Alfred J. Smith Recognized by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

Alfred J. Smith of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania has been included in the Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Edition for his outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of social services. About Alfred J. Smith Brother Smith has over 56 years experience in the field of social... - September 10, 2013 - Strathmore Worldwide

Greater Charlotte Healthcare Executives Group Members Receive National ACHE Service Awards

Four healthcare leaders from Carolinas HealthCare System and Novant Health recognized for volunteerism. - September 10, 2013 - GCHEG

Summer 2013 Pinnacle Book Achievement Award Winners

Announcing the Summer 2013 Pinnacle Book Achievement Award Winners - September 10, 2013 - NABE (North American Bookdealers Exchange)

Tampa Bay Business and Professional Women Events Sept 2013

Tampa Bay Business and Professional Women is an organization of business and professional women that helps women to advance their careers and build their business. Monthly meetings are a wonderful opportunity to network with other like-minded women and are held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month. - September 08, 2013 - Tampa Bay Business and Professional Women

Business and Professional Women of Florida Elect State Officers

Tampa Bay Business and Professional Women of Florida elect state officers for 2013-2014. - Christy Crump, Director of Operations with the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association (FRLA), Regulatory Compliance Services (RCS), will serve as President; - Cynthia Ramirez, Senior Vice President and... - September 08, 2013 - Tampa Bay Business and Professional Women

EO’s Accelerator Builds Businesses Without Taking Equity

EO Accelerator provides start-ups the tools, knowledge & skills needed to grow to over US$1 million annual revenue. Launches in San Francisco September 23 - Accepting Applications. - September 07, 2013 - EO Alchemy

Résumé and Interview Workshop Gives Jobseekers Confidence

Facilitator says positive attitude, entrepreneurial approach are key to successful job search. - September 07, 2013 - Marlborough Economic Development Corporation

2013 Fall Ladies Only Shooting and Outdoors Clinic Organized by DIVA Women Outdoors Worldwide Starts September 28

The nation’s oldest and largest all woman shooting and outdoors organization, DIVA WOW, presents their annual Fall Ladies Only Shooting and Outdoors Clinic hosted at Elm Fork Shooting Park. This clinic is an introductory, lady friendly, fun-filled, all day clinic boasting of many disciplines... - September 07, 2013 - DIVA Women Outdoors Worldwide

4th Annual DPMS/DIVA-WOW AR-15 Clinic, September 14, 2013

The nation’s oldest and largest all women shooting and outdoors organization, DIVA WOW, presents their 4th Annual AR-15 Clinic, in partnership with DPMS Panther Arms. This clinic is an introductory, lady friendly, fun-filled, all day clinic designed for novice to intermediate shooters, with a... - September 07, 2013 - DIVA Women Outdoors Worldwide

American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM) Announces Strategic Alliance with Forever Health and Invites Suzanne Somers to Speak at Fall 2013 Conference

The American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM), a leading provider of integrative medicine, today announced a strategic alliance with Forever Health as a strategic partner for our upcoming Fall 2013 Conference November 20-24 in Palm Springs, CA. - September 07, 2013 - ACAM

Shirlee J. Poulos, Owner, Recognized by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

Shirlee J. Poulos, Owner, of Gulf Shores, Alabama has been included in the Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Edition for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of real estate. About Shirlee J. Poulos, Owner Ms. Poulos has over 30 years experience in the real estate... - September 06, 2013 - Strathmore Worldwide

IEEE SmartGridComm 2013 to Explore Global Power Delivery Issues & Advances from October 21 – 24 in Vancouver, Canada

The IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), the leading international forum dedicated to communications technology for the advance of the world’s power delivery infrastructure, will hold its 4th annual event from October 21 - 24, 2013 at The Renaissance... - September 06, 2013 - IEEE Communications Society

New Current Affairs Show "Let's Connect" Begins Airing on WMCT-TV

MEDC program to connect local residents to the people & issues that matter to their community. - September 06, 2013 - Marlborough Economic Development Corporation

American Golf Association Announced an All New Fundraiser Program to Benefit Fraternities and Sororities

The American Golf Association (AGA) has developed a new fundraiser program that helps fraternities and sororities raise funds for their organizations. The program leverages social media including Facebook, LinkedIn, internet radio, and websites to build a reoccurring revenue stream to the organization. - September 06, 2013 - American Golf Association

Religion Communicators Council Confirms Remziya Suleyman to Keynote Annual Convention

The Religion Communicators Council will hold its 85th annual convention in 2014 in Nashville, TN and has just announced that the opening address will be delivered by Remziya Suleyman of the American Center for Outreach. - September 06, 2013 - Religion Communicators Council

James R. Hillger Recognized by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

James R. Hillger Recognized by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

James R. Hillger of Tallahassee, Florida has been included in the Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Edition for his outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of university athletics. About James R. Hillger Mr. Hillger is the Maintenance Coordinator for the Seminole... - September 05, 2013 - Strathmore Worldwide

Beautiful Woman Inside and Out Event

“Empowering Women and Young Girls to truly be Beautiful Inside and Out.” - September 05, 2013 - Beautiful Woman Inside and Out, Inc.

IEEE GLOBECOM 2013 to Explore the “Power of Global Communications” at 56th Annual Event to be Held December 9 – 13 in Atlanta, Georgia

Leading International Conference to Host Thousands of Industry Experts Attending More Than 1,500 Presentations Dedicated to the Latest Advancements in Broadband, Wireless, Multimedia, Internet, Image and Voice Communications. - September 04, 2013 - IEEE Communications Society

Matt Carlisle of Big Heart Creative to Present at the Religion Communicators Council 85th Annual Convention

The Religion Communicators Council will hold its 85th annual convention in 2014 in Nashville, TN and has just announced its first presenter. - September 04, 2013 - Religion Communicators Council

Leading CEOs Keynote 2013 Rocky Mountain Life Science Investor & Partnering Conference in Denver

CEOs from Clovis Oncology and Array BioPharma will keynote the opening breakfast at the 2013 Rocky Mountain Life Science Investor and Partnering Conference (RMLIPC) September 19 at The Ritz-Carlton, Denver. In addition, the conference luncheon will feature Jeff Calcagno, M.D., Principal, Venture Investments, Johnson & Johnson Development Corporation. - September 03, 2013 - Colorado BioScience Association

Alley Rose Lingerie Partners with Free The Girls® to Fight Human Trafficking

Alley Rose Lingerie LLC has always been a strong proponent of the power of lingerie – not just to stimulate sexual arousal, but also to stimulate self-confidence and personal empowerment. Now, through their new partnership with Free the Girls®, they have proven their commitment to sharing... - September 03, 2013 - Alley Rose Lingerie LLC

Toastmasters Speech Contest at Date Palm Country Club, Sept. 20, 2013

Humorous Speech Contest and Speech Evaluation Contest for Toastmasters Clubs in the California Desert from Banning and Beaumont, CA to Palm Springs, Palm Desert, Indio, and Coachella, CA. - September 01, 2013 - Division D District 12 Toastmasters

Free No Gi BJJ Seminar in Western Mass with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Black Belt Eduardo Nascimento

Team Link Mixed Martial Arts in Ludlow Massachusetts will host a no gi Brazilian Jiu Jitsu seminar with world champion Eduardo Nascimento. The seminar will be held at the newest BJJ training facility near Springfield MA and will start at 12:30pm and run till 2:00pm. Eduardo Nascimento is a Barbosa... - August 31, 2013 - Team Link Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Free Event to Help Businesses Procure Government Contracts

Local companies invited to learn how to secure contracts with all government levels. - August 30, 2013 - Marlborough Economic Development Corporation

IJIS Institute and Urban Institute Publish Results of Criminal Justice and Health Collaboration Working Group

Working group identifies information exchanges for continuity of care and treatment of individuals. - August 30, 2013 - IJIS Institute

New Online Dating Site Launches for Gluten-Free Singles Connects Celiac and Gluten-Intolerant Individuals Seeking a Partner with Similar Health Goals and Lifestyle. - August 29, 2013 -

IJIS Institute Appoints Microsoft Architect as New Technical Advisory Committee Chair

Joel Byford of Microsoft Justice and Public Safety Practice brings IT and leadership expertise to committee. - August 29, 2013 - IJIS Institute

AOPA Headquarters the 72nd Chapter of the IMC Club

The IMC Club International announced today the founding of the AOPA (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association) Headquarter Chapter to promote instrument flying, proficiency and safety. The first meeting of the AOPA/IMC Club group will be held on September 5th, 2013. - August 29, 2013 -

KOSBE Extends Deadline for Entries for This Year’s Prestigious Small Business Annual Awards Celebration Due to High Demand

The Kingsport Office of Small Business Development & Entrepreneurship (KOSBE) is accepting applications and nominations for the 2013 Annual KOSBE Awards from KOSBE clients and Kingsport Chamber members and non-members alike. - August 28, 2013 - Kingsport Office of Small Business Development & Entrepreneurship - KOSBE

Free Workshop - Tourette Syndrome Association of Illinois (TSA-IL) Invites You to Attend an Educational Workshop featuring Susan Conners, M.Ed. on Sept 29th (Elmhurst)

Internationally recognized speaker and author, Susan Conners, M.Ed., will lead a free workshop on the impacts of Tourette Syndrome (TS) and associated disorders (OCD, ADD/ADHD and anxiety) on social, emotional well-being, school performance and behavior on September 29th. CPDU credits are available. On-line registration by Sept 25 is mandatory. - August 28, 2013 - Tourette Association of America, Illinois Chapter

Seven New Urgent Care Centers Earn Urgent Care Center Accreditation

Urgent Care Center Accreditation ensures the provision of quality healthcare and the principles of professionalism. - August 25, 2013 - American Academy of Urgent Care Medicine

Velvetta June Salary Recognized by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

Velvetta June Salary of Los Angeles, California has been included in the Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Edition for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of social services. About Velvetta June Salary Ms. Salary has over 11 years experience in the social... - August 24, 2013 - Strathmore Worldwide

James Z. Tiigah Recognized by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

Mr. James Z. Tiigah, of New York, New York has been included in the Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Edition for his outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of government. About James Z. Tiigah Mr. Tiigah has over 36 years experience in the government arena. He serves... - August 24, 2013 - Strathmore Worldwide

IJIS Institute Develops First Standards-Based “Proof of Concept” for Montana’s Victim Notification Service

Montana’s Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification (SAVIN) standard enhances information sharing capabilities among criminal justice agencies and Victim Notification Systems. - August 24, 2013 - IJIS Institute

The Nation’s Oldest and Largest Association of African American Physicians Installs Its 114th President, Dr. Michael A. LeNoir

The National Medical Association forges ahead with an aggressive 2013–2014 agenda under the leadership of one of the nation’s Top Doctors. - August 24, 2013 - National Medical Association

Dial An Exchange Makes Timeshare Exchanging Easy

Dial An Exchange (DAE), the world’s largest privately owned timeshare Exchange Company continues to innovatively make booking a timeshare vacation easier for timeshare owners. DAE understands that many timeshare owners believe that they are tied into the exchange company affiliated with the... - August 23, 2013 - Dial An Exchange

IJIS Institute’s Technical Advisory Committees Publish New White Papers

Papers explore the NIEM-UML specification and provide guidance on selecting and implementing technology solutions. - August 23, 2013 - IJIS Institute

Marlborough Works! Initiative Gives Local Jobseekers Local Opportunities

Free Resume & Interview Workshop and Job Fair Aim to Jumpstart Local Employment. - August 23, 2013 - Marlborough Economic Development Corporation

Cypress Inheritance Launches PC Installment in August

Cypress Inheritance LLC's latest game uses the Unreal Engine to provide an immersive stealth-based storytelling experience. - August 22, 2013 - Cypress Inheritance, LLC

Timeshare Owners Vacation More for Less with Dial An Exchange

Dial An Exchange (DAE), the world’s largest privately owned timeshare Exchange Company, gives members the option to benefit from huge savings when booking last minute vacations through Bonus Weeks and rentals through the daeOptions program. The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) recently... - August 22, 2013 - Dial An Exchange

IJIS Institute Rolls Out Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification (SAVIN) Technology Help Desk

SAVIN Technology Knowledge Center and Help Desk to provide expertise directly to constituencies at all levels. - August 22, 2013 - IJIS Institute

Volunteer in Evergreen’s 1st Annual Dig-a-Thon and be Entered to Win Prizes for Giving Local Trails a Little Love

Now through September 29th, individuals, families and groups are encouraged to help Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance build and maintain trails statewide by earning entries in a raffle to win valuable prizes. - August 21, 2013 - Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance

100 Million Reasons Small Businesses Are Attracted to BNI WCF

10 Years of passing referrals builds to 100 million dollars in closed deals for West Central Florida small businesses in the past 12 months. - August 21, 2013 - BNI WCF

Dykes Trucking Receives Tennessee 2013 SBA Entrepreneurial Success Award

Kim Dykes, President and Owner of Dykes Trucking, was just presented with the prominent 2013 SBA Entrepreneurial Success Award, at her place of business last week. Dykes was greeted and personally recognized by Walter Perry, District Director of the SBA Tennessee District Office in Nashville, Tennessee. - August 21, 2013 - Kingsport Office of Small Business Development & Entrepreneurship - KOSBE

DAE Group Announces New Chief Information Officer

DAE (Dial An Exchange) Group has announced the appointment of a new Chief Information Officer, James Mulvaney. The Gold Coast-based global vacation ownership exchange program has witnessed rapid expansion over the past year and the appointment of a dedicated CIO is the next step in advancing their... - August 21, 2013 - Dial An Exchange

BDPA New York Receives Award at the 2013 National Conference

BDPA New York was awarded the National Management Award for the third year in a row at the 2013 National BDPA Conference, in the Washington Hilton, Washington, District of Columbia. BDPA co-founder Earl Pace, Jr. presented the Management Award during the opening ceremony. The BDPA Management Award... - August 17, 2013 - BDPA New York

IMC Club Has Awarded Its First Annual Proficiency Scholarship to One of Its Florida Members

Over thirty IMC Club’s Inner Marker fellows participated in a raffle for this year’s Grand Prize of a one thousand dollar proficiency scholarship. The IMC Club awarded this year’s Proficiency Scholarship to Matt Lockhart. - August 15, 2013 -

IJIS Institute Members Elect New Board of Directors

IT industry leaders elected by their peers to provide strategic guidance to the IJIS Institute. - August 15, 2013 - IJIS Institute

National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship Appoints Ronald E. Thomas as Vice President of Membership

New VP of Membership at NACCE is retired president of Dakota County Technical College in Minnesota. - August 14, 2013 - National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship

New, Exclusive Network Launches for People Working in Hospitality and Travel

An exciting new online network for upwardly mobile hospitality and travel professionals is now available. Hospitality Leaders is free and open to anyone who works in these sectors. - August 14, 2013 - Hospitality Leaders

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