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Within Health Care Services
Hands on Health Receives 2008 Best of Cary Award
Hands on Health Massage Therapy and Wellness Studio Honored for Service to Customers and Community with 2008 Best of Cary Award. - July 19, 2008 - Hands On Health, LLC
Dr. Anthony Filardo DC is One of First Chiropractic Physicians in Orlando FL to Have Completed His Second Fellowship in Medical Acupuncture
Winter Park Chiropractic & Acupuncture Center owner, Dr. Anthony Filardo is one of the first Chiropractic Physicians to also be certified in Medical Acupuncture in Central Florida. - July 19, 2008 - Winter Park Chiropractic & Acupuncture Center
Tickets Now on Sale for Speaking of Women’s Health Conference
Erika Mangrum, co-chair of Raleigh’s Speaking of Women’s Health Conference ( and president of Iatria Spa and Health Center (, has announced the launch of online ticket sales for the 2008 conference to be held on Saturday, Sept. 27 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. - July 18, 2008 - Speaking of Women's Health
NuU Medspa Kicks-Off New Campaign Dedicated to Their Clients Campaign: The NuU Face of NuU
NuU Medspa, the pioneer of the Medical Spa Industry, will kick-off their new campaign, The NuU Face of NuU, in August 2008. The campaign will feature a real-life client whose life has changed and taken a positive turn as a result of non-invasive medical treatments/procedures performed at one of the... - July 17, 2008 - NuU Unlimited
Ecumen Provides Presidential Candidates 10 Top Reasons to Discuss Long-Term Care Reform
Senior housing provider Ecumen highlights reasons for financing reforms necessary in the American age wave. - July 17, 2008 - Ecumen
Colorado BioScience Association Launches New Pilot Externship Program, Connecting Jefferson County High School Science Teacher with Boulder's Array BioPharma
Colorado BioScience Association (CBSA) has announced the debut of a new educational program this summer – an externship for a local high school science teacher at one of the area’s prominent biotechnology companies. Tamra Miaja, a Bear Creek High School biology teacher is the first teacher to take part in CBSA’s pilot externship program and has spent part of her summer at Array BioPharma, headquartered in Boulder. - July 17, 2008 - Colorado BioScience Association
APFED Announces Approval of ICD9 Codes for Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disorders
APFED announced today that ICD-9-CM codes have been approved for Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disorders, EGID, by the National Counsel for Health Statistics, NCHS. APFED submitted its proposal to the NCHS in September 2007 for four diseases: eosinophilic esophagitis, gastritis, gastroenteritis and... - July 17, 2008 - APFED
Center For Chiropractic & Wellness Hosts Food Matters Movie Night
Dr. Jennifer Greenfield, a doctor of chiropractic at Center for Chiropractic & Wellness (, a North Raleigh chiropractic center, has announced that the firm is hosting a free movie night on Tuesday, July 22 at 6 p.m. at the American Cancer Society Conference Room on... - July 17, 2008 - Center for Chiropractic & Wellness, PLLC
Heart Smart® Recipe Box Launches on
Henry Ford Health System has launched its Heart Smart® Recipe Box, online at, with recipes that are as good for your heart as they are to eat. - July 17, 2008 - Henry Ford Health System
Marriage And Family Counseling Sector Adds One More
Just recently, Jennifer Baxt completed her doctorate in marriage and family therapy. Her mission is to help as many people as she can, which is why she is trying to make herself as accessible as possible. There is even a free therapy forum now being offered on the site to give more people the opportunity to find some helpful advice or suggestions online, instead of having to make an appointment in person. - July 17, 2008 - Complete Counseling Solutions
Amoena® USA Announces Denise Landy as New Regional Manager
Amoena®, the worldwide leader in post-breast surgery products announced the appointment of Denise Landy as Regional Manager of the Northeast territories for Amoena USA Corporation effective May 11, 2008. - July 16, 2008 - Amoena
Physicians at the Midwest Vein Center Are First in Chicago to Obtain Board Certification
The Midwest Vein Center (MVC) announced today that all of its physicians have passed the board examination in Phlebology. It is the only group vein care practice in the Chicago area in which all physicians have received this top honor from the American Board of Phlebology (ABPh). - July 16, 2008 - Midwest Vein Center
PanCan Announces Golf Outing to Raise Funds for Pancreatic Cancer Research
Team HOPE, the Detroit affiliate of the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN), will hold its second annual “Links for a Cure” golf event to raise money for pancreatic cancer research. The event will take place on August 25 at the exclusive Tam O’Shanter Country Club in West... - July 16, 2008 - The Detroit affiliate of the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network
Alan S. Nasar, MD will Present Lecture on “Birmingham Hip Resurfacing System” in Freehold, New Jersey
Freehold orthopedic surgeon Alan S. Nasar, MD will present a free public lecture on hip arthroscopy, hip resurfacing, and hip replacement at the Health Awareness Center at CentraState’s Ambulatory Campus. Dr. Nasar is part of the team of orthopedic surgeons from Advanced Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute in Freehold, New Jersey, which presents public lectures on joint health in the Monmouth County communities of New Jersey. - July 13, 2008 - Advanced Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute, PC
Trevigen Announces the First Standardized Comet Assay Electrophoresis System (ES) for Direct Detection of DNA Damage
Trevigen, with funding from Phase 1 and Phase II SBIR grants, makes available a novel complete assay system which includes CometSlides™, reagents, control cells and an electrophoresis unit. - July 13, 2008 - Trevigen, Inc.
New Back & Neck Pain Treatment is a Remarkable Alternative to Surgery
New Back & Neck Pain Treatment is a Remarkable Alternative to Surgery. The Accu-Spina™ with IDD Therapy® protocols manufactured by North American Medical Corporation is a non-invasive medical procedure that has an 86 percent success rate in treating herniated, bulging, degenerated... - July 12, 2008 - Allied Healthcare Clinics, Inc. The Home of The Running Doctor
Finally There’s Help for Doctors Who Need to Get in Shape to Set Better Examples for Their Patients
“Some doctors are in worse shape than their patients! Some are chain smokers, coffee addicts, fast-food junkies and sleep deprived. Factor this in with the occupational stressors of the job, HMOs, hospital politics, and high patient loads and the perfect mix for detrimental emotional and physical consequences are set into motion," says Dr. Thomas an avid runner and triathlete who has the answer. Finally there is help for doctors who want to get back into shape. - July 12, 2008 - Allied Healthcare Clinics, Inc. The Home of The Running Doctor
Grand Opening Community Acupuncture Clinic
Announcing Community Acupuncture Clinic every Monday from 9:00am-2:00pm Starting Aug. 18, 2008. - July 12, 2008 - Timeless Acupuncture, LLC
Winter Park Laser & Anti-Aging Center Now Offering Velashape Treatments for Cellulite Reduction and Circumferential Reduction in the Orlando Area
Winter Park Laser & Anti-Aging Center is one of the first medical spas in the Orlando area to offer Velashape Treatments as seen on Rachel Ray, Dr. Phil, and Keeping up With the Kardashians. Velashape is the first FDA approved non-surgical treatment for Circumferential reduction and cellulite reduction. - July 12, 2008 - Winter Park Laser & Anti-Aging Center
Employees More Eager Than Ever to Capitalize on Virtual Work
Team Double-Click®, the nation’s largest virtual staffing agency launched a new innovative Licensed Virtual Assistant program on July 8th. This opportunity will provide individuals a viable option to build their own business, using Team Double-Click’s recognized name and solid reputation. - July 11, 2008 - Team Double-Click
MDS Medical Software Offering Free Websites to Physicians with Purchase of EMR Software
Free website integrates with online patient portal: Enables patients to request prescription refills and appointments securely over the web. - July 11, 2008 - MDS Medical Software
Dr. J. Kip Matthews Honored by State Professional Association
Dr. J. Kip Matthews, a licensed psychologist in Athens, GA was recently named a Fellow in the Georgia Psychological Association, the organization’s highest honor. He is the co-founder of the Athens-based AK Counseling & Consulting, Inc., a private practice providing psychological counseling and business consulting services, as well as continuing education programs for healthcare professionals. - July 11, 2008 - AK Counseling & Consulting, Inc.
The Secret to Past Life Regression from Ferguson & Associates Hypnotherapy LLC
“Most people will focus on whether the regression was real or not. But the real secret to past lives is; how has the client’s life improved because of the regression? Have unexplained hurts been allowed to fade? Confusion and chaos replaced by peace and harmony? Our clients say yes,” states Drew Ferguson. Drew & Dawn Ferguson, Certified Hypnotists state what they have found through the clients they have regressed. - July 10, 2008 - Ferguson & Associates Hypnotherapy LLC
Psychological Assessment Made Simple
A new self-report psychological assessment called QPASS (Quick Psychoaffective Symptoms Scan) measures depression, anxiety, anger and related constructs in one test, quickly (10 minutes), economically ($.69 per use) and achieves multiple benefits for the health care professional and, ultimately, for the patient. - July 10, 2008 - QPASS: Quick PsychoAffective Symptoms Scan
Amoena® USA Announces New Marketing Manager
Amoena®, the worldwide leader in post-breast surgery products announced the appointment of Malissa Magyar as Marketing Manager for Amoena USA Corporation effective July 1, 2008. - July 10, 2008 - Amoena
Dr. Thomas Young Earns Chiropractic Sports Physician Certification
Dr. Darcy Ward and Dr. Jennifer Greenfield, doctors of chiropractic at Center for Chiropractic & Wellness (, a North Raleigh chiropractic center, have announced that Dr. Thomas Young has been officially credentialed as a Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician... - July 10, 2008 - Center for Chiropractic & Wellness, PLLC
Efficient Image Distribution and Storage Promises to Revolutionize Health Care
Cost effective, secure medical image storage and distribution services now available from Medical Data Management. - July 10, 2008 - Medical Data Management, LLC
Yoga Month Poised to Make Statement at Democratic National Convention
Yoga Month 09.2008, a national awareness campaign to inspire a healthy and informed lifestyle, kicks off the Democratic National Convention in Denver with a nonpartisan yoga health festival and benefit concert. Yoga master Seane Corn and music sensation Justin Nozuka will headline the events. - July 10, 2008 - Yoga Health Foundation
Girlfriends Health PLC Awarded Grant from March of Dimes
Free support group to help Brevard County pregnant women cope with depression. - July 09, 2008 - Girlfriends Health, PLC
Speaking of Women’s Health Calls for Volunteers
Erika Mangrum, co-chair of Raleigh’s Speaking of Women’s Health Conference ( and president of Iatria Spa and Health Center (, has announced that the organization is seeking volunteers for the 2008 conference to be held Saturday, Sept. 27 from 8 a.m. to... - July 09, 2008 - Speaking of Women's Health
Wellness Comes at No Cost; the Alternative Comes at a Higher Cost
Learn UTOPIA and the Traditional Shotokan Karate-Do Institute are pleased to offer women of their NJ community a free wellness workshop. The workshop will introduce women to new and simple techniques to help improve their health and well being. The workshop will be held at 1737-39 Springfield Avenue, in Maplewood, NJ for 4 Saturdays – July 19 & 26 and August 2 & 9, from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. - July 09, 2008 - UTOPIA
VelaShape™ Cellulite Treatment Now Available in the Lehigh Valley
Thomas E. Young, M.D. of Young Medical Spa is proud to announce the addition of VelaShape™ to his comprehensive menu of aesthetic procedures. - July 05, 2008 - Young Medical Spa®
KLAS Rates 7 Speech Recognition Systems
KLAS spoke with more than 300 healthcare professionals to investigate both front-end and back-end speech recognition vendors. Beyond features and functionality, differing client satisfaction stemmed from the way the vendor interacts with the client via the sales force, support infrastructure, and executive team. - July 05, 2008 - KLAS
Dean Dornic Chosen as One of Top Ophthalmolgists
Dean Dornic, MD of Raleigh, North Carolina has recently been named as one America's Top Ophthalmologists by the Consumers' Research Council of America. The Consumers' Research Council, headquartered in Washington, DC is an independent research company that evaluates professional services throughout... - July 04, 2008 - Dr Dean Dornic
Studies Show Hope for Reversing Trend in People with Type 2 Diabetes
Number of People with Diabetes Increases to 24 Million according to new 2007 prevalence data estimates released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Studies show hope for reversing trend in people with T2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome using carbohydrate restricted diet. - July 03, 2008 - Nutrition & Metabolism Society
Katherine (Kit) Anderson Elected President of National Study Group on Chronic Disorganization
The National Study Group On Chronic Disorganization is pleased to announce that Katherine D. (Kit) Anderson, CPO-CDâ, owner of Anderson Organizing Systems, has been elected president of the National Study Group on Chronic Disorganization (NSGCD). NSGCD is a non-profit organization whose... - July 03, 2008 - National Study Group on Chronic Disorganization
New Team Double-Click® Licensed Virtual Assistant Program Will Allow Virtual Assistants to Earn Additional Income
Team Double-Click®, the nation’s largest virtual staffing agency is launching a new innovative Licensed Virtual Assistant program. This opportunity will provide individuals a viable option to build their own business, using Team Double-Click’s recognized name and solid reputation. - July 03, 2008 - Team Double-Click
SSIMED’S EMRge Receives 2007 Conditional CCHIT Certification
The Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology (CCHIT®) today announced that SSIMED’s product EMRge Version 7 is pre-market, conditionally CCHIT Certified®, and meets the Commission’s ambulatory electronic health record (EHR) criteria for 2007. Pre-market,... - July 03, 2008 - SSIMED, LLC
Cenegenics South Carolina Facility Recognized for Outstanding Design
Cenegenics South Carolina, the Charleston-based medical institute dedicated to improving its patients’ quality of life, was recently recognized for quality of another kind. The facility’s interior, designed by LS3P Image Studio of Charleston, recently garnered major awards from two of... - July 03, 2008 - Cenegenics
Colorado Confirmed as Top Bioscience State by National Rankings
It’s been a banner year for Colorado in the highly competitive state rankings arena. Genome Technology’s June publication ranks Colorado as one of the top 20 biotech locations in the world, and the Families USA Global Health Initiative Report ranked Colorado fourth among states that generated the most economic activity per dollar of funding from the NIH. Further, Colorado placed in the top five of all five categories in the Milken Institute’s State Technology and Science Index. - July 02, 2008 - Colorado BioScience Association
Keene Native Returns to Reinvent Mill on Water Street
Something big is brewing on Water Street and a Keene native has come back home to lead the charge. Coming October, 2008, Keene will have their first independent senior living community, under the direction of Executive Director Toby Watterson. Bentley Commons at Keene is answering a call for more... - July 02, 2008 - Bentley Commons at Keene
KLAS Rates 13 Medical Transcription Services Organizations
KLAS interviewed more than 400 healthcare professionals for its third annual Medical Transcription Services Organizations (MTSO) report to uncover how the vendors are performing in the MTSO marketplace. - July 02, 2008 - KLAS
NJ Medi-Spa Offers $500 Gas Card with Every Portrait Plasma Procedure
Rejuvenation Medi-Spa is offering new and unique skin regeneration technique. - July 02, 2008 - Rejuvenation medi-spa
Medi-Spa in NJ to Reshape Your Body Without Dieting, Exercise, or Surgery
Rejuvenation Medi-Spa and Dr. James Avellini offer NJ a new way to look and feel your best with Velashape. - July 02, 2008 - Rejuvenation medi-spa
KLAS Rates 8 Vendors in Its 2008 Clinical Market Share Report
According to findings in KLAS’ 2008 Clinical Market Share Report, the CIS market has reached replacement status. More sales are coming from organizations that are replacing existing solutions than from those buying solutions for the first time. Which vendors are being replaced and why? - July 02, 2008 - KLAS
Medi Spa First in NJ to Offer Newest Form of Laser Surgery
Rejuvenation Medi-Spa offering Lasertight Cosmetics, the first laser company to offer high power for laser treatments. - July 02, 2008 - Rejuvenation medi-spa
Center for Chiropractic & Wellness Hosts Joint Health & Sports Endurance Clinic
Dr. Thomas Young, a doctor of chiropractic at Center for Chiropractic & Wellness (, a North Raleigh chiropractic center, has announced that the firm will be hosting a free joint health and sports endurance clinic. This is an interactive workshop catering to anyone... - July 02, 2008 - Center for Chiropractic & Wellness, PLLC
A Russian and Pakistani CRO Announce Alliance for Expansion of Global Clinical Trials Services
On June 30, 2008 Synergy Research Group (SynRG), a Russia-based CRO with more than 6-year experience in clinical trials in Russia announced the establishment of a new international CRO alliance with Metrics Research, a Pakistan-based CRO. This is the next step made by SynRG toward the formation of... - July 02, 2008 - Synergy Research Group
Dr. Thomas E. Young of Young Medical Spa in Center Valley Announces Change in Practice
Dr. Thomas E. Young announces he will be closing his Internal Medicine portion of his practice effective July 1, 2008 and will solely be performing the services of aesthetic medicine in his Center Valley, PA location, Young Medical Spa. - June 30, 2008 - Young Medical Spa®
Discover the Healing Power of Guided Imagery
Dr. Marty Rossman, founder of The Healing Mind will appear on the Access to Health Experts interview series to explain his theory of guided imagery and the power of the mind/body connection. - June 30, 2008 - Innovative Healing