smart and GIVE MORE in her new book that shares bargain shopping secrets, unique gift ideas, and charitable giving strategies. - January 27, 2008 - The Gift Therapist
Howard University Graduate Ventures Into Writing Children’s Books
Lori Nelson, founder of Nelson Publishing, announces release of her first book “Hillary’s Big Business Adventure.” - January 27, 2008 - Nelson Publishing
Liquid Soul Media Ventures Into the Literary Industry with Nelson Publishing
Atlanta-based Liquid Soul Media contracted to activate grassroots marketing and publicity campaigns for Nelson Publishing’s upcoming book “Hillary’s Big Business Adventure.” - January 27, 2008 - Liquid Soul Media
Brillig Books of Omaha, Nebraska, Offers Sci-Fi Thriller at 12% Off Published Price
Brillig Books of Omaha, Nebraska, announced on January 25, 2008, a 12% reduction in the price of The Cloud of Doom, a science fiction novel by Jack Loscutoff. The writer uses a threat from outer space in the near future to expose society's flaws. - January 26, 2008 - Brillig Books
2012 is Coming... Or is It? New Thriller/Novel Adds Unique Twist to the Ancient Prophecy
December 21, 2012 marks the prophetic end of the ancient Mayan calendar. Tenuta's epic-scale thriller, The Ezekiel Code, is attracting readers with its unique twist on this "end times" scenario. "Entertaining and enlightening!" - Jay Weidner, author and documentary film producer. "An impressive feat!" - Peter A. Gersten, Esq., editor, PAG-eNews - January 26, 2008 - Gary Val Tenuta
iUniverse Announces the Release of Diversity Values Professionalism or Favoritism Racism, African Americans and Other Minorities in the Workforce
This careful analysis of racism in the modern day American workforce describes how the white male power structure continues to put minorities in our country at a disadvantage in both their professional, and their personal lives. Author Daniel Vincent Pierce demonstrates decidedly how the government’s reaction to current events and the existing executive structures of major corporations, continue to preserve a tradition of discrimination and bias in this country. - January 26, 2008 - iUniverse
A Touch of Irish Folklore Meets Charming Urban Fantasy in the Lighthearted Tales of Tanglewood
In the wake of the last Harry Potter novel comes a refreshingly new and endearing tale that can be enjoyed by children and adults alike. The Tales of Tanglewood: The Lon Dubh Whistle is the first in a series of new novels to be written by author Scott Michael Kessman. - January 26, 2008 - Scott Michael Kessman
New Book "The Conversion Conspiracy" Explains What Mormons Believe About UFOs
The Conversion Conspiracy is a fictional thriller about a college student who uncovers a conspiracy to use Mormons in preparing Earth for acceptance of religious extraterrestrials, is pursued by sinister forces and bargains for his life by keeping the secret and not exposing the Mormon presidential candidate. - January 25, 2008 - Shane Lester
Boxing Legend Angelo Dundee to Appear at Clearwater Golds Gym for Book Signing Monday 1/28 4-6pm
Angelo Dundee legendary boxing trainer of Muhammad Ali, George Foreman and Sugar Ray Leonard, will appear at the Clearwater Fl. Golds Gym on Monday Jan. 28th from 4-6pm for a book signing and meet and greet supporting his new book "My View from the Corner" courtesy of Elite Sports Marketing of Oldsmar Florida. Dundee is the most renowned boxing trainer in history with 15 world champions and over 50 years in the sweet science. - January 25, 2008 - Angelo Dundee
On Common Ground: Bridging the Mormon-Evangelical Divide
Celestine Publishing released its newest publication, On Common Ground. It presents real experiences and more than 2,000 principles Latter-day Saints and the rest of the Christian world share as true. - January 24, 2008 - Celestine Publishing, LLC
Action/Adventure Novelist Now Represented by Frank Weimann and the Literary Group International
New action/adventure novelist Tony Eldridge is now represented by Frank Weimann and the Literary Agency. Clive Cussler has called Eldridge's book, The Samson Effect, a "first class thriller brimming with intrigue and adventure." A major Los Angeles based producer is currently in negotiations with the author to acquire the movie rights to The Samson Effect. - January 24, 2008 - Tony Eldridge
A Year in the Mind of a Grieving Poet
A year is relatively a short period of time, but when your world is flipped upside down, a year can be a lifetime. Losing her balance, after the death of her best friend and brother in 2006, Myss.Underst00d travels through many emotions and phases in her poetry book, One Year Ago I Lost Myself In This World: …And This Is The Result. Redefining her life, her thoughts, her values, and beliefs, she writes from the soul trying to find peace of mind in the world she lost herself in one year ago. - January 24, 2008 - Myss.Underst00d Productions
New Inspirational Romance Novel Now Available
Author finally has her new exciting novel available for sale. It is a self-published fiction book and can be purchased from - January 24, 2008 - Barbara A. Rainey