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Within Health Care Services
James Buncher Joins Board of Directors for Satori World Medical
Buncher Brings Nearly 40 Years of Health Care Management Experience to Satori Board - August 22, 2010 - Satori World Medical
Cosmopolitan Summer Party Raises $3,000 for CCMI
The Cosmopolitan Summer Party, held August 12 at Bistro 41 and co-hosted by Opici Wine & Spirits, Grandeur Magazine and plastic surgeon Dr. Drew Kreegel raised $3,000 to support Community Cooperative Ministries Incorporated’s (CCMI) mission to feed the hungry this summer. Held as a... - August 22, 2010 - Kreegel Aesthetic Surgery
Laser Spine Institute Tampa Launches Campaign to Support Susan G. Komen for the Cure
Laser Spine Institute Hosts Events to Support Breast Cancer Awareness - August 22, 2010 - Laser Spine Institute
Wound & Rehab Home Health Celebrates Grand Opening
Wound & Rehab Home Health celebrated its grand opening in Park Ridge, Illinois on August 16th. Wound & Rehab is Chicago's first "wound care" specialty home health agency and services Cook, Dupage, Lake and McHenry Counties. - August 21, 2010 - Wound & Rehab Home Health Care, Inc.
South Nassau Communities Hospital's Treatment of Coronary Artery Disease Earns Gold Performance Award
South Nassau Communities Hospital has been awarded a Gold Performance Achievement Award in Coronary Artery Disease from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association's Get with the Guidelines program. - August 21, 2010 - Mount Sinai South Nassau
Plastic Surgeon Dr. Samuel Lam Launches Hair Transplant Forum
Dr. Samuel Lam, a Texas based plastic surgeon specializing in hair transplants, launches forum related to hair loss, hair restoration and hair transplantation. - August 20, 2010 - Lam Institute for Hair Restoration
Dr. Edwin Ishoo of Boston Cosmetic Surgery Center Achieves Better Muscle Definition and Optimal Skin Tightening with the New SmartLipo Triplex
Great arm definition, sexy legs, flat abs are now within your reach at Boston Cosmetic Surgery Center™. SmartLipo Triplex®, can help you to achieve your ideal contour with an athletic, sculpted appearance. The technique combines three laser wavelengths 1440nm, 1064 and 1320 nm to ensure efficient fat removal and great skin tightening. - August 20, 2010 - Boston Cosmetic Surgery Center
Visit the Hall of Veterinary Health at the NYS Fair in Syracuse, August 26 - September 6, 2010
Pet owners and animal lovers are invited to the popular Hall of Veterinary Health at the New York State Fair in Syracuse, NY, to talk with veterinarians, learn about the diversity of careers in veterinary medicine, listen to different animals' heartbeats, watch videos of actual animal surgeries, attend live demonstrations, and enjoy seeing many different exhibits in air-conditioned comfort. - August 20, 2010 - New York State Veterinary Medical Society
Magnolia Creek Treatment Center for Eating Disorders Appoints Dr. Mary Bartlett, Previously Clinical Director, as the Facility's Suicide Prevention and Risk Consultant
Magnolia Creek Treatment Center for Eating Disorders is pleased to announce the transition of Dr. Mary Bartlett from Clinical Director to Suicide Prevention and Risk Consultant. Dr. Bartlett's new position will allow Magnolia Creek to better meet the needs of patients with suicidal and self-harm behaviors, as well as manage the facility's ground-breaking research on the correlation between suicide and eating disorders in conjunction with Florida State University. - August 20, 2010 - Magnolia Creek Treatment Center for Eating Disorders
Medicare Audit Letters Hit Chiropractic Offices Around the Country, Says Dr. Tom Necela of The Strategic Chiropractor
This order further intensifies efforts to eliminate payment error, waste, fraud, and abuse in Federal program and requires federal agencies to conduct semi-annual studies to identify and reduce vulnerabilities in high risk areas. The chiropractic services study will focus on determining whether chiropractic services billed to Medicare were medically necessary acute chiropractic treatment. - August 20, 2010 - The Strategic Chiropractor
Abdul Rao Initiated H1N1 Influence Virus Vaccination Program
Dr. Abdul Rao aims to create awareness among the people against this deadly disease. - August 20, 2010 - The Institute of Women's Health of North America
Piedmont Plastic Surgery and Dermatology Launches Spanish Website
This new site, under the direction of Piedmont Plastic Surgery and Dermatology plastic surgeon, Miguel Yanez, M.D. and online marketing firm L.A. Management Company, will allow the medical practice to reach out to the communities growing Hispanic and Latino population. - August 20, 2010 - Piedmont Plastic Surgery and Dermatology
Overland Park Chiropractor Explains How Heavy Backpacks Can Cause Long Term Back Problems for Children
With the rising cases of adult back pain worldwide it's no surprise that young children can experience back pain as well. Overloaded backpacks can cause back problems for children as young as elementary school age. Dr. Kivisto explains the problem and what parents can do to prevent it from happening. - August 20, 2010 - Kansas City Recording Studio
LACAP Plans Expansion of Services and Premises
LACAP reveals intentions to add clinical space to their existing offices and plans to venture into internet-based counselling sessions. - August 20, 2010 - London Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy
New Hope Fertility Center Offers Unique Blastocyst Guarantee
New Hope Fertility Center, a leader in Egg Donation, now offers a unique guarantee designed to dramatically increase successful implantation rates and embryo viability. - August 20, 2010 - New Hope Fertility Center
Botox Training with the IAPAM Can Help Physicians Boost Profits
As the demand for minimally-invasive treatments continues to rise, specifically Botox and cosmetic injectables, physicians who are expertly trained through accredited programs like the International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine's (IAPAM's) Aesthetic Medicine Symposium, can capture the lion's share of this growing market. - August 19, 2010 - International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine
Abdul Rao CEO of the Institute of Women's Health of North America Receives Funding
To provide the most affordable preventative and therapeutic healthcare to women and to empower them with the knowledge and skills to lead a healthy and safe lifestyle. - August 19, 2010 - The Institute of Women's Health of North America
Laser Spine Institute CEO Recognized by Becker’s Review
Laser Spine Institute (, the leader in minimally invasive spine surgery, has announced that Bill Horne, CEO of Laser Spine Institute, has been named as one of the “18 Orthopedic and Spine Practice CEOs & Administrators to Know” by Becker’s... - August 19, 2010 - Laser Spine Institute
MedX Comes as Source of Relief for NH Seacoast
Dr. Wentworth of Sports, Spine & Rehab LLC proudly integrates MedX Medical Equipment, the latest proven treatment for chronic back pain into practice. - August 19, 2010 - Sport, Spine and Rehab
IAHSS Survey Reveals Healthcare Statistics
A new survey of healthcare security executives by the International Association for Healthcare Security & Safety (IAHSS) reveals increases in reported violent crimes in hospitals in 2009 compared to similar crimes reported in a survey five years ago. - August 18, 2010 - International Association for Healthcare Security and Safety
DDC Launches UK Mobile DNA Sample Collection Service
DNA Diagnostics Centre has launched a new service enabling private clients, immigration law specialists, family and child law solicitors to have DNA samples collected by a mobile DNA collection team throughout the United Kingdom. - August 18, 2010 - DNA Diagnostics Centre
Saint Joseph-London Prepares to Move Hospital One Patient at a Time
With support from surrounding counties’ EMS teams, patients will transfer to the new replacement hospital every three minutes - August 18, 2010 - Saint Joseph Health System
EMP Begins Partnership with Mercy Hospital Anderson in Cincinnati, Ohio
Emergency Medicine Physicians is pleased to announce that they are providing Emergency Department Services at Mercy Hospital Anderson in Cincinnati, Ohio effective July 1, 2010. Mercy Hospital Anderson is part of the Mercy Health Partners Organization, a mission-driven integrated healthcare... - August 18, 2010 - Emergency Medicine Physicians (EMP)
Piedmont Plastic Surgery and Dermatology Surgeon Selected to Attend Breast Implant Preceptorship in Sweden
Daniel Ness, M.D. was one of only four select doctors in the US invited to a specialized training about the latest breast implant technology using contour profile gel (CPG) implants. - August 18, 2010 - Piedmont Plastic Surgery and Dermatology
CEO Will Rosellini and MicroTransponder Inc. Named Finalists for the 10th Annual Tech Titans Awards
The MTBC has named CEO Will Rosellini a finalist for the Tech Innovator category and MicroTransponder a finalist for the Emerging Company Horizon category for the 10th Annual Tech Titan Awards in Texas. - August 17, 2010 - MicroTransponder Inc.
EMP Announces: Dr. Kevin Markowski Recognized for Excellence in Trauma Care
Kevin Markowski, MD, recognized with C.T. Thompson M.D. Award for Excellence in Trauma Care 2009 - August 16, 2010 - Emergency Medicine Physicians (EMP)
EMP Announces: Dr. Michael Frank Recognized for Contributions to Ohio's Healthcare
Michael Frank MD, JD, FACEP, was recently honored by the City of Cleveland for his outstanding service to the citizens of Cleveland and surrounding communities. - August 16, 2010 - Emergency Medicine Physicians (EMP)
Madelia Community Hospital Announces New Caregiver Support Program
The Madelia Community Hospital is hosting a weekly Caregiver Support Group in conjunction with Wellspring for area Caregivers. This weekly support group is open to the public. - August 15, 2010 - Madelia Community Hospital
South Nassau Communities Hospital Implants World’s Smallest, Wireless Remote Pacemaker
“The patients who receive this implant can benefit from the pacemaker’s size, durability and novel rate regulation algorithm. It also has real-time, cellular-based home monitoring,” said Dr. Kanner. - August 15, 2010 - Mount Sinai South Nassau
Holistic Healing By Design Launches New Hypnosis & NLP Programs
New York City based Holistic Healing By Design, providers of Hypnosis and NLP services, announce the launch of three new hypnosis programs. - August 15, 2010 - Holstic Healing By Design
Buteyko Clinic's Natural Asthma Treatment is Featured in MN Health Care News Magazine
For the countless asthma sufferers in the US and worldwide what are the options to treat this chronic illness? The Buteyko Clinic in Minneapolis offers a very effective natural breathing therapy that, when used as adjunct to carefully considered conventional treatment, might send asthma into... - August 15, 2010 - Buteyko Clinic USA
South Nassau Communities Hospital to Honor Leading Defense Attorney
The Carnation Ball honoree is recognized for exemplary leadership and contributions in support of South Nassau’s mission to provide cost-effective, high-quality healthcare. Mr. Morvillo has served on South Nassau’s board directors since 2004 and his support and generosity have helped South Nassau continue to achieve unprecedented growth despite a tumultuous economy for the New York’s hospitals. - August 14, 2010 - Mount Sinai South Nassau
DayOne Health Chicago Offers Free Lap-Band® Surgery
DayOne Health, a leading outpatient weight loss surgery program located at the 900 North Michigan Surgery Center in downtown Chicago, is offering the chance to receive LAP-BAND® Surgery at no cost plus twelve months of free follow up care. - August 14, 2010 - Day One Health
HCG Adds HIFU, a Minimally Invasive Procedure, to Treat Prostrate Cancer
State-of-the-art acoustic ablation technique reduces prostrate cancer treatment to one sitting. - August 14, 2010 - HealthCare Global Enterprises Ltd.
Clinical Trials in Russia. 2nd Quarter 2010.
The Federal Service on Surveillance in Healthcare and Social Development of the Russian Federation (alias RosZdravNadzor, RZN) approved 178 new clinical trials of all types including local and bioequivalence studies during the second quarter of 2010 demonstrating a 38% increase over the corresponding period of last year. - August 14, 2010 - Synergy Research Group
Laser Spine Institute Scottsdale Hosts Physician’s Seminar for Health Care Professionals
Company Offers Educational Event in Arizona. - August 14, 2010 - Laser Spine Institute
21st Century Oncology Among World’s First to Offer TrueBeam™
New radiation delivery system accelerates treatment for cancer with unprecedented speed and accuracy. - August 14, 2010 - 21st Century Oncology
Toastmasters International Announces a New Club Forming at the Jennifer Diamond Cancer Foundation Resource Center in Chatsworth, CA -
Toastmasters International is launching a new club at the Jennifer Diamond Cancer Foundation Resource Center, 9410 Owensmouth Avenue, Chatsworth, CA 91311, to speak about your cancer experience in a safe and supportive environment. Communicating about cancer with your loved ones and doctors is an... - August 14, 2010 - Toastmasters Chatsworth
Over 1,000 Yoga Studios Offering One Week Free Yoga During National Yoga Month September
During National Yoga Month September, millions will come together to celebrate yoga and it's many health benefits. Free Yoga Classes and One Week Free Yoga will be offered by over 1,000 yoga studios nationwide. Festivities will take place across the U.S., with hundreds of studios, teachers, individuals and organizers taking part in their own hometowns. - August 14, 2010 - Yoga Health Foundation
IAPAM Announces New Spanish Version of Its hCG Weight Loss Resource
The IAPAM is committed to providing physicians with the industry's best resources for hCG and medical weight loss management. In today's global economy, Spanish-speaking consumers and businesses account for almost 20 percent of all gross spending. Spanish is the official language of 24 countries and is spoken as a first language by over 400 million potential patients around the world. To serve this growing market segment, the IAPAM has announced that it now offers its hCG Guide in Spanish. - August 14, 2010 - International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine
CPEhr Named One of "Best Places to Work" in Los Angeles
HRO firm ranked for the second year in a row in the LA Business Journal’s prestigious "Best Places to Work" 2010 competition. - August 13, 2010 - CPE HR, Inc.
Educated Patient Announces Opening of Tampa Bay Patient Education Center
Educated Patient just announced the opening of their first Patient Education Center in the Tampa Bay, FL area. Over 100 classes ranging from cancer, diabetes, mental illness to cardiovascular disease will be available to patients and their families. - August 13, 2010 - Educated Patient, LLC
Leah Koenig, Parent Coach and Child Therapist in Bellevue, Washington Announces the Launch of Her New Website at
Leah Koenig, parent coach and child therapist at Collaborative Couples & Family Counseling, LLC in Bellevue, Washington announces the launch of her Parent Coaching and Child Therapy website located at Parents searching for help with behavioral issues often turn to... - August 13, 2010 - Bellevue Family Counseling
Avant Healthcare Professionals to Exhibit at the 46th Annual American Society for Healthcare Human Resources Administration (ASHHRA) Conference and Exposition
According to Brian Hudson, Senior Vice President, "ASSHRA provides the opportunity to share our long term and retention focused approach to providing internationally trained healthcare professionals to progressive healthcare organizations." - August 13, 2010 - Avant Healthcare Professionals
IAPAM Enhances "Resources" Section with the Latest Cosmetic Laser and Skin Rejuvenation Advancements
The IAPAM has just added two new sections to its globally-respected website ( This new web content focuses on Laser & Light Devices and Skin Resurfacing. As part of the International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine's website, the Resources Sections provide doctors around the world with treatment-focused content and timely intelligence on the aesthetic medicine industry's leading procedures, such as Botox and medical weight loss. - August 12, 2010 - International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine
ARUP Laboratories Presents Recent Research at Two Major Association Meetings
ARUP Laboratories staff has presented some recent research findings at two major meetings during the first two weeks of August. Posters were presented at the AMLI and ACM conferences. - August 12, 2010 - ARUP Laboratories
Center for Chiropractic & Wellness Releases Podcast on Menopause
Dr. Jennifer Greenfield Discusses Health Issues Related To Menopause - August 12, 2010 - Center for Chiropractic & Wellness, PLLC
Dr. Mark Galland Named Panelist at Inaugural VYPE High Schools Sports Conference & Expo Aug. 21
Orthopaedic Surgeon and Sports Medicine Specialist to Discuss Injury Prevention - August 12, 2010 - Dr. Galland
International Specialists Gather at Taiwan's Min-Sheng General Hospital to Discuss the Use of Bariatric Surgery in the Treatment of Type II Diabetes Mellitus
Doctors from across Asia met in Taiwan to discuss the opportunities offered by gastrointestinal surgery to treat Type II Diabetes. - August 12, 2010 - Min-Sheng Hospital
SWLC Expands Its Services to the Toronto Area
Leading obesity surgery clinic in Canada, Surgical Weight Loss Centre (SWLC), has expanded its services to the Toronto area. - August 12, 2010 - Surgical Weight Loss Centre