Deaf & Hearing Impaired Services is a Leading Provider of Certified Sign Language Interpreters in Southeast Michigan

Deaf & Hearing Impaired Services (DHIS) provides a continuum of services for deaf and hard of hearing older adults and their families in southeast Michigan including state and nationally certified sign language interpreters. Sign language interpretation services are the key to daily community for the deaf and hard of hearing. - May 23, 2013 - Deaf & Hearing Impaired Services

Corey Parker, Senior Consultant, Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP to Speak at Knowledge Congress Event

The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series has announced that Corey Parker, Senior Consultant with Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP will speak at KC’s event entitled: “Performing Compliance Risk Assessments Live Webcast,” on June 17, 2013 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM ET. For event and... - May 23, 2013 - The Knowledge Group

Young Filmmakers Are Opening Eyes to Homelessness in L.A.

Hope For Our Own: An L.A. Story is a documentary-style short film directed and produced by Riley Beres, a rising actress and model and Jimmy Deshler, an actor best known for his role as “Rafe” on the daytime series, General Hospital. This eye opening film will address the growing... - May 23, 2013 - Hope For Our Own

H. Russell Frisby, Jr., Partner, Stinson Morrison Hecker LLP to Speak at Knowledge Congress’ Live Webcast

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that H. Russell Frisby, Jr., Partner, Stinson Morrison Hecker LLP, will speak at a 2-hour webcast entitled “Communication Law in 2013 LIVE Webcast.”... - May 23, 2013 - The Knowledge Group

Greg L. Johnson, Partner, Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith LLP to Speak at Knowledge Congress’ Live Webcast

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Greg L. Johnson, Partner, Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith LLP, will speak at a 2-hour webcast entitled “Preventing Check Fraud: Best Practices in... - May 23, 2013 - The Knowledge Group

Anahuacalmecac International Preparatory High School of North America in Los Angeles Announces Participation in the United Nations Forum on Indigenous Issues

Indigenous Student Leaders and Faculty from Anahuacalmecac International University Preparatory High School of North America Participated in the 12th Session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues of the United Nations on Tuesday, May 21 in New York. - May 23, 2013 - Semillas Sociedad Civil

Kill All Viruses and Microbes on a Cell Phone for Months with a Single Treatment of CleanerStuff

One application of a Long-Term Antimicrobial solution on high-touch personal devices like cell phones, remote controls, keyboards and door knobs will kill all viruses and dangerous microbes that they come in contact with, for months. A single treatment will kill the common cold virus, influenza,... - May 23, 2013 - Cleaner Stuff

Stanford Social Innovation Review Highlights Communities In Schools Use of Hard Data and Soft Skills to Reduce Dropout Rates

Communities In Schools (CIS), the leading organization dedicated to empowering students to stay in school and achieve in life, announced today that it was featured in the summer issue of the prestigious Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR) in the “What Works” column. The article... - May 23, 2013 - Communities In Schools of Florida

New International Film Festival Founded in Arizona - The Zeitgeist Medien Fest, Presented by Arizona Center for Germanic Cultures - Nov. 22-23

The Arizona Center for Germanic Cultures (AC4GC) announces the founding of its new film festival, in partnership with Weecks Productions, LLC. The Zeitgeist Medien Fest (ZMF) International Film Festival will be held November 22-23 at Harkins Arrowhead in Peoria and is actively seeking film... - May 23, 2013 - Arizona Center for Germanic Cultures

APICS New York City-Long Island Welcome Lockheed Martin and Johnson & Johnson Execs to Discuss Solving the Skill Gap Crisis

Panel Discussion with Lockheed Martin and Johnson Johnson Executives about the need for improvements within education to meet the needs of manufacturing; filling the skills gap crisis. - May 23, 2013 - APICS NYC-LI

Dial An Exchange Selects Juan Pablo Saiz for Latin America Region

Dial An Exchange (DAE), the world’s largest independently owned timeshare exchange provider with worldwide destination availability, has added to its growing roster of industry professionals with the selection of Juan Pablo Saiz to lead its business development efforts in the Latin America... - May 23, 2013 - Dial An Exchange

Embrace Raises More Than $35,000 at Third Annual Ex 4 Vets Event

Hundreds of college students, active military and veterans came together to fundraise on the USS Midway. - May 23, 2013 - Embrace

Lessons from the Fukushima Nuclear Plant Crisis

Dr. Julie Pullen of Stevens Institute of Technology is an expert in modeling chemical, biological, and radiological dispersion in coastal cities. The Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society has published her analysis of the response to the Fukushima Nuclear Plant Crisis. - May 23, 2013 - Stevens Institute of Technology

Hundreds of Leading Global Experts to Address Latest Advances in Voice, Data, Image & Multimedia Technologies at IEEE ICC 2013

Five-Day International Event to be held June 9 - 13 in Budapest, Hungary Expands Agenda to Include Nearly 1,500 Presentations Dedicated to Wireless and Wireline Communications - May 22, 2013 - IEEE Communications Society

Raleigh's Top Horse Farms Says "It's Never Too Late!"

Raleigh's Top Horse Farms Says "It's Never Too Late!"

Whispering Hope Stables is excited to announce the start of their "Never Too Late" Training Program for women having the desire to get-up in the saddle. "As a mom of two young children, I found that there are things in our lives that we once did, but have stopped because of the high... - May 22, 2013 - Whispering Hope Stables

Asian Pacific Women's Center's 11th Annual Metamorphosis Gala

Asian Pacific Women’s Center Holds Eleventh Annual Metamorphosis Gala at the Disney Concert Hall on May 22, 2013 at 6pm Honoring US Bank, Change A Life Foundation, and Jin Kim Asian Pacific Women’s Center (APWC), located in Los Angeles, California, presents its 11th Annual... - May 22, 2013 - Asian Pacific Women's Center

Workforce Investment Board of Ventura County Adds Member, Reappoints Five Others

The Workforce Investment Board (WIB) of Ventura County announced the addition of Rodney Cobos to its board. The Ventura County Board of Supervisors officially appointed Cobos on May 14. Five current board members were reappointed for a two-year term. Rodney Cobos is the business manager and... - May 22, 2013 - Workforce Investment Board of Ventura County

Susan J. Sadler, Attorney, Dawda, Mann, Mulcahy & Sadler, PLC to Speak at KC’s The FTC’s Final Green Marketing Guide: How to Get It Done Live Webcast

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Susan J. Sadler, Attorney, Dawda, Mann, Mulcahy & Sadler, PLC will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled: “The FTC’s Final... - May 22, 2013 - The Knowledge Group

Riders Collect More Than $149,000 for Kids

Motorcyclists in Louisiana and Tennessee collected more than $149,000 to help cure the kids. - May 22, 2013 - Ride for Kids

DIVERSIFICATIONS: Recent Work by Mark Vinsun and Ricardo Osmondo Francis Curated by: Leonides Rosa Molinar in Conjunction with Brooklyn Community Pride Center's Open

“DIVERSIFICATIONS" is a new art exhibit presented by the LeonidesArts Gallery and the Brooklyn Community Pride Center featuring recent work by painters Mark Vinsun and Ricardo Osmondo Francis. This exhibit is curated by Mr. Leonides Rosa Molinar, Gallery Owner of the LeonidesArts... - May 22, 2013 - LeonidesArts New York Gallery

NAPO-Baltimore Announces 2013 Board of Directors; Driving Awareness and Growth of Professional Organizing in the Greater Baltimore Area

The Baltimore Chapter of the National Association of Professional Organizers® (NAPO-Baltimore) is pleased to announce the appointment of its Board of Directors for the 2013-2014 year. The newly elected board will help guide the organization’s strategic goals of promoting and advancing the... - May 22, 2013 - NAPO-Baltimore

A. Shawn Adhami M.D. Nominated for 2013 Healthcare Leadership Award

2012 winner, Dr. A. Shawn Adhami nominated again for the 2013 Los Angeles Business Journal Medical Group CEO award. - May 22, 2013 - Vistasol Medical Group

Brother and Sister Battle Odds to Overcome Autism with Help from Center for Autism and Related Disorders

It’s “Mission Possible” for Torin and Kaia Phillips of Forestdale, Massachusetts, as they work to overcome autism with the help of intensive treatment provided by the Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD). - May 22, 2013 - Center for Autism and Related Disorders

Texas 7-Eleven Franchise Owners’ Association Pledges $25,000 to Swim Across America – Dallas as Part of Its Title Sponsorship of the Open Water Swim Event on June 8

Swim Across America Funds Benefit Innovative Clinical Trials Center in Baylor Charles A. Sammons Cancer Center at Dallas. - May 22, 2013 - Swim Across America

VGIF Secures New Executive Director to Guide Organizational Growth

The Virginia Gildersleeve International Fund (VGIF) – supporting women and girls in developing countries since 1968 – welcomed Elisabet Eklind as its new Executive Director on May 13, 2013. Ms. Eklind brings more than 20 years experience in nonprofit management and leadership, as well... - May 22, 2013 - VGIF

Dial An Exchange Offers Free Exchange Membership

Dial An Exchange (DAE), the world’s largest privately-owned timeshare exchange company offers free memberships to timeshare owners and club members. DAE is one of the most innovative, friendly and customer focused exchange systems available. Whether a member is a traditional... - May 22, 2013 - Dial An Exchange

mumms® Software and Capital Caring Announce Collaborative Agreement

mumms® Software, a recognized innovator and developer of hospice and palliative care software, announced a collaborative agreement with Capital Caring, one of the oldest, largest and most experienced hospice and palliative care providers in the United States. A joint announcement was made in... - May 22, 2013 - mumms Software

New Book on Kabbalah from Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh Explores Modern Physics Through the Lens of the Torah

In the new book “Lectures on Torah and Modern Physics (The Lectures in Kabbalah Series),” from world-renowned Kabbalist and author of more than 100 books, Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh, we have an answer to our quandary. Perhaps a collection of thoughts merits being called a book, when they inspire a line of books after it? - May 22, 2013 - Community of Readers

Karen E. Kile Recognized by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

Karen E. Kile of Mary Esther, Florida has been included in the Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Edition for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of nonprofit social services. About Karen E. Kile Ms. Kile has over 27 years experience in the social services field... - May 21, 2013 - Strathmore Worldwide

Michael Wayne Korth, DDS, PC Recognized by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

Michael Wayne Korth, DDS, PC, of Houston, Texas has been included in the Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Edition for his outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of healthcare. About Michael Wayne Korth, DDS, PC Dr. Korth has over 20 years experience in the field of... - May 21, 2013 - Strathmore Worldwide

David S. Mirabal Recognized by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

David S. Mirabal of San Juan, Puerto Rico has been included in the Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Edition for his outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of architecture. About David S. Mirabal Mr. Mirabal has over 25 years experience in the field of architecture. He... - May 21, 2013 - Strathmore Worldwide

Matthew 25: Ministries Prepares Disaster Relief for Victims of Oklahoma Tornadoes

Matthew 25: Ministries is preparing shipments of relief supplies for residents of Oklahoma, following the destruction caused by last evening’s tornadoes and the additional devastating storms today. Matthew 25: Ministries’ advance team will leave on Tuesday, May 21 with their first shipment of disaster relief supplies. Matthew 25 is working with disaster relief partner Procter & Gamble to send relief products, including P&G personal and household care brands to those in the affected communities. - May 21, 2013 - Matthew 25: Ministries

Sheldrake Environmental Center is Teaming Up with 2bpresent to Offer This Guided Nature Walk and Meditation Experience

Research has shown that spending time in nature has a healing quality that can help people be more peaceful and calm, in what is the very hectic and stressful lifestyle of modern days. Join Sheldrake Environmental Center educator Jenny Geer and 2bpresent meditation instructors, Cheryl Brause and... - May 21, 2013 - Sheldrake Environmental Center

Paula Drake with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to Speak at KC’s SEC and Dodd-Frank Act Regulations Compliance: Emerging Issues and Practical Guidance Event

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Paula Drake, Associate Director, Chief Counsel, and Chief Ethics Officer, Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations, U.S. Securities and Exchange... - May 21, 2013 - The Knowledge Group

STOMP Out Bullying™ Joins America’s Promise Alliance and Its Grad Nation Campaign

At Home, in School and in our Communities STOMP Out Bullying Supports the Call to Reduce the High School Dropout Rate and Improve the lives of America’s Young People. - May 20, 2013 - Love Our Children USA

Author and New York Times Columnist David Brooks to Keynote National Forum on Character Education

David Brooks, New York Times Op-Ed columnist and author, will be a keynote speaker at the National Forum on Character Education, Oct. 24-27 in Washington, DC. - May 20, 2013 - Character Education Partnership

Trekking on the Road to Redemption

Franchon Crews Wades Through Troubled Waters for Gold. - May 20, 2013 - The Heavy Hitting Diva

"Tohoku: Road to the Future" Art Show Comes to Rosarito Art Festival

Help empower disaster survivors by purchasing the artwork and goods they create. - May 20, 2013 - Relief 2.0

Paramus-based Health Care Organization Honors Three Local Women for Courage and Advocacy

CarePlus Foundation of Paramus introduces three Northern New Jersey women - Julia Orlando, Mary Ann Uzzi, and Nancy Schuring - who are being honored at the May 29th Courage Awards Gala being held at the Venetian in Garfield. - May 19, 2013 - Care Plus NJ, Inc.

NJ Center for Tourette Syndrome Announces Contributions to Help Support Its 9th Annual Family Retreat Weekend

NJCTS recognizes the support of the Brad Cohen Tourette Foundation, the HAPI Foundation, Costco, Wegman's and ShopRite for the June 7-9 event at YMCA Camp Bernie. - May 19, 2013 - New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome

Center for Autism and Related Disorders Opens State-of-the-Art Assessment Center in Woodland Hills, Open House on May 22

The CARD Assessment Center Open House will be held on Wednesday, May 22 to allow individuals the opportunity to meet one-on-one with the assessment team, learn what services are offered and tour the new location. - May 19, 2013 - Center for Autism and Related Disorders

Sheldrake Environmental Center to Offer Exciting Ecological Experiences Through Their Summer Children’s Programs

There’s fun for children of all ages at Sheldrake Environmental Center! Sign your child up for Sheldrake’s June Mini Camp for Pre-schoolers. It’s perfect for the gap between the end of pre-school and the beginning of summer camp. Then, starting in July, Sheldrake will be offering a Summer Nature Camp for children ages 3-8. Your children will not only have a blast, but will also learn important ecological concepts. - May 19, 2013 - Sheldrake Environmental Center

Detroit High School Students Plan Community Health and Wellness Fair for 300 Residents

SER Metro-Detroit, Jobs for Progress, Inc., in partnership with the Wayne County Health on Wheels Mobile Health Unit and 10 local healthcare providers, will be providing complimentary healthcare screenings for residents of Southwest Detroit on Saturday, June 1, 2013 from 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. - May 19, 2013 - SER Metro-Detroit Jobs For Progress

SOS Children’s Village & FSP Mothers Celebrate International Family Day Together

SOS Children’s Villages of India celebrated International Family Day with FSP (Family Strengthening Programme) Mothers and SOS Mothers at Greenfields. - May 19, 2013 - SOS Village

Mayor Vigeant Promotes Marlborough to New York-Based Real Estate Professionals

New York-based Site Selectors set to tour the City of Marlborough, after Mayor Vigeant’s presentation. - May 19, 2013 - Marlborough Economic Development Corporation

Manassas-Dale City Community Job Fair June 7th

Joyce Carelock Ministries and the JCM H.E.L.P. Center are hosting a Summer Community Job Fair, Friday, June 7, 2013 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at the Hylton Boys and Girls Club, Wood Gym, 5070 Dale Blvd. Dale City. The purpose is to help connect prospective employees with up to 50 employers located in the Manassas and Dale City areas. - May 18, 2013 - Joyce Carelock Ministries

The Polycystic Liver: Webinar & Talk

A polycystic liver can go hand-in-hand with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). How does the polycystic liver happen and what can be done about it? This free webinar and talk will help you better understand what causes the polycystic liver, its effects, and how to manage the disease. - May 18, 2013 - Hamilton Chapter, PKD Foundation of Canada

Torna & Prado Fine Art Collection in Conjunction with the National Museum of Fine Arts Havana Cuba

Art critics and experts have defined the book "Mario Carreño: Selected Works / Obras Selectas 1936-1957, as a volume that from now will be an indispensable source of information, consultation and study of an indispensable figure of Cuban and Latin American art of the past century." - May 18, 2013 - Torna & Prado Fine Art

Second Annual Power Walk for Dress for Success to Bring Fitness and Empowerment to Women in Tampa Bay

Dress for Success Tampa Bay, a non-profit organization that promotes the economic independence of disadvantaged women, announces The 2nd Annual Power Walk for Dress for Success, which will take place at Westfield Citrus Park on Saturday, July 13, 2013. The 5k Power Walk for Dress for Success Tampa... - May 18, 2013 - Dress for Success Tampa Bay

Young Peoples Workshops Offers Unique Spin on Summer Camp

Youth organization in Austin, Texas lends unique summer camp experience, with customizable camp options and a full immersion Spanish Day Camp. - May 18, 2013 - Young Peoples Workshops

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