Recent Headlines
Within Management, Scientific, & Technical Consulting Services
N2growth Announces Study Validating Performance Metrics of Executive Coaching
Among other things the study notes an average ROI of almost six times the cost of coaching. - June 13, 2006 - N2growth
ZSL Inc. Ranked 318 Among North America's Top 500 Technology Integrators by VARBusiness Magazine
ZSL Inc. has been recognized as one on North America's top technology integrators. It has also been recognized as one of the fastest growing companies. - June 13, 2006 - ZSL Inc
Anotec Odour Has Been Behind the Refreshing Scent of All Official Venues of the Asean Tourism Forum 2006 Recently Held in Davao City
Formulated with environment-friendly components, Anotec 0307 has been keeping the whole Travel Exhibit area completely fresh and odour-free. It was dubbed the ‘Official Air Freshener of the ATF 2006’. - June 11, 2006 - Anotec Odour Control
Project Leadership Associates Offers Free Computer Forensics Training
Project Leadership Associates, Inc. (PLA), continues to meet the demands of the legal industry and corporate counsel by offering a Computer Forensics Training Session in Chicago on Tuesday, June 27th. Computer Forensics 101 is a free training session hosted by PLA. Their introduction to... - June 08, 2006 - Project Leadership Associates
Jolly Rancher Soda Exports to Mexico
Liquid Brands Management, Inc. exported and sold their first full container load of Jolly Rancher Soda to Mexico. It was sold to distributors in Tijuana and Mexicali, the northern part of Mexico. - June 07, 2006 - Liquid Brands Management, Inc.
International Profit Associates President Participates in Housing Workshop
President Gregg Steinberg participated in the Housing Workshop for Builders in Biloxi, Mississippi on May 24 to address the housing construction challenges on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. - June 03, 2006 - IPA
International Profit Associates President Participates in Small Business Summit
International Profit Associates (IPA-IBA) President Gregg Steinberg was a panelist at the ACCESS 2006 U.S. Chamber of Commerce Small Business Summit on May 12. - June 03, 2006 - IPA
IPA Charities Supports Hasbara Fellowship
IPA Charities supports the Hasbara Fellowship to help send 150 university students to Israel. - June 02, 2006 - IPA
IPA Charities Announces the Fourth Annual 'Chip fore Charity'
The 4th annual ‘Chip Fore Charity’ Celebrity Golf Classic allows sponsors and employees of IPA the opportunity to participate in the worthy cause of raising money for Juvenile Diabetes and the Cancer Wellness Center in Northbrook, Ill. - June 02, 2006 - IPA
IPA Charities Supports Special Olympics Windy City Rubber Ducky Derby
IPA Charities is proud to be the presenting sponsor of the upcoming Special Olympics Windy City Rubber Ducky Derby. - June 02, 2006 - IPA
International Profit Associates to Hold Third Annual Blood Drive with American Red Cross
The International Profit Associates and American Red Cross Blood drive will be held on July 27, 2006. - June 02, 2006 - IPA
N2growth’s Chief Strategy Officer Nominated for Fast 50
Mike Myatt, N2growth’s Chief Strategy Officer is Nominated for FastCompany Magazine’s Fast 50 List. - June 01, 2006 - N2growth
IPA Charities Donations for 2006 Totals $300,000 to Date
IPA Charities has donated $300,000 to many local and national charities in the quest to improve communities and the world. - May 27, 2006 - IPA
Atlas Ergonomics to Present on Hot Topics at Three National Conferences
In support of its mission to encourage continuous improvement in worker health and safety, Atlas Ergonomics will share recent discoveries and results of its bottom-line approach at three national conferences in June. - May 24, 2006 - Atlas Ergonomics, LLC
N2growth Releases New Article on Talent Management
This new Article by N2growth’s Managing Director and Chief Strategy Officer explains “How to Win the War for Talent.” - May 23, 2006 - N2growth
International Profit Associated Ranked First by The Business Ledger
The Business Ledger, a premier newspaper for the Chicago suburbs, ranked IPA-IBA as the Largest Business Consultant in April 2006. - May 23, 2006 - IPA
N2growth Announces Formation of New CEO Peer Group
This new CEO Peer Group will be solely focused on increasing brand equity. - May 22, 2006 - N2growth
N2growth Announces a Better Way to Develop Talent
N2growth’s Talent Management Practice is Changing the Way Companies Recruit, Retain, Develop, and Deploy their Human Capital. - May 20, 2006 - N2growth
Acutest Selected by Royal Mail Group for Framework Contract
The Royal Mail Group have selected Acutest, a software testing and assurance consultancy, to provide specialist client side skills and services. - May 20, 2006 - Acutest Software Testing Services
N2growth Announces the Launch of a New Business Blog
N2growth’s Managing Director and Chief Strategy Officer to moderate the new Blog. - May 17, 2006 - N2growth
River Bend Sportsman’s Resort Hosts The Ken Blanchard Companies Whale Done!®The Power of Positive Relationships
River Bend Sportsman’s Resort is pleased to announce that beginning June 2006, The Ken Blanchard Companies leadership workshop, Whale Done!® The Power of Positive Relationships will be available. - May 16, 2006 - R Success, LLC
Gerald Benoit Joins Nan McKay & Associates as Senior Associate
Nan McKay & Associates ushers in a new era of performance improvement solutions for the subsidized housing industry. - May 10, 2006 - Nan McKay & Associates
Small Business Guru Wins Awards for Offering Advice
Shares Top Four Tips Every Small Business Owner Can Use. - May 02, 2006 - Bud Bilanich
Mary Cantando Named To Enterprising Women National Advisory Board
Enterprising Women Magazine Announces Nationally Recognized Expert On Women Business Owners As Advisory Board Member. - May 02, 2006 -
Black Swan Risk Advisors to design and Present Market Risk Modeling and Management Workshops
Black Swan Risk Advisors, LLC, an independent enterprise wide risk management advisory and educational services firm, has been selected to design and present market risk modeling and management workshop for leading international banks. The workshops will take place in London and Amsterdam in... - April 24, 2006 - Black Swan Risk Advisors
R Success Partners with Allegiance to Enhance Reward and Recognition Programs
Allegiance Active Listening System to help R Success customers better understand needs of employees, customers and partners. - April 21, 2006 - R Success, LLC
New Product Development Tool Benchmarks Market Viability Fast and Inexpensively, Acts As “Early-Warning System”
Product Viability Index Aims to Measure Critical Success Factors Using Methodology Similar to Six Sigma. - April 19, 2006 - Brown & Company LLC
International Profit Associates President Participated in BCLC Forum
IPA-IBA president participated in the Business Civic Leadership Center (BCLC) forum to identify key factors affecting private sector involvement in the Gulf Coast reconstruction process. - April 18, 2006 - IPA
Biomaxx Systems Inc. Joins European Federation of Biotechnology
Biomaxx Systems Inc. (Other OTC: BMXSF) is pleased to announce that the company has joined the European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB). Biomaxx Systems Inc. is currently the only Canadian company that is an Institutional member of EFB. Biomaxx Systems is excited with the prospects of being a... - April 17, 2006 - BioMaxx Systems Inc.
EQ Training Puts the CARE in Healthcare Leadership
Emotional intelligence certification training provides a practical and human approach to improving healthcare leadership. SUNY Upstate Medical University and the Six Seconds Institute for Healthcare Leadership are presenting an emotional intelligence certification for developing leadership this May in Syracuse. The program is for leaders and those charged with improving leadership in their organizations. - April 15, 2006 - Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence Network Fills Growing Need for Business Intelligence and Data Mining With Rapid Development Database Applications
Three entrepreneurs have launched, a custom database development service, to take advantage of the growing demand for small- to medium-sized business' need for business intelligence systems - April 13, 2006 - File-Makers
Mary Cantando Named Keynote Speaker For Women’s Business Council
Mary Cantando, nationally recognized expert on women business owners, has been named the keynote speaker for the Sixth Annual Women’s Business Council Gulf Coast Regional Conference and Business Fair to be held April 27 at the Wynfrey Hotel in Birmingham, Ala. - April 13, 2006 -
International Profit Associates Launches Magazine Website
International Profit Associates announce the launch of a new website dedicated to its official publication, IPA’s Business Today. - April 12, 2006 - IPA
Network Event Viewer Version 5.0 Released by Janco
Janco has released version 5.0 of it popular Network Event Viewer. The Network Event Viewer (NEV) is a powerful tool that enables systems administrators to centrally manage, consolidate, view, sort, search, and monitor Windows Event Logs. - April 10, 2006 - Janco Associates, Inc.
Metrics for IT and IT Cost Control Kit has Just Been Released by Janco
The Updated Metrics for the Internet and IT HandiGuide(r) has just been released by Janco. The metrics document is meets the requirements of Section 404 of Sarbanes-Oxley. - April 05, 2006 - Janco Associates, Inc.
Cadence Network Joins Forces with McKinnon & Clark
International Utilities Specialists Join Forces With U.S. Company. Energy Management Firm Cadence Network Partners with McKinnon & Clark. - April 05, 2006 - Cadence Network
Hiring Increases for IT Professionals as Janco Releases its IT Hiring Kit - Platinum Edition
Janco Associates expanded it IT Hiring Resource Product Line with the release of its IT Hiring Kit Platinum Edition. The kit contains over 200 Internet and IT Job Descriptions as well as the 2006 IT Salary Survey. - March 31, 2006 - Janco Associates, Inc.
International Profit Associates Judge "Students in Free Enterprise" Chicago Regional Competition
Larry Lang, International Profit Associate’s executive director of human resources, reviewed and rated the performance of the SIFE collegiate teams and submitted entries. - March 31, 2006 - IPA
Risk Management Strategy Becomes Key to Budget Control
Cadence Network Team offers Advice, Options for Energy Purchasing Strategies. - March 30, 2006 - Cadence Network
Cadence Network CEO Recognized as Who's Who in Technology
Cadence Network CEO Distinguished as Who’s Who in Technology. Jeff Hart Recognized as Expert and Innovator in Energy Management Software Applications. - March 24, 2006 - Cadence Network
Biomaxx Systems Inc. to Develop Biomass to Electricity Initiative, to Meet New Ontario Government Renewable Energy Purchase Program
On March 21st, 2006 the Ontario Government's announced the new standards price they will pay for energy produced from renewable sources in Ontario. Biomaxx Systems Inc. (Other OTC: BMXSF) is particularly interested with the inclusion and recognition of electricity produced from biomass. Biomaxx... - March 24, 2006 - BioMaxx Systems Inc.
International Profit Associates Ranked 6th Largest Management/IT Consultants by Crain's Chicago Business
Chicago’s premier weekly business newspaper, Crain’s Chicago Business, recently ranked International Profit Associates as the 6th Largest Management Consultants. - March 16, 2006 - IPA
Security Template Released by Janco
Janco announced today the release of Version 5.0 of its Security Template. - March 14, 2006 - Janco Associates, Inc.
International Profit Associates Director Named as a Global Register's Who's Who in Executives and Professionals
Anthony T. Jones, director of sales and marketing for International Profit Associates, was nominated and named to Global Register’s Who’s Who in Executives and Professionals 2006-2007 Edition. - March 14, 2006 - IPA
Executive Excellence Announces Move to New Location in Provo: ‘Small Giant’ Company Offers Free Back Orders of Magazines
Executive Excellence, a global leadership development company, announced today the location of its new headquarters. The company will be moving this week to the Pinnacle Park Office Condo’s located at 1806 North, 1120 West, Provo. As a result of less storage space, Executive Excellence is offering free back orders of all Executive Excellence magazines to any company or individual who would like to receive them. Individuals can call (801) 375-4060 to order free magazines while supplies last. - March 14, 2006 - Executive Excellence
International Profit Associates President Elected to the Executive Committee of the American Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science
Gregg M. Steinberg, President of International Profit Associates, has been elected as a member of the executive committee for the American Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science. - March 11, 2006 - IPA
Mind Gliding Successfully Launches Its New Innovative Senior Level Management Education Seminar
The UK-based Mind Gliding company successfully launched its innovative approach to educating senior level managers in the fundamentals of ‘being a good manager’ at a full-day seminar at Broome Park, near Canterbury. - March 07, 2006 - Mind Gliding, Ltd.
International Profit Associates Launches Business Magazine
IPA-IBA has launched a new business magazine, "IPA's Business Today." - March 07, 2006 - IPA
Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Template Released by Janco
Janco announced today the release of Version 4.0 of its Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Template. - March 04, 2006 - Janco Associates, Inc.
Mean compensation for IT professionals has been flat for eight (8) straight quarters
Compensation still has not rebouned for IT professionals. For the eight quarter the mean compesation for IT professionals has remained flat. At the same time the total number of US and Canadian IT jobs available has declined. - March 02, 2006 - Janco Associates, Inc.