Recent Headlines
Within Media & Information at adtech:NY, It’s a New York Thing, Baby
The interactive marketing community of New York City and its surrounding environs now has a dedicated online newsletter and corresponding website, Their Contributing staff was exhibiting the new venture at the 2006 adtech:NY conference which was held at the New York Hilton on November 6 to 8th. - November 16, 2006 -
Custom CD Store Duplicates Joy with Every CD Purchase
Kids Media World Announces New Charitable Program - November 15, 2006 - Kids Media World
Blue Robin, Inc. Exceeds its 2006 Financial Goals 3 Months Ahead of Schedule
Blue Robin, Inc., a leading developer of eBusiness infrastructures, announced today that they have exceeded their 2006 financial goal three months ahead of schedule. Blue Robin's philosophy of building strong relationships with strategic partners and clients, as well as staying focused on their... - November 15, 2006 - Blue Robin, Inc
A New Startup Revolutionizes the Way People Buy Car Insurance
Customer is king; car insurance customers are now kings who know their own power of choice. A new online initiative, ( started attracting average American people looking for cheap car insurance quotes and willing to share their experiences with car insurance... - November 15, 2006 -
Gogeon, the Geographical News Agitator, has been Released for Public Review was officially launched for public review on Monday, November 13th, 2006 marking another first in the next generation of browsing news. Gogeon allows users to view news stories based on their location throughout the United States. Users are able to quickly choose stories near them based... - November 15, 2006 -
groupSPARK and Ferris Research to Produce Exchange Hosting Webinar
groupSPARK, the #1 provider of Private Label Exchange Hosting, and Ferris Research, the leader in messaging and collaboration research, announced recently their plans to jointly participate in a webinar covering Exchange Hosting. The panel webinar will contain experts in the messaging and... - November 15, 2006 - groupSPARK, Inc. Hires New Content Director has hired industry-veteran Linda McGlasson to handle all content and editorial director job functions. Linda McGlasson is a seasoned writer and editor with 18 years of experience in writing for corporations, business publications and newspapers. She is a graduate of the... - November 15, 2006 - Information Security Media Group
Voice123 ( Recently Announced the Release of their New Website
Voice123, the largest voice over marketplace, just started to promote the soon release of their completely redesigned and revamped service. - November 15, 2006 -
Skin Care Enemies – Part 1: How SLS Can Harm Your Baby’s Skincare Routine
Skincare News Magazine educated readers on how to protect their baby’s skin care from Sodium Lauryl Sulphate or SLS. - November 15, 2006 -
Skin Care Science – Part 1: How Hyaluronic Acid Helps Skincare
Skincare News Magazine educates readers about hyaluroinc acid and the part it plays in your skin care routine. - November 15, 2006 -
International Community Site for Autistic People Shows Record Growth, an international website for people with various levels of autism, has grown to over 7000 members in two years, according to Alex Plank, the web site’s cofounder. “On average, we get 20 new members a day. I think its because we provide such an unusual environment with... - November 15, 2006 - Wrong Planet
Gary S. Goldman, Ph.D. Releases New Book Illustrating His Research Findings on the Varicella Vaccine & Its Effects on Public Health
Equal parts medical exposé, medical mystery, and urgent call for action, The Chickenpox Vaccine, a book based on scientific research by insider Gary S. Goldman, Ph.D., reveals Mr Goldman's findings on the vaccine and its effects on public health. - November 14, 2006 - Medical Veritas International Inc.
Seven Digits of Separation: New People Search Service Uses 30 Years of Phone Number Ownership Records to Locate People
Now, the general public can use a number one digit more unique than the average Social Security number to locate people anywhere-instantly. Web-based people search firm allows anyone to search more than a billion public records by phone number alone. - November 14, 2006 - People Search News
Best Places Hawaii Names the 10 Best Places to Get Married in Hawaii
Best Places Hawaii, a Hawaii-specific travel website ( founded in 1995, ranks the "10 Best Wedding Locations in Hawaii." With the Hawaii bride and groom-to-be in mind, the research staff at Best Places Hawaii surveyed Hawaii wedding coordinators, photographers,... - November 14, 2006 - H&S Publishing
Ask Zach Launches Toolbar
Ask Zach launches a new free toolbar, allowing users to ask questions and get answers right form their browser. - November 14, 2006 - ZC Industries
Skin Care and Menopause - Part 1: How to Deal with Menopause while Maintaining a Good Skincare Routine
Skincare News Magazine sheds light on the skin care troubles faced by women going through menopause. - November 14, 2006 -
Fox Sports Net Signs New Racing Themed Reality Series: “All American Rookie” for Telecast During the 2007 NASCAR Season
Racing fans to soon get a glimpse of what it takes to become a NASCAR driver with new reality show that takes 30 rookies and has them judged by 10 NASCAR drivers. - November 14, 2006 - The BCC Group
New Novel Sheds Light On Snitch Culture
Author aims to pave the way for urban fiction that keeps it real, but keeps it righteous - November 14, 2006 - Dogon Village
ATCOM Business Telecom Solutions Hosts Lunch & Learn Seminar
Local Communications Solutions Provider Holds Informative Tech Session - November 14, 2006 - ATCOM Business Telecom Solutions
CallTower and Nevotek Deliver Dynamic Hospitality Applications as Part of New Hotel-Focused Hosted Voice/Data/Internet Services
CallTower’s Secure, Outsourced Voice and Data Service Allows Hospitality Industry to Increase Occupancy, Reduce Overhead and Customize Traveler-Based Content - November 14, 2006 - CallTower
CallTower and Nevotek to Showcase Hospitality Suite at International Hotel/Motel & Restaurant Show
New CallTower Hospitality Suite Offers Hoteliers Opportunity to Turn Telephony Back into Revenue Generator; Increase Guest Satisfaction, Rack Rate - November 14, 2006 - CallTower
One-Stop Resource Expands Nationally
Online Portal Offers State-by-State Information on Franchising - November 14, 2006 - Franchise Selection Specialists, Inc.
Movie, Film, and Video Producers Find Professional Voice Overs Using Voice123 (
Voice123, the largest voice over marketplace, offers the best and most professional voice over actors for any type of movie, film, or video. - November 14, 2006 -
CHaINA: a New China Supply Chain Focused Magazine Launched in Shanghai
CHaINA magazine, the first-ever magazine dedicated to covering global supply chain management issues from a China perspective, was launched late last week at the China Supply Chain Council's annual CHaINA conference held in Shanghai. Given the key role China plays in most company's global supply chains, CHaINA magazine is already being touted as the “must-read” magazine for global supply chain professionals. - November 13, 2006 - CHaINA
Online Security Authority Announces Its New Ebook, "Don't Take Candy from Strangers"
The company released this Ebook “Don’t Take Candy From Strangers” and it teaches What Parents Need to Know about MySpace, a Laptop $900.00 - DSL hookup $50.00 - MySpace account Free - Information to protect your child from predators. Priceless. Please Don't let your Child Become a Statistic. - November 13, 2006 - Online Security Authority. LLC
Get Real, The Real Estate Investing Show for the Rest of Us is Looking for Charities to Feature on Its First Annual Christmas Show
When many people hear about real estate investors they think of the big bad landlord who evicts people from their homes. While real estate investing is a business it is full of regular people across the country. Most of those people are concerned about the well being of others. Judson and Lynn... - November 13, 2006 - Get Real REI
Renzoo Launch Set to Bridge the Email Mobility Gap
Renzoo bridges the gap between desktop email and costly mobile email solutions. Renzoo delivers affordable message mobility to users requiring relatively low mobile email usage when the high costs of Blackberry® like solutions are not justifiable. - November 13, 2006 - Renzoo Ltd
Nudist Travel Guide Blog Presents the "30 Minutes of Nudist Audio Challenge"
Nudist Travel Guide Blog invites those curious about nudism and nudist travel to take the "30 Minutes of Nudist Audio Challenge." The challenge is to listen to 30 minutes of real life stories by naturists to learn what naturism is all about. - November 12, 2006 - Nudist Travel Guide
Article Accuses Business for Many IT Problems
The loss of competitive advantage from IT may not be entirely due to its commoditization. It is starting to become clear that at least some of the responsibility lies with business activities taking place outside of the control of IT. - November 12, 2006 - Hank Marquis
The Virtuous Women Present Public Speaking Tips
The Literary Corner podcast co-hosts talk about the importance of mastering communication and public speaking skills as a non-fiction author. - November 12, 2006 - The Virtuous Woman
Playdate Kids Author Visits Library to Kick off Children’s Book Week
Playdate Kids Publishing offers parents tips to encourage reading to kick off Children's Book Week. - November 11, 2006 - Playdate Kids Publishing
Skin Care Gets a Blast: What Microdermabrasion Can Do for Your Skincare
Skincare News Magazine focuses on the popular non-surgical skin care procedure microdermabrasion. - November 11, 2006 -
Video Game Developers and Producers Can Now Find the Best Character Voices on Voice123 (
Voice123 is starting to offer the fastest and easiest online application to find the best character and animation voices for video game creators. - November 11, 2006 -
Topex Announces the Launch of its New Website:
Topex is pleased to introduce a new website focusing on our new NGN solutions. The website provides the latest information on BYTTON router and Topex softswitch solutions. Topex Bytton is a double Wireless Router, a professional multitasking device that offers one voice line (telephone or... - November 11, 2006 - Topex
FindGuru Launches Their New Blogging Capability
FindGuru’s new blog functionality allows engineers, scientists and manufacturers, to interact with their communities. - November 11, 2006 - FindGuru
groupSPARK Launches Private Label Hosted Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0
groupSPARK, the #1 provider of Private Label Exchange Hosting; announced yet another industry leading move - Hosted Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0, completely Private Labeled. Dynamics CRM is the premier Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software available in today’s marketplace. Some key... - November 10, 2006 - groupSPARK, Inc.
Skylark Takes Flight After Tragic Fire
Gigi MacKenzie, daughter of famous television and recording artist Gisele MacKenzie, releases debut CD on Morpheus Music label after tragic fire. - November 10, 2006 - Morpheus Music
First Indian Website Exclusively Catering to Real Estate & Property News is the first Indian website exclusively catering to Real Estate and Property News. This site offers in-depth, objective coverage of the Indian Real estate industry's key trends, issues and concerns through a wide variety of media. It features daily news and articles sourced... - November 10, 2006 - Indian Realty
Appalachian History - This Newly Published 1930s W.Va. Memoir has it in Spades
Kenneth A. Tabler, author of "The Day is Far Spent," rose from a poor, sleepy milltown in West Virginia and propelled himself to a PhD and a high profile career with that newly invented thing called "the computer." This book reads folksy without being sentimental about the very real people it depicts struggling to live through the Depression and its aftermath. - November 10, 2006 - LLC
'Little Ox' Makes Oxford Colourful for Children
New Publishing Business Raises Money For Abandoned Children. - November 10, 2006 - Ox & Cross Publishing
Voice123 ( Announces Website and Service Updates
Voice123, the most important voice over marketplace, has undertaken a series of updates and changes made to improve their users’ experience. - November 10, 2006 -
Writers Flock to New Online Community Where They Can 'Show & Tell'
Xomba is building an online community for writers of all skill levels, from the beginner to the seasoned pro. Writers can critique each other's work and get paid using Xomba's unique platform of splitting the revenue from Google Adsense. - November 10, 2006 - Xomba, INC
View Dr. Trish Hammett's Newly Improved Website with Audio
Dr. Trish (Patricia) Hammett Chiropractic Diplomate for Pediatrics in NorthWest IN, has completed a state of the art website; complete with audio and health care presentations. Visit: - November 10, 2006 - New Life Family Chiropractic Center, PC
A New Movement Unfolds: Congratulations Democrats Now Do Your Job .com
Now that the Democrats have subpoena power, it is time for Congress to do its job. The only way we can avoid the pains of the past, is to examine why it occurred, so as never to let it happen again. Republicans, Democrats, Greens, Libertarians, and everyone should bookmark... - November 09, 2006 -
Has One of the Worlds Most Sought After Paintings Been Found? Find Out in Don Phillips Latest Book The Missing Monet
A Monet painting has been missing since World War Two..It apparently has shown up in the past, just to go missing again, thus its name: "The Missing Monet." Jim and Sarah are on the trail of the "Missing Monet", but not without danger. A large, widespread crime family... - November 09, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Nancy A. Goshow Named To Enterprising Women National Advisory Board
Enterprising Women Magazine Announces Managing Partner of Goshow Architects, LLP, as Board Member - November 09, 2006 - Enterprising Women
Skin Care Goes Coed: How Skincare Regimens Can Help College Students
Skincare News Magazine educates readers how maintaining a daily skin care routine can help while achieving higher learning. - November 09, 2006 -
Outskirts Press Releases New Book, "Secrets to Tax-Deferred Income," by Chris Rodgers. Learn how to Stop Being a Slave to Your Finances and Create a Tax-free Life
When author Chris Rodgers sat down to write a guide to basic financial planning, he says his goal was to free taxpayers from old ways of thinking. “I want to help others achieve maximum tax relief and gain financial independence. I want to help eliminate misguided fears and myths regarding taxpayers “options” regardless of circumstances." - November 09, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Outskirts Press is Pleased to Present Tawanda’s Bed and Breakfast, a Hysterical Journey to Self Rediscovery
Outskirts Press is pleased to present Tawanda’s Bed and Breakfast, a hysterical first effort of a woman’s journey to self rediscovery in a highly unusual and independent fashion. A female Bill Bryson combined with a hint of Jill Connor Browne and a dash of The Milepost (The... - November 09, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Making the Holidays Extra-Special With an Easy-to-Stitch Christmas Tree Advent Calendar
It was her daughter’s love for Advent calendars and her love for sewing that inspired author Ruthy Sturgill to create her first Christmas tree Advent calendar. When her friends began to ask for their own Christmas tree Advent calendar, Ruthy realized that she didn’t have the time to fill all of their requests. With her husband’s encouragement, she promised to market her pattern in order to make it available to her friends. - November 09, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.