House Judiciary Committee to Workshop: Snyder Proposal to Address Human Trafficking

It's a topic many don't care to talk about, but the problem of human trafficking within the United States and especially in Florida really exists. Now, Representative William Snyder (Stuart, FL) wants to bring the issue to the forefront targeting the offenders, and shedding new light on a devastating crime plaguing the sunshine state. - December 09, 2011 - Representative William D. Snyder, FL 82

BTEC Announces Dec. 14 Webinar: the Future of Biomass Thermal Energy – Advanced Technologies

Free educational webinar will focus on cutting-edge technology and market opportunity - December 09, 2011 - Biomass Thermal Energy Council

Women’s Business Development Center Receives $50,000 Grant from Discover Financial Services

Funds will support Business Financial Literacy Program - December 09, 2011 - Women's Business Development Center

BizWorld Foundation Announces Education “Riskmaster” Luncheon Honoring Jennifer Johnson of Franklin Templeton Investments

The BizWorld Foundation, a national non-profit organization dedicated to teaching entrepreneurship, business and finance to children, will host a fundraising luncheon on Tuesday, December 13th at the St. Regis Hotel in San Francisco. - December 09, 2011 - The BizWorld Foundation

Stevens Researcher Makes Inkjet-Printed Electronics Using Graphene

Dr. Woo Lee of Stevens and Partners in the US Army Win Academic R&D Award from Printed Electronics Conference and Tradeshow. - December 09, 2011 - Stevens Institute of Technology

Team Gunn Launches Premier Bare Knuckle Boxing Website

To aid in the fight sport becoming mainstream worldwide, Team Gunn has launched the World Bare Knuckle Boxing Association, - December 09, 2011 - World Bare Knuckle Boxing Association

Houston Housing Authority and CenterPoint Energy Providing Energy Efficient Upgrades to 100 Families

This holiday season, Houston Housing Authority (HHA) and CenterPoint Energy are bringing energy efficient upgrades to 100 of HHA’s low-income residents by replacing existing equipment in each unit with state of the art energy efficient heating and air conditioning systems. The efficient... - December 09, 2011 - Houston Housing Authority

IEEE Communications Society Honors 2011 Career and Service Award Winners at IEEE GLOBECOM 2011

Thousands of Telecom Industry Experts Join in Ceremonies at Internet Communications Event held 5 – 9 December 2011 in Houston, Texas. - December 08, 2011 - IEEE Communications Society

Alliance for Climate Education Names Tim Sexton to Board of Directors

Entertainment and philanthropic leader joins nation’s leading high school climate education organization. - December 08, 2011 - ACE :: Alliance for Climate Education

Mrs Laura Cha Inducted as Hong Kong Securities Institute Honorary Fellow of 2011

Mrs Laura M Cha, GBS, JP, was made an Honorary Fellow of the Hong Kong Securities Institute (HKSI) during the induction ceremony held at the HKSI’s annual Autumn Dinner on 27 October. - December 08, 2011 - Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute

The Colon Club’s 2012 Colondar Represents the Spike in Young Colon Cancer Diagnosis

The annual calendar depicts twelve men and women diagnosed with colon cancer under age 50. - December 08, 2011 - The Colon Club

UNICEF and Stevens Professor Improve Drinking Water in Bangladesh

Dr. Xiaoguang Meng introduced pioneering technologies for effective, affordable, and easy to use water purification during a recent expedition to Bangladesh, where an environmental crisis affects the drinking water of tens of millions of people. - December 08, 2011 - Stevens Institute of Technology

Agilent Technologies Supports Russell Thomas' Research at the Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences

Agilent Technologies Inc. and the Agilent Technologies Foundation today announced that Russell S. Thomas, Ph.D., of the Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences has been selected for an Agilent Thought Leader Award to support his work developing methods to predict drug-induced liver injury. The award... - December 08, 2011 - The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences

Connected Women of NC Fall Networking Event Draws Nearly 400 Attendees

Fourth Annual Event Featured BBC World News America’s Katty Kay as Keynote Speaker - December 08, 2011 - Connected Women of North Carolina

World Overcomers Christian Church Sponsors More Than 600 Angel Tree Children This Holiday Season

Local Church Makes Christmas Special for Children in Need - December 08, 2011 - World Overcomers Christian Church

New Life Pastoral Counseling to Participate in National Marriage Week USA 2012

To encourage traditional marriage, reduce divorce rates, curtail poverty, and benefit children. - December 08, 2011 - New Life Pastoral Counseling

Los Alamitos High School Choir Presents Holiday Memories

Los Alamitos High School Choir Presents Holiday Memories

The Los Alamitos High School Vocal Music Program is performing their Holiday Show on December 8, 9 and 10th. “Holiday Memories” is this year’s theme and it is a celebration of all aspects of this joyous season, taking you on an unparalleled holiday journey. Los Alamitos High School, 3591 Cerritos Ave., Los Alamitos, CA. - December 07, 2011 - Note-Ables Booster Club

Matthew 25: Ministries Ranked #1

Matthew 25: Ministries Receives Top Notch Rankings from Forbes and Charity Navigator Matthew 25: Ministries, an international humanitarian aid and disaster relief organization headquartered in Cincinnati, OH has received top-notch rankings from several premiere sources for charity evaluation. - December 07, 2011 - Matthew 25: Ministries

DARPA Grant Streamlines Data for the Department of Defense

Researchers at Stevens Institute of Technology unify DoD data streams through competitive new DARPA grant. - December 07, 2011 - Stevens Institute of Technology

Human Endeavour's EPIC Mart ( is Gaining Popularity in Socio-Economic Development Sector in Canada

Human Endeavour's breakthrough product of EPIC Mart is being widely praised by Government Officials, Socio-Economic Experts, and community members at large. EPIC Mart is aimed to help marginalized community members and small business owners sell their products online. - December 07, 2011 - Human Endeavour

Human Endeavour Launched a One of a Kind Social Economy Mall, the EPIC Mart, an online shopping site where everyone can purchase goods and services produced by small businesses, marginalized community members and artists. Human Endeavour's EPIC Mart is a breakthrough product to help small enterprises sell their arts and crafts online. - December 07, 2011 - Human Endeavour

San Diego Public School Exclusively for Homeless Children Calls for Gift Card and In-Kind Donations for Student Holiday Event

Upcoming Celebration to Provide Gifts and Basic Necessities to Monarch School Students. - December 07, 2011 - Monarch School

TSParentsOnline Blog Celebrates One-Month Anniversary

Growing online resource for parents of children with Tourette Syndrome has received several thousands of hits while covering myriad of topics. - December 07, 2011 - New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome

NJCTS, Tourette Syndrome Program Social Skills and Family Support Groups Set to Begin Jan. 12

Meetings for families, parents and siblings will take place over 10-week span at Rutgers University's Busch Campus - December 07, 2011 - New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome

Danforth Center Scientist Elected AAAS Fellow

Dr. Eliot Herman, member at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center has been elected fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Fellow. - December 07, 2011 - Donald Danforth Plant Science Center

Naples Invitational Art Fest Announces 2012 Sponsors; Annual Event Supports Autism Programs

Eden Autism Services has announced sponsors for the 15th annual Naples Invitational Art Fest. Arthrex, First National Bank of the Gulf Coast and Home-Tech are partnering again with Eden Autism Services to present the juried art shows, to be held January 28-29 and March 17-18, 2012 at Fleischmann... - December 07, 2011 - Eden Autism Services Florida

Compass to Care Childhood Cancer Foundation Launches New Website Designed by EPIC

Nonprofit website designed by volunteers takes visitors on journey through childhood cancer travel challenges. - December 07, 2011 - Compass to Care

Jefferson National Meets Advisor Demand for Risk Management and Greater Diversification Adding 23 New Funds from TOPS, Virtus, BlackRock, PIMCO, and OppenheimerFunds

To confront ongoing volatility, research confirms RIAs and fee-based advisors are focused on risk management, greater diversification, and blending active and passive investment strategies. Jefferson National's Monument Advisor, the industry's first flat-insurance fee variable annuity with the industry's largest selection of more than 350 tax-deferred funds, continues to meet advisor demand by adding 23 new investment options from TOPS, Virtus, BlackRock, PIMCO and OppenheimerFunds. - December 06, 2011 - Jefferson National Creates a Cost-Efficient, Easy-to-Use Event Ticketing Service for Small Venues

Crowdfunding site launches an online event-ticketing engine that seeks to attract smaller events, often priced out of using larger service providers, by offering more cost-efficient pricing. - December 06, 2011 - Crowdnetic

Rescue Chocolate Donates All Net Profits in December to Animal Farm Foundation

Dutchess County-based Animal Farm Foundation has been named the December 2011 beneficiary for Rescue Chocolate, the vegan chocolate company which donates 100% of its profits to various animal rescue organizations. Rescue Chocolate founder, Sarah Gross, chose the Foundation as her... - December 06, 2011 - Rescue Chocolate

Bourbon, Indiana Woman Markets New Fragrance to Continue Building Clean Water Wells with Fragrance Sales Revenue

Bourbon, Indiana Woman Markets New Fragrance to Continue Building Clean Water Wells with Fragrance Sales Revenue

Kimberly Brown Lemler of Bourbon, Indiana, has helped to build six clean water wells in five villages throughout India, to date. Lemler hopes to build more wells with profits from the sale of her flagship unisex fragrance, “Cali Blue.” - December 05, 2011 - AromaEarth

Hawaii Sacred Choir--Children Singing at University Level

Free sacred choral Christmas concerts in Honolulu. Performed at St. Theresa's Co-Cathedral, Saturday, 12/10/11, at 3:00 pm, and St. Andrew's Cathedral, 12/11/11, 5:30 pm. Hawaii Sacred Choir performing, Daniel J. Werning and Mike Dupre, conducting; John Renke, organist; Honolulu Handbell Ensemble. - December 05, 2011 - Hawaii Sacred Choir

Boys and Girls Homes of North Carolina Becomes Nationally Accredited by the Council on Accreditation

Boys and Girls Homes of North Carolina, Inc. (B&GH), a non-profit organization offering in-home and out-of-home placements for vulnerable children, announces today that it has been awarded national accreditation by the Council on Accreditation (COA). COA is an international, independent,... - December 05, 2011 - Boys and Girls Homes of North Carolina, Inc.

Cat Care Society Builds Holiday Appeal Around Rescue Cat "Necklace," Providing Powerful Reasons to Support Its Shelter and Clinic Programs on Colorado Gives Day Dec 6th

Cat Care Society (CCS) has built its annual Holiday Appeal around the success of its recent work with the abandoned 7-year-old cat named "Necklace" by the Society Staff. Necklace was found with multiple skin injuries to her neck and face, an ulcer on her upper lip, a broken tooth, and three open facial wounds near her ear, jaw, and cheek. Timed perfectly with the appeal, CCS is now a participating non-profit in the Colorado Gives Day on Dec. 6. - December 05, 2011 - Cat Care Society

KOSBE Client, Kris Kustom Archery Announces New Location

KOSBE Client, Kris Kustom Archery introduced yesterday their new full service retail location and indoor archery range located off exit 66 on I-81 at 228 Carolina Pottery Drive, Blountville. Kris Kustom Archery boasts a 40-yard indoor shooting range complete with lifelike, three dimensional animal... - December 04, 2011 - Kingsport Office of Small Business Development & Entrepreneurship - KOSBE

DLA Piper LLP Named Sponsor at Knowledge Congress' Event “Securities Offerings in the Global Market: Focus on 2012 Live Webcast” on 12/08/11

DLA Piper LLP, one of the world's most prominent law firms, teams up with The Knowledge Group for the upcoming webcast entitled “Securities Offerings in the Global Market: Focus on 2012 Live Webcast.” This two-hour event will be held on December 8, 2011 from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET. For... - December 04, 2011 - The Knowledge Group

Rev. Dr. Tamara S. Winslow Recognized by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide

Rev. Tamara S. Winslow, of Hartley, Iowa, has been included in the Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Edition for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of religion. About Rev. Tamara S. Winslow Rev. Winslow has more than 32 years of experience in biblical teachings. - December 04, 2011 - Strathmore Worldwide

Vicky M. Suazo Recognized by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Publication

Vicky M. Suazo, of Alexandria, Virginia, has been included in the Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Edition for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of healthcare. About Vicky M. Suazo Ms. Suazo has more than five years of experience in nonprofit organizations. - December 04, 2011 - Strathmore Worldwide

Saginaw Future’s Lindsey Zion, Certified Economic Development Finance Professional

Recently Lindsey Zion, economic development assistant for Saginaw Future, received certification as an Economic Development Finance Professional (EDFP) from the National Development Council (NDC). - December 04, 2011 - Saginaw Future

Efficient Uses of Debt Capital is Topic of Workshop for Business Owners December 13 in Chicago

A panel of seasoned lenders will discuss efficient uses of debt and talk about how a bank evaluates your business. - December 04, 2011 - Women's Business Development Center

The NC Center for Women in Public Service Co-Hosts Event with Charlotte-Mecklenburg Women’s Summit

Workshop Encourages Women to Seek Leadership Positions - December 04, 2011 - NCCWPS

Gobble Gobble! The Boys & Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck Valley Hosts Its 32nd Annual Turkey Dinner with the Seniors

On November 22, the Boys & Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck Valley’s Keystone Club held its 32nd annual Turkey Dinner at the Shelton Senior Center. The event is free to all seniors who live in the Valley. The night kicked off at 5:00pm with key messages from the following influential... - December 04, 2011 - Boys and Girls Club LNV

Direct Benefits Brings ID Protection and Consumer Savings to AAUCM Members

Identity theft protection and bundled consumer savings for all AAUCM members - December 03, 2011 - American Academy of Urgent Care Medicine

IJIS Institute Badge & Tech Gala to Benefit Web Wise Kids

Event to help fund programs to provide students, parents and educators with hands-on opportunities to use technology safely and ethically. - December 03, 2011 - IJIS Institute

Ronni R. Hall Recognized by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Publication

Ronni R. Hall, of Montgomery, Alabama, has been included in the Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Edition for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the information technology field. About Ronni R. Hall Ms. Hall has had more than 20 years of experience in software, hardware... - December 03, 2011 - Strathmore Worldwide

Michael L. Pidlypchak Recognized by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide

Michael L. Pidlypchak, of Cortland, New York, has been included in the Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Edition for his outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of environmental engineering. About Michael L. Pidlypchak Mr. Pidlypchak has had more than 40 years of... - December 03, 2011 - Strathmore Worldwide

Dr. Masood A. Khatamee Recognized by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Publication

Dr. Masood A. Khatamee, of Shiraz, Iran, has been included in the Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Edition for his outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of healthcare. About Dr. Masood A. Khatamee Dr. Khatamee has had almost 50 years of experience in medicine. He... - December 03, 2011 - Strathmore Worldwide

Sandip K. SenGupta Has Recently Been Recognized by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Publication

Sandip K. SenGupta, of Kingston, Ontario, Canada has recently been recognized as a Lifetime Member by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Registry for his outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of Healthcare and Healthcare Education. About Sandip K. SenGupta Dr. Sandip K. SenGupta... - December 03, 2011 - Strathmore Who's Who

Kevin Pursey Has Recently Been Recognized by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Publication

Kevin Pursey, of Alliston, Ontario, Canada has recently been recognized by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Registry for his outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of Publishing. About Kevin Pursey Kevin Pursey is the Business Analyst at Metroland Media in Ontario, Canada. Mr. - December 03, 2011 - Strathmore Who's Who

Frank J.E. Falco Has Recently Been Recognized by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Publication

Frank J.E. Falco, of Newark, Delaware, has recently been recognized as a Round Table Member by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Registry for his outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of Healthcare. About Frank J.E. Falco Dr. Frank J.E. Falco is President and CEO of... - December 03, 2011 - Strathmore Who's Who

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