Lifestyle News

Access news about the latest lifestyle trends, products, services and resources. Topics cover beauty, dating and singles, fitness, hobbies and craft, marriage and relationships, parenting, retirement and self-help.

Daniel Levine: Trends from an Unexpected Source

The trends expert notes the rise of trends from a land-locked Asian nation. - May 01, 2014 - Daniel Levine

Nylon Fusion Theatre Company Announces the Artists for Their Short Play Festival "This Round’s on Us" on May 10 and 11, Featuring Labrynth's Craig Sirmumsila Grant

Take a break from the humdrum with NyLon Fusion's latest This Round's on Us short-play festival. This time around, the company pays homage to that most speech-slurred and teetering of traditions, spring break, with ten-minute tales of breaking free, breaking rules, and breaking hearts. - April 30, 2014 - Nylon Fusion Theatre Company

Song-e Yoon’s First Solo Exhibition in New York

Song-e Yoon’s First Solo Exhibition in New York

Solo Exhibition of Song-e Yoon "Essence" at New York Minded Gallery, May 10-24; Opening reception: Thursday May 10th, 5pm - 10pm; Location: NYMND, 38-82 13th Street, Long Island City, NY 11101 - April 30, 2014 - Art Company, Songeyoon

Barden Has Written Award Winning "Toby Trilogy" Series of Books

Barden Has Written Award Winning "Toby Trilogy" Series of Books

Cabot Barden's latest triumph with his Toby Trilogy book series: Thumbs up by the New York Times, winner of Pinnacle Award for 2014, and five great reviews from for "Dynamite Runs In The Family." - April 30, 2014 - Cabot Barden-Author

Chaplain Margaret F. Johnson Recognized by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

Chaplain Margaret F. Johnson of Tamarac, Florida has been included in the Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Edition for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of healthcare ministry. About Chaplain Margaret F. Johnson Chaplain Johnson has almost 30 years experience... - April 30, 2014 - Strathmore Worldwide

Surprises Put Meaning Into Social Media. A New Way to Keep the Old Traditions Alive by Using Facebook.

Old connections are being lost even though we are more connected then ever because of social media. Studies show us that people are less social and more depressed while using social media. Surprise Order is changing this by bringing meaning to the cyber world. There is a way to keep connections alive and filled with meaning by using an app that uses Facebook to send the perfect gift to your friends and family. - April 30, 2014 - Surprise Order

LiceDoctors Head Lice Treatment Services Passes 100,000 Client Milestone

LiceDoctors Head Lice Treatment and Nit Removal Services announces that it has successfully treated over 100,000 clients nationwide. The professional lice treatment company makes house calls to affected families in over 70 metropolitan areas from coast to coast. - April 30, 2014 - LiceDoctors

LiceDoctors Reports Head Lice Outbreak in Tulsa, Oklahoma

LiceDoctors Head Lice Treatment and Nit Removal Service, the leading in-home professional lice treatment service, is reporting a rise in the incidence of head lice in Tulsa and surrounding areas. The company attributes this increase to growing resistance of lice to chemical shampoos as well as to the warming weather. - April 30, 2014 - LiceDoctors

Argentine Tango Dancer Appearing as Jack Sparrow at Argentine Tango Milonga in Hartford CT: Wins Prize for Best Costume

Argentine Tango Dancer Appearing as Jack Sparrow at Argentine Tango Milonga in Hartford CT: Wins Prize for Best Costume

It was a cool Connecticut evening and a very cool costume Milonga put on by HartsTango. Everyone was decked out. Nate Evans, Hartford Argentine Tango teacher from Hartford Ballroom had a scary zipper on his face. Jack Sparrow swaggers in and leaves with the Grand Prize. - April 29, 2014 - Hartford Tango

Fannypant's Revolutionary Incontinence Undergarments for Women

Fannypant's Revolutionary Incontinence Undergarments for Women

Millions of women experience involuntary loss of urine while exercising, coughing or sneezing due to light stress urinary incontinence. What if, when faced with unexpected leakage, a woman could enjoy the peace of mind of keeping her undergarments fresh and dry? That’s the promise of Fannypants Smartwear, an innovative apparel line of underwear and yoga pants designed to resolve the troubling effects of light stress urinary incontinence. - April 29, 2014 - Fannypants, LLC

Prepaid Bitcoin Sells 35 BTC Worth of Prepaid Bitcoin Cards in First Month, Signalling Thriving Demand for Easier Access to Bitcoin

Prepaid Bitcoin Sells 35 BTC Worth of Prepaid Bitcoin Cards in First Month, Signalling Thriving Demand for Easier Access to Bitcoin

Prepaid Bitcoin cards come in a recognizable format so people aren't spooked by the tech jargon or the scary concept of “virtual money.” The cards also come in stored value amounts of $10, $25, $50, and $100, which are realistic for most people. The company also permits custom branding on their cards with the ability to add logos and card-holder names for a more personalized touch. - April 28, 2014 - Prepaid Bitcoin

Calling All Adventurous Kids Registration Open for Kids Adventure Games at Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort on June 21

Calling All Adventurous Kids Registration Open for Kids Adventure Games at Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort on June 21

Registration is under way for the 2014 Kids Adventure Games, the premier race for children ages six to 14 that features teams of two competing in mountain biking, hiking, zip lines, a Tarzan rope swing, cargo nets, mud pits and more. The race is scheduled for June 21 at Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort. - April 28, 2014 - Kids Adventure Games

TJ’s Appliance Repair Offers $25 Off Discount

TJ’s Appliance Repair, an appliance repair service based in Scotch Plains, New Jersey, is currently promoting a new discount offer in full force. The discount entitles the client an outright $25 off on any kind of repairs done with a final bill of $125 or more. Owner Tom Rivicci says that... - April 28, 2014 - TJ's Appliance Repair

Enterprises TV Highlights Family Recreation Ideas for the Summer Season

The enlightening program shares great family recreation ideas for the upcoming summer season. - April 27, 2014 - Enterprises TV

United States Department of Labor & OSHA Recognizes Yachting Solutions as the Newest SHARP Site

Yachting Solutions Rockport, Maine facility received the SHARP award in September of 2009 and has maintained their status as a SHARP site ever since. Yachting Solutions opened their newest branch at 56 New County Road in Rockland in 2013; expanding their workspace from 10,000 sq. ft. to 60,000 sq. ft. Yachting Solutions’ Rockland facility was awarded the SHARP award on April 7, 2014. Yachting Solutions is one of only 66 locations in the State of Maine to receive this award. - April 27, 2014 - Yachting Solutions

Win a Free Stretch Limo for Prom

Win a Free Stretch Limo for Prom

Prom is just around the corner! Have you decided how you will be making your grand entrance? Lucky for you, Stretch Limousine Inc. has multiple prom packages to choose from and you can see them all at: Book today so you don’t risk... - April 26, 2014 - Stretch Limousine, Inc.

Name Bubbles Launches New Products for Camp and Summer Vacation

From vacations to day trips, amusement parks to camp, spend less time worrying about whether belongings will be coming home and more time having fun with Name Bubbles’ new Iron-On Labels, Bag Tags, and Camp Labels Packs. - April 26, 2014 - Name Bubbles

Operation Kidsafe to Visit Mason City, IA and Albert Lea, MN for Weekend Child Safety Fair

Alpha Orthodontics announces their 3rd annual Child Safety Fair. Free digital fingerprint and photo safety program. Local Police and Fire have been invited to attend. Specialized digital imagery equipment will only be in your area for a limited engagement. Don’t miss this opportunity to get your Free Child Safety Kit, including digital fingerprints and photograph. Safety tips provided will help you set up a family safety action plan. - April 26, 2014 - Operation Kidsafe

Child Safety Event with - Clay County Shefiff's Office Justice Coalition and Operation Kidsafe

Program is totally free and private. Parents will take home the only record of the visit. Don't miss this fun and informative 2 day safety program. - April 26, 2014 - Operation Kidsafe

Operation Kidsafe Child Safety Event in Las Vegas

Join the Boys and Girls Club, Las Vegas Fire Department with Engine #9 on site both days, Operation Kidsafe and Ed Bozarth Chevrolet. Families are invited for 2 days of fun and safety. Parents will get a lifetime record of their child's digital fingerprints and a form that is ready to hand to law enforcement in an emergency. - April 26, 2014 - Operation Kidsafe

Members of the St. Louis Chapter of the National Association of Professional Organizers Volunteer to Aid Angels Arms

Professional organizers in St. Louis gave back to their community by volunteering to organize the storage space for a local non-profit, Angels Arms. Angles Arms,, provides housing and support to local foster families. They recently opened their tenth foster home in ten years. The... - April 26, 2014 - National Association of Professional Organizers - St. Louis

The AC Milan Soccer Camp Season is Back

The AC Milan Soccer Camp Season is Back

Children in the USA will now be able to attend soccer camps organized by the AC Milan Youth Program in America. - April 25, 2014 - AC Milan

CALLAHEAD's Exclusive NY Portable Restroom Rentals Are Ideal for Memorial Day Festivities

CALLAHEAD's Exclusive NY Portable Restroom Rentals Are Ideal for Memorial Day Festivities

From backyard barbecues to graduation parties to celebratory parades and concerts, CALLAHEAD offers a comfortable, sanitary, unique portable toilet for every event held in New York during the holiday weekend. - April 25, 2014 - CALLAHEAD Portable Toilets

A New Style of Vapor Shop is Opening in Franklin, TN. Vapor Cafe Opens May 3rd.

A New Style of Vapor Shop is Opening in Franklin, TN. Vapor Cafe Opens May 3rd.

Vapor Cafe will open on Saturday, May 3rd. Vapor Cafe offers the largest vapor lounge in Middle TN, where they encourage their customers to try all of Vapor Cafe's delicious premium e juice flavors at the tasting bar in the Badger Hole. - April 25, 2014 - Vapor Cafe

Are African American’s Skin Oily or Normal?

Are African American’s Skin Oily or Normal?

The assumption that oily skin- -or its appearance- -is inherent on African Americans is not necessarily true. The shiny look on African American skins is not excess oil or sebum (commonly called “greasy look”); but a surface “mantle” that is different than white skins. An... - April 25, 2014 - Reviva Labs

Never Watch Movies Alone Again is "Date Night" Kickstarter Project Goal

Never Watch Movies Alone Again is "Date Night" Kickstarter Project Goal

FLM.TV’s "Date Night" is a new way to watch movies through global video chat with anyone, anywhere as ComScore reports over 182.4 million Americans watch online videos - April 25, 2014 - Bernard Group Communications

Movie Superstar Tom Hardy (Dark Knight Rises, Inception) to Appear at National Screening Series

Movie Superstar Tom Hardy (Dark Knight Rises, Inception) to Appear at National Screening Series

The next NYFCS National Screening Event on April 29th, 2014 will be a preview screening of “Locke”, starring Tom Hardy (Bronson, The Dark Knight Rises). The event will feature a live appearances by Tom Hardy and writer, director Steven Knight, Writer: Eastern Promises – (Viggo Mortensen, Naomi Watts), & Dirty Pretty Things – (Audrey Tautou, Chiwetel Ejiofor). The event will include an exclusive, live, interactive, HD Simulcast to 50 U.S. locations. - April 25, 2014 - NY Film Critics National Series®

Hidden Underground Dog Fence for Small Yards

Hidden Underground Dog Fence for Small Yards

Pet Stop of North Georgia, LLC offers Hidden Dog Fence options for pet owners with small yards. The newest technology from Perimeter Technologies, Inc. allows dogs to go up to within one foot of the boundary wire allowing the maximum use of small yards. Traditional Hidden Dog fence systems will not work in townhouse applications because the yard is too small and the signal from the boundary wire is to wide. - April 25, 2014 - Pet Stop North Georgia, Inc

Mode Of Living Has Announced Breakthrough Connections Between Chakra, the Aura, and Science. The Theory Behind the Soul and Other New Esoteric Claims Has Arrived.

In a mix of ancient and contemporary information Bornbazie Flame is spreading his philosophy of the benefits of a love based lifestyle. His predicted best seller "Mode Of Living" is the first complete manual for taking care of the physical and immaterial body. The mystery man claims “living in love is the path of perfection and harmony with natural order.” - April 25, 2014 - Mode Of Living

Le CITY Deluxe USA Celebrates Its 1 Year Anniversary

Le CITY Deluxe USA Celebrates Its 1 Year Anniversary

Friday April 25, 2014 Le CITY deluxe Magazine will be celebrating its 1 year anniversary and the launch of their latest Fashion issue featuring Charlize Theron. The event will be taking place at, 520 West Avenue, Penthouse Bentley Bay, Miami Beach, at 7pm-11.30 pm. In the past year Le CITY deluxe... - April 24, 2014 - Le CITY Deluxe

Angry Horse Brewing, a Start-Up Brewery and Taproom in Montebello, California

Angry Horse Brewing, a Start-Up Brewery and Taproom in Montebello, California

Support Angry Horse Brewing, a new brewery and taproom in the city of Montebello, California and help them open their doors. - April 24, 2014 - Angry Horse Brewing

Shark Tank Hopeful Master Ron Tramontano on Target to Bring the Virtual Martial Arts Competition to the World

Shark Tank Hopeful Master Ron Tramontano on Target to Bring the Virtual Martial Arts Competition to the World

Master Ron Tramontano announced today that he is planning a Shark Tank "fishing expedition" to raise $250,000 for his Virtual Martial Arts Competition. - April 24, 2014 - The Virtual Martial Arts Competition

CDF Receives Three Year Grant from W.K. Kellogg Foundation

CDF: A Collective Action Initiative has received a three-year, family engagement and early learning grant for over $400,000 from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation of Battle Creek, MI. The grant will allow CDF, a non-profit focused on community engagement in Clarkston, Georgia, to expand its community... - April 24, 2014 - CDF: A Collective Action Initiative

Licedoctors In-Home Service Now Available to Families in Wider Radius Around Cleveland, Ohio

LiceDoctors Head Lice Treatment Service, which makes house calls to families in Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, and most recently Toledo, Ohio, has expanded its reach in the Cleveland area. The company has added 21 towns to its Cleveland service area to meet the increasing need forits services. - April 23, 2014 - LiceDoctors

The Baton Rouge Real Estate Market Announces Sabrina H. Didier as the Local Real Estate Expert for New Home Buyers in University Club Plantation Baton Rouge

Sabrina H. Didier, Local Real Estate Professional in Baton Rouge, A Certified New Homes Specialist, specializing in University Club Plantation New Homes Buyers, is offering real estate services for New Home Buyers. - April 23, 2014 - Keller Williams - Sabrina Didier

R.E.D. Warrior™ to Launch Internationally at United Kingdom’s Project Fit

Red Warrior Nation will launch its R.E.D. Warrior™ program internationally on November 7, 2014 prior to Project Fit’s two-day fitness, health & wellbeing convention being held on 8-9th of November 2014 at Northumbria University in Newcastle Upon Tyne. Red Warrior Nation will be... - April 22, 2014 - RED Warrior Nation, LLC

Winner Club Unveils First Deposit Bonus to Its Customers

Winner Club Unveils First Deposit Bonus to Its Customers

Winner Club is a gambling house that offers lifetime gaming experience to millions of people across the world. The club offers a wide range of games including roulette, slots, blackjack, poker, and bingo, among others. Therefore you will not miss your favourite casino game at Winner Club. At Winner... - April 22, 2014 - Winner Club

Beyond Milk and Cookies is Now Live on Indiegogo

Introducing a newly formed nonprofit organization Beyond Milk and Cookies, Inc. The Beyond Milk and Cookies, Inc., a nonprofit organization, allows students from kindergarten through high school to experience hands on cooking which will develop practical life skills, and a foundation for healthy eating by assisting children on making their own after school snacks. - April 22, 2014 - Beyond Milk and Cookies, inc.

Celebrity Hairstylist Julien Farel Debuts First-Of-Its-Kind Power Beauty Menu at Loews Regency Hotel

Celebrity Hairstylist Julien Farel Debuts First-Of-Its-Kind Power Beauty Menu at Loews Regency Hotel

Julien Farel, luxury hairstylist and entrepreneur, brings ‘Power Beauty’ to the home of the legendary Power Breakfast. Farel, with over 30 years of experience and a clientele ranging from A-list celebrities and world-class athletes to Fortune 500 business leaders, relocates his flagship... - April 21, 2014 - Julien Farel Group

Jacksonville Law Firm Honored as a "Company with Heart"

Jacksonville Law Firm Honored as a "Company with Heart"

High Profile Personal Victims' Rights Lawyer John Phillips Received Award for Charitable Giving. - April 20, 2014 - Law Office of John M Phillips

Game of Trust:’s Take on Customer Loyalty Programs

Game of Trust:’s Take on Customer Loyalty Programs, one of India’s novel e-commerce portals dealing with cross-border trade, analyses the many ways the retail industry tries to hold the customer’s attention. - April 19, 2014 -

Rhode Island Magician to Perform at the 2014 White House Easter Egg Roll - for the Third Time

Rhode Island Magician to Perform at the 2014 White House Easter Egg Roll - for the Third Time

Rhode Island magician Domino The Great will be participating in the 2014 White House Easter Egg Roll - for the third time. - April 19, 2014 - Domino The Great

Argentine Tango Research Suggests It's a Mental Health Boosting Activity

Argentine Tango Research Suggests It's a Mental Health Boosting Activity

The suffering from stress and depression is shown to be reduced in a published study on Argentine Tango Dance and suggests that dance class can be as effective as the clinically proven UMASS Stress Reduction Clinic. - April 19, 2014 - Hartford Tango

Lakefront Living Realty, LLC Releases Version 6.0 of Popular Lakefront Property Website

Lakefront Living Realty, LLC Releases Version 6.0 of Popular Lakefront Property Website

Searching for New England Lakefront Property is now easier and faster with the new version of - April 18, 2014 - Lakefront Living International, LLC

What Was Old is Now Shiny New and Retro Chic—the Reinvented Pioneer Square. Pioneer Square, Seattle’s Oldest Neighborhood, is Experiencing a Revival Fueled by Food.

What Was Old is Now Shiny New and Retro Chic—the Reinvented Pioneer Square. Pioneer Square, Seattle’s Oldest Neighborhood, is Experiencing a Revival Fueled by Food.

Pioneer Square near Downtown Seattle is being reinvented with new restaurants and Food Tours. - April 18, 2014 - Taste Seattle Food Tours

Enterprises TV to Air Segment on Security and Safety

Home security and safety is more important today than ever before. - April 18, 2014 - Enterprises TV

ETC is Hosting a Selfie Contest to Create Awareness

ETC is Hosting a Selfie Contest to Create Awareness

Help ETC bring attention and create awareness to teen suicide, bullying and discrimination. - April 17, 2014 - ETC (Empower the Community) Youth Group

Announcing Custom Authentic Handcrafted Old Fashioned Natural Mattresses  by: Orange Mattress and Custom Bedding.  Family Business Since 1902.

Announcing Custom Authentic Handcrafted Old Fashioned Natural Mattresses by: Orange Mattress and Custom Bedding. Family Business Since 1902.

Custom Bedding - Orange Mattress has been handcrafting natural mattresses for over 100 years. Their mattresses are made to order to customers' specifications. While searching for modern mattresses you may experience wear and tear much sooner as opposed to the old fashioned type. Custom Bedding -... - April 17, 2014 - Orange Mattress - Custom Bedding The Smart Watch is on the Verge

The trends-spotting collective notes the recent surge in smart watch ideas. - April 17, 2014 - Daniel Levine

Fairfield Harbour’s Mystre’ Van Horn Named Among Top Three On-Site Managers Nationally

Manager of Local Boating and Golf Community Receives National Recognition for Continued on-Site Management Service - April 17, 2014 - Fairfield Harbour

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