Rich Mironov, Start-Up Entrepreneur, Author and Technologist, Addresses the Global Product Management Talk

Rich Mironov, Seasoned Product Executive, Start-up Entrepreneur, Author and Technologist, Discusses Galvanizing the Product Management Career Path - April 14, 2012 - Global Product Management Talk

Poetry Review Organization Donates Part of Proceeds to St. Jude's Children's Hospital

New poets need an avenue to submit their poems and possibly be published to share their poems with the world. Words and Poetry Reviews believes in encouraging poets to keep writing, and thus produced the website, to support new writers. The site also is dedicated to helping children in need, and thus 25% of the proceeds are being donated to the St. Jude's Children's Hospital. - April 14, 2012 - Words and Poetry Reviews

Make Beautiful Photo eBooks with New Kindle Fire App

ePublisher:Photos helps people create personal photo books for tablets at the push of a button. - April 14, 2012 - Instebooks

Enterprising Women Honors Edie Fraser with Legacy Award

Senior Consultant to Diversified Search Receives 2012 Honor - April 14, 2012 - Enterprising Women

"Global FMCG Packaging Market Will Reach $485.4bn in 2012" Says Visiongain Report

As the global FMCG packaging market undergoes regional shifts and demographical change, the industry is likely to experience several challenges. - April 14, 2012 - visiongain

Voluntary Benefits Magazine - Issue 34 Now Available - Read It Today

Issue #34 of the Voluntary Benefits Magazine (VBM) has been officially released today. You can read it at: VBM is the only magazine dedicated exclusively to Limited Medical, Mini Medical and Worksite Insurance products. - April 13, 2012 - Voluntary Benefits Magazine

Global Market for Printed Electronics to Reach $12.6 Billion in 2016

According to a new technical market research repor, the global market for printed electronics was valued at nearly $3.5 billion in 2011 and is expected to increase to $12.6 billion in 2016, a five-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 29.4%. - April 13, 2012 - Publications

The Road to Recovery: Surviving Mental Illness Published by Outskirts Press

Author Linda Naomi Katz provides not only valuable information to those suffering with psychological disorders, but she also offers help, hope and inspiration and the tips that are essential to making recovery possible and life worthwhile again. - April 13, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Widescope Announces the Launch of “Widescopeople”

“Widescope Media & Entertainment Network” recently announced the launch of Widescopeople, a place to showcase one's expertise in any area of media and entertainment - motion pictures, television, radio, print, new media, fashion, events, advertising and more. - April 13, 2012 - Widescope Media & Entertainment Network Pvt Ltd

EaglesNest Publications Wishes to Announce the Up-Coming Release of the Fourth Book in the Wilton/Strait Mystery Series, Silence

The series, written from a Christian world view, tells the story of two people, barely acquaintances in Book 1, who join forces to find missing people. Along the way they uncover throw away children in Haiti, the biker culture and the missing DEA agent who’s been undercover for two years, and... - April 13, 2012 - EaglesNest Publications

Fanbasse Audio

You can now upload audio to the Fanbasse website. Showcase your mixtape and let the world recognize you. Fanbasse is an independently run service with the primary intention of discovering unique abilities and life experiences. Whatever your skill, FanBasse provides a platform that will enable you... - April 12, 2012 - Fanbasse

An Iron Rod Removed a Chunk of His Brain But Not His Courageous Will to Live

An Iron Rod Removed a Chunk of His Brain But Not His Courageous Will to Live

Todd Colby Pliss brings the amazing tale of Phineas Gage to life with his new novel, The Only Living Man With A Hole in His Head, from SB Addison Books. In his new book, Todd Colby Pliss vividly recounts one of history's most unusual events with the captivating historical tale of railroad worker Phineas Gage. - April 12, 2012 - LifeRaft Productions

Perspective Magazine Becomes a Platinum Media Sponsor of the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Investment Conference

The timeshare and fractional industry’s leading independent information publisher will provide promotional support for the event, scheduled for April 24-26, 2012. - April 12, 2012 - Perspective Magazine

Bimrose Progressive Media Launches "Use the 19th" Campaign

Bimrose Progressive Media is announcing the launch of their most recent campaign, Use the 19th. The campaign encourages women to use their right to vote obtained in the 19th Amendment to make sure our elected representatives stand up for the rights of women. - April 12, 2012 - Bimrose Progressive Media

ASD Publishing Adds Books on Autism & Foster Care to Spring Releases

ASD Publishing Adds Books on Autism & Foster Care to Spring Releases

Author Gregory G. Allen releases adult novel and children's picture book in the same month. - April 11, 2012 - ASD Publishing

Top Reasons to Advertise Your Book in a National Magazine

Outskirts Press has announced the addition of low-cost, co-op advertising with Bookmarks Magazine to its full menu of author services. - April 11, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Interview Becomes Threshold to New Life in The Job, Published by Outskirts Press

Novelist Cramer Louis Jackson fulfills every job seeker’s ultimate fantasy in his new science fiction romance that takes Joe Jamison from the dim ranks of the unemployed to a stellar job -- with a beautiful redhead -- that’s truly out of this world. - April 11, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Risking Life for Racial Justice: Clarabelle’s Rose Published by Outskirts Press

Judy Kashi shows the dark, appalling world of racism in the 1960’s American South as three women -- one white, one black, one mixed -- seek justice from the brutal bigotry of the KKK and find forgiveness, redemption and friendship along the way. - April 11, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

New Publisher Targets Geek Audience

The new independent publisher Bitingduck Press brings the quirky lives of scientists to light through fiction with a nerd theme. The press will issue its first original novels by late 2012, and is currently accepting submissions in multiple genres. - April 11, 2012 - Bitingduck Press

Financial Education Expert Robert Kiyosaki to Give First, NAC Live Stream Event in U.S.

Register for exclusive, online access to the Rich Dad National Achievers Congress presentation at - April 11, 2012 - The Rich Dad Company

MyHorse Daily to Offer "Ask the Author" Webinar on Aging Gracefully with Neurosurgeon and Author Dr. Allan Hamilton

Join MyHorse Daily for an interactive online conversation with author Dr. Allan Hamilton. - April 11, 2012 - Equine Network, LLC

TV4U Becoming a Major TV Producer for Las Vegas, Casino Events via Its TVS Television Network Unit

The TVS Television Network, now owned by TV4U, has been producing TV shows in Las Vegas since 1961. Now, TVS is not only producing Las Vegas and Casino-based shows for TV4U, but again for Broadcast TV Stations. - April 11, 2012 - TV4U, LLC

New Book Exposes "Divorce Games" That Can Lead Women to Jail, Custody Loss, and Even Unemployment

In Hanging On By My Fingernails: Surviving the New Divorce Gamesmanship, and How a Scratch Can Land You in Jail, journalist Janie McQueen blends memoir with incisive reporting to reveal common yet little-discussed divorce tactics that can derail women's lives. - April 11, 2012 - Burning Sage Publishing House

Pulse Bestselling Author Wanda B. Campbell to Appear on "Turn The Pages"

Popular Christian, Fiction author to conduct in-depth interview with Faith ABeliever Book Club Group. - April 10, 2012 - Pulse

Tim Kavi has Third Poetry Collection Published at Amazon

Tim Kavi announced the publication of his third poetry collection, Lost Love Poems at Amazon on April 3rd. The book is published by TiLu Press of Shanghai and Portland, Oregon, USA. Dedicated to anyone who has ever experienced lost or unreturned love, Lost Love Poems is an inspiring collection. By... - April 10, 2012 - TiLu Press

Datdaio Enterprises Launches the Because You Serve Campaign

The Productions Division o fDatdaio Enterprises releases a worldwide tribute to the people that have served in the U. S. Military. The musical piece, dubbed, the most beautiful song ever written, by Sgt. Cynthia Royce, is entitled the same as the campaign, Because You Serve. - April 09, 2012 - Datdaio Enterprises

Babies Bundled in Joy Thanks to Easy Baby Quilt Patterns in eBook from

Celebrate the renaissance of springtime by creating stunning baby quilts with a new baby quilt eBook full of animal quilts, baby girl and baby boy quilt patterns, and applique baby quilt patterns. - April 08, 2012 - Prime Publishing

Decorate for Every Holiday and Season with Handmade Wreath Crafts

Free Wreath Tutorials Help Consumers Celebrate Special Occasions - April 08, 2012 - Prime Publishing

Wood Pellet Exports from the US and Canada to Europe Reached a Record High in the 4Q/11 Thanks to Increased Demand in the United Kingdom

Exports of wood pellets from North America to Europe reached a record of over two million tons in 2011, according to analysis reported in the North American Wood Fiber Review. Canada has long been the main exporter of pellets but in the second half of 2011, the US caught up and exported an equal volume to Canada. - April 07, 2012 - Wood Resources International LLC

Eight Titles Released at Eternal Press

Eternal Press is a division of Damnation Books, LLC. The publishing company released over 100 titles in 2011. Eternal Press will continue to bring quality, affordable fiction to e-readers and traditional readers world wide. Eternal Press is committed to providing quality affordable fiction in popular e-reading formats. New titles released on 7 April 2012 and are available at - April 07, 2012 - Caliburn Press LLC

ISMG Announces Release of 2012 Faces of Fraud Survey Results

Information Security Media Group (ISMG) will announce results of its 2012 Faces of Fraud survey in the upcoming webinar, 2012 Faces of Fraud Survey: Complying with the FFIEC Guidance, which debuts April 10 at 1 p.m. ET. The annual survey reveals the latest fraud trends and how institutions are... - April 06, 2012 - Information Security Media Group

A Life Lived Ridiculously Tackles OCD & Sociopath Topics with Sinister Humor & Raw Vulnerability

Author & Neuroscientist Dr. Annabelle R. Charbit will release her debut novel, A Life Lived Ridiculously on April 12, 2012 (Firefly Publishing & Entertainment; ISBN: 978-0-9846428-6-1). - April 06, 2012 - Firefly Publishing & Entertainment

Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly and the Massachusetts Bar Association Name the 2012 Honorees of Excellence in the Law

MA Lawyers Weekly & the MBA will honor the recipients of our Excellence in Journalism, Daniel Toomey Excellence in the Judiciary, Up & Coming Lawyers, and Excellence in Diversity, Pro Bono, Marketing, Firm Administration & Operations awards. - April 06, 2012 - Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly

"World Biosimilars Market Will Reach $1.6 Billion in 2012" According to New Visiongain Report

A new report by visiongain, a London-based business information company, predicts that global revenues for biosimilars will reach $1.6 billion in 2012. - April 06, 2012 - visiongain

"The Electric Power Transmission and Distribution (T&D) Transformer Market Will Reach $33.45bn in 2012" Says Latest visiongain Report

The Electric Power Transmission & Distribution (T&D) Transformer Market 2012-2022 is visiongain’s latest utility report, analysing how this important market will develop over the next ten years. - April 06, 2012 - visiongain

Fibles: 10-Minute Children’s Bedtime Stories for Modern-Day Kids

Into our “There’s not enough time!” world comes Fibles, a new collection of modern-day children’s bedtime stories, told through a cast of loveable animal characters who are chatting, tweeting, texting, and much more. - April 05, 2012 - Cookietwist Publishing

Maars TV Launched

Maars releases a new internet and mobile based TV service that is free to all users. - April 05, 2012 - MAARS Global Law Net

Nobel Prize Winner James Watson Celebrates His 84th Birthday on 6 April. Watch Him Discuss Pivotal Moments from His Illustrious Career at Web of Stories.

Nobel Prize winner James Watson celebrates his 84th birthday on 6 April and the public can watch him discuss pivotal moments from his illustrious career, including one of the most celebrated scientific achievements of a generation, in a series of compelling in-depth recordings at Web of Stories. - April 05, 2012 - Web of Stories Ltd

The; Delivering Common Sense Conservative Commentary by Your Average Everyday Man blog is a website created by average everyday guys discussing the day’s top news making stories. Politics, sex, sports, the economy, education, race relations...No topic is forbidden, no subject taboo. Contributors to the site are working class sons, fathers and husbands,... - April 05, 2012 - The

Foodista and Zephyr Adventures Announce Results of First "State of Food Blogging Survey" (, the recipe, cooking, and food news source, and Zephyr Adventures (, organizers of the Wine Bloggers Conference, announced today the results of their first State of Food Blogging Survey conducted in February 2012. - April 04, 2012 -

Global Sawlog Prices Fell in Late 2011, Especially in Lumber Export-Oriented Countries Such as Western Canada, Finland, Sweden, Russia and New Zealand

Weakening lumber markets in Asia and Europe reduced demand for sawlogs in many countries late last year. As a result, log prices in a number of the major lumber-producing countries in the world fell during the second half of 2011, according to the market report the Wood Resource Quarterly. - April 04, 2012 - Wood Resources International LLC

Wormhole Web Conference – a Fast, Easy and Affordable Web Conferencing Platform Free for 15 Days

Wormhole Web Conference, a fully-featured conference web platform developed by the Argentine firm Wormhole IT (WWC) is now available for a free 15-day trial period. Wormhole Web Conference not just supports videoconferencia, but offers a wide range of functionality including multiple video and... - April 04, 2012 - Wormhole IT

Overview of UCRA: The "New" Pan-Africanism – 2020 Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated political science, political ideologies and democracy book from Palm Coast, FL author, Edward H. Brown, Jr., MPA. - April 04, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Words to a Child: If There's A Mailbox In Heaven Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated religion and inspiration book from Huntington Beach, CA author, Celeste N. Bowers and illustrator Melaine Valentin. - April 04, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

MyHorse Daily Releases Free Guide on Treating Colic in Horses

Advances in diagnosis and treatment increase your horse's chances for a swift and complete recovery. - April 04, 2012 - Equine Network, LLC

KEF Media Moves to New Suburban Atlanta Headquarters

KEF Media, the Southeast's leader in broadcast PR, has recently moved it's headquarters to the bustling city of Smyrna, in fast-growing Cobb Conty, Ga. - April 04, 2012 - KEF Media

"Global Computed Tomography (CT) Systems Market Will be Worth $8.6bn by 2022" Says Visiongain Report

A new report by visiongain, a leading London-based business information provider predicts the global CT scanner market to be worth almost $8.6bn by 2022. The market generated $3.9bn in 2010 according Computed Tomography (CT) Systems: Global Market Outlook, 2012-2022 published in March 2012. - April 04, 2012 - visiongain

"Global LTE Infrastructure Spending Will Total $10.84bn in 2012" Says Visiongain Report

Visiongain’s analysis indicates that $10.84bn will be spent on global LTE infrastructure in 2012 as operators deploy LTE networks and device manufacturers offer an increasingly broad and diverse range of LTE-capable devices. - April 04, 2012 - visiongain

AlphaDigits Top Rated Apps for March 2012

Popular mobile app review website AlphaDigits has revealed the names of the top rated apps for the month of March 2012. AlphaDigits has released top-rated apps list every month based on the apps that were reviewed by the website during the month. Now, this site has revealed the names of tap-rated... - April 04, 2012 - AlphaDigits

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