United States News

Wisconsin Pediatricians Oppose Sale of "Raw Milk" -- WIAAP Urges Defeat of AB 628 and SB 434

Wisconsin Pediatricians Oppose Sale of "Raw Milk" -- WIAAP Urges Defeat of AB 628 and SB 434

The Wisconsin Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics stands opposed to two companion bills currently going through the legislature that would legalize the sale of unpasteurized milk. "Raw milk" is a potentially dangerous food product that would endanger children and individuals with compromised immune systems, as well as the general public. - April 19, 2010 - Wisconsin Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

Malhotra Center for Plastic Surgery Opened a Second Location to Serve Ann Arbor Plastic Surgery Patients

Dr. Malhotra, a plastic surgeon in Michigan, now has a new, elegant office in Ann Arbor that offers the latest technology in cosmetic and reconstructive procedures in a comfortable, private setting. - April 19, 2010 - malhotra center for plastic surgery

Heartland Energy of Colorado Announces Otto Hansmeyer #1

Heartland Energy Colorado announces the inception of Otto Hansmeyer #1 in Cleveland County, Oklahoma. The well was spudded this morning and is scheduled to be drilled to a total depth of 7,500 feet to test the Simpson Sands. - April 19, 2010 - Heartland Energy Development Corporation

Loss is Inevitable; Know What You Own and Prove It

Loss and claims that happen as the result of hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, floods, theft, divorce and even death, are going to happen. Experts including our insurance agents, attorneys, financial advisors and even our own mothers, all agree that we have to be prepared for the inevitable. Asset... - April 19, 2010 - Asset Registry LLC

Peaceful Solution Character Education Incorporated Announces Intensive Four-Day Teacher Training Summer Seminar on How to End Violence and Tension Among Students

Non-profit organization to hold a summer seminar training series that will teach educators how to develop positive moral character in their students and bring peace back into schools. - April 19, 2010 - Peaceful Solution Character Education Incorporated

Belly Dancing: Denver Indian Restaurant Style

India's Castle Indian restaurant which is located just 10 minutes from downtown Denver will be featuring belly dancing at its Greenwood Village location every Friday night. - April 19, 2010 - India's Castle

Georgia Author Taps Into the Spirit of Marietta, GA with the History Press's Haunted Marietta

Haunted Marietta, the new book by the author of Ghost to Coast and owner of the Ghost to Coast website, presents not only accounts of ghostly activity in Marietta, GA, but is a thorough account of the history of the town and an exploration of the nature of the paranormal and its investigation. - April 19, 2010 - Ghost to Coast

Tom Joyner’s 2010 Fantastic Voyage™ Features All-Star Tribute to Frankie Beverly and the 20th Anniversary of "House Party"

More than 30 Acts Including Ron Isley, Kid & Play, Charlie Wilson, KEM, Chuck Brown & Doug E Fresh will participate in a major fundraiser for the Tom Joyner Foundation, an 11 year old organization with the primary mission is to provide scholarships to help keep students attending black colleges. - April 19, 2010 - Tom Joyner Foundation

New Release by Orlando Martin Brings Undiscovered Details of Kennedy’s Assassination to Light - Published by Dog Ear Publishing

"I disagree with the findings of the Warren Commission, which concluded Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated President Kennedy from the Texas School Book Depository using a World War II-vintage 6.5 mm Italian bolt-action rifle." says Orlando Martin, a former Navy Officer. Among the author’s claims: evidence of three shooters in Dallas; different caliber rifles; and a different number of shots. He also sheds light on inconsistencies in Abraham Zapruder’s film of the event - April 19, 2010 - Dog Ear Publishing

African Services Committee Announces Positive Kids 3: Through Their Eyes Event

African Services Committee, in collaboration with award-winning photographer, Haik Kocharian, is proud to present Positive Kids 3: Through Their Eyes, a photographic exhibition and cocktail reception taking place on May 17th, 2010 and benefiting African Services Pediatric HIV programs in Ethiopia. - April 19, 2010 - African Services Committee

Yoga Sandals® Footwear Donated to Soles4Souls Relief Effort for Earthquake Victims

Beech Sandal Company donates 1,500 pairs of Yoga Sandals® Footwear to Soles4Souls footwear charity in support of their recovery aid to victims of recent earthquake disasters. - April 19, 2010 - YogaSandals.com

AVST and NEC Corporation of America Expand Global Footprint for Unified Communications

Integration of NEC Active Voice Division into AVST Strengthens Unified Communications Market Position for Both Companies - April 19, 2010 - AVST

Data-Biz Unveiling SMARTFormulator at Society of Cosmetic Chemists Suppliers Day 2010 Booth 1361

Data-Biz, a Marlboro New Jersey based software development and consulting firm, will formally unveil the SMARTFormulator at the Society of Cosmetic Chemists Suppliers Day at Raritan Center, May 11 & 12. - April 19, 2010 - Data-Biz: SMARTFormulator Division

Pro-Staff Discusses Spring Recovery 2010

Sod will probably be sold at a premium and in short supply as homeowners and business’s scramble to enhance the appearance of their property. - April 19, 2010 - Pro-Staff Termite and Pest Control

New Seminar Series Gives Engineers and Owners the Keys to Unlocking Hydronic Balancing

Victaulic, in partnership with TA, brings the TA Hydronic College to 12 cities across North America. - April 19, 2010 - Victaulic

Altitude’s Andrew Stanten & Dave Sabol to Give Seminar at Lehigh University

As part of its ongoing commitment to the entrepreneurial community, Altitude has developed a two-part series dealing with electronic marketing as a follow up to its highly popular Marketing 101 offering at the Small Business Development Center at Lehigh University. - April 19, 2010 - Altitude Marketing

Rachael Gavoni Pres. Of Scoop It Ice Cream Shops Announces Expansion of Operations

Scoop It, a premium ice cream shop opened another store located in Tampa. - April 19, 2010 - Scoop It, Inc

Triple Crown of Thoroughbred Racing Viewing Parties at Mardi Gras Casino

Viewing parties will be held on Saturday, May 1, 15, & June 5, 2010. - April 19, 2010 - Mardi Gras Casino

Uptown Park Houston Launches Spring Social Media Contest for Facebook Fans

New and existing Fans on Facebook Page entered in draw for $200 gift certificate - April 19, 2010 - Uptown Park Houston

Amperor Releases White Paper on Building Your Own Whole-Home Media Source

Free eBook Covers Everything You Need to Build Your Own PC-DVR - April 19, 2010 - Amperor Inc.

Amperor Releases White Paper on Pre-Wiring Your New Home

Free eBook Covers Everything You Need to Prepare For a Full New-Home Wiring Project - April 19, 2010 - Amperor Inc.

Angels Demystified: a New Take on Spirituality... from CDM Publications

The new eBook “Angels Don’t Need Wings” by Mary Ellen Flora offers 65 pages of unique information on the true nature and function of angels in contemporary life. - April 19, 2010 - CDM Publications

Saladax Biomedical Expands Executive Team with New VP of Clinical Development and Regulatory Affairs

Gary Feiss joins Saladax Biomedical to lead clinical development for the MYCARE™ portfolio of personalized medicine assays, as well as supporting companion diagnostic development programs undertaken in collaboration with pharmaceutical partners. - April 19, 2010 - Saladax Biomedical, Inc.

OrgVitality Participates in Forum Aimed at Assembling Task Force to Promote Worldwide Collaboration Among Organizational Psychologists

Members of prominent organizational psychology associations leverage a global collective to enhance service to their clients. - April 19, 2010 - OrgVitality, LLC

Dr. Joseph Mercola Unveils New Organic Cocoa Cassava Bar

Natural health expert Dr. Joseph Mercola introduces the Organic Cocoa Cassava Bar, the newest and arguably a good health promoting natural energy bar in the market today. This delectable and wholesome product is made with all-natural and USDA-certified organic ingredients which provide a quick... - April 19, 2010 - Mercola Press

Xfuel and XtremeModz Partner for a Total Gaming Superiority

Xfuel reaches an agreement with MavericMODS LLC trading as XtremeModz to take over all Xfuel's internet responsibilities. - April 19, 2010 - SpotMyTee.com

History Shown as Stages of Life in Growing Up In History, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Growing Up In History: A Memoir of Western Civilization by Roy V. Jackson. The author's most recent book to date is a 6 x 9 paperback in the philosophy, history and surveys category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes... - April 19, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

NBA Star and New York Native Mike James Returns to His Hometown on April 19th to Inspire and Encourage the City's Youth

NBA Star and Native New Yorker Mike James Returns to His Hometown on April 19th to Inspire Youth with His Recently Released Memoirs "Fight For Your Dreams" - April 19, 2010 - Mike James

Michelle Obama Picture eBook for Children Now Available as iPhone App

Learn about our First Lady the 21st century way. Still Motion Media has just released “Michelle Obama in Pictures” as an iPhone app and computer download. This interactive book includes photos, narration, audio clips and fun facts. - April 19, 2010 - Still Motion Media

SJS Comic Promotions Sends Creators to Space

Now in its 11th year, S.P.A.C.E. is the Midwest's largest exhibition of small press and creator owned comics. Taking place on April 24 and 25, the Small Press and Alternative Comics Expo features creators of all facets of the small press comic industry. Susan Soares of SJS Comic Promotions... - April 19, 2010 - SJS Comic Promotions

Andrew J. Rafkin Today Announced the Release of the Third Action and Adventure Novel in His Madness Trilogy, Mexican Madness, Published by Outskirts Press

Award winning author Andrew J. Rafkin today announced the release of the third action and adventure novel in his Madness Trilogy, Mexican Madness, published by Outskirts Press. In Rafkin’s new page-turner, the O.R.C.A. team returns to their toughest task yet as they try to thwart an... - April 19, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Sudden Losses Challenge Heroine of Photographs and Memories, Published by Outskirts Press

Veteran author Barbara Fifield announced today the release of her second novel, Photographs and Memories, published by Outskirts Press. Based on the author’s own real life experiences, the book tells of the tragedy of a daughter losing her mother and her husband in quick succession and her... - April 19, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

The Sensual and the Serene Highlight Passion’s Evidence, Published by Outskirts Press

Barbara Fifield announced today the release of her third book, Passion’s Evidence, a collection of her poetry published by Outskirts Press. Fifield’s finely crafted free verse offers the honesty and clarity of an attentive woman’s observations of family, men and nature graced with... - April 19, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

South Louisiana Photographer Receives Award of Excellence

Matthew White spotlights the fragile beauty of the Louisiana Coast. - April 19, 2010 - Big Vision Media

Bible is Touchstone in Major World Religions and Modern Cults, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Major World Religions and Modern Cults (Compared with the Holy Bible) by Gilbert Tripp. The author's most recent book to date is a 5.5 x 8.5 paperback in the religion and reference category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and... - April 19, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Guitars, Autographs, Posters, Beatles, Elvis and Hendrix in Rock & Roll Collectors Auction

Gary Sohmers assembles a collection of Music Memorabilia including Beatles rarities, Elvis signed documents and Autographed Guitars to be sold by www.WeissAuctions.com in Oceanside NY April 25 2010. - April 19, 2010 - Wex Rex Collectibles

Psychedelic Art Posters of the 1960s Are Great Investments

Gary Sohmers Wex Rex has assembled a collection of original 1960s concert posters and handbills including Jimi Hendrix, Grateful Dead and others to be sold by www.WeissAuctions.com in Oceanside NY April 25 2010. - April 19, 2010 - Wex Rex Collectibles

Choosing the Right Duplex Valve Supplier -- Advice from the Alloy Valve Stockist

Selecting a duplex valve supplier from a wealth of choice isn't as hard as it might seem, especially now that the Internet is such a ubiquitous presence in the real world nowadays. All thats needed is a little background information and enough knowledge on valves and the suppliers that are promising to deliver the right kinds of them to the right place and at the right time, says Heather Smith, head of International Commerce at The Alloy Valve Stockist. - April 19, 2010 - Grupo Compas - The Alloy Valve Stockist

My Shopping Tree Receives a 2009 Constant Contact All-Star Award

My Shopping Tree (www.myshoppingtree.com), provider of personalized pet products today announced that it has received a 2009 All-Star Award from Constant Contact®, Inc. - April 19, 2010 - My Shopping Tree

Coming of Age Movie Awards 2010

For a second year theskykid.com is launching nominations for awards for various categories related to the coming of age genre. - April 19, 2010 - TheSkyKid.com

Rocker Anand Bhatt Raises Over $40k for Animal Rescue in a Single Morning

On a recent Saturday morning, while most of us were reading the paper or watching TV, Grammy recognized rockstar Anand Bhatt lead an initiative that made over $40k available for animal rescue charities. - April 19, 2010 - Sonic Wave International

Costa Mesa, California Real Estate Company Finds Kitty a Home Using Social Media

Costa Mesa, CA real estate company Torelli Realty found a home for a listing where the owner passed away and left behind an adorable kitty, Lucky using social media technology. - April 19, 2010 - Torelli Realty

Local Vision, Global Action. Tackling One Ghetto at Time, Through Education for Life Program.

On Sunday April 25, 2010 the team of Coiffeur Inga' Salon will participate in the 3rd annual A.M.F. (Always Moving Forward) Show founded by Scott Bentley of Bentley Salon in Tampa. A.M.F. is a local, progressive and educational event for hairdressers in which they come together in creative unity. As well as presenting artistic work with Bentley's B-Concept Team, Inge Handing and her team will be touching on the importance of the magnificent program that is, Education for Life. - April 19, 2010 - Coiffeur Inga' Salon

Virtosoftware Presents Virto Multiple File Uploader - A New Silverlight4-Based Web Part for Batch File Uploading in SharePoint

Virtosoftware has released a new Microsoft SharePoint web part for batch file uploading - Virto Multiple File Uploader with the support of Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. Virtosoftware continues to expand its SharePoint web-parts line, offering a new product for Microsoft SharePoint. New... - April 19, 2010 - Virtosoftware

Canidae Pet Foods to Attend West Michigan Pet Expo, Make Donation to Local Rescue for Senior Dogs

Continuing its mission of helping animals in need, Canidae Pet Foods will donate a supply of its all natural senior canine diet to local Michigan animal shelter Golden Years Alaskan Malamute Rescue. - April 19, 2010 - CANIDAE Natural Pet Food Company

Surfspots-GPS Teams Global Oceans' Campaign with Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society

WDCS expands Global Oceans’ Worldwide Conservation Campaign; Surfspots-GPS delivers a unique blend of hot breaking news, big-wave surfing sports coverage equally balanced with and devoted to an 'urgent call-to-action', we're raising the bar...Global Oceans' Worldwide Conservation Campaign. Educational awareness of the importance of preserving our global oceans, coastal beaches and precious marine life. Everyone can help, that's really the good news. - April 19, 2010 - Surfspots-GPS

Naturopathic Treatment Can be Safely Combined with TMS for Treatment of Depression

Psychiatrist practicing at South Shore Neuropsychiatric Center located in Hewlett, Long Island, New York, offers TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) treatment of Depression, which can be successfully combined with naturopathic remedies prescribed by naturopathic practitioners. Patients no longer are forced to choose between Naturopathic and Allopathic treatment. - April 18, 2010 - South Shore Neuropsychiatric

Andy Scott - CD Release "Hope"

Andy Scott - CD Release "Hope"

Hope is the follow-up to Andy Scott's critically acclaimed Don't Tempt Fate, and its 10 songs-an intoxicating emotional wallop, are written and produced by the New York-based artist. Hope refines that album's take on Andy's sophisticated blues-tinged, after-hours vocal jazz, he's gone even... - April 18, 2010 - Andy Scott

Avant Healthcare Professionals Recognizes Autism Awareness Month

April is Autism Awareness Month and Avant Healthcare Professionals is proud to support organizations and efforts that increase awareness of autism spectrum disorders and advocate for the needs of individuals with autism and their families. Avant is partnered with the Threshold Center for Autism and... - April 18, 2010 - Avant Healthcare Professionals

BayView Entertainment’s June Lineup Announces New Fitness & Dance DVDs from Renowned Instructors Pam Cosmi, Amira Mor and Mindy Mylrea

Belly Dance, Cardio Fitness, BOSU Balance Training and more are all part of BayView Entertainment’s June 2010 lineup of new fitness & special interest DVDs. - April 18, 2010 - BayView Entertainment

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