Middle School Students Pedal Their Way Into Shape on Triton Recumbent Tricycles

Kids get back into shape using the Triton. - February 18, 2009 - ASA Products

Toolmex Corporation Broadens Elektrimax® Line, Introduces Design “D” Oil Well Pump Motors

From the red-hot Texan sun to the frigid northern plains, Elektrimax Design "D" Oil Well Pump motors perform under grueling oil field industry conditions. Designed for beam pumping units, punch presses and similar applications that demand high slip and high torque motor solutions, the latest addition to the Elektrimax line is the solution for those who not only want, but require an exceptional, reliable motor built with greater versatility and added benefit. - February 18, 2009 - Toolmex Industrial Solutions

Toy Fair 2009 and Shocker Toys Booth# 4923

The fast growing toy company, Shocker Toys LLP is set to exhibit at the American International Toy Fair trade only show in New York City at the Jacob Javits Convention Center 15th-18th Feb. Shocker Toys will be set up in the new Action Figure/Urban art aisle lower level of the Jacob Javits and will feature fun interactive products and a great sales team. Booth# 4923 - February 15, 2009 - Shocker Toys LLP

Hydronic Components Inc. Announces Launch of On-Line Store

HCi announces the launch of their On-line Store. HCi produces a series of products designed specifically for use on a HVAC terminal unit. - February 15, 2009 - Hydronic Components Inc.

Granite Countertop Atlanta Introduces a Quartz Countertop

Marble Supplier announces the release of Masada Stone in Atlanta and Alpharetta Georgia. - February 15, 2009 - G & L Marble Inc

Union Springs Pharmaceuticals Introduces New, More Effective Respirator

Respirator stops 99.99% of airborne and droplet viruses. - February 14, 2009 - Union Springs Pharmaceuticals

Chattanooga Heated Floors Partners with Speedheat US for Distribution, Sales, and Installation Services

Speedheat US of Atlanta, Georgia announces partnership with Chattanooga Heated Floors to install, resell, and distribute their energy efficient electric radiant floor heating systems in the North Georgia and Chattanooga area. - February 14, 2009 - Chattanooga Heated Floors

ADC Nordic Appointed to Distribute Zebra Card Printers

ADC Nordic have been appointed by Zebra Technologies as an authorised distributor to distribute its range of card printers in the Nordic and Baltic countries. - February 14, 2009 - ADC Nordic AB

Ears Pierced on Valentines Day for $20, and Donating 10% to the Homeless

J. Rothstein Jewelers of Beverly Hills is offering Ear Piercing for $20 including 24K surgical steel earrings on Valentines Day. They will be donating 10% of the total to the homeless in downtown Los Angeles. - February 14, 2009 - J. Rothstein Jewelers of Beverly Hills

The Handmade Toy Alliance to Hold Press Conference at Toy Fair - NYC

Members of the Handmade Toy Alliance will be attending the upcoming Toy Fair held at the Jacob Javits Center in New York City from February 15 – 18, 2009. An HTA press conference has been scheduled for Sunday, February 15th at 1:30 pm - Booth #1249. - February 13, 2009 - Crafty Baby (R)

PcPools Announces Benefits of Above Ground Pools

PcPools announces benefits of above ground pools versus in ground pools. - February 12, 2009 - PcPools

Rings & Things Wins a Second Pinnacle Award for Commute-Trip Reduction

Bead and jewelry supplier Rings & Things has won its second “Way to Go!” Pinnacle Award in two years for its commute-trip reduction (CTR) achievements. The company’s Employee Transportation Coordinator (ETC), Selina Shehan, accepted the award at a January ceremony. The... - February 11, 2009 - Rings & Things Wholesale

ERGOdynamics Looks for Greater Market Awareness, Launches New Website

Eugene, Oregon based, small manufacturer of custom designed machines and material handling equipment announced the launch of a new web site today to reach market's beyond Oregon. - February 10, 2009 - ERGOdynamics

Western Log Home Supply is Pleased to Announce the Launch of Their New Website. The Website is a One Stop Shop of All Things Related to Log Cabins and Homes.

Western Log Home Supply is pleased to announce the launch of their new website. The website is a one stop shop of all things related to log cabins and homes. They are a manufacturer of log homes with over 30 years in the industry. - February 07, 2009 - Western Log Home Supply

cathaygems.com - San Diego Pearls Wholesaler is Giving Away Thousand Dollar Pearl Necklace with Various Special Specials for the Valentine’s Day

This Valentines Day, pearls are on the top of the list as the gift of choice. Wives and sweethearts alike can never turn down a pair of earrings or an elegant twisted strand of freshwater pearls. With the economy faltering and diamonds rising in price, pearls are the natural present to show... - February 07, 2009 - orientalpearls.net

StorageSwitch Opens Access to XAM for Fixed Content

StorageSwitch LLC releases their File System Gateway for XAM today. The StorageSwitch provides open access to eXtensible Access Method storage arrays. - February 07, 2009 - StorageSwitch LLC

Sex Toy Home Party Company Brown Bag Party Launches a Mergers & Acquisitions Program

Sex Toy Home Party Company Brown Bag Party Launches a Mergers & Acquisitions Program

Brown Bag Party is currently seeking acquisitions through its new Mergers & Acquisitions Program (M&A Program). - February 06, 2009 - Brown Bag Party Inc.

Panduit NetKey is Showmecables's Latest Humpday Special

For a limited time, Panduit brand NetKey Cat5e keystone jacks are 3 dollars each. - February 06, 2009 - Integrated Network Cable

Colorado-Made Sports Bag Makes International Debut

SFEAR JAMSAK™ is a Winter ISPO Brand New Finalist - February 06, 2009 - SFEAR USA Sports & Athletic Gear

Blake Products Reveals Ram Board Temporary Floor Protection for the Construction Industry

A new innovative reusable floor protection product designed to protect the floor during the building process is hitting the market. Manufactured specifically for reducing damage from dents and scratches, this product will protect floors during all phases of construction. - February 06, 2009 - Surface Protection International

Launch of imperialjewels.com Website Promises Lower Cost Jewelry

Imperial Jewels’ Internet Pricing Structures Provides Jewelry at 75% Below Physical Jewelry Retailers. - February 04, 2009 - www.imperialjewels.com

Valentine's Day Boosts Sales at UK's Fastest Growing Drop Shipping Company

Valentine's Day boosts sales at UK's fastest growing drop shipping company, Mystic Charms. - February 04, 2009 - Mystic Charms

New ‘Aspect’ Peel and Stick Metal Tiles from ACP

ACP has introduced a new decorative metal tile that provides the look of custom metal backsplash and wall paneling at a fraction of the cost of custom metal installations. Whether you are remodeling an entire room or simply accenting a small area, Aspect™ architectural metal tiles create an... - February 04, 2009 - ACP-Acoustic Ceiling Products

Battech’s Laptop Battery Power Saving Tips – Part II

Battech's battery specialists have created the second part to their successful feature on how to maintain the power in laptop batteries for as long as possible when there is no access to a mains power source. - February 04, 2009 - Battech International Limited

Guild For Service and Rasvihar Announce an Exhibition and Charity Sale of Fine Jewellery to Benefit the Widows of Vrindavan Feb 12 to 14 at the Oberoi Hotel, New Delhi

Guild For Service, New Delhi and Rasvihar of Chennai, India, present The Fine Art of Indian Jewellery, an exhibition and charity sale of fine jewellery to benefit the Widows of Vrindavan. February 12, 13 and 14, 2009 between 10 am and 8 pm at The Oberoi Hotel, Dr. Zakir Hussain Marg, New Delhi 110003. The Inaugural and Preview will take place on February 11 at 4 pm at The Oberoi. Smt. Sheila Dixit, the hon’ble chief minister of Delhi, has graciously consented to inaugurate the event. - February 03, 2009 - Resplenda Expressions Private Limited

RCA Modular Inserts Are ShowMeCables's Latest Humpday Special

While supplies last, female-to-female RCA modular inserts are $1 off normal pricing at $2.25/each. - February 02, 2009 - Integrated Network Cable

Store Supply Warehouse Releases Winter 2009 Catalog

Store Supply Warehouse releases 2009 winter catalog. - February 01, 2009 - Store Supply Warehouse

BoBijou Announces a Breakthrough Method of Pearl Knotting to Set a New Industry Standard for Pearl Jewelry Longevity

A proprietary method of hand knotting pearls on quadruple strands of Japanese made silk and Nylon thread makes the typical recommendation for re-stringing pearls every 1-2 years obsolete. - January 31, 2009 - BoBijou

PcPools Confirms More Brick and Mortar Retailers Closings Expected

PcPools confirms strong growth in 2008, expects trend to continue toward stronger eCommerce sales in 2009. - January 30, 2009 - PcPools

Battech’s Tips for Laptop Battery Maintenance

Battech have produced some tips on how to maintain laptop batteries when consumers need to keep operating for as long as possible and do not have a main power source. - January 30, 2009 - Battech International Limited

Time for a National Conference on Employment: SansGov Director Reacts to the Latest Fall in the Australian Government’s Leading Employment Indicator

The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (The Australian Government) latest monthly leading indicator for employment has fallen for the twelfth consecutive month in January with New South Wales showing the largest drop in skilled vacancies by 10.4%. In addition, of the 18 professions monitored by DEEWR, 17 had shown a fall while trade vacancies declined by a further 10%. - January 29, 2009 - Sanseman Government

European Car Part Business Booms on JustParts.com

New parts and accessories for Volkswagen, Mercedes, and BMW keeps sellers’ registers ringing on JustParts.com in 2009. - January 29, 2009 - JustParts.com

2008 Best-Sellers List on JustParts.com

Just Parts releases its first ever annual list of top-selling parts. - January 29, 2009 - JustParts.com

Green Light Bulbs Give GlacialLight the Edge in LED Lighting

GlacialLight, a sub-division of the experienced technology manufacturer GlacialTech Inc has strategically placed itself as one of the frontrunners of the emerging energy saving LED lighting technology market. - January 29, 2009 - GlacialTech Inc

De Dietrich Launch New Models for 2009

Luxury kitchen appliance manufacturer De Dietrich, has recently announced the pricing and specification for their all new models. These include an all new freestanding appliances. - January 27, 2009 - Internet Kitchen Appliances

CNET UK Raves About Battech’s 3 in 1 Data Cable

A recent review by CNET UK has said that Battech’s 3 in 1 Data Cable is a lifesaver. - January 24, 2009 - Battech International Limited

USA Pool & Toy Introduces New Pool and Water Toy Products for 2009

USA Pool & Toy, located in North Florida, has announced its new wholesale pool toy and wholesale gift products for 2009. - January 23, 2009 - USA Pool & Toy

Laura James Jewelry Featured at Star-Studded Film Premiere of "He's Just Not That Into You"

Laura James Jewelry was recently chosen to create a necklace to be included in the one hundred fifty celebrity VIP gift bags for the premiere of the star-studded film "He's Just Not That Into You" starring Jennifer Anniston, Scarlett Johansson, Drew Barrymore, Jennifer Connelly and Ben Affleck. - January 23, 2009 - Laura James Jewelry

ShowMeCables Announces Latest Humpday Special

ShowMeCables today announced the company's latest weekly special: 2-ft Cat5e patch cables are, for a limited time, 69 cents each. - January 23, 2009 - Integrated Network Cable

BACK 9 USA Offers Customizable TOURevolution™ Headcover at 2009 PGA Merchandise Show

Patented pom-pom headcover available with custom logo embroidery, lower minimums and special limited-time show offer. - January 23, 2009 - Back 9 USA

Scrap Aluminum Processors Opens New Store on the Southside

Scrap Aluminum Processors, Inc. expands withe Scrap Aluminum Processors Two, Inc. Local based recycling company expands its operation to the Southside of Jacksonville. Scrap Aluminum Processors, Inc. of Jacksonville, Florida is proud to announce the grand opening of their second store, Scrap... - January 23, 2009 - Scrap Aluminum Processors Two, Inc.

Software Developer, Big Bang LLC, Releases Version 4.0 - IT Departments More Efficient with Latest Version of Universal Imaging Utility

Big Bang LLC releases the Universal Imaging Utility (UIU) version 4.0 including new upgrades and features. With IT departments in Milwaukee and around the world struggling with budget cuts and more stringent demands on productivity, Milwaukee-based Big Bang is doing what it can to increase efficiency. - January 22, 2009 - Big Bang LLC

SansGov Appoints Former Microsoft and Oracle Executive

Sanseman Government has today announced the appointment of former Oracle and Microsoft Executive, Anthony O'Hara, to the key role of Senior Executive Advisor, Information Technology and Telecommunications, IT Workforce Design and Planning. The Director of SansGov, Matthew Tukaki, has said the... - January 22, 2009 - Sanseman Government

Used Conference Room Furniture from The Furniture Source Helps Inspire Strategic Business Decisions

Conference room furniture refurbished and customized to match desired tone of company’s culture. - January 22, 2009 - The Furniture Source

This Holiday Seasonal Goods Were Flying Off Virtual Shelves

Despite rough economic times, PcPools confirms that this Holiday Season was its best ever. - January 22, 2009 - PcPools

The Chesterfield Sofa Makes a Comeback at Interiors Birmingham 2009

Mixing contemporary room designs with Chesterfield sofas a popular theme at Interiors Birmingham, a national furniture show held between the 17th – 19th January 2009 at the NEC conference centre, Birmingham. - January 22, 2009 - Distinctive Chesterfields Ltd

Used Cubicles from The Furniture Source Help to Eliminate Cubicle Claustrophobia in Call Centers

Refurbishing Modern Day Office Staple Ensures Successful and Productive Call Centers are Created with Used Cubicles. - January 21, 2009 - The Furniture Source

"Save Small Business from the CPSIA" Places in the Top Ten Ideas for Change on Change.org

The Handmade Toy Alliance's (www.handmadetoyalliance.org) initiative on Change.org, won its place as one of the top ten ideas for change in America. - January 21, 2009 - Crafty Baby (R)

Used Bookcases from The Furniture Source, Leading Provider of Used Office Furniture in Minneapolis, Ensure Executive Offices Speak Volumes

Executives display greater quantities of business wisdom with fewer dollars via used bookcases. - January 19, 2009 - The Furniture Source

Battech's Replacement Laptop Batteries Will Give You the Power Needed to Watch the Oscars’ 81st Annual Awards Ceremony on Your Laptop

With the annual Oscars Event coming up consumers need to ensure their laptop batteries are ready in order for them to watch the event live on the Internet without fear of battery failure. Battech's replacement laptop batteries can help provide affordable replacement batteries. - January 19, 2009 - Battech International Limited

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