26 Year Old Author Believes His Series The Seckry Sequence Could be the Next Harry Potter

British author Joseph Evans has just released the first book in a brand new series which he thinks will satisfy the appetite of those who are craving that Harry Potter fix. - October 07, 2011 - The Seckry Sequence

Band Evolution: a Social Network for Musicians, Bands, and Fans is Now Live

On BandEvo.com you can: find musicians, start a band, and stay connected; post your videos and pics; network with other musicians, producers, record labels, bar and club owners, radio dj's, fans, and others; post and share your upcoming events, and search for events anywhere in the country. - October 07, 2011 - Band Evolution

Self-Published Author Shows No Signs of Slowing Down, Releases I Feel... Children’s Series

Self-Published Author Shows No Signs of Slowing Down, Releases I Feel... Children’s Series

Chicago children's author DJ Corchin, has released his sixth book, "I Feel...Different." The book is the third in the "I Feel..." series that has shown success with on-line retailers as well as Apple's iBookstore. Mr. Corchin has explored numerous ways to publish his book and has not allowed the long process of getting a major publishing deal stop him from getting his stories into people's hands. - October 06, 2011 - The Phazelfoz Company, LLC

Bibliotastic Users Expect US School Books to Go Digital in 5-10 Years

In a recent survey of bibliotastic.com users, around half expected the majority of US school books to be electronic within 5 years while 40% thought it would take 10 years and 10% thought paper would remain the dominant format forever. If these estimates are accurate, the US is set to trail some other countries in the adoption of ebooks in the classroom. - October 06, 2011 - bibliotastic

Modern Witch Photography Art Book on Etsy Just in Time for Halloween

South Florida-based Visual Artist Jonathan Brooks Lists Modern Witch Photography Art book on Etsy.com Just in Time for Halloween - October 06, 2011 - Jonathan Brooks

"Truman and MacArthur" by D.J. Farinacci Wins the Gold as Best Korean War Book

"Truman and MacArthur, Adversaries for a Common Cause" (Merriam Press, 2010) by attorney and Vietnam-era veteran, Donald J. Farinacci, has won the first place Gold Medal Award for the best book about the Korean War, in the national competition co-sponsored by the Military Writers Society... - October 06, 2011 - Donald J. Farinacci

The Voice of Brian Has Record Month in a Down Economy?

When things seem to be slowing down all around, The Voice of Brian is being heard all the more. Business in September exploded for this veteran, award winning voice-over professional. How does he do it? - October 06, 2011 - The Voice of Brian

Flex Hour Jobs and Amanatee Groups's Radio Ear Network Partner to Bring a Voice to the Nation’s Job Seekers

Flex Hour Jobs Inc. and Radio Ear Network announce a Strategic Partnership of Cross-Innovation Development that will help provide opportunities for thousands of Job Seekers to get answers and resources in their search for flexible hour or work from home jobs. - October 05, 2011 - Amanatee Group LLC

Debut Author Maha Huneidi Joins the Stories for Children Publishing October '11 World of Ink Virtual Tour

Debut author Maha Huneidi wants to help children, like her granddaughter Hanaa, find the courage to deal with monsters and other fears on their own. - October 05, 2011 - Stories for Children Magazine

Paul Parr to Begin New Recording Project

Moving performance of newly released project by Paul Parr sets great expectations in upcoming events for this artist. Talk of new recording project enlists the aid of some big name acts. - October 05, 2011 - Paul Parr Ministries

Author Camille Matthews Joins the Stories for Children Publishing October '11 World of Ink Virtual Tour

Camille Matthews teamed with illustrator, Michelle Black to create the Quincy the Horse Books for children ages 5-10. Stories for Children Publishing will be touring author Camille Matthews and her picture books, Quincy Finds A New Home, published in 2009 and awarded a Mom’s Choice Gold in 2010 and the sequel, Quincy Moves to the Desert, which released in August 2011. - October 05, 2011 - Stories for Children Magazine

Kids Cooking Green Helps Families Connect; Seeks Expansion Funding Through HelpersUnite Crowdfunding Site

Massachusetts-based Kids Cooking Green program launches $40,000 fundraising campaign on new crowdfunding platform, HelpersUnite.com. Kids Cooking Green emphasizes meaningful family time through meals; teaches kids about hands-on cooking, local agriculture and nutrition. 5% of funding benefits Mass Farmers Markets programs. - October 04, 2011 - Crowdnetic

Heather Biggs of Karrimah Farm in Western Australia Earns the IFWTWA Culinary Excellence Award

The International Food, Wine & Travel Writers Association's prestigious award recognizes the best of the best in culinary achievement around the world. - October 04, 2011 - Explorer Media & Marketing

Salvato Golf Course Landscape Paintings Showcased in New Limited Edition Series

Salvato Golf Course Landscape Paintings Showcased in New Limited Edition Series

Limited Edition Giclée Prints of Original Oil and Watercolor Paintings by Guy Salvato Depict Venerable US and International Golf Venues - October 03, 2011 - Golf Impressions Plus

Josh Tolley Sheds a Ray of Hope in "Quit Your Job or Die," a New Book with Unique Opinions and Suggestions for Readers

Josh Tolley brings unique insight timed for this economy by offering witty ideas and advice on how self-employment is a great road to prosperity. - October 03, 2011 - Josh Tolley

New Trend in E-Publishing: Twelfth Night Press Prequels Paired with Originals

There’s a new trend coming to the publishing world―prequels, paired with their public domain originals. The beginning of the Literary Two-Fer. - October 03, 2011 - Twelfth Night Press

Denver's Hip-Hop Prodigy, Myke Charles, is Making His Second Appearance on NBC's Third Season of, “The Sing-Off”

Rapper/Singer/Songwriter, Myke Charles, is performing on the third episode of NBC’s hit show, “The Sing-Off.” The nationally televised event airs at 8pm central time on Monday, October 3rd, 2011. MC is the only rapper on the show and made quite an impression with his Colorado... - October 03, 2011 - Organeyes Rhyme Entertainment

Actress, Producer Klara Landrat is Going to be Featured in Talent Spotlight Magazine

Klara Landrat, actress, producer and writer is going to be featured in the new edition of Talent Spotlight Magazine in December. - October 03, 2011 - Klara Landrat

Award Winning Miami Artist Jonathan Brooks Releases Ebook on Etsy

Award winning Miami Visual Artist/Photographer/Writer Jonathan Brooks releases his first ebook Happy Life Handbook: A Simple Guide to a Happier Life on Etsy.com. The JDB ebook can be found in his Jonathan Brooks Visual Arts shop at JonathanBrooksPhoto.Etsy.com. "I think it's perfect for... - October 03, 2011 - Jonathan Brooks

Lindsay Wagner's "Quiet the Mind & Open the Heart" Hawaiian Retreat

Join Lindsay Wagner for a spectacular week-long "Quiet the Mind & Open the Heart" on the magical island of Hawaii. - October 03, 2011 - "Quiet the Mind & Open the Heart"

The Laguna, a Luxury Collection Resort and Spa in Bali, Earns the IFWTWA Excellence Award in Hospitality

The International Food, Wine & Travel Writers Association's prestigious award recognizes the best of the best in hospitality around the world. - October 03, 2011 - Explorer Media & Marketing

Portland's Gallery 114 Presents "Portlandia: A Series of Prints from the Field" Featuring Artist F.X. Rosica

Portland, OR artist F.X. Rosica, member of Pearl District's Gallery 114, debuts his new collection of prints from sketches conducted on location using the region’s famous public transportation system. - October 02, 2011 - Gallery 114

Sight and Sound Collide for an Evening of Entertainment When Illusionist Michael Grandinetti Performs Live with the Grand Rapids Symphony Orchestra

Illusionist Michael Grandinetti teams up with the Grand Rapids Symphony Orchestra to create an unforgettable evening of magic and music, featuring innovative visual illusions that have never been attempted before. - October 02, 2011 - Michael Grandinetti Magic

Melody Nights Live Music Showcase at Bar Tausend

MelodyNights.com and Bar Tausend in Berlin, Germany, present a special evening of live music with 6 well known Artists performing their best songs. - October 01, 2011 - Melody Nights

2011 Best New Marriage Counseling Author Caleb Bell Publishes Masterpiece "Strength to Love: Forgiveness, Acceptance and Rebirth in Becoming the Most Loveable You"

2011 Best New Marriage and Relationship Counseling Author Caleb Bell Publishes another ground-breaking title, "Strength to Love : Forgiveness, Acceptance and Rebirth in Becoming the Most Loveable You" in Print and Kindle (eBook) formats through Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble bookstores. - September 30, 2011 - Caleb Bell

Free Preview of Bedtime Story eBook Encourages Imaginative Dreaming Author Barbara Dean Aliaga Focuses on the Positive Side of Life

A free preview of the electronic version of “William Pardon Tankerfield the Third And A Googol of Wishes,” is available for download through Smashwords at http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/86551 - September 30, 2011 - Barbara Dean Aliaga

Calgary Filmmaker Launches Fundraising Campaign Through HelpersUnite

Calgary filmmaker Todd Kipp launches a $15,000 fundraising campaign for his new film, "Computer Potato," on HelpersUnite (www.HelpersUnite.com). HelpersUnite is a new crowdfunding platform that connects artists, entrepreneurs, and charitable organizations with supporters who are compelled to contribute their time, talents, and funding to help reach a common goal. Five percent of contributions will benefit two Native American women's shelters in Canada and the United States. - September 29, 2011 - Crowdnetic

New Book on Market: Caregiving Simplified/Navigating the Medical Insurance Maze/ Best Healthcare Product Guide by Laurin Grey Available at Amazon.com

New Book on the Market - "Caregiving Simplified" by Laurin Grey is available at Amazon.com. This informative guide includes valuable websites and phone numbers, explains the medical insurance maze in simple terms, and will assist you when making educated choices regarding your healthcare coverage. The Best Product Guide will save time and money, and will insure the best care possible. - September 29, 2011 - Laurin Grey/Author

Anne Rice, Steven Carter, and Scott Turow Shine at 2011 Bienal: Brazil Book Fair Draws Almost One Million, Including President Dilma Rousseff

President Dilma Rousseff visits the Bienal do Livro as Brazil celebrates "the year of the woman." Anne Rice, Steven Carter, and Scott Turow highlight the fair, but Steven Carter is in the spotlight, having sold more than two million books to the women of Brazil in the past four years. In a country still wrestling with old machismo ways, the focus is now on women's self-esteem and empowerment. - September 29, 2011 - Steven Carter

An Editor Who Reads for Inspiration

Non-profit Women's Initiative is sponsoring an essay contest for women who have transformed their lives. Editor Tanya Brockett is volunteering to withhold her red pen to review these essays, looking only for inspiring stories, not errors. Cash, prizes, and media attention are at stake for the winners of this important contest. - September 29, 2011 - Hallagen Ink

Breathe Life Productions Single Release - Album Available Oct 1, 2011

The debut compilation album from Breathe Life Productions, “Lost Without Your Love,” available for download and CD-on-demand Oct 1, 2011. - September 29, 2011 - Breathe Life Productions, LLC

Author Marsh Brooks Announces the Release of The Rada Girl, a Young Adult Novel, on October 1, 2011

The Rada Girl is the story of Sabrina, a 17-year-old girl, who decides to learn about voodoo while visiting her father, the US Ambassador in Haiti. Then, a series of strange events occurred leading to Peter Ivanov, the boy that she loves, being deathly ill. Will Sabrina realize that this is due to voodoo? Will she be able to save him despite the determination of powerful people who want stop her? - September 28, 2011 - marshbrooks.com

New Work-Life Balance Book Promises to Turn Working Moms Into “Supermoms”

Can smart, ambitious moms have it all? A rewarding career and a rich, joyous family and personal life? The answer is a resounding, "Yes!" New parenting book, "Harmony of the Spheres" by Farzanna Haffizulla, M.D. teaches you how to do it and to lead a happier and more balanced life along the way. With practical advice and poignant storytelling, Farzanna helps working moms manage the demands of a career and the quirks of being a dedicated parent. - September 28, 2011 - Busy Mom MD

Central City Tower Launches Part 2 of Project 0

Central City Tower Launches Part 2 of Project 0

Central City Tower Comics and Entertainment Company prepare to launch chapter 2 of the acclaimed book Project 0. The graphic novel chronicles the tale of a group of outsiders with mysterious powers, destined to reshape their world. - September 27, 2011 - Central City Tower

HelpersUnite.com, World’s First Crowdfunding Site to Tie Artistic Projects and Business Ventures to Charitable Giving, Chooses Wells Bring Hope as a Featured Cause

HelpersUnite.com, World’s First Crowdfunding Site to Tie Artistic Projects and Business Ventures to Charitable Giving, Chooses Wells Bring Hope as a Featured Cause

HelpersUnite.com, new crowdfunding site that ties together artistic or business projects with charitable giving highlights Wells Bring Hope as a featured Cause at launch. Wells Bring Hope is dedicated to raising awareness and funds to drill for clean water wells in Africa. - September 26, 2011 - Crowdnetic

Hip-Hop and Education: Using Rap Music to Teach a New Generation

Entertainment company Smart Music has just released Lesson One, a new compilation of songs that uses rap lyrics and today’s hip-hop beats to teach students U.S. history, geography, health, politics, and African and African-American history. The songs, which include “First 25... - September 26, 2011 - Smart Music Entertainment

O Books Releases Book on a New Version of the Law of Attraction

O Books, John Hunt Publishing, releases this month, a book by Andrea Mathews, entitled The Law Of Attraction: The Soul's Answer To Why It Isn't Working And How It Can, in which Mathews explains that we need to entirely revise our understanding of the Law of Attraction, known to millions all over the world as the way to attract positive outcomes by thinking positive thoughts. The book is endorsed by Caroline Myss, Dr. Larry Dossey, Jonathan Ellerby, Ivan Rados and Michael Mirdad. - September 25, 2011 - Andrea Mathews, LPC, LLC

AWAI Announces The Barefoot Writer’s Club

AWAI announces their brand-new club, created especially for direct response writers. It’s designed to showcase the dozens of lucrative writing opportunities out there, as well as offer tips, motivation, and specific ways to launch their careers. - September 25, 2011 - American Writers & Artists, Inc. (AWAI)

Author Jennifer Laurens' Young Adult Novel "Overprotected" Available to Bookstores Nationwide in Early 2012

Author Jennifer Lauren is set to release her novel "Overprotected" to bookstores in February 2012. The book, which is geared toward young adult audiences, is the ninth novel from the author. "Overprotected" is a story of obsessive love and the quest for independence. It... - September 24, 2011 - Jennifer Laurens

Pam Newman's New Single, We Party Cause We're Alive

Rocker and songwriter, Pam Newman has released her first solo single titled, "We Party Cause We're Alive." - September 24, 2011 - Awesome Every Day

New Release Details Irish-American Story in American Civil War

“Famine to Freedom: The Irish in the American Civil War” (ISBN 1463513518) by J.J. Collins recounts the Irish-American journey of immigration, enlistment, military service and post-war work in the mid-19th Century. - September 24, 2011 - J.J. Collins

Expand, Engage, and Lead at the 3rd Annual “A-Ha!” NH Social Media Business Summit

Expand, Engage, and Lead at the 3rd Annual “A-Ha!” NH Social Media Business Summit

Epiphanies, Inc., in collaboration with the NH Division of Economic Development, will host the 3rd Annual "A-Ha!" NH Social Media Business Summit on Thursday, October 27th, 2011. Gunstock Mountain Resort in Gilford is this year's Venue Partner, and their main lodge will serve as the collaborative learning space for entrepreneurs, passionate professionals, trailblazers, dreamers, and biz dynamos from across the Granite State. - September 23, 2011 - Epiphanies, Inc.

“Ozzie and Harriet” Use Internet to Kickstart TV Restoration - Grandson Reaches Out for Help to Revitalize Classic TV Series

Grandson of TV icons Ozzie and Harriet Nelson announced he is taking a modern approach to reviving their classic American TV series “The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet” reaching out to the millions of fans of “America’s Favorite Family” through the popular Internet fundraising platform Kickstarter to raise funding for the beloved classic television restoration project. - September 23, 2011 - Ricky Nelson Remembered

Ken Lang Named Finalist in "50 Great Writers You Should be Reading"

Former homicide detective, now author, is finalist in prestigious author contest. - September 23, 2011 - Ken Lang Studios

Unsigned Door-to-Door Musician Lands Single on Top-40 Radio and MTV USA

Unsigned Door-to-Door Musician Lands Single on Top-40 Radio and MTV USA

The Scotty James Story - An aspiring story about a young, desperate but ambitious unsigned musician that went door-to-door playing songs to raise money for his first album. Opportunity knocked when he arrived at the door of a music manager who gave him a recording, artist development, and management deal. Within one year, Scotty James went from obscurity to landing his first single on major radio in Canada, his music video on MTV in the United States, and opening for Sublime With Rome. - September 22, 2011 - JonPaul Music360

Author James Gerdeman Teams Up with Lulu to Make "Your Career Tools & Strategic Solutions" Available to Millions of eBook Users

“In our current economy the individual needs to stand out more than ever before. The fast pace of our lives sometimes needs a fast and convenient access to self help books like Career Tools,” said Gerdeman. “Electronic books are downloadable with easy access to a wide range of eReader devices and platforms like the Apple iPad®, Barnes and Noble NOOK and your home computer. It is believed that millions of user will have access to this book electronically and this convenience will help sales.” - September 22, 2011 - JDGerdeman

IHMG Songwriters Doug Simpson, Kareem Knight Recipients of ASCAP's 2011-2012 ASCAPlus Award

Ironhorse Music Group's Doug Simpson and Kareem Knight of The Aqua League honored with writer's award from performing rights organization ASCAP. - September 21, 2011 - Ironhorse Music Group LLC

Myke Charles Stars on NBC’S Premiere Event, “The Sing-Off!”

Rap Artist/Singer/Songwriter, Myke Charles, is starring with a cappella group, Urban Method, on the debut of NBC’s third season, “The Sing-Off.” Myke Charles and his group Urban Method will be one of the 16 groups that will compete. The show is hosted by Nick Lachey, with... - September 21, 2011 - Organeyes Rhyme Entertainment

Joe Blessett -  Chillin Out in Dark Places

Joe Blessett - Chillin Out in Dark Places

Chillin out in Dark Places, the latest release from the multitalented, multi-instrumentalist Joe Blessett, shines the spotlight on the persistently evolving music of a genuinely enigmatic artist who has chosen to work solitarily in the shadow of relative anonymity in pursuit of his own uncompromising vision. - September 20, 2011 - Joe Blessett Music

Shine! Inc. Helps Women with Affordable Biz Coaching

Actress “Goes Virtual” to Help Women Create Happy Sexy Success - September 19, 2011 - Phoenix Productions

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