Florida: West Palm Beach-Boca Raton News

Mirror Mirror Unveils Innovative “Living Magazine” Beauty & Lifestyle Concept Boutiques

Founder Jeanine Recckio Takes Shopping to the Next Level at her Palm Beach Boutique & Shops at Nation’s Top Luxurious Spas - April 26, 2007 - Mirror Mirror Imagination Group

Local Fitness Coach Launches Website Providing Free Fitness Information for Delray Beach Residents

The new site, www.DelrayBeachFitnessExpert.com , provides free reports for people looking to lose weight, golf fitness, sports performance, pre and post natal exercise, pre-wedding and more. - April 10, 2007 - Results 4 Sure Personal Fitness Coaching

Adam Silver of Boca Raton Wins Florida State Free Throw Tournament; NBA & College Hoopsters Can Learn from This Donna Klein Jewish Academy Straight A Student

On March 3rd, 2007 Adam Silver, a student at Donna Klein Jewish Academy in Boca Raton, won the Elks Florida State Hoop Shoot Tournament at The Florida Elks Youth Camp in Umatilla. Not only did he win, but since he sank the most Free Throws in the Tournament he also will receive the Champion of... - March 06, 2007 - Adam Silver

Endometriosis Research Center Announces Nancy Petersen, RN Nursing Scholarship

Foundation Kicks off Endometriosis Awareness Month with National Honorary Award. - March 04, 2007 - Endometriosis Research Center

Lasik Vision Institute Announces Exclusive Use of VISX Technology at All Laser Correction Centers Across the Country

CustomVue treatments provide 25-times greater measurement of eye imperfections than standard methods, can produce better vision than glasses or contact lenses - January 30, 2007 - The Lasik Vision Institute

SkyScan Introduces “Stadium-Pro” a New Lightning Detection System for Use in Larger Outdoor Facilities

“Stadium–Pro” is capable of warning large outdoor groups of potential danger from lightning via its digital technology display and loud audio alert horns. - January 26, 2007 - SkyScan USA

Give the Gift of Intimacy this Valentine’s Day with these Two Natural Supplements from Bhelliom Enterprises

After weeks of men nationwide virtually ignoring their wives, girlfriends, fiancées, and significant others, Valentine’s Day is a much needed chance to redeem themselves. - January 25, 2007 - Bhelliom Enterprises

Group2call, Inc. Launches Two Free Notification Services

Group2call, Inc. who specializes in voice and message broadcast services for the masses, release two free to use services: Goolerts for Google Calendar and the Yoo-Hoo Widget. Goolerts Aimed mainly at event planners, Goolerts allows anyone to subscribe to your private or public Google Calendar... - January 25, 2007 - Group2call, Inc.

Does Wealth Bring Peace of Mind?

The Real Estate Investment Alliance announced the creation of their Mastermind Wealth Builders Group today.  The goal of the group is to enable novice real estate investors to join a group that will guide them through their first deals.  Secondly, experienced investors can leverage the... - January 22, 2007 - Real Estate Investment Alliance

Smartkit, the Learning Strategies Website, Offers Tips to Help Business Professionals Maintain Mental Acuity During the Day

Smart-kit.com Offers Healthy Advice to Business Professionals to Maintain Energy and Increases Brain Power throughout the Work Day - January 18, 2007 - SmartKit

Largest Vedic Green Designed Development in the USA Will Use Green E-Board™

Mandala Club, the largest Vedic green design development in the USA has picked Southern Cross Building Products as its supplier of environmentally friendly specialized building panels called GREEN E BOARD™ that are manufactured to minimize carbon emissions and help eliminate interior health... - January 18, 2007 - Southern Cross Building Products, LLC

The Lasik Vision Institute Provides Consumers with Online Resource for Information on Laser Vision Correction Surgery through New Web Site

Leading provider of vision correction surgery makes site more user-friendly, provides greater information on procedure and doctor qualifications. - January 09, 2007 - The Lasik Vision Institute

‘Tis the Season for Good Vision and Cheer

Laser vision correction surgery becoming the gift of choice for the holidays as people across the country purchase the procedure for family and friends - January 09, 2007 - The Lasik Vision Institute

Oltiby MyBuyBlog to Become the New Business Procurement Tool Using Reverse Online Auctions

MyBuyBlog purchasing method is the first of its kind that allows the buyers to have their own private store for all of their buying desires and needs. - January 07, 2007 - Oltiby Inc

"The Profiles Series" Announces the Production of a Story on Economic Devlopment in America

The Profiles Series announces the production of a special edition program dedicated to emergence of the specialized industry of economic development, and how the international efforts of those in this industry are improving the lives of Americans today. Senior Producer Ed Shaland says, "We... - December 29, 2006 - Profiles Production LLC

The Profiles Series Announces Pprogram on Identity Theft Solutions

With Identity theft on the rise, The Profiles Series announces the production of a special edition program. - December 29, 2006 - Profiles Production LLC

Pursuit of Fitness; Pursuit of Happiness

We set ourselves up to fail by setting goals we really don’t need or want. So what happens when you are trying to accomplish something you really don’t need or want; You are not going to work hard toward getting it. - December 27, 2006 - Results 4 Sure Personal Fitness Coaching

The Profiles Series Announces the Production of a Special Program Focusing on Minority Executives in the New Century

The Profiles Series announces the production of a Special Program focusing on minority executives in the new century. In light of a recent study by the Boston Consulting Group featured in Inc. magazine showing that minorities are starting businesses at a faster rate than non-minorities, the program... - December 21, 2006 - Profiles Production LLC

Local Trainer Announces New Year Fitness Resolution Solution

Delray Beach, FL Director of Fitness Training for the Delray Beach Fitness Boot Camp, Rafael Moret, announces the January 8th 2007 New Years Fitness Resolution Solution with a bold results guarantee: “If the participants do not achieve his or her pre-determined weight loss or fitness... - December 16, 2006 - Results 4 Sure Personal Fitness Coaching

Client Appreciation? New Report Offers '101 Unique Gift Ideas' for Clients and Colleagues

Dump the tired, boring Christmas cards this year and nix those stale cheese baskets. Instead, differentiate yourself and your business to your prized clients and colleagues. In a brand new special report, "101 Unique Gift Ideas For Clients: Easy and Extraordinatry Ways...," author... - December 14, 2006 - Marketing-Referral-Tools.com

Group2call, Inc. Offers a Complete Message Broadcasting Solution

New online service offers an all-in-one broadcast service for messaging to the masses. Having constant up-to-date communications with your Customers, Athletic Teams, Organization/Employees and Community just became easier with the release of Group2call’s new feature-rich mass messaging software service. - December 11, 2006 - Group2call, Inc.

World Gym Launches New Golf Fitness Program, a New Training Program Designed Exclusively for Golf Enthusiasts

World Gym introduces the new Butch Harmon Golf Fitness™ training program, a revolutionary golf-specific approach to conditioning, endorsed by the game’s greatest instructor. The Butch Harmon program is designed to increase strength, flexibility and endurance empowering golfers to... - December 11, 2006 - Results 4 Sure Personal Fitness Coaching

Free Chiropractic Marketing Videos Reveal the Secret of How to Put All of Your Chiropractic Marketing on Total Autopilot, with the Latest in Video & Audio Technology

Chiropractic Marketing has never been easier now that Chiropractic Dashboard automates all of your marketing and practice-building activities using the latest in Internet, Video & Audio technology. You'll get new patients and referrals every month on total autopilot, along with an increase in patient care compliance, more networking partners, and more word of mouth advertising... all on total autopilot, without you having to do anything. - December 02, 2006 - TheChiropracticDashboard.com

Maison Concierge Expands Corporate Concierge Services

Innovative advantage for Employers and Employees. Discover how you may be better off – financially, emotionally, even career-wise – with concierge services. - November 20, 2006 - Maison Concierge

Ribbon Cutting at Renu Skin Center, a New Medical Spa in Wellington, Florida.

Renu Skin Center is pleased to announce the ribbon cutting of its first medical spa in the heart of Wellington in West Palm Beach, Florida.  Renu Skin Center, an independent, physician-owned medical spa, offers the finest in non-invasive skin rejuvenation. Renu Skin Center is staffed by... - November 17, 2006 - Renu Skin Center

Tequila Lovers Unite at Meetup.com Website - New Club Offers Tastings, Recipes and Gifts For Tequila Fans

A new club has formed at popular website Meetup.com that unites tequila fans worldwide for tastings, tequila news, and other tequila related get-togethers. The club is located at the Meetup.com site at http://nightlife.meetup.com/272 . - November 15, 2006 - Voodoo Tiki Tequila Corp.

New MyBuyBlog Service Revealed on Oltiby.com Online Auctions Marketplace

Oltiby Inc introduced last year the first complete reverse auctions platform allowing user to  benefit from savings using online auctions in reverse. Today, Oltiby.com launches a new service dedicated to buyers: MyBuyBlog. This reverse auctions site has an innovative technology that will... - November 07, 2006 - Oltiby Inc

New Woman-Owned IT Solutions Firm Launches

Compustaff, Inc., a woman-owned enterprise serving the needs of the IT industry, launches in South Florida, offering customer-centric IT solutions and staff augmentation services with a focus on building business partnerships. - November 06, 2006 - Compustaff, Inc.

Consumer Credit Management Service Launches Free Educational Course

CCMS believes that an educated consumer will be better able to manage their finances and avoid falling into hardships. Consumers that are knowledgeable in matters pertaining to their finances will be less likely to contribute to the growing trend of personal bankruptcy. As an educational... - November 04, 2006 - Consumer Credit Management Services

Local Inventor Assists Shoppers at the Palm Beach Home Show

Florida inventor has successful debut for his unique shoppers assistance product at South Florida Home show. - October 14, 2006 - Baggy Buddy Easy Carry Handles

Palm Beach International Film Festival Announces Call to Entries

Competitive Film Festival Welcomes Filmmakers Worldwide to Partake in the 12th Annual Event - October 04, 2006 - Palm Beach International Film Festival

Success is All in the Family

With the Franchising Launch of Fast-Casual Concept Pyrogrill, Michael Curcio is Following the Success his Father Found with Tires. - September 30, 2006 - Pyrogrill Franchising Inc.

Shapes and Pages Offers Clients Self Service Content Management

Shapes and Pages now offers clients a web site Content Management System (CMS) that provides significant business advantage over traditional web development. After extensive research and client feedback Typo3 was selected as the best and strongest product available. Typo3 is recognized around... - September 23, 2006 - Shapes and Pages

Industry Praises Employers Rx for New HR Outsourcing Website

peo-quote.com Attracts Professional Employer Organizations from Coast to Coast Employers Rx LLC, a South Florida HR consulting firm launched their new B-2-B website peo-quote.com - September 22, 2006 - Employers Rx

Joesoef Skin Care by Dermatologist Dr. Joesoef will be Available on Amazon

Joesoef Skin Care will now be available on Amazon.Com. Eddie Joesoef, CEO of Joesoef Skin Care Distributors, announced today that his company has finalized agreements and it has been approved as a new Vendor to sell on Amazon, one of the world's largest online retailers. Joesoef Skin Care is well... - September 20, 2006 - Dr Joesoef Skin Care

Dynamic Entrepreneurs Create Passive Income through the Prosperity Automated System

Joel Carlsen and Neil Carlsen, known as The Carlsen Brothers, combine their professional experience and talent to generate wealth using the internet based Prosperity Automated System. PAS is a unique new home based business that anyone can master. - September 07, 2006 - The Passive Lifestyle Inc.

Golden Eagle Websites Now Open for Business

Golden Eagle Websites, an international web design and hosting company, is now open for business. - September 06, 2006 - Golden Eagle Websites

Big Boom Concepts Announces a Consulting Arrangement with Nu-Life Nutrition

Big Boom Concepts announced that it has entered into a consulting arrangement with NuLife Nutrition Ltd., a Canadian based natural products provider. - September 05, 2006 - Club Store Marketing, LLC

Certified Consultants.org Provides Global Perspectives for Management Consultants

Certified Consultants.org a website with an international and global perspectives on business, management and strategy was launched today. Certified Consultants.org's vision is to serve as a single independent virtual platform for all business & management consultants worldwide to meet and share. - September 04, 2006 - Certified Consultants.org

Hot Bodies! The South Beach Model Contest Hits 50,000 Votes – and is Still Climbing

The Men.Com “Hottest South Beach Body” contest is a year long competition where visitors to Men.Com vote for their favorite hottie from hundreds of beautiful young women. - August 15, 2006 - Men.com

Dog Bowls Become Status Symbols as Trendy Dog Bowls Emerge

Dog bowls have become the latest status symbol among affluent dog owners across the United States. It used to be Rolex watches, flashy cars, and now more than ever people are using dog bowls and other items for their dogs as status symbols. - August 12, 2006 - PetPlace.com

Matthew Anderson & Associates Announces Dr. Anderson's New Radio-Internet Show, "Spirituality for Grownups," Sundays at 12 Noon

Dr. Phil step aside. Dear Abby take a back seat. Here is the real life Frasier with 35 years experience. Boca’s very own gives answers to life’s biggest questions! Do you have grown up questions and need grown up answers? Listen live! Ask live! Dr. Anderson’s new... - August 01, 2006 - Matthew Anderson and Associates Inc.

The Young Gunz of Out2Day.com, LLC Announce the Launch of their Unique Search Engine

Out2Day.com, Search.Find.Do - July 29, 2006 - Out2Day.com,LLC

Coast-To-Coast Storage Heads to Reno to Conduct Developers Seminar

RK Kliebenstein, President of Coast-To-Coast, LLC, the world's leading expert in self-storage from feasibility to financing, is heading to Reno to conduct the How to Invest in Self-Storage: Acquisition Strategies seminar for the Inside Self-Storage on July 19-22, 2006 at the Reno Hilton in... - July 14, 2006 - Coast-To-Coast Storage

Bikini Boot Camp - Get Set to Sweat Beach Style

Bella Vita Retreat, known for their boot camp retreats, takes Bikini Boot Camp to the beautiful sands of Palm Beach, FL. - June 29, 2006 - Vita Vie Retreat

The Legend of Voodoo Tiki Tequila. Is there Really Magic Inside?

Tequila, the mysterious liquor, is surrounded by legends, myths and lots of lore. Borne out of the highlands of Jalisco, Mexico and created from an indigenous plant, the blue agave. Perhaps one of the more popular brands surrounded by as much legend and lore as tequila itself is the brand “Voodoo Tiki.” - June 17, 2006 - Voodoo Tiki Tequila Corp.

Upcoming Concert Brings Founder of VooDoo Tiki Tequila Back to the Celebrity Inspiration for His Company

Tour featuring old rivals leads to new rivalry. - June 07, 2006 - Voodoo Tiki Tequila Corp.

Voodoo Tiki Tells the Truths About Tequila--Test Your Tequila IQ

Tequila is a mythical, magical drink, believed by many to contain incredible mystical properties. Perhaps the most mysterious liquor, surrounded by legends, myths and lots of lore is “tequila.” Tequila is an alcoholic spirit borne out of the highlands of Jalisco, Mexico, created from fermented and distilled indigenous plant, the blue agave. Voodoo Tiki tequila (www.VoodooTiki.com) has been inundated with questions. - May 17, 2006 - Voodoo Tiki Tequila Corp.

Amber Alert Issued for Florida Infant (Brooke-Lynn Ward)

Amber Alert Issued for Florida Infant (Brooke-Lynn Ward)

An Amber Alert has been issued for Brooke-Lynn Ward. The child was last seen at the intersection of Broadway Ave and 48th Street in West Palm Beach, Florida and is believed to be in danger.  The child may be in the company of her mother, Karen Grimes in a 2003 Blue Ford Windstar. The... - May 07, 2006 - Project Safekids

Voodoo Tiki and the Latest Trend in Tequila

Voodoo Tiki, a company offering a premium line of tequila blends that suit all tastes and meets even the most discriminating tequila traditionalist and connoisseur’s standards, is partly responsible for this new trend in tequila. Following the trend in vodka, Voodoo Tiki creator, John Taddeo created flavor-infused tequila almost 5 years ago, now it seems every brand of tequila is following this trend. - May 02, 2006 - Voodoo Tiki Tequila Corp.

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