Worldwide Energy Concern Increases Focus on Farm Pilot Project Coordination (FPPC) Summit

The latest research on farm scale, economically viable green energy solutions will be revealed at FPPC's Chesapeake Bay Watershed Region Technology Summit to be held in Annapolis, MD. - March 20, 2011 - Farm Pilot Project Coordination, Inc.

Cincinnati’s Non-Profit Kenzie’s CLOSET® Introduces Cincinnati Bengals Dhani Jones Designed Bow Tie

NFL Player and Cincinnati Bengals Linebacker Dhani Jones introduces a new 'Bow Tie-for-a-Cause' for Cincinnati, Ohio based nonprofit Kenzie’s CLOSET®. Kenzie’s CLOSET® outfits local financially-disadvantaged junior and senior girls for their high school prom. Dhani Jones was also included in a list published by Forbes Magazine in December of 2010 as one of world's "Best-Dressed Athletes." - March 20, 2011 - Kenzie's CLOSET®

Phoenix Youth Football League 2011 Fall Registration

Phoenix Youth Football is the premiere youth football league in the Phoenix Metro Area. With over 40 years of youth football experience, PHXYFL is the standard for youth football in the Valley. - March 20, 2011 - Phoenix Youth Football League

Energy Education Receives Highest U.S. EPA Honor, ENERGY STAR Award for Sustained Excellence

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and United States Department of Energy (DOE) have awarded their highest honor, the ENERGY STAR Award for Sustained Excellence to Energy Education, Inc. for the company’s continued leadership in protecting the environment through superior energy efficiency. - March 19, 2011 - Energy Education

TSBDC at ETSU Kingsport Affiliate and KOSBE to Host SBA Community Express Live Loan Event

The Tennessee Small Business Development Center at ETSU Kingsport Affiliate Office and KOSBE, in partnership with several small business economic development lenders, is hosting a live loan application clinic highlighting SBA's Community Express Loan and Patriot Express Loan Programs, the State of... - March 19, 2011 - Kingsport Office of Small Business Development & Entrepreneurship - KOSBE

MassMutual Retirement Services, Named Exclusive Sponsor at Knowledge Congress' Event on Conquer the New World of 403(b) Retirement Plans Live Webcast on 05/5/11

The Knowledge Congress, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts has announced today that MassMutual Retirement Services, named exclusive sponsor at the Knowledge Congress’ upcoming webcast entitled: “Conquer the New World of 403(b) Retirement Plans LIVE Webcast” This... - March 19, 2011 - The Knowledge Group

The Knowledge Congress Has Scheduled a Live Webcast on Conquer the New World of 403(b) Retirement Plans Live Webcast

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, brings together the world's leading authorities and industry participants through informative two -hour webcasts. It has scheduled a live webcast entitled Conquer the New World of 403(b) Retirement Plans LIVE Webcast. This two-hour event is scheduled on Thursday, May 5, 2011 from 12:00pm to 2:00pm (ET). - March 19, 2011 - The Knowledge Group

David N. Levine, Principal, Groom Law Group to Speak at KC’s Event on Conquer the New World of 403(b) Retirement Plans Live Webcast

Joining the notable panel of speakers for KC’s Conquer the New World of 403(b) Retirement Plans Live Webcast is the distinguished Principal of Groom Law Group, David N. Levine. He will form part of a 2-hour discussion scheduled for May 5, 2011, Thursday, at 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM ET. For further... - March 19, 2011 - The Knowledge Group

Michigan Association of RV Parks & Campgrounds Names Tracie “Tate” Fisher as New Executive Director

Tracie Fisher, Certified Park Operator (CPO), has been named executive director of the Michigan Association of RV Parks & Campgrounds (ARVC). - March 19, 2011 - Association of RV Parks and Campgrounds in Michigan

Dimitrios & Georgia Kaloidis Parochial School Students Clip Box Tops for Education

Students of DGK Parochial School in Brooklyn are asking the community to help them reach their goal of 10,000 Box Tops by June 1st. Box Tops for Education is a nationwide fundraising program for K-8 schools that encourages students to collect Box Tops off a variety of products from breakfast cereals to office supplies. Established by General Mills in 1996, the Box Tops for Education program has helped schools earn more than $340 million. - March 19, 2011 - Dimitrios & Georgia Kaloidis Parochial School

The Lake Norman Home Builders Association (LNHBA) Recently Presented Its Annual Awards in Recognition of 2010 Excellence in Leadership

“Builder Member of the Year” was awarded to Geoff Bowen, founder and president of EFC Builders, based in Troutman, NC. Mary Ellen MacDonald, a mortgage loan originator with Peoples Bank in Cornelius, NC, was named “Associate Member of the Year.” The 2010 “Rookie Member of the Year” award went to Joan Inglis, owner and lead designer of Carolina Spaces, LLC, based in Lake Wylie, SC. - March 19, 2011 - Lake Norman Home Builders Association

Lake Norman Home Builders Association Announces 2011 Leadership Posts

The Lake Norman Home Builders Association (LNHBA) recently announced the members in leadership roles who are serving on the 2011 Board of Directors. - March 19, 2011 - Lake Norman Home Builders Association

Lake Norman Home Builder Named "Woman of the Year" by National Association of Home Builders Professional Women in Building

The Lake Norman Home Builders Association (LNHBA) proudly announces that Nicole Goolsby was named Woman of the Year by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Professional Women in Building Council. She was awarded for her generous and enthusiastic support as a business mentor, and for her exceptional leadership in the council. NAHB also recognized Goolsby as a Life Director for her ten years of service on the Board of Directors. - March 19, 2011 - Lake Norman Home Builders Association

IMC Club Releases Android Application's First Webcast of IMC Report from IMC TV on Friday, March 25th

Aviation safety organization, IMC Club International, Inc. has announced the release of a new Android application. This application available also for an iPhone is designed to disseminate aviation related news to the pilot community. The newly released application delivers the IMC iNews, podcasts, and IMCTV Video and other aviation related content to a pilot’s Android wireless device in a format that is easy to read and browse. - March 19, 2011 -

Everton Goalkeeper is Hero to Kids with Tourette Syndrome

Proceeds from “Team Up with Tim Howard” raffle to benefit children and families with Tourette Syndrome - March 19, 2011 - New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome

US Dream Academy Presents Charles S. Dutton in "From Jail to Yale" in Partnership with Duke Ellington at the Kennedy Center on March 28th & 29th, 2011

Award winning actor Charles S. Dutton will star in the highly acclaimed one man show, “From Jail to Yale: Serving Time on Stage” on March 28th and 29th 7:30 pm at The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Terrace Theatre located at 2700 F Street NW, Washington, DC 20566... - March 19, 2011 - U.S. Dream Academy

Pasta for Pets, Pasta House Company Enter Third Year of Partnership

Fairview Heights, IL Pasta House gears up for third year of supporting Gateway Pet Guardians, a St. Louis animal rescue, with an annual fundraiser called Pasta For Pets. - March 19, 2011 - Gateway Pet Guardians

NAWBO Southern Nevada Names 2011 Women of Distinction

13th annual program recognizes women who are outstanding in their files and have made significant contributions to the community - March 19, 2011 - NAWBO Southern Nevada

Michael Schless, President, The Association of Attorney-Mediators to Speak at KC’s Webcast Mediating Corporate Disputes Successfully - Avoidance Of Litigation’s Perils

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Michael J. Schless, President, The Association of Attorney-Mediators will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled: “Mediating Corporate... - March 19, 2011 - The Knowledge Group

PoKos Transforms Mobile Messaging with Point-and-Chat™

PoKos Transforms Mobile Messaging with Point-and-Chat™

Today, PoKos Communications Corp announced the addition of "Point-and-Chat™" messaging to the company’s consumer IM/text App, PoKos Chat™. Point-and-Chat is the first and only software on the market that enables users to point their phone at any other user in sight and... - March 18, 2011 - New Hampshire Innovation Commercialization Center (NH-ICC)

PoKos Boosts Mobile Brand Marketing and Social Media with Launch of Point-and-Chat™

Today, PoKos Communications Corp announced the addition of breakthrough "Point-and-Chat™" to its market-leading mobile marketing platform, Social Messaging™. Point-and-Chat is the first and only software on the market that enables users to point their phone at any other user... - March 18, 2011 - New Hampshire Innovation Commercialization Center (NH-ICC)

Robin Jacobson of San Juan Islands Visitors Bureau Has Earned IFWTWA Award of Excellence in Destination Marketing

The International Food, Wine & Travel Writers Association's prestigious award recognizes the best of the best in destination marketing around the world. - March 18, 2011 - International Food, Wine and Travel Writers Association

IAPAM Announces Remaining 2011 Dates for Symposiums with Botox Training and hCG Training

The IAPAM is helping physicians enter this lucrative market by offering their dermatologist-led, 2-day Aesthetic Medicine Symposium with Botox Training. Physicians learn everything they need to start offering Botox and other in-demand aesthetic medicine procedures. Today, the IAPAM announces new fall dates for its respected Aesthetic Medicine Symposiums in 2011. - March 18, 2011 - International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine

Motorcoach Council Expands Board of Directors

2011 Election Results for Motorcoach Council Board of Directors - March 18, 2011 - Motorcoach Council, Inc.

Sherrye Wyatt of Whidbey & Camano Islands Tourism Has Earned IFWTWA Award of Excellence in Destination Marketing

The International Food, Wine & Travel Writers Association's prestigious award recognizes the best of the best in destination marketing around the world. - March 18, 2011 - International Food, Wine and Travel Writers Association

The NC Center for Women in Public Service Unveils 2011 Board of Directors

Board Guides Nonprofit Organization to Prepare Women for Elected and Appointed Offices Statewide - March 18, 2011 - NCCWPS

American Student Dental Association Presents Dr. Arthur Dugoni with First-Ever Paragon Award

The American Student Dental Association announced its first-ever recipient of the ASDA Paragon Award. Dr. Arthur A. Dugoni, dean emeritus, professor of orthodontic and senior executive of development, University of Pacific Dental School, was presented the Association’s highest honor at the ASDA Annual Session on March 3 in Anaheim, CA. - March 18, 2011 - American Student Dental Association

NAFA Lends a Hand to Charlotte's Habitat for Humanity

NAFA Fleet Management Association Members and Affiliates will assist the Charlotte Habitat for Humanity on Friday, April 8 to get into the spirit of NAFA's annual Institute & Expo and do a good deed at the same time. - March 18, 2011 - NAFA Fleet Management Association

Andi Bowe, Director of, Plays an Original Medley on the 10K KAWAI Grand Piano at the Local Anacortes Library This Month

Andi Bowe, Director of, a Sherwood Music School piano teacher since 1969, author, poet, composer, songwriter, flutemaker, PhD student, peacemaker, mother of five, plays an original medley of classical music and old tunes on the 10K KAWAI Grand Piano at the local Library this month. - March 18, 2011 - Computer Social Impact Research Institute, Inc.

Four Nonprofits Receive Capacity Building Initiative Grants from the John Rex Endowment

The John Rex Endowment announces capacity building grants, totaling $126,500, for Action for Children North Carolina, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Triangle, Haven House Services and the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle. - March 18, 2011 - John Rex Endowment

The Crucible Cheers on Marathoners with Fire

The Crucible Hosts a Fiery Cheer Station for Oakland Marathon Participants. - March 18, 2011 - The Crucible

Expanded Minnesota Meltdown Jamboree Unofficially Kicks Off High School Lacrosse Season

Homegrown Lacrosse’s annual event brings together varsity and junior varsity teams for competitive pre-season play - March 18, 2011 - Homegrown Lacrosse

ETC Board Member Sara Weinman Travels to Engeye Health Clinic in Uganda

Engeye Teen Connection (ETC) Board of Directors Include Sara Weinman, Brian Hickey and Adriana King. - March 18, 2011 - Engeye

Rochester, New York Veterans Have New Option for Companion Pet Adoption

Not-for-profit partners with Lollypop Farm, Humane Society of Greater Rochester and Henrietta Animal Hospital to help U.S. veterans honorably adopt and care for companion pets. - March 18, 2011 - Pets for Patriots, Inc.

iGolf Mobile Awarded 2011 Reader's Choice Award readers select iGolf Mobile as the best Golf GPS available for smartphones - March 18, 2011 - L1 Technologies

Krysztoforski Confirms He’ll Seek House Seat

Krysztoforski Confirms He’ll Seek House Seat

Joseph T. Krysztoforski confirmed what his supporters anticipated, he will to take advantage of the inroads made in 2010 and seek the republican nomination for House of Representatives for Maryland's 6th Congressional District. The Constitutional Republican made his formal announcement on Tuesday,... - March 17, 2011 - JTK for Congress

NYC Hosts LatPro Job Fair for Bilingual Jobseekers

LatPro’s 2011 National Diversity Job Fair Series will visit the Metropolitan Pavilion on April 14 as the third stop on the nationwide career fair tour. - March 17, 2011 - LatPro Inc.

Notorious Check Forger Frank Abagnale to Discuss the "Art of the Steal" at the Financial Crime Day Hosted by SWACHA and the Houston FBI

SWACHA and the Houston office of the FBI have teamed up to host the 17th Financial Institution Crime Day in Houston on March 23, 2011, to help financial industry professionals reduce their exposure to fraud. Dallas-based SWACHA is one of the largest not-for-profit electronic payments associations... - March 17, 2011 - SWACHA

Sustainability Collaborative and Drexel University Will Conduct SustaiNext Summit Conference

Sustainability Collaborative and Drexel University Will Conduct SustaiNext Summit Conference on March 22-23, 2011. - March 17, 2011 - Sustainability Collaborative

New Head for ACCA South Africa

The global body for professional accountants, ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) has appointed Nadine Kater as head of ACCA South Africa, effective 3 May 2011. - March 17, 2011 - ACCA

Paul's Project Benefits from No Gift Birthday

Paul’s Project announced today that it has received more than $400 in cash donations along with in-kind items perfect for the organization’s PACKs (Personal Accessory Care Kits) from Ethan Long’s 3rd birthday celebration. Shannon Long, Ethan’s mother wanted to give back to... - March 17, 2011 - Paul's Project, Inc.

North Carolina’s Defense Industry to be on Display at NCDBA’s April 19-20 Expo in Pinehurst

Gov. Perdue and military brass invited to speak - March 17, 2011 - North Carolina's Defense Business Association

National Poison Prevention Week March 20-26, 2011 - Wisconsin Pediatricians Provide Guidance for Parents and Caregivers

In recognition of National Poison Prevention Week, the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics offers guidelines on poison prevention, and what to do should the child in your life become poisoned. Statistics show that children are the most likely to become poisoned, and that poisonous items are most often found in our homes. - March 17, 2011 - Wisconsin Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

New Lean Management Book, Gemba Walks, by James Womack, founder of the Lean Enterprise Institute, Challenges the Prevailing Management System

The researcher who led the team that coined “lean production” explores why lean management is better than the currently dominant management system. - March 17, 2011 - Lean Enterprise Institute

ICMS Announces First Participant in Stem Cell Clinic Accreditation Program

International Cellular Medicine Society and Regenerative Medicine Institute enter formal agreements to begin Accreditation Process. - March 17, 2011 - International Cellular Medicine Society

Shoppers Can Buy Blankets, Comforters and Other New Items Every Week at

Blanket America, a textile manufacturer that gives a blanket to the needy for every purchase made, has been adding new blankets, comforters and other products to its online store on a weekly basis. - March 17, 2011 - Blanket America BUY 1, GIVE 1 Blankets

Morguard Selects Energy Advantage Inc.’s Sustainable Data Management Solution

Energy Advantage Inc., a leading energy and sustainability management provider, today announced that Morguard has selected Energy Advantage to help them establish and operate a comprehensive energy and environmental data management solution for their commercial and retail properties across... - March 17, 2011 - Energy Advantage Inc.

Gulf Coast Venture Forum Elects New Board Member in Sarasota

A new Chapter President has recently been elected in the Gulf Coast Venture Forum’s Sarasota Chapter. - March 17, 2011 - Gulf Coast Venture Forum

Dr. John Boudreau Joins i4cp’s Board of Directors

Renowned human capital expert will provide guidance and research insight as the company continues its rapid growth. - March 16, 2011 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

Organizations Announce Coalition 4 ME/CFS, the First US Coalition to Promote a National ME/CFS Agenda

NeuroEndocrineImmune Disease (NEIDs) organizations have formed the first US coalition to serve their patient community and change public policy. The Coalition 4 ME/CFS mission is to present a unified voice with common goals and objectives that will improve the quality of life for myalgic... - March 16, 2011 - Coalition 4 Me/CFS

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