United States News

ALTEC to Help Fort Leavenworth Students Build 21st Century Skills

ALTEC, a division of the University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning, will help students in Unified School District 207 in Fort Leavenworth, Kan., develop 21st Century Skills as part of a $2.5 million grant from the Department of Defense Education Activity’s Educational Partnership. - September 15, 2011 - Fort Leavenworth USD 207

Visix Premiers at HFSE with Digital Signage Software and Interactive Wayfinding for Healthcare Facilities

Digital signage software company brings content management and wayfinding design expertise to healthcare facility planners. - September 15, 2011 - Visix, Inc.

American College of Healthcare Sciences First Annual On-Campus Graduation Ceremony

American College of Healthcare Sciences (ACHS) to Host Historic First Annual On-Campus Graduation Ceremony at the College Campus in Portland, Oregon On October 8, 2011 - September 15, 2011 - American College of Healthcare Sciences

Infinite Launches a New Website and Creates a New Web Presence for This Year’s Growth

Infinite recently relocated to the Chicago area and has launched a new website for more user friendly access to what is going on with the company. In addition to the website, the company can be found on several popular social networking sites. Infinite is a sales and marketing firm located in Park... - September 15, 2011 - Infinite

Infinite Joins Companies Across the Country to Raise Money for Operation Smile

Infinite will be attending a charity dodgeball tournament in Puerto Rico to raise money for Operation Smile. - September 15, 2011 - Infinite

YES! deLIVERs Awareness and HOPE for People Living with Liver Tumors to Debbie Durkin's ECO Emmy Celebrity Chateau

From Capitol Hill to the Red Carpet, YES! Continues to Advocate for Patients - September 15, 2011 - Say YES to Hope

James Tendick Joins Renaissance Associates to Lead New Washington, DC Office

Renaissance Associates, a leading corporate investigations and digital forensics consultancy announced today the opening of their new office in Washington, DC headed by James Tendick. Mr. Tendick recently retired from 27 years in leadership and investigative roles as a federal agent for the US... - September 15, 2011 - Renaissance Associates, Ltd.

Red Hot Blues & Cold Craft Brews Festival Presented by the Las Vegas Blues Society

The Las Vegas Blues Society (a non profit charitable 501(c)(3)) charity organization will present the inaugural semi-annual "Red Hot Blues & Cold Craft Brews Festival" on Sunday Sept. 25, 2011 from 11am until 7pm, at Clark County Amphitheater at 500 S. Grand Pkwy. Las Vegas, NV. http://www.LasVegasBlues.org - September 15, 2011 - Las Vegas Blues Society

Savvy Guide, Applying Mathematics to Construction, Published by Outskirts Press

Author Kenneth Williams, Sr., makes construction mathematics and the estimation of materials, taxes and insurance easy with this new handbook full of innovative tips on making calculations on the spot, quickly, effortlessly and without a calculator. - September 15, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Amazing, Simple: Carbavoid, The Fuel for the Future Published by Outskirts Press

This illustrated primer on nutrition basics helps children and adults easily grasp -- perhaps for the first time -- the function of the essential nutrients, carbohydrates, proteins and fats in their diet so they can live longer, healthier lives. - September 15, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Non-Profit Offers iPad2 as Incentive for Booking Christian Mission Trips to Florida

Epic Missions, Inc. will give new iPad2 tablets to the leaders of the first 12 mission trips booked to take place in 2012. - September 15, 2011 - Epic Missions, Inc.

Pennyroyal Studio Announces Signature Collection Collaboration with James Durbin

Proceeds from the Pennyroyal Studio and James Durbin Design to Benefit Tourette Syndrome Association - September 15, 2011 - Pennyroyal Studio

New Website Helps Agents Promote Healthcare Alternative to Small Businesses

New goHRA Secure Agent Website Launches, Invitations Available to Health Insurance Agents - September 15, 2011 - goHRA

Register Now for the EBay to Ecommerce Conference September 30-October 1

Registration is filling up for the Kansas Jubilee: eBay to eCommerce, a two-day national conference for online sellers to be held in Hays, Kansas, September 30-October 1, 2011. Details can be found at kansasjubilee.net or Facebook: kansasjubilee.com. - September 15, 2011 - Kansas Jubilee: eBay to eCommerce

God’s Destiny to Succeed: Success Prayer Book Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated religion and prayer book from Bloomfield, NJ, author Wole Oladiyun. - September 15, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Wild Planet Adventures Unveils New Hidden Thailand Program Guiding Guests to Remote Wildlife Sanctuaries, Exotic Islands

Wild Planet Promises Clients Exclusive, Up Close Encounters with Thailand's Most Extraordinary Creatures - September 15, 2011 - Wild Planet Adventures

St. John’s Lutheran Church to Host a VIP Gold Party Fundraiser

Join us for a VIP Gold Party Fundraiser at St. John’s Lutheran Church on Sunday September 25th, 9Am – 2PM. Free professional appraisals on gold items, with immediate cash payouts. - September 15, 2011 - VIP Gold Party

An Uncommon Marital Journey, Celebrating Life, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated family, relationships and marriage book from Albuquerque, NM, author Jim Shannon. - September 15, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Get the Kids Moving

Urban Fire Dance Studio offers new Get Movin’ for Kids classes. - September 15, 2011 - Urban Fire Dance Studio

Kirkland & Ellis LLP Named Sponsor at Knowledge Congress' Event “Legal Series: The Attorney-Client Privilege and Internal Investigations 2011 Live Webcast,” on 10/27/11

Kirkland & Ellis LLP, one of the world’s leading law firm, teams up with The Knowledge Group for KC’s upcoming webcast entitled “Legal Series: The Attorney-Client Privilege and Internal Investigations 2011.” This two-hour event will be held on Thursday, October 27, 2011... - September 15, 2011 - The Knowledge Group

Author, Jonathan Bloom Discusses “American Wasteland” on “The Organic View Radio Show” with Host, June Stoyer on September 13, 2011, at 4 pm EST

Food waste expert and award-winning journalist, Jonathan Bloom talks about his best-selling book, American Wasteland, which addresses the amount of waste in America that can be avoided and offers tips for prevention. - September 15, 2011 - The Organic View Radio Show

Global Facility Management & Construction Welcomes New Director of Sales & Marketing

Global Facility Management & Construction Welcomes New Director of Sales & Marketing

Global Facility Management & Construction is pleased to announce the recent appointment of Robin Baskin Ladner to the position of Director of Sales & Marketing. Global specializes in diverse maintenance services for national and international retail chains. Robin has over 28 years of... - September 14, 2011 - Global Facility Management & Construction

Local Hair Stylist Transforms Parking Space Into Salon: Mishi Nova Celebrates PARK(ing) Day with Eco-Friendly Hair Makeovers

This Friday is PARK(ing) day and local eco-hair stylist Mishi Nova will be offering 10-minute street makeovers in her “hair parklet” located on Mission St. between 3rd and New Montgomery in SOMA. PARK(ing) day, originating in San Francisco, has now become an international event. The... - September 14, 2011 - Morphic

Pc Pools Announces Increased Safety Pool Cover Demand for Bank Owned Properties

Pc Pools shows increase in safety pool cover sales due to increase in bank owned properties with in ground pools. - September 14, 2011 - PcPools

Boot Ranch Closes on Record Lot Sales of $5.4 Million in 30 Days

Boot Ranch Closes on Record Lot Sales of $5.4 Million in 30 Days

Boot Ranch golf club (Fredericksburg Texas) closes on record sales of $5.4 million from mid-July to mid-August 2011. - September 14, 2011 - Boot Ranch

Fresh Results, LLC to be Featured on Upcoming Episode of DMG's American Farmer TV Series

Fresh Results, LLC to be Featured on Upcoming Episode of DMG's American Farmer TV Series

Supplying the U.S. with Year-Round Blueberry Production - September 14, 2011 - DMG Productions, LLC

MyReviewsNow Online Shopping Showcases the Latest in the Whitening of Teeth

MyReviewsNow Online Shopping Showcases the Latest in the Whitening of Teeth

Spraywhite 90 is an innovative product for the whitening of teeth that produces stunning results in 90 seconds. MyReviewsNow Shop at Home is pleased to announce its affiliation with the Spraywhite 90 system, a bold new way to whiten teeth. - September 14, 2011 - Retail Solutions Advisors

Meyer’s Equipment Manufacturing to be Featured on Upcoming Episode of American Farmer

Meyer’s Equipment Manufacturing to be Featured on Upcoming Episode of American Farmer

Increasing Efficiency in Agriculture - September 14, 2011 - DMG Productions, LLC

Bat Blue Delivers Comprehensive Mobile Device Security Solution

The First Mobile Threat Management and Data Leakage Prevention Offering - September 14, 2011 - Bat Blue Corporation

Magic Lice Removal Offers Head Lice Awareness Presentations

Magic Lice Removal Offers Head Lice Awareness Presentations

Head lice treatment company and exclusive service provider of the LouseBuster(TM) Treatment throughout South Florida, offers schools and parent groups free head lice awareness presentations. - September 14, 2011 - Magic Lice Removal

Fisher Investments Attending Cal Career Fair

Fisher Investments Attending Cal Career Fair

Woodside-based money management firm initiates campus recruiting at UC Berkeley - September 14, 2011 - Fisher Investments

White Digital Media Hires Kyle Bagshaw to Spearhead WDM Group’s Media Sales Department

White Digital Media brings on experienced sales executive to drive the expansion of its portfolio of digital brands. - September 14, 2011 - WDM Group

Culinary Bad Boy Productions Presents: Cooking 101: Secret Tips and Recipes from Celebrity Chef Chris Nirschel

Culinary Bad Boy Productions Presents: Cooking 101: Secret Tips and Recipes from Celebrity Chef Chris Nirschel

Hoboken’s Culinary Bad Boy, Chef Chris Nirschel has crossed the river and is stirring up a Calendar of Master Classes beginning Saturday September 17th, 2011 and every Saturday thereafter at Copia Lounge - 307 E. 53rd Street (between 1st & 2nd Ave) NYC from 4:00pm-7:00pm. The Series,... - September 14, 2011 - Culinary Bad Boy Productions

Dunkermotor Introduces CANopen, Profibus, Modbus Enabled Solar Tracker Motors

Dunkermotor Introduces CANopen, Profibus, Modbus Enabled Solar Tracker Motors

Embedded intelligence reduces bus traffic and can take over mission critical motion control functions when network is down. - September 14, 2011 - Dunkermotoren USA Inc.

Acoustifence® Noise Barrier Cuts Industrial Exhaust Fan Noise in Half at Provincetown Restaurant

Acoustifence® Noise Barrier Cuts Industrial Exhaust Fan Noise in Half at Provincetown Restaurant

Using 4 x 4 posts and Acoustifence material, Provincetown, Massachusetts contractor Deborah Paine built a framed noise barrier to block the ear-piercing sound emanating from a Restaurant situated just feet away from a neighboring three-story apartment building. - September 14, 2011 - Acoustiblok, Inc.

The Greater Allen Cathedral Inaugural Parade and Youth and Young Adult Day of Service

Keeping with its theme of Transforming Community, the Honorable Reverend Dr. Floyd H. Flake and The Greater Allen A.M.E. Cathedral of New York officially invites you to attend Youth and Young Adult Service Day and Inaugural Parade. Elected officials, Queens Elite Marching Band, Girl Scouts, Color... - September 14, 2011 - The Greater Allen A.M.E. Cathedral of New York

New Book is a Practical How-To Guide for Starting and Developing a Successful Small Business

Joseph Coaler Productions is pleased to announce the official launch of Angella Luyk's new book Wisdom in a Traffic Jam that takes the guesswork out of starting and developing a successful small business. - September 14, 2011 - Joseph Coaler Productions

Bayer MaterialScience LLC Study Indicates Waterborne Polyurethane Coatings Are Effective as Corrosion-Resistant Coating Resins

Use of waterborne polyurethane technology is increasing in such areas as construction coatings, automotive coatings, protective coatings and industrial metal coatings. But, can this technology really stand up to these demanding applications? Bayer MaterialScience LLC’s Peter Schmitt, senior... - September 14, 2011 - Bayer MaterialScience LLC

Bayer MaterialScience LLC Scientist Discussed Using Waterborne Polyurethane Dispersion Chemistry to Coat Glass Containers

Industrial coatings (coatings applied at the time of manufacture) constitute a sizable market: in 2008, 344 million gallons of industrial coatings were sold to customer industries at a value of $5.6 billion.[1] Waterborne polyurethane dispersion (PUD) chemistry offers a unique value proposition... - September 14, 2011 - Bayer MaterialScience LLC

Cookeville Toyota Dealer Giving Away TV

As an incentive for customers, especially those interested in services, Cumberland Toyota will be giving away a free TV to one lucky winner. - September 14, 2011 - Cumberland Toyota

Teresina Soapstone Now Offering the Largest Selection of Soapstone Slabs in Northern California

Teresina Soapstone, distributors of soapstone countertops and slabs, is proud to be one of the largest suppliers of soapstone slabs in the Northern California region with the opening of the new Industrial Avenue showroom. - September 14, 2011 - Teresina Soapstone

ClickSSL Action for Network Security Against Hackers and Viruses

Secure your online transaction from hackers and viruses with SSL Certificate. ClickSSL provides SSL Certificates to protect online portal from hackers. - September 14, 2011 - ClickSSL

Youth Baseball Coaches Database from Baseball Marketing

Baseball Marketing - the nation's only large scale contact database containing youth baseball coaches, is excited to announce additional selections in the youth market. Tournament Team Selection The company is now offering a very popular selection of Tournament Team Coaches. This list segment... - September 14, 2011 - Baseball Marketing

Cornerstone Signs Five Year 20 Million Blanket Purchase Agreement with US Department of Treasury

Agreement gives multiple agencies throughout the federal government the ability to deploy Cornerstone’s learning and talent management software in their organizations. - September 14, 2011 - Cornerstone OnDemand

Free Directory Posts for Baseball Teams and Instructors at Ahead in the Count Baseball Jay Kokora and Dona Kokora

Ahead in the count baseball is now in its 4th year of providing high quality baseball opportunities, instruction and equipment to youth players ages 6 - 14. Founded in Boulder, CO, the company is now expanding to offer these services on a nationwide basis. Free Directory Posts are now offered at... - September 14, 2011 - Ahead In The Count Baseball

Wild Planet Adventures Unveils Look at 2012 Season Accentuated with New and Astonishing Wildlife Encounters

2012 Season Highlights: India ’s Hoollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary, Big Cat Sightings at Brazil ’s Pantanal Jaguar Research Center, and a Chance to Spot Clouded Leopards of Thailand’s Klong Seang Wildlife Sanctuary. - September 14, 2011 - Wild Planet Adventures

iGoDigital to Attend ExactTarget Connections 2011

Company sponsors and participates in the largest gathering of interactive marketing professionals in the world - September 14, 2011 - iGoDigital

Michael Baisden and Black and Missing Foundation, Inc Join Forces to Bring Awareness to Missing Children of Color

Michael Baisden, motivational speaker, best selling author and host of nationally syndicated Michael Baisden Radio Show, today announced that he is partnering with Black and Missing Foundation Inc (BAM FI) in a nationwide effort to help find and bring attention to the thousands of missing children... - September 14, 2011 - Black and Missing Foundation, Inc.

eReviewGuide.com Prevents People from Burning Themselves on Facebook

People share all sorts of sensitive information on Facebook, information that could harm them either immediately or in the future. eReviewGuide.com has released a sensible, practical and effective guide in helping people prevent harmful disclosures on Facebook. - September 14, 2011 - eReviewGuide.com

iKAN Software Announces Software Support for the Fujitsu ScanSnap N1800 Network Based Document Scanner

iKAN Software announces software integration of its OneFile document management solution with the Fujitsu ScanSnap N1800 scanner. This solution will allow companies to capture paper documents from individual locations and automatically have them filed in a Cloud repository or a SharePoint repository. - September 14, 2011 - iKAN Software

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