Lifestyle News

Access news about the latest lifestyle trends, products, services and resources. Topics cover beauty, dating and singles, fitness, hobbies and craft, marriage and relationships, parenting, retirement and self-help.

Mom 2 CEO Leads the Mom-Entrepreneur Movement June 11-13

Mom 2 CEO Leads the Mom-Entrepreneur Movement June 11-13

Mom 2 CEO is the Ultimate Mom-Entrepreneur Symposium and Work-At-Home Mom Conference inspiring, motivating, educating, and connecting the serious mompreneur. - April 16, 2014 - Mommy Gateway

Expanding Empire: Alliance Cigar to Distribute Highly Rated REINADO® "Grand Empire Reserve" Cigar Line

Expanding Empire: Alliance Cigar to Distribute Highly Rated REINADO® "Grand Empire Reserve" Cigar Line

The partnership provides tobacconists and cigar smokers greater access to REINADO's world-class "Grand Empire Reserve" Nicaraguan puro cigars. - April 16, 2014 - REINADO Cigars

Demand for European Architectural Antiques Follows Housing Trends – Adds Green Aspect to Homes

Raymond Pittet, well-known Swiss born European architectural antiques expert and owner of Pittet Architecturals, is known as “The Secret Source.” He personally combs the homes, villas and antique structures of Old World Europe and brings back to America iconic, museum quality mantles,... - April 15, 2014 - Pittet Architecturals

TRCo Marketing Proposes Sports Lesson Reward Promotions to Top US Brands

TRCo Marketing Proposes Sports Lesson Reward Promotions to Top US Brands

Imagine if every chocolate bar came with a free sports session. That’s exactly what the team at TRCo Marketing is proposing to brands in the US surrounding the World Cup and subsequently summertime. TRCo Marketing has scoured the entire nation creating partnerships with some of the best... - April 15, 2014 - TRCo Marketing

Introducing designME!: A debut Exhibition of Middle Eastern Design at New York Design Week

Introducing designME!: A debut Exhibition of Middle Eastern Design at New York Design Week

Presented by the NY-based design collective Studio M+, “designME!” is a debut exhibition of contemporary design items from Middle East at the Wanted Design international fair. Participating designers are selected through a curatorial process and include Lebanese furniture designer Nada Debs, Persian designers Nina Seirafi and Mir Mola Soraya, and Turkish designers Erdem Akan, Ilanit Ovadya, Yasemin Sayinsoy & Gamze Araz Eskinazi of Camekan, and Erin Turkoglu & Melodi Bozkurt of Muzz Design. - April 15, 2014 - Studio M+

Casa Dorada Los Cabos Nominated as Mexico and Central America’s Leading Beach Resort at World Travel Awards 2014

Casa Dorada Los Cabos Nominated as Mexico and Central America’s Leading Beach Resort at World Travel Awards 2014

Casa Dorada Los Cabos Resort and Spa is proud to announce that it has been nominated at the World Travel Awards 2014 as Mexico and Central America’s Leading Beach Resort. Voting for the region begins today and travel industry specialists as well as general public will be able to cast their... - April 14, 2014 - Casa Dorada Los Cabos Resort & Spa

Bissinger’s Apple Ghost Chili Salt Caramel Wins as Finalist in the Esteemed sofiTM Award (Specialty Outstanding Food Innovation)

Bissinger’s Apple Ghost Chili Salt Caramel Wins as Finalist in the Esteemed sofiTM Award (Specialty Outstanding Food Innovation)

After months of tasting, testing and deliberating among thousands of the latest and finest culinary creations, a national panel of food experts and judges awarded Bissinger’s Apple Ghost Chili Salt Caramel as a finalist. The long-standing, industry-revered contest is a coveted honor and the panel of experts included those highly-regarded in the gourmet food industry including Fresh Direct, Whole Foods and many more. - April 14, 2014 - Bissinger's Handcrafted Chocolatier

Xulon Press Spring 2014 Book Release Catalog Offers "Roots" as an Easter Treat to the Christian Community

Xulon Press Spring 2014 Book Release Catalog Offers "Roots" as an Easter Treat to the Christian Community

Xulon Press spring 2014 book catalog features the Christian Lifestyle book "Roots - a Metaphor & Acronym for the Christian Life" that Jerry Reese, the General Manager of the New York Giants, called "powerful" in his endorsement of the book. The book is now available from the publisher Xulon Press; and retailers, and other Christian bookstores. - April 14, 2014 - Rootsforliving

Innovation Direct™ Set to Represent Table Log Splitter Invention to Industry

An innovative new product intended to greatly simplify a normally strenuous task, the Table Log Splitter, has been developed by Phyllis Hart of Denver, Indiana. The invention's unique design enables it to make the act of splitting logs a more streamlined and efficient one. The Table Log... - April 13, 2014 - Innovation Direct, Inc.

Easy Easter Entertaining with Sturbridge Yankee Workshop

Here comes Peter Cottontail, hopping down the bunny trail. Enhance your Easter with precious spring themed embellishments from Sturbridge Yankee Workshop. - April 13, 2014 - Sturbridge Yankee Workshop

New Game Plan Against Epidemics and Access to Quality Healthcare Receive Attention in ECOWAS Countries

Organized under the auspices of the West African Health Organisation (WAHO) and hosted by Liberia for the first time, the two-day meeting has brought together Ministers of Health from the ECOWAS region, representatives of the ECOWAS Commission, United Nations Agencies, technical partners and WAHO staff members. - April 12, 2014 - WAHO

Operation Kidsafe Safety Event with Easter Bunny Photos Granite City, IL

Get your picture taken with the Easter Bunny and receive some Easter goodies. Free Food - Free Drinks; Free Activities for Kids;Police and Fire Departments will be attending this event. - April 12, 2014 - Operation Kidsafe

Operation Kidsafe Meet the Easter Bunny Event in Columbia IL

Get your picture taken by VSL Images with the Easter Bunny. Food Truck by T-Mo’s Tacos (benefits Gateway Pet Guardians); Cutie Bowtutie Hair Accessories; Gateway Pet Guardians Jr. Outreach; Mid America RebelRollers; itWorks; Gateway Grizzlies Mascot Izzy; Cahokia Mounds; Pampered Chef; Origami Owl; Free chair massages by Healthcare Complete. - April 12, 2014 - Operation Kidsafe

World Orphanage Foundation 2nd Annual Gala Event

World Orphanage Foundation 2nd Annual Gala Event

Featuring live performances and a spectacular fashion show. World Orphanage Foundation 2nd Annual Gala 2014, on Thursday, July 10th, at the Christopher Guy showroom in West Los Angeles. - April 11, 2014 - World Orphanage Foundation

airTHC Has Gone Live

airTHC Has Gone Live

airTHC helps you connect with people who have marijuana-friendly vacation rentals, ensuring that you’ll have a private space of your own to smoke—legally—while you stay in Colorado. - April 11, 2014 - airTHC

African American Artist Unveils Painting at Mother’s Day Tea; Silent Auction to Benefit Breast Cancer Research

African American Artist Unveils Painting at Mother’s Day Tea; Silent Auction to Benefit Breast Cancer Research

African American artist, Beverly Collins, who has seen firsthand the ravages of breast cancer on loved ones and friends most of her life uses art to honor women in general and mothers in particular as she raises funds to contribute to the search for a cure by hosting high tea on Mother's Day eve. - April 11, 2014 - b.collins Studio

Leaders Feed and Fortify Orlando Communities in Transitions

Leaders Feed and Fortify Orlando Communities in Transitions

The Orlando City Hall located at 400 S. Orange Ave, 9th floor, Orlando Florida 32801, will be hosting Feed and Fortify Community Organization’s board of director’s installation ceremony on Tuesday April 29th, 2014 from 11:30 to 1:30 pm. - April 11, 2014 - Feed & Fortify Community Organization

The Nightlife Cultural Initiative Announces a New Board, a New Website and New Projects for 2014

The Nightlife Cultural Initiative Announces a New Board, a New Website and New Projects for 2014

The Nightlife Cultural Initiative (NCI) is pleased to announce a new board of directors, a new website and three new projects as a part of its continuing efforts to elevate nightlife culture. - April 09, 2014 - Nightlife Publishing LLC

The Gateway Family YMCA’s Healthy Kids Day® on April 26 Aims to Help Kids Exercise Minds and Bodies

Celebrate Healthy Kids Day at The Gateway Family YMCA - April 09, 2014 - The Gateway Family YMCA

New iPhone App Creates a Local Online Marketplace of Mutual Friends for Facebook Garage Sale Group Members

New iPhone App Creates a Local Online Marketplace of Mutual Friends for Facebook Garage Sale Group Members has released their iPhone App as a “Local. Social. Marketplace” which essentially takes the best parts of selling stuff locally and wraps it into a gamified, socially-based marketplace designed specifically for this quickly expanding base of used-retail connoisseurs. - April 08, 2014 - Puhsh Inc

Luna Family Hearing Encourages Seattle Mariners Fans 60+ Years to Attend Home Games with a Senior Special Discount on Tickets

Luna Family Hearing Encourages Seattle Mariners Fans 60+ Years to Attend Home Games with a Senior Special Discount on Tickets

Luna Family Hearing is in its second season as an official sponsor of the Seattle Mariners and is the exclusive sponsor of the “Senior Special Discount” at every home game for the 2014. The Luna Family Hearing Senior Special Discount allows fans 60+ to receive 10% off select Main, Terrace and View Level seats at all home games, excluding Opening Night, with a limit of one ticket per ID. Fans 60+ years or older just need to show their valid ID to purchase tickets in-person at Mariners Team Store. - April 08, 2014 - Luna Family Hearing

Crime Drama "Karaganda" to Have Its U.S. Premiere at the Charleston International Film Festival

Crime Drama "Karaganda" to Have Its U.S. Premiere at the Charleston International Film Festival

Following a special screening at the Directors Guild of America and a world premiere in Berlin, "Karaganda" is set for its official U.S. debut this week at the Charleston International Film Festival. - April 08, 2014 - LosFilm

2014 Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival

2014 Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival

The 2014 Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival will highlight Japanese American culture and foods. - April 08, 2014 - Sakura Matsuri Inc.

More Fallout from a Long Winter in the Northeast: Roof Cleaning Plus, Inc. Anticipates Increased Sales as a Result of Prolonged Bad Weather

More Fallout from a Long Winter in the Northeast: Roof Cleaning Plus, Inc. Anticipates Increased Sales as a Result of Prolonged Bad Weather

Roof Cleaning Plus, Inc. anticipates increased sales as a result of prolonged bad weather. Due to the inclement weather faced by home owners in the Northeast portion of the country, many homeowners delayed putting their homes on the market. According to the National Association of Realtors there... - April 08, 2014 - Roof Cleaning Plus, LLC.

Hair Stylist Offers New Highlighting Technique for Summer

Hair Stylist Offers New Highlighting Technique for Summer

Salon Du Beau Monde adds a new method of highlighting hair to its line of products and services. A hair stylist can provide you with a fun and multidimensional look for the coming season. - April 08, 2014 - Salon Du Beau Monde

LiceDoctors Reports Rise in Incidence of Head Lice in Boston and Surrounding Areas

The head lice treatment and nit removal service is seeing a sharp gain in the incidence of head lice in Boston and in several suburbs. LiceDoctors attributes the rise to growing incidence of highly resistant strains of lice as well as to the advent of warm weather. - April 08, 2014 - LiceDoctors

Tribute Album to the Melodies of Charles Ecker Released in Los Angeles to Memorialize Ten of His Top Songs

Tribute Album to the Melodies of Charles Ecker Released in Los Angeles to Memorialize Ten of His Top Songs

With the exception of Dido, it is rare for someone's music to capture enough attention to have a tribute cover album done in rapid time, but such is the case for Charles Ecker and music he has written since 2011 for The C.R. Ecker Band of Los Angeles, a country music group. Through the efforts of musicians Michael Stanton, Stacy Hogan and William Sherry, a ten song L.P., "Charles Ecker: Speechless" has been released with songs that have fast become popular in both the U.S. and Europe. - April 07, 2014 - Charles R. Ecker

LiceDoctors Reports as Weather Heats Up in Austin, Incidence of Head Lice Rises

LiceDoctors Head Lice Treatment and Lice Removal Service is receiving a record number of calls for its in-home head lice treatment service in Austin as the spring lice season launches. The professional nitpicking service attributes warm weather, growing resistance of lice to chemical shampoo treatments, and increasing awareness of their service to the meteoric rise in the number of head lice cases they are treating. - April 07, 2014 - LiceDoctors

Innovation Direct™ at Helm of Marketing Efforts for Taylor Specialty Tombstones Invention

An innovative new product designed to significantly enhance the appearance of a conventional tombstone, the Taylor Specialty Tombstones, has been developed by James Taylor of Dover, New Hampshire. The invention's unique design provides tombstones with adequate visibility, regardless of the... - April 07, 2014 - Innovation Direct, Inc.

Save the Date for Healthy Kids Day at The Gateway Family YMCA

Saturday, April 26 is Healthy Kids Day at The Gateway Family YMCA - April 05, 2014 - The Gateway Family YMCA

Office Spring Cleaning: How to Organize Your Office for Success in Quarter Two

When your desk at work is completely cluttered and you have no free space you'll end up spending more time searching for important papers and office supplies than actually working. All that clutter can make it hard to concentrate and will just result in an unproductive work day. This season spend... - April 05, 2014 - Manhattan Commercial Realty

Association Adds Long Term Care Insurance Consumer Tip to Popular Webpage

The latest advisory designed to educate considering long term care insurance was added today to the popular American Association for Long Term Care Insurance Consumer Center. - April 05, 2014 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

Hot Tubs Chandler, Fountain Hills AZ Publishes College Basketball Party Tips

Spa Dealers Fountain Hills, AZ - Dimension Hot Tub and Swim Spas Dealer Offers Different Ways to Gear Up For College Basketball - Offers Free Test Soaks to Local Residents - April 05, 2014 - Southwest Spas

Sagging, Aging Facial Skin? New Serum Helps Restore Natural Look

Sagging, Aging Facial Skin? New Serum Helps Restore Natural Look

Can sagging skin, especially on the lower face and throat be made more firm to bring a more youthful appearance- -without surgery? One of the nation’s longest-established all-natural, skin care products companies, has answered “yes” via their new increased-potency DMAE Firming... - April 04, 2014 - Reviva Labs

Dee & Co Group Invites You to VIP /Celebrity /Press Tasting by Vanity Drink

Dee & Co Group Invites You to VIP /Celebrity /Press Tasting by Vanity Drink

BeCare Life Services is proud to announce the nationwide launch of Vanity – the first all natural dietary supplement with proven anti-aging ingredients of its kind. Created by seasoned entrepreneur Brandi Hezinger, this revolutionary product combines scientifically tested ingredients into a tasty, convenient, and portable package. Vanity will be available online at, and sold in natural food stores and health spas across the United States. - April 04, 2014 - Dee & Co. Group

SpiceRoads Cycle Tours Launches a New Heritage Bike Tour in Sri Lanka

SpiceRoads Cycle Tours Launches a New Heritage Bike Tour in Sri Lanka

SpiceRoads Cycle Tours launches Sri Lanka Heritage, a bike tour that introduces the best scenery, historic sites, art and culture of this fascinating country. - April 04, 2014 - SpiceRoads Co., Ltd

First Brainwave Entrainment Website to Offer Unlimited Streaming Service

WaveriderMp3 is a personal development company that specializes in authentic, original 320 kbps high quality brainwave entrainment mp3s in Isochronic Tones, Binaural Beats, and Harmonic Box X. Waverider is the first website of its kind to offer an unlimited streaming service to over 250 individual sound tracks. These mp3s are available anytime, anywhere there is WIFI access. Some life categories addressed, but are not limited to are, addiction recovery, painless birthing, brain and mind power. - April 04, 2014 - WaveriderMp3

Wounded Warrior/Paralympian Nears End of Cross-Country Cycling Journey

Wounded Warrior/Paralympian Nears End of Cross-Country Cycling Journey

Double-amputee Rob Jones to complete extraordinary feat April 12 in San Diego. - April 03, 2014 - Coalition to Salute America's Heroes

Swarm™ - SwitchBlade Trolling Flasher System

Swarm™ - SwitchBlade Trolling Flasher System

Revolutionary new trolling flasher system for Salmon, Trout and Kokanee. - April 03, 2014 - WiggleFin Tackle, LLC.

LiceDoctors Head Lice Treatment Service Now Open in Syracuse New York

LiceDoctors Head Lice Treatment and Nit Removal Service is pleased to announce that its in-home head lice treatment services are available to families in the Syracuse, New York area. The national nit-picking service brings its nit-picking experience and solid track record of success to Syracuse and all surrounding areas, including Ithaca, Rome, and Utica. - April 03, 2014 - LiceDoctors

National Lice Treatment Company Opens in Raleigh, North Carolina

LiceDoctors Head Lice Treatment and Nit Removal Service announces its grand opening in the the Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill Research Triangle. The in-home nit-picking company has a medical doctor on staff whose treatment protocol has been used successfully for over 18 years. - April 03, 2014 - LiceDoctors

Harkiss Designs Uses Spring Trunk Show 2014 to Introduce Handcrafted Humanitarian Accessories Line

Humane Accessories Company Holds Charitable Spring Sale Event in New York City - April 03, 2014 - Harkiss Designs

Cooperative Business Council of Fairfield Harbour Hosts Spring Showcase Trade Show Sunday, April 27

Local Boating and Golf Community’s Business Council Organization Invites Public to Attend Event With Refreshments, Prizes and Entertainment - April 03, 2014 - Fairfield Harbour

St. Paul Funeral Home Offers Ultimate Sendoff for Diehard Twins Fans

Offers MLB Twins Branded Cremation Urns and Caskets for Life Long Fans - April 02, 2014 - Mueller Memorial

JPEG the Movie, a Screenplay by Greg Ó' Braonáin & Patrick McLaughlin Has Advanced Into the Finals of the 2013 Fresh Voices Screenplay Competition

JPEG the Movie, a Screenplay by Greg Ó' Braonáin & Patrick McLaughlin Has Advanced Into the Finals of the 2013 Fresh Voices Screenplay Competition

Two Irish authors conceive and write ".JPEG the Movie" Screenplay which suggests the photographs we take of each other may take a piece of our soul as some ancient religions believe. McLaughlin and O'Breonian go even further in .JPEG and feel cameras of the future may actually do this, and the images when combined could "replicate" an individuals physical and conscious being! - April 01, 2014 - M Force Media

90 Day Race Announces the Great $50,000 Giveaway

90 Day Race Announces the Great $50,000 Giveaway

Dr. Rollan Roberts II has agreed to give away 5,000 copies of the "90 Day Race" book worth $50,000 in the month of April while supplies last. - April 01, 2014 - 24ravens

The Brady Bunch Convention is Coming

The Brady Bunch Convention is Coming

It has been 40 years since the Brady Bunch taped their last episode but never left the hearts and homes of fans from all over the world. Now, for the first time, Then and Now Events is having a Brady Bunch Convention to celebrate everything Brady. From the show, spin offs, specials and the movie, it is time to bring out the polyester pants suit because this will be a weekend a true Brady Bunch Fan will never forget. - March 31, 2014 - Then and Now Events

3rdRevolution Connects DIY Bloggers with 62.5 Million US Crafters

3rdRevolution Connects DIY Bloggers with 62.5 Million US Crafters

New Program Invites Top Bloggers to Promote DIY Tutorials, Patterns and Projects to Growing Crafts Community. - March 31, 2014 - 3rdRevolution

Dr. Jeffrey LaGrasso Provides the Permanent Solution for Cellulite

Dr. Jeffrey LaGrasso Provides the Permanent Solution for Cellulite

The answer to those puckered dimples and lumps on your hips, thighs and buttocks. - March 31, 2014 - Dr. Jeffrey LaGrasso

247 Home Rescue Comments on Success of Family Safety Week

Gas appliance servicing and boiler breakdown experts 247 Home Rescue have praised RoSPA on the success of Family Safety Week. - March 30, 2014 - 247 Home Rescue

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