Fairfax Pride President Issues Statement Regarding Governor Bob McDonnell's Recognition of May 2013 as Foster Care Month

The President of Fairfax Pride released a statement today pointing out the discrepancy between Governor Bob McDonnell's statement proclaiming May 2013 as Foster Care Month in the Commonwealth, and the law signed by the Governor and enacted in July 2012 allowing agencies to prevent LGBT individuals from adopting. - May 12, 2013 - Fairfax Pride

Free Clinic for Riders and Sporthorse Breeders

German bloodline historian Erhard Schulte will offer a May 18-19 "Form for Function" clinic in North Florida. - May 12, 2013 - American Trakehner Association

Free Community Programs Promoting Aging Well

A free 6-part education series entitled “Resources for Navigating Life Transitions" will be offered this Spring at Terrace Gardens Assisted Living, 8415 Waukegan Rd., Morton Grove. - May 12, 2013 - Elderwerks

Rick Rader, MD, Defeating Stigma in Healthcare Award Recipient for 2013

The Simon Foundation for Continence recently announced Rick Rader, MD, as the 2013 Defeating Stigma in Healthcare Award recipient. Dr. Rader is the Director of the Morton J. Kent Habilitation Center at the Orange Grove Center (Chattanooga, TN), a nationally known community agency supporting the... - May 11, 2013 - The Simon Foundation for Continence

Cat Care Society Debuts 2013 "Tails of the Painted Cats" Summer Tour and Announces Douglas M. Tisdale, Esq., as Auctioneer for July 20th Gala Dinner & Auction

For a third year, Painted Cats will again raise funds for Cat Care Society shelter cats and community outreach programs with "Tails of the Painted Cats." The tour starts this month at the Lakewood Arts Council Gallery and culminates Saturday, July 20, at the Gala Dinner & Auction at Pinehurst Country Club. Douglas M. Tisdale, Esq. (the Honorable Mayor of Cherry Hills Village), joins the team as Auctioneer, and Ed Greene, CBS4 Weather & News Anchor, again serves as Master of Ceremonies. - May 11, 2013 - Cat Care Society

Reshma Patel-Jackson, Manager, Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP to Speak at KC’s Performing Compliance Risk Assessments Live Webcast

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced that Reshma Patel, Manager, Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled: “Performing Compliance Risk Assessments... - May 11, 2013 - The Knowledge Group

Engeye, Inc. Announces New Executive Director

A Bold, Visionary Step Toward Growth and Sustainability - May 11, 2013 - Engeye

Female Volunteers Build a Habitat for Humanity LV Home for National Women Build Week

A construction crew of all female volunteers will pound nails and raise walls at a Habitat build site on Saturday, May 11th, the day before Mother’s Day, in celebration of National Women Build Week. An initiative of Habitat for Humanity International, Women Build challenges women around the... - May 11, 2013 - Habitat for Humanity Las Vegas

NJ Native and Academy Award Winning Writer to be Honored at CarePlus Foundation Courage Awards Gala

James Lecesne, creator of the Trevor Project, to be given Courage Award. - May 11, 2013 - Care Plus Foundation

DFW AMA Executive Luncheon: More Life Happens at Chili’s

Join Dallas Area Marketing Professionals for a Luncheon Session on Chili’s Unique Brand Strategy - May 11, 2013 - DFW American Marketing Association

Special Needs Parent Coaches Receive National Support

Tom and Julie Meekins, of March Forth Family, LLC, have been invited into the National Center for Biblical Parenting as their new Special Needs Specialists. They work with parents and caregivers who are struggling with their special needs or challenging children. - May 11, 2013 - March Forth Family

Scout-O-Rama 2013 Offers More Than 250 Fun-Filled Family Activites

For Orange County Residents of All Ages, Event Features the Vans® Skate Team, Medieval Times® Jousting Tournaments and Dozens of Outdoor Activities - May 11, 2013 - Orange County Council Boy Scouts of America

RedRover Brings the Best Day Ever to Atlanta Families

RedRover, a new free app and website that curates the best of what to do with kids around town, launched its Atlanta-focused edition today. Now, Atlanta parents can use RedRover to quickly and simply find the most relevant kid-friendly places, activities, events and more sorted by date, distance, age group and category right on their smartphone, tablet or computer. - May 11, 2013 - RedRover

Startup Greener50 Connects People to Eco-Friendly Businesses

A duo based in Colorado is challenging the idea that business and the environment don't mix. Greener50, founded by Rick Oberreuter and Matt Neidenberg, is a website that connects eco-minded people, businesses, and organizations together. The concept of greener50 is simple; Find > Learn >... - May 10, 2013 - greener50

20,000 Celebrate Life and Miracles of Prophet Muhammad

The beautiful Masjid Tuanku Mizan in Putrajaya, Malaysia hosted over 20,000 people to celebrate the life of the Prophet Muhammad in commemoration of the Maulid celebration. For the organizers, Al-Wariseen Trust, this is the largest privately funded spiritual gathering with invited guests and visitors from several countries in South East Asia as well as Australia and the USA, of which includes former PM Tun Abdullah Badawi. - May 10, 2013 - Al-Wariseen Trust

"Take the Pledge" Anti-Homophobia Campaign Campaign Launched by Two Fifteen Year Old Straight Teens with the LGBT Network

Two heterosexual teenagers, Nathan and Ross have launched a campaign to encourage people to "Take The Pledge" in support of the LGBTQ community. The web based campaign on www.skelat.com/LGBTQ.html urges supporters to download a template which has space for their name and a paragraph on... - May 10, 2013 - LGBT Network

Church of Scientology Hosts Community Theater Event

The Nashville Church of Scientology is putting on a show for the community in old-time radio style. This will be the third such annual event. - May 10, 2013 - Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre Nashville

SPCA Tampa Bay to Host 12-Hour Pawjama Adoption Party May 11th

When: Saturday, May 11, 12 p.m.- Midnight Where: SPCA Tampa Bay ~ 9099 130th Avenue North, Largo SPCA Tampa Bay is hosting the area’s first-ever twelve hour adoption event on Saturday May 11th from noon until midnight. The Largo shelter expects to have more than 60 pets available for... - May 10, 2013 - SPCA Tampa Bay

Lev Leytzan’s Elderhearts Program Receives Grant from Alzheimer’s Foundation of America

Lev Leytzan’s Elderhearts Program Receives Grant from Alzheimer’s Foundation of America

Lev Leytzan’s Elderheart progam was recently awarded a $5,000 grant from the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA). Elderhearts, the newest of Lev Leytzan’s programs, reaches out to people with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias with interactive experiences designed... - May 09, 2013 - Lev Leytzan: The Heart of Therapeutic Clowning, Inc.

Top Los Angeles Women Celebrated at EmpowHer Institute Girls to Greatness Gala Reception

Top Los Angeles Women Celebrated at EmpowHer Institute Girls to Greatness Gala Reception

Honoree recipients were Elise Buik, CEO of United Way, Los Angeles; Dannielle Campos, Senior Vice President of Bank of America; and Penny Toler, Executive Vice President and General Manager of the Los Angeles Sparks. - May 09, 2013 - EmpowHer Institute

Local Residents Get Mud on Their Face for a Great Cause

Local Residents Get Mud on Their Face for a Great Cause

A group of local residents consisting of men, women, college & high school students from all walks of life & fitness levels plan do a 5 mile obstacle course to raise money for The Union Beach Disaster Relief Fund. - May 09, 2013 - The Martial Arts Arena

Austin Elks Lodge #201 Provides a Day of Fun at Amusement Park for Special Needs Families

Elks Lodge #201 in Austin, Texas received a $10,000 grant from the Elks National Foundation to provide activities for children with special needs. During 2013 there will be six day trips to Morgan's Wonderland, in San Antonio. Each trip will have about 20 children, accompanied by a family member. - May 09, 2013 - Elk's Lodge #201

6th Annual Courts K. Cleveland SAD Foundation Young Investigator Awards in Cardiac Channelopathies

The SADS Foundation announces its winners for the 6th Annual Courts K. Cleveland SADS Foundation Young Investigator Awards in Cardiac Channelopathies. The winners are: Basic Science Winner - Author/Investigator: David Auerbach, PhD Mentor: Lori Isom, MD, Ph.D. Institution: University of Michigan; Translational/Clinical Winner - Author/Investigator: Christian Van Der Werf, M.D., Ph.D. Mentor: Arthur Wilde, M.D., PhD, Institution: Academic Medical Center Amsterdam - May 09, 2013 - Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndromes (SADS) Foundation

More Than 6,000 Pounds of Pet Food Shipped to West, TX

Rescue Bank delivered nine pallets (6,033 lbs) of donated pet food to Waco, Texas, on April 25 – a delivery made possible by millions of animal lovers clicking at GreaterGood's The Animal Rescue Site. The donated food is being used by the Humane Society of Central Texas to feed pets displaced... - May 09, 2013 - GreaterGood

Hurricane Nominated for PetSafe “Bark for Your Park” Contest

Hurricane, Utah has been nominated for the PetSafe "Bark for Your Park" contest with a chance to win a $100,000 dog park. - May 09, 2013 - Because Animals Matter

Danforth Center Intern Receives Prestigious Fellowship

Danforth Center Announces Summer 2013 Internship Program Participants - May 09, 2013 - Donald Danforth Plant Science Center

AllBetterCare Urgent Care Center Earns Urgent Care Center Accreditation

Urgent Care Center Accreditation ensures the provision of quality healthcare and the principles of professionalism. - May 09, 2013 - American Academy of Urgent Care Medicine

Beta Alpha Psi Launches New Website and Branding

Beta Alpha Psi launched a new website and branding on April 26, 2013. - May 09, 2013 - Beta Alpha Psi

Gulf Harbour Memorial Foundation Donates $15,000 to the Heights Foundation

Donation will support completion of medical clinic. Gulf Harbour Memorial Foundation donated $15,000 to the Heights Foundation to complete the foundation’s medical clinic. The clinic will provide access to quality health care for low-income, uninsured residents of Harlem Heights and... - May 09, 2013 - Heights Foundation

HDFC Life Initiates CSR Project Swabhimaan with SOS Children’s Villages of India

HDFC Life, one of India’s leading life insurance companies, today extended its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative, Swabhimaan, to SOS Children’s Villages of India. The project will begin with supporting the education of 300 vulnerable children in 4 locations including... - May 09, 2013 - SOS Village

National “Stamp Out Hunger” Campaign Attracting Widespread Community Help

The easiest way to donate non perishable food to the hungry has just arrived. And it’s just feet from your front door. The nation’s largest single day food drive is being held on Saturday, May 11, 2013. South Jersey residents can leave bags of non perishable foods at their mailbox and... - May 09, 2013 - Food Bank of South Jersey

The Women’s Hospital at Saddleback Memorial Prepares to Commemorate Its 25th Anniversary

Community Invited to Celebrate at Family Event May 19. - May 08, 2013 - Saddleback Memorial Medical Center

Women in Film & Video New England Announces Regular Deadline for 11th Annual Screenwriting Competition Ending May 21st

Women in Film & Video New England Announces Regular Deadline for 11th Annual Screenwriting Competition Ending May 21st

Women in Film & Video New England announces that the Regular Deadline for the 11th Annual WIFVNE Screenwriting Competition is closing on May 21st. This years' judges include Barry Brodsky, Martha Pinson, LaToya Morgan, Susan Steinberg and Tina Cesa Ward. Sponsors include Final Draft, Inktip, Script Chix and Lesley University. - May 08, 2013 - Women in Film and Video New England

Art Across the Spectrum Art Walk to Benefit C.A.R.E. Serving Our Local Children and Families Facing Autism

Join them for a celebration of artwork and photography created by exceptional children. Various mediums will be highlighted along Lakewood Ranch Main Street from 10am-2pm. Event is free and proceeds will benefit CARE, a not-for-profit, that provides a wide range of programs for children and their families facing Autism. - May 08, 2013 - Center for Autism Resources and Education

Annual Run to Benefit HeartShare and the Breezy Point CoOp

Run...Rebuild...Revive - May 08, 2013 - HeartShare Human Services of NY

DFW Marketing Executives to Discuss the Marketing Profession, Trends, and Forecasts

DFW Chapter of the American Marketing Association Hosts Marketing Panel Discussion with Area Executives. - May 08, 2013 - DFW American Marketing Association

American Academy of Urgent Care Medicine Announces Partnership with MedCenter Display for Online Healthcare Marketing

The AAUCM has partnered with MedCenterDisplay to bring web optimization and healthcare marketing services to its members. - May 08, 2013 - American Academy of Urgent Care Medicine

Motorcyclists Top $343,000 to Help Cure Kids

Motorcyclists gather in three states to help cure the kids. - May 08, 2013 - Ride for Kids

Building a Movement for Play: Non-Profit Organization KaBOOM! Announces 217 “Playful City USA” Communities

Communities Recognized for Prioritizing Play for Children - May 08, 2013 - KaBOOM!

National Association of Women Business Owners Names 2013 Women of Distinction

The National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) Southern Nevada recognized 13 top business women at the 15th Annual Women of Distinction Awards (WODA) luncheon on Friday, May 3 at the Monte Carlo Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. - May 08, 2013 - NAWBO Southern Nevada

Richard Sciacca, PhD., Director, Deloitte Tax LLP Knowledge Congress’s Emerging Issues: Global Transfer Pricing and Advance Pricing Agreements Speaker

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, proudly announces that Richard Sciacca, PhD., Director, Deloitte Tax LLP, Washington National Tax-Global Transfer Pricing, will present at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast,... - May 08, 2013 - The Knowledge Group

Navigant Managing Director John DelPonti to Speak at Knowledge Congress’ “CFPB Examinations of Mortgage Servicing Transfers: Understanding the Proposed Guidance”

Navigant Managing Director John DelPonti to Speak at Knowledge Congress’ “CFPB Examinations of Mortgage Servicing Transfers: Understanding the Proposed Guidance” Live Webcast - May 07, 2013 - The Knowledge Group

The Chairmen’s RoundTable Welcomes Three Sustaining Sponsors

New partnerships expand organization’s reach into San Diego’s diverse business community. - May 07, 2013 - Chairmen's RoundTable

Operation Kidsafe Child Safety Event in Redwood City CA

Operation Kidsafe Child Safety Event in Redwood City CA

Join Operation Kidsafe, the Redwood City Police Department and Honda of Redwood City for a free and fun child safety weekend. - May 06, 2013 - Operation Kidsafe

New Marketing Book "Marketing Made Simple" Released for Home Staging Professionals

Barb Schwarz, The Creator of Home Staging®, CEO StagedHomes.com®, Founder and Chairman of the International Association of Home Staging Professionals®, IAHSP®, and the Creator of Accredited Staging Professional®, ASP®, Courses and Designations; and Jennie Norris, Accredited Staging Professional Master® (ASPM®), Official Accredited Staging Professional® (ASP®) Course Trainer, Past President of IAHSP®, and President of Denver IAHSP® Chapter have co-authored “Marketing Made Simple." - May 06, 2013 - International Association of Home Staging Professional®

Operation Kidsafe Child Safety Event Visits Hillside, NJ

Parents can attend this event and at No Charge get a lifetime record of their child's digital fingerprints and a form that is ready to hand to law enforcement in an emergency. Parents will also get valuable safety tips. Operation Kidsafe uses the latest equipment like the FBI and Secret Service. - May 06, 2013 - Operation Kidsafe

Local Organizations, Businesses Unite to Produce the Great Swamp Scavenger Hunt

Far-ranging geography game promotes awareness of nature, culture, history in northern New Jersey. - May 06, 2013 - Great Swamp Watershed Association

Domino Effect Productions, LLC Hits a Hole in One

Domino Effect Productions produced two commercials for the Gary Gilchrist Golf academy currently airing on the Golf Channel nationwide. - May 06, 2013 - Domino Effect Productions, LLC

Pinellas County Circuit Clerk, Ken Burke, Addresses the Mid-County Bar Association

Pinellas County Circuit Clerk, Ken Burke addressed the Mid-County Bar Association on Thurs., April 25, 2013 about Florida’s recent switch to electronic filing. Burke, along with his general counsel, Myriam Irizarry, thoroughly explained the electronic filing process to a well-accepted... - May 06, 2013 - Pinellas County Mid-Bar Association

The Newly Published Book "Women's Sexual Behaviours & Responses" Provides Fresh Insight Into Female Sexuality for a Modern Audience

The act of mating lies at the heart of men’s sexual drive and women’s emotional desire for family. So heterosexual women’s sexuality, as well as their orgasmic ability, has traditionally always been defined in terms of intercourse. This book provides a fresh interpretation of the official research findings so that a modern audience can appreciate women’s sexuality (regardless of sexual orientation) in terms of their sexual behaviours and their true genital responses. - May 06, 2013 - WaysWomenOrgasm.org

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