Dr. Hartmut Derendorf to Discuss PK/PD-based Drug Development in Rosa’s World-Wide Webinar Series, “Impact of Modeling & Simulation in Drug Development”

Dr. Derendorf, will present “PK/PD-based Development of Anti-infective Agents” February 13, 2012. - February 06, 2012 - Rosa & Co LLC

New Personal Trainer Job Site Helps Personal Fitness Trainers Find Local Jobs and Online Education

New Personal Trainer Job Site Helps Personal Fitness Trainers Find Local Jobs and Online Education

Personal trainers and aspiring personal trainers can now find job listings online at http://www.personal-trainer-job.com/. The site also offers information on fitness career training. - February 05, 2012 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development

South Nassau Communities Hospital Recognized for Quality, Patient Safety Initiatives

South Nassau’s initiatives were among just 10 that were awarded special recognition and scored in the top tenth percentile of the HANYS 2011 Pinnacle Award for Quality and Patient Safety program. - February 05, 2012 - Mount Sinai South Nassau

Annual Autism Gala Presents Community Leaders with Service Awards

On Saturday, January 21, 2012, Eden Autism Services’ held its 24th annual Eden Dreams white-tie dinner gala at the Hyatt Regency Princeton. The event featured the presentation of the Friends of Eden Award to longtime Eden supporters Munich Re, 2012 Guardian Award and Gerard J. Fennelly of NAI... - February 05, 2012 - Eden Autism Services

Paula Jackson Receives PHR Certification

Paula Jackson, Human Resources Administrator at Symbion Physician Services, has received her certification as a Professional in Human Resources (PHR). Awarded by the Human Resources Certification Institute, the PHR certification signifies that an administrator possesses the knowledge and... - February 05, 2012 - Symbion Physician Services

Dr. Jeffrey Todd Smith is a Board-Certified Orthopedic Surgeon

Dr. J. Todd Smith is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon specializing in orthopedic spine surgery. Having completed his training in spine surgery during his residency with Dr. Steven Tice, Dr. Smith obtained his board certification (spine tract) from the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. Dr. - February 05, 2012 - St. Vincent's Orthopedics

Three Americans Embark on a 7,000 Mile, 2 Year Journey Across Africa for Clean Water

Non-profit organization Walking4Water makes an unprecedented journey to bring awareness and resources to those in need - February 05, 2012 - Walking4Water

Sarasota Memorial Hospital Offers New Test to Help Doctors Identify, Treat Early Stage Parkinson Patients

The new technology, which pairs a new drug and high-tech nuclear brain scan, is the first and only FDA-approved test that helps differentiate Parkinson from Essential Tremor Syndromes. - February 05, 2012 - Sarasota Memorial Health Care System

Dr. Darcy Ward Opens New Center for Chiropractic & Wellness Office in Greensboro

Health and Wellness Center to Serve Triad-Area Clients - February 05, 2012 - Center for Chiropractic & Wellness, PLLC

New Online Video Teaches Personal Fitness Trainers and Coaches How to Gain Media Exposure and Handle Fitness Business Interviews

New Online Video Teaches Personal Fitness Trainers and Coaches How to Gain Media Exposure and Handle Fitness Business Interviews

A new online interview focuses on giving good media interviews in the fitness business. It also discusses exposure, building a brand and taking advantage of media opportunities. - February 04, 2012 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development

Cynosure’s Cellulaze is Now FDA Approved

FDA-Approved Cellulaze Cellulite Treatment is Performed at Park Avenue Cellulaze™ - February 04, 2012 - Park Avenue Cellulaze™

“Sandra Ingerman and Awakening Now” on February 7 Why Shamanism Now? Radio Show with Christina Pratt

On her radio show "Why Shamanism Now? A Practical Path to Authenticity”, teacher, author and founder of the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing Christina Pratt welcomes internationally recognized teacher Sandra Ingerman to talk about what we need to focus on for the times ahead. - February 04, 2012 - Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing

2012 Industry Report on Private Practice Marketing Just Published by Survival Strategies, Inc.

The 10 most vital marketing tools for private practice have just been made available in a free downloadable report from Survival Strategies, Inc. - February 04, 2012 - Survival Strategies Inc.

Teen Volunteers Create Gifts for Samaritan Patients and Families

Creating Cherished Moments with Gifts of Love - February 04, 2012 - Samaritan Healthcare & Hospice

New Website Identifies Top Fitness Business Franchise Opportunities

New Website Identifies Top Fitness Business Franchise Opportunities

A new fitness business franchise website makes it easier to sort through franchise options. Now online at http://www.fitness-business-franchise.com/, the site provides a list of successful franchises. - February 03, 2012 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development

Advocacy Group Warns FDA on New Hydrocodone Formulations

A consumer advocacy group has warned the FDA that new single entity, extended-release (ER) formulations of the opioid painkiller hydrocodone could bring on the next tidal wave of overdose deaths and addictions if approved by the agency. Advocates for the Reform of Prescription Opioids, Inc. (ARPO),... - February 03, 2012 - Advocates for the Reform of Prescription Opioids, Inc.

Rosa to Present at 2012 Keystone Symposia: Cancer and Metabolism

Modeling analysis enables understanding efficacy of large numbers of potential drug combinations. - February 03, 2012 - Rosa & Co LLC

Mark F. Weiss, Nationally Known Healthcare Expert, to Deliver Complimentary Webinar for Physician Billing Service Executives on Saving Their Businesses

Mark F. Weiss of Advisory Law Group is delivering a complimentary webinar on February 23, 2012 at 4 p.m. Pacific Time for hospital-based physician billing service executives on the impact of the consolidation of hospital-based physician practices and on what they must do to support their client’s independence if they want their billing businesses to survive. - February 03, 2012 - Advisory Law Group, a Prof. Corp.

Arizona Orthopaedic Associates Introduce Video Series for Joint and Bone Health

Arizona Orthopaedic Associates at Gateway has put together a video series to help Arizonans keep their bones and joints healthy throughout life. The first video in the series is aimed at helping adults retain mobility and strength. “We’re interested in making sure people know the... - February 03, 2012 - Arizona Orthopaedic Associates

CampDoc.com and Markel Insurance Company Join Forces to Reduce Risk for Campers and Staff at Camps

CampDoc LLC, a comprehensive web-based health management system designed specifically for camps, and Markel Insurance Company, a leading insurer of camps, have teamed up to help camps improve safety and provide the best possible care to their campers and staff. CampDoc can help camps reduce risk,... - February 03, 2012 - CampDoc.com

National Ultrasound, Inc. Awarded by Mindray, Inc. as Top North American Distributor

National’s President Joe Williams says, “We expect a 40% growth rate for Mindray ultrasound revenues in 2012.” - February 03, 2012 - National Ultrasound

Mitutoyo Introduces World’s First 0.1µm Micrometer

Mitutoyo Introduces World’s First 0.1µm Micrometer

Mitutoyo America Corporation introduces the first micrometer to offer 0.1µm resolution measurement. The High-Accuracy Digimatic® Digital Micrometer is available in a convenient, hand-held tool. - February 02, 2012 - Mitutoyo America Corporation

The Bright Path Ishayas Announce New Help for Alcohol Addiction

The Bright Path Ishayas Announce New Help for Alcohol Addiction

The Bright Path Ishayas were able to offer their teaching and meditation practices to alcohol addiction patients, teaching them to find peace from within instead of turning to liquor. Through the Bright Path, alcohol addicted people are able to find a solution they have never tried before, a series... - February 02, 2012 - The Bright Path Ishayas

Experimental Ovarian Cancer Vaccine Offers Hope for Cancer Patients

Sarasota Memorial Hospital (www.smh.com) has become the first site in the world approved to begin enrolling patients in an international clinical trial testing a personalized ovarian cancer vaccine for newly diagnosed women. Developed by Prima BioMed, the vaccine – Cvac – is designed to help patients’ immune systems prevent cancer from recurring after traditional surgery and chemotherapy. - February 02, 2012 - Sarasota Memorial Health Care System

Texas Hospital Association Endorses Jackson Therapy Partners as Therapy Staffing Provider

The Texas Hospital Association (THA) and its marketing subsidiary, HealthSHARE, announce the addition of Jackson Therapy Partners, America’s largest therapy staffing company, as their exclusive vendor for temporary and permanent therapy staffing solutions. "Jackson Therapy brings a... - February 02, 2012 - Jackson Therapy Partners

Prasad Medical Skin Care Launches Online Store

Developed by Dr. Amiya Prasad, a specialist in facial rejuvenation, the popular skin care line is now more readily available to those outside of the New York City area. - February 02, 2012 - Prasad Cosmetic Surgery

Hopewell Offers Prevention of Caregiver Burnout with Panama City In-Home Care

In an effort to prevent caregiver burnout following the Holiday seasons, Hopewell is now offering a wider variety of Panama City in home care resources for primary caregivers. For individuals finding themselves caring for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s patients, Hopewell is now offering... - February 02, 2012 - Hopewell Care

New Beach Body Boot Camp Site Provides Top At-Home Boot Camp Workouts, Exercises and DVDs

New Beach Body Boot Camp Site Provides Top At-Home Boot Camp Workouts, Exercises and DVDs

The Beach Body Boot Camp site offers details on boot camp workouts that can be done as home. Options include P90X, Turbo Jam, Insanity and more. - February 01, 2012 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development

Missouri Man Aims to Stomp Out Testicular Cancer 1 T-Shirt at a Time

With between 7500-8500 new positive diagnosis this year alone, Testicular Cancer is indeed a cause for concern. If caught early enough, there's a 90-100% survival rate. “That's where we come in,” says Pinegar. “We want to get people talking about this and make people realize this isn't taboo. “This is life-or-death serious.” - February 01, 2012 - Testicular Cancer Research Foundation

Opal: Food + Body Wisdom Launches an Eating Disorder Treatment Center in Seattle, Opening with Dr. Elizabeth Hutchinson, Md of Swedish Family Medicine as Medical Director

Partial Hospitalization Program offered as all-day, highest level of care. - February 01, 2012 - Opal: Food and Body Wisdom

Respected Author and Religion Expert Carol Orsborn, Ph.D. Joins Coro Health as Executive Director of CoroFaith

New offering to provide individualized spiritual continuity for the Aging-in Place and Long-term Care Communities Coro Health announced today that internationally respected author and thought leader Carol Orsborn, Ph.D. has been named Executive Director of CoroFaith, a unique audio-based wellness... - February 01, 2012 - Coro Health

Winter Park Laser Now Offers New Chemical Peel for Melasma

Fortunately there is a New Chemical Peel available at Winter Park Laser in Orlando to treat melasma in as little as one treatment with the Melanage or Mini-Melanage peel. - February 01, 2012 - Winter Park Laser & Anti-Aging Center

Advanced Cancer Therapeutics Chief Scientific Officer to Present Preclinical Data on Glycolysis Inhibitors at World Cancer Metabolism Summit

Advanced Cancer Therapeutics, LLC (ACT), a for-profit private company dedicated to bringing new anti-cancer therapies to market, today announced that Dr. Gilles Tapolsky, ACT’s Chief Scientific Officer, has been selected to present at the World Cancer Metabolism Summit to be held February 1 – February 2, 2012 in Washington, D.C. - February 01, 2012 - Advanced Cancer Therapeutics

Allscripts Hosts White House Meeting with Dr. Regina Benjamin, Surgeon General of the United States

Triangle Business Leaders Meet with Officials to Discuss Public-Private Partnerships in Prevention - February 01, 2012 - Allscripts

Urogynecologist Joins Women & Infants' Staff

Urogynecologist Melissa Huggins, MD, of East Greenwich, has joined the staff of Women & Infants Hospital’s Division of Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery. She sees patients at the Women & Infants Center for Women’s Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery in... - February 01, 2012 - Women & Infants Hospital

Obstetric Medicine Specialist Joins Women & Infants' Staff

Obstetric medicine specialist Kenneth Chen, MD, of Newton, MA, has joined the staff of Women & Infants Hospital as director of the Division of Obstetric and Consultative Medicine and has been appointed as assistant professor of medicine at The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University. - February 01, 2012 - Women & Infants Hospital

Pituitary Community Announces Second National Convention

Acromegaly Community is hosting its second annual convention, and announces a premium lineup of speakers. - February 01, 2012 - Acromegaly Community, Inc.

FDA Clears ASI’s GenASIs Advanced Imaging for UroVysion Analysis

GenASIs Scan & Analysis cleared for FISH Detection and Analysis of chromosomal abnormalities in urine specimens. - February 01, 2012 - Applied Spectral Imaging

Strength and Conditioning Expert Zach Evan-Esh Joins John Spencer Ellis and Offers Training and Coaching Advice

Strength and Conditioning Expert Zach Evan-Esh Joins John Spencer Ellis and Offers Training and Coaching Advice

Zach Evan-Esh, a well-known strength and conditioning pro, offers his unconventional insights on strength training in a new interview online. In the interview, he discusses controversial topics in the industry, mental fitness, the need to focus and more with fitness and personal development guru John Spencer Ellis. - January 31, 2012 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development

Winter Blues Are in Full Swing

New York therapists instruct a workshop to combat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), also known as winter depression or winter blues, a mood change that affects people who have normal mental health throughout most of the year. - January 31, 2012 - Jasmin Balance

Roberto Clemente Health Clinic to Host Health Care Fair

Hundreds of residents who live in the remote communities of southwest Nicaragua will receive free healthcare at the Roberto Clemente Health Clinic’s Annual Health Care Fair from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, February 4, in Limon 1 Tola, Rivas, Nicaragua. A team of more than 30 medical... - January 31, 2012 - The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic

Best-selling Author, Success Coach & Women Entrepreneur Mentor Hueina Su to Deliver Keynote Presentation at ZeroPoint Global Conference

Best-selling author, success coach, and star of self-help movie "The Keeper of the Keys" Hueina Su is the featured keynote speaker at ZeroPoint Global Conference in Energy Medicine. The annual convention themed "Molding The Future" for business leaders, entrepreneurial... - January 31, 2012 - Beyond Horizon Coaching

Expert on Body Transformations, Shawn Phillips, Shares Secrets for Success in Brand-New Online Interview with John Spencer Ellis

Expert on Body Transformations, Shawn Phillips, Shares Secrets for Success in Brand-New Online Interview with John Spencer Ellis

Shawn Phillips, recognized as the pioneer of life and body transformations, helps people change their lives and change their bodies. In a brand-new interview on John Spencer Ellis’ video blog, Phillips discusses transformation, mindfulness and strength for life. - January 30, 2012 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development

Dr. Mike Reed to Participate in Roundtable Panel of American Society of Phamacometrics

Industry Presenters Will Focus on the Use and Benefits of Physiologic, Mechanistic Models in Drug Development - January 30, 2012 - Rosa & Co LLC

Colorado’s Bioscience Industry Leaders and Legislators Focus on 2012 Initiatives at Annual "BioScience Day at the Capitol"

Colorado BioScience Association (CBSA) is hosting its fourth annual "BioScience Day at the Capitol" on February 2. The CBSA is building upon one of its most successful years in its history, making impressive strides in the areas of industry advocacy, programming, marketing communications, membership and education. - January 30, 2012 - Colorado BioScience Association

"Depression and Soul Retrieval" on January 31 "Why Shamanism Now?" Radio Show with Christina Pratt

On her radio show "Why Shamanism Now? A Practical Path to Authenticity,” teacher, author and founder of the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing Christina Pratt looks at depression from a shamanic point of view – depression as soul loss rather than a chemical imbalance as its cause. - January 30, 2012 - Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing

New Fitness Expert Website Offers Comprehensive Information on Finding and Becoming a Fitness Expert or Guru

New Fitness Expert Website Offers Comprehensive Information on Finding and Becoming a Fitness Expert or Guru

Whether you are looking for a fitness expert to help you with your personal training or nutrition needs or looking to become a fitness expert yourself, the Fitness Expert website at http://www.thefitnessexpert.com/ offers information, programs and solutions. The new site is offered by John Spencer Ellis, a well-known fitness and personal development solutions guru. - January 29, 2012 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development

Moskey Dental Lab Adds Advanced CAD Design Capabilities

Cleveland-based dental lab invests in technology to reduce the cost and time it takes to deliver top quality restorations to dentists. - January 29, 2012 - Moskey Dental Lab

OC Experts In Senior Care Partners with UCI Mind to Promote “The Time of Your Life” for Alzheimer's Research

SeniorCareHomes.com, a leading online resource for senior care and senior housing information, announced its partnership with the UC Irvine Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders (UCI MIND) this month to promote “The Time of Your Life,” an event aimed at generating awareness and raising funds for Alzheimer’s research. - January 29, 2012 - SeniorCareHomes.com

Nashville Massage Therapist Educates Residents on Benefits of Regular Massages

A Soothing Touch says regular massages are important to reduce stress, obtain relief from chronic pain, enhance sense of wellness and improve overall quality of life. - January 29, 2012 - A Soothing Touch Nashville Massage and Day Spa

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